
which may have a tendency to promote the spiritual interest and best good of your people.

My Brother:-Give no offense in any thing, that the Ministry be not blamed. Let it be your concern to exemplify the doctrines and duties you preach, in your own life and conversation. Seek after a growing acquaintance with the power of religion in your soul, and study to live as the humble, watchful, faithful servant of God in all the walks of life, going before your people in the ways of piety and charity, of peace and righteousness.

You are entering on your work at a time when the ministers of the gospel may be called to peculiar labors and trials. To contend for the faith once delivered to the saints; to adhere with firmness to the plan of religion which we believe is evidently contained in the sacred scriptures; to preserve peace and order; to prevent those inclosures from being broke down, which have ever been the safety and ornament of the church; to guard the unwary from being blown about by every wind of doctrine, is, undoubtedly, the duty of every gospel minister. You are, therefore, not to view it as a post of honor, but of difficulties and trials, to which you are called. Unwearied diligence, unremitting vigilance, much self-denial, and unceasing intercession at the throne of grace, are necessary to discharge the duties which devolve upon you. But, however arduous your work may appear, listen to no discouragements. The Master, to whose service you have devoted yourself, has given you the encouraging and animating promise: Lo, I am with you alway. My Grace is sufficient for you.

In the course of your ministerial labors you will administer the sacraments of the New Testament. Admit to baptism those who have a right to this ordinance. Suffer little children to come to Christ, and forbid them not. Invite to the table of the Lord those who give evidence of gospel qualifications. In the discharge of this very important part of your ministerial duty make the word of God your rule, and not the devious doctrines of men. Dispense with impartiality the discipline which Christ has appointed in his church. Exercise the authority you have now received in separating

others to the work of the ministry. But lay hands suddenly

on no man.

And may you, my dear sir, have the joy to see the work of the Lord prosper in your hands. May it please God to support you in all your trials, and comfort your heart in all your sorrows. May you be a burning and shining light, and be made happily instrumental in bringing many to glory. When you are called from your labors on earth, may you receive the reward of a faithful servant, and go to be forever present with the Lord. AMEN.]

[The interleaved Almanac for 1807 is lost.]

June 7, 1808. Set out for Hampton, to attend the installment of Mr. Webster. Dea. Math. Whipple went with me. Dined at Captain Allen Dodge's, in Newburyport, and lodged at Colonel Tappan's, in Hampton.

June 8. The Council, consisting of 20 churches, about 50 in number, formed at 9 o'clock, A. M. I was chosen Moderator, and Mr. D. Dana, Scribe. Interesting matters came before the Council respecting Mr. Webster's dismission from Chebacco. Unanimous vote passed to proceed to installment. Procession formed at 12, and proceeded to the Meeting House. I stated to the church and congregation generally the doings of the Council.. The Scribe read the list of Council, and all the proceedings. I then called on the church to renew their call, and Mr. Webster to reply. Some good pieces of music performed as we went in, and before prayer. Dr. Buckminster prayed, Mr. Worcester preached, Dr. Thayer prayed before the charge, Mr. Peabody gave the charge, Mr. Abbot the Right hand, and Mr. Dow the last prayer. A very large, crowded Assembly, and perfect order. The Council richly entertained at Colonel Tappan's.

July 4, Monday. Independence. We went to Salem. Pro

* Rev. Samuel Worcester, D.D., clergyman; born at Hollis, N. H., 1770, and died at Brainard, Tenn., June 7, 1821; Dartmouth College, 1795. He was pastor of the Tabernacle Church, of Salem, Massachusetts, from 1803 to the time of his death; Corresponding Secretary of Foreign Missions, 1810. Rev. Dr. Samuel Melancthon Worcester was his son.-Drake's Dict. Am. Biog.

cession formed at the Court-house. Escorted by the Washington Rangers, moved to Dr. Barnard's Meeting House. Dr. Barnard prayed. Mr. Saltonstall delivered a spirited Federal oration. Excellent music on the organ, and by the band. Another procession moved to Mr. Hopkins' Meeting House, consisting of all the Independent Military Companies except one. A military oration by Mr. Story. Mr. Hopkins prayed. Dined with the Federalists, and returned in the evening.

August 15, Monday. Town Meeting, in consequence of a Letter from the Selectmen of Boston, requesting the Towns in the Commonwealth will unite in petitioning the President to suspend the Embargo. I attended, and moved certain votes complying with the request, and for a committee to prepare a petition. Myself, Mr. Barnabas Dodge, Mr. Francis Quarles, Mr. Barnabas Dodge, Jun., and Colonel Dodge, were appointed, and reported a petition, which was accepted.

Mr. Hitchborn and wife, the two Misses Hitchborn, Mrs. Glover, and a servant, came in a coach, and lodged with us. Much company to-day, which prevented me from preparing for Town Meeting as I intended.

Aug. 16, Tuesday. Our friends from Boston went on Eastward. Dr. Torrey, Mr. Poole, Captain Berry, and Captain Hacker, and their wives, came. We all, with Temple and Sophia, went over the ponds to fish, and collect berries. Tea in the woods. Came home, and dined-a handsome dinner prepared. Most of the children came.

Sept. 22, Thursday. Preached a lecture at Esq'r Giddings', on account of his long confinement. Sent a letter to Hon. Jos'h Quincy, containing $16 for the Hist. Society. ·

December 2. At home all day. Company. Mr. Jefferson's conscripts drafted. Eleven men-eight Federalists, three


July 4, 1809, Tuesday. Went on to Boston with Samuel Blanchard, Esq. Arrived at 10, and put our baggage at his brother's, in Brattle Street Square. We went directly to the Senate Chamber, and were introduced to his Excellency, Governor Gore. Met Lieutenant-Governor Cobb, President Adams, Judge Paine, Mr. Gerry, and a very great number of my

old acquaintances. At 11 the procession moved, consisting of the Executive Council, Senate, Representatives, civil and military officers of the town, etc., escorted by the Cadets to the Old South Meeting House, where divine service was performed, and an Oration delivered by Wm. Tudor, Jun., Esq. We returned to the Council Chamber, where a collation was served. Mr. Blanchard and myself dined at his son Frank's. Went to Mr. Lyman's-ate cantaloupes. Called on Samuel Gardner. In the evening went on the Common to see the fireworks and the illumination of the Exchange Coffee-house.

July 5. Mr. Blanchard and I, with Mr. Williams, went to Cambridge. At President Webber's, Mr. Peck's and at the the Botanic Garden. Dined at Mr. Lyman's, Boston, and after dinner rode with Mr. Lyman in his carriage, to his seat at Waltham. Great treat of fruit. Returned in the evening to Mr. Williams'.

July 6. Went to see Mr. Pickering's most excellent portrait by Stuart, at Mr. Pratt's. Very complaisantly received. Dined at Mr. Hitchborn's.

July 11, Tuesday. Association in Salem at Mr. Worcester's. All the members present. Dr. Griffin preached a good sermon, handsomely delivered. I was Moderator. An excellent and elegant dinner.

July 14. Studied hard. Received a diploma from the Linnean Soc'y, Philada., by Dr. Muzza.

July 24. Mr. Blanchard here. Colonel Gibbs, of Rhode Island, late from Europe, called with introductory letters; going to the White Mountains to examine the fossils. I visited. Judge Pickering, who returned from Congress last week. Saw the Whig-demo-paper, containing a scandalous calumny on him, respecting a letter to S. Williams, London.

Dec. 20. Summoned to go to Salem, to give evidence before the Supreme Court on the trial of Dr. Thomson for murder. [Before Judge Parsons, respecting the medical properties of lobelia.]

* Dr. Samuel Thomson, author of the Thomsonian Theory and Practice of Medicine, was born in Alstead, New Hampshire, Feb. 9, 1769. His early life was spent in hard labor upon a farm, and his education was limited. About 1793 he introduced the Lobelia into medicine under a peculiar system of practice. He was bitterly de

May 22, 1810. Attended the committee for forming the Bible Society at Dr. Barnard's. Dr. Holyoke, Colonel Pickman, Mr. John Pickering, Doctors Treadwell and Oliver present. Some opposition. Came home.

[On June 27, 1810, Dr. Cutler went to Mr. Allen's, in Bradford, to attend the meeting of the General Association of Massachusetts proper. He was unanimously elected Moderator, and Mr. Worcester, Scribe. Mr. Hale was the standing Secretary. About seventy ministers were present, and the sessions continued three days. Dr. Cutler and Dr. Lyman were chosen to represent the Association at the meeting of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Churches of the U.S. of America, at Philadelphia the next May. At the close of the meeting Dr. Cutler was complimented with a vote of thanks, and the "Association dissolved after a very pleasing meeting, great harmony, and perfect order."]

July 9. Went with Esquire Blanchard to view Mr. Hersey Derby's garden. Much pleased with it. Saw the cactus grandiflora, or night-flowering cereus, in the green-house,

nounced by the regular medical profession, and finally an open charge of murder was preferred against him, in 1808, for sweating two chil dren to death, and again, in 1809, for the murder of a young man named Lovel, who had died under his attention. Dr. French charged that he "did kill and murder the said Lovel with lobelia, a deadly poison." His friends induced Judge Theophilus Parsons to hold a special session of court at Salem. Tyng's Reports, Vol. VI., states, that on the claim of ignorance only did the Judge instruct the jury to acquit Thomson. Dr. Thomson died in Boston, Mass., 1843, after a tedious application of his own medicine The first printed record of the emetic properties of lobelia is by Rev. Manasseh Cutler, who named it emetic weed. See Account of Indigenous Vegetables, Am. Acad. Sciences, 1785, p. 584.-Drugs and Medicines of North America (J. U. and C. G. Loyd), Dec., 1886.

* Mr. E. Hersey Derby was the son of Elias Haskett Derby (known in the annals of Salem as King Derby), who was prominent in Salem as a ship-builder, owner, and merchant. He was the founder of the East India trade to America, and also the American trade with Russia. Hersey Derby lived on a farm near Salem. A charming description of his garden, as it appeared in 1802, will be found in a letter from Miss Elizabeth Southgate, published in "A Girl's Life Eighty Years Ago."

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