

Memoir of Robert Swain. Boston: James Munroe & Co. 1847. 16mo. pp. 259.

Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. By Alexander H. Everett. Second Series. Boston: James Munroe & Co. 1846. 12mo. pp. 475. A System of Intellectual Philosophy. By Rev. Asa Mahan, President, and Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, in the Oberlin Collegiate Institute. Second Edition. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1847. 12mo. pp. 330.

First Lessons in Geometry, upon the Model of Colburn's First Lessons in Arithmetic. By Alpheus Crosby. With an Introduction, by Stephen Chase, Professor of Mathematics in Dartmouth College. Boston: J. Munroe & Co. 1847. 16mo. pp. 164.

A Report on the Trees and Shrubs growing naturally in the Forests of Massachusetts. Published agreeably to an Order of the Legislature, by the Commissioners on the Zoological and Botanical Survey of the State. Boston. 1846. 8vo. pp. 547.

Eulogy on John Pickering, LL. D., President of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; delivered before the Acadeiny, October 28, 1846. By Daniel Appleton White, Fellow of the Academy. Cambridge: Metcalf & Co. 1847. 8vo. pp. 106.

Sparks's American Biography. Vol. XXII. Life of Commodore Edward Preble, by Lorenzo Sabine; Life of William Penn, by George E. Ellis. Boston: Little & Brown. 1847. 12mo. pp. 408. The Practical French Teacher; or a New Method of Learning to read, write, and speak the French Language. By Norman Pinney, A. M. Hartford: Robins & Smith. 1847. 12mo. pp. 377.

Exercises and Illustrations on the Blackboard, furnishing an Easy and Expeditious Method of giving Instruction, designed for the Use of Common Schools. By John Goldsbury. Keene, N. H.: George Tilden. 1847. 12mo. pp. 144.

The North American Spelling-Book, conformed to Worcester's Dictionary, with a Progressive Series of Easy Reading Lessons. By L. W. Leonard. Keene, N. H.: George Tilden. 1847. 16mo. pp. 178.

An Inquiry into the Views, Principles, Services, and Influences of the Leading Men in the Origination of our Union. Allen. Boston: Printed by S. N. Dickinson & Co. 1846. 8vo.

By Thaddeus Nos. 3 and 4.

A Statistical View of the Population of Massachusetts, from 1765 to 1840. By Jesse Chickering. Boston: Little & Brown. 1846. 8vo. pp. 160.

Chambers's Cyclopædia of English Literature: a Selection of the Choicest Productions of English Authors, from the Earliest to the Present Time, connected by a Critical and Biographical History. Nos. 2-6. Boston: Gould, Kendall, & Lincoln. 1847. 8vo.

A Discourse delivered before the Maine Historical Society at its Annual Meeting, September 6th, 1846. By George Folsom. Portland: Published for the Society. 1847. 8vo. pp. 80.

On Three Several Hurricanes of the Atlantic, and their Relations to the Northers of Mexico and Central America, with Notices of other Storms. By W. C. Redfield. New Haven: B. L. Hamlen. 1846. 8vo. pp. 118.

Report of the Case in the Matter of George Kirk, a Fugitive Slave, heard before the Hon. J. W. Edmonds, Circuit Judge; also, the Argument of John Jay, Counsel for the Slave. New York: Legal Observer Office. 1847. 8vo. pp. 20.

A Discourse on the Evangelical Alliance. By William P. Tilden, Minister of the Second Congregational Church in Concord, N. H. Concord. 1846. 8vo. pp. 16.

A Discourse delivered before the Rhode Island Historical Society, January 13th, 1847. By Hon. Job Durfee, Chief Justice of the State. And a Poem recited on the same Occasion, by Sarah Helen Whitman. Providence: Charles Burnett, Jr. 1847. 8vo. pp. 42 and 6.

The One Progressive Principle, delivered before the Literary Societies of the University of Vermont, August, 1846. By J. T. Headley. New York: John S. Taylor. 8vo. pp. 32.

Congregationalism: a Discourse delivered before the Massachusetts Convention of Congregational Ministers, Boston, May 28th, 1846. By Alvan Lamson, D. D. Boston: Crosby & Nichols. 1846. 8vo. pp. 30. A Sermon preached in the Church of the First Parish in Dedham, January 10, 1847, the Sunday after the Death of Ebenezer Fisher, Jr. By Alvan Lamson, D. D. Boston. 8vo. pp. 19.

Statute Laws of his Majesty Kamehameha III., King of the Hawaiian Islands; passed by the Houses of Nobles and Representatives in the 21st Year of his Reign, and the 3d and 4th Years of his Public Recognition, A. D. 1845 and 1846. Honololu, Oahu: C. E. Hitchcock, Printer. 1846. 8vo. pp. 382.

Transactions of the Worcester County Horticultural Society. By George Jaques. Boston. 1847. 8vo. pp. 84. Progress: an Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Dartmouth College, July 29th, 1846. By Joel Parker, Chief Justice of New Hampshire. Hanover. 1846. 8vo. pp. 26.

An Exposition of a Book published by D. Appleton & Co., called Hazlitt's Translation of Guizot's History of Civilization. By R. W. Haskins, A. M. Buffalo. 1846. 8vo. pp. 55.

Contributions to the Natural History of the Alligator, (Crocodilus Mississippiensis,) with a Microscopic Addendum. By Bennet Dowler, M. D. New Orleans: B. M. Norman. 1846. 8vo. pp. 30.

Experimental Researches on the Post Mortem Contractility of the Muscles, with Observations on the Reflex Theory. By Bennet Dowler, M. D. New York. 1846. 8vo. pp. 39.

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North-American Review.


Adams, John, Gibbs's Memoirs of
the Administration of, reviewed,
161 quarrels with the Federal-
ists, 170 opposes Hamilton,


Addison, Joseph, Miss Aikin's Life
of, reviewed, 314 grace and hu-
mor of, 315- purity and gentle-
ness of, 316- his style character-
ized, 317-an advocate of pure
morals and religion, 318 - slan-
dered by Pope and Spence, 319-
early life of, 320 - bashfulness of,
321-becomes the friend of Steele,
322-his habits at Oxford, 323
literary projects of, 324 -his Eng-
lish and Latin verses, 325 - trav-
els in France, 326 - visits Male-
branche, 327-and Boileau, 328
travels in Italy by, 329 - Dialogues
on Medals by, 330 offers to act
as travelling tutor, 331
his poem
on Blenheim, 332 - goes abroad as
secretary to Halifax, 334 - his op-
era of Rosamond, 335 made sec.
retary to Wharton, 336
but just, 337- his conduct towards
Steele, 338 loved and trusted by
Swift, 341 writes the Whig Ex-
aminer, 342 assists Steele in The
Tatler, 344-a reformer of man-
ners and morals, 345 writes for
The Spectator, 347 great merits
of, as an essayist, 348 - writes for
The Guardian, 349 - his Cato, 351
refuses to dedicate it to the


queen, 353-merits of his trag-
edy, ib. objects to Pope's lam-
poon on Dennis, 355 - inquiry in-
to his relations with Pope, 356-
his remark on the Rape of the
Lock, 357-on the translation of
the Iliad, 359-not the author of
Tickell's version, 361 openly in-
sulted by Pope, 362 - his last in-
terview with him, 363 - sacred
poems of, 364-not intemperate
in wine, 365 - other slanders on,
refuted, 366 - marriage of, 367-
his will cited, 368 - alienated from
Steele, 369-dying scene of, 370

religious faith of, 371 not
faultless, but deserves high praise,
372. See Pope.

Agamemnon of Æschylus, by C. C.
Felton, noticed, 522.
Age, the present intellectual aspect
of, 273 mechanical inventions
in, 274-tendency of philosophy
in, ib. imagination supplanted
in, 275- boastfulness of, 276
utilitarian aspect of, 277 false
estimate of art in, 278
lack of
independent thought in, 279 -
worthless publications in, 200 -
profound and philosophical works
neglected in, 281 - poetry in, 283

Sadducism of, 234-advantages
for mental progress in, 286 - work
for philosophy and imagination in,

Aikin, Lucy, Life of Addison by, re-
viewed, 314. See Addison.

Alberic, vision of, 113.

Alexander, James, life and character
of, 435.

Alexander, William, 435. See Stir-

Amari, Michele, History of the Sicil-
ian Vespers by, reviewed, 500
his views of this event, ib. -ac-
count of John of Procida by, 505
- on the cruelties of the insur-
gents, 507- examination of au-
thorities by, 509. See Sicilian

America, the English language in,
179-Edinburgh Review on neol-
ogisms in, 181 - grounds of this
charge against, 184 - small power
of song in, 460-birth of a na-
tional literature in, 461 - bustle
and hurry in, 462 - talkativeness
in, 463-making of speeches and
phrases in, 464-literature imita-
tive in, 465.

American Biography, Sparks's Libra-
ry of, 217.
Americanisms, mode of discounte-
nancing, 180-alleged frequency
of, 182- Pickering's Vocabulary
of, 183 - number and nature of,

Americans, manners of, 242 - inde-
pendence of, 243-cultivation of
literature by, 251 - public speeches
of, 252.

American writers, Gilfillan's sketch
of, 290.

Ancients, visions of a future world
among the, 98.

Anne, Queen, high spirit once shown
by, 334-attached to her brother,
the Pretender, 350.

Annual Review on Americanisms,

Anthology, The Monthly, design of,


Antiquities, American, Schoolcraft
on, 303.

Architecture in America, 246.
Art, false taste in modern, 278.
A, sounds of the vowel, 197.


Bainbridge, Midshipman, duel fought
by, 226.

Banks, Sir Joseph, Brougham's life
of, 85- his early devotion to nat-

ural history, 86 - makes a voyage
with Captain Cook, 87 - made
president of the Royal Society, 88
renders services to scientific

men, 89.

Barron, Commodore, duel of, with
Decatur, 236.

Becket, Thomas à, Life and Letters
of, by J. A. Giles, reviewed, 118
Translation of, ib., note discord-
ant opinions about, 120 great va-
riety in his life and employments,
121-doubts about the parentage
of, 123 legend about Matilda,
the mother of, 124 - this legend
disproved, 125 - ante-natal histo-
ry of, 126-studies of, at Merton
and Paris, 127 - admitted to the
court of Archbishop Theobald, 128

made chancellor of England,
130 - personal appearance and
habits of, 130 - diplomatic mis-
sions of, 132- his splendor and
munificence at Paris, 133 - gains
renown in the wars, 134 his pri-
vate life and character, 135 - suc-
ceeds Theobald as archbishop,
137- revolution in his way of
life, 138 resigns the great seal,
ib. - attempts to resume grants of
church lands, 139-quarrels with
the king, 140 -supported by the
church, 142-and by France, 143
refuses to give up the privileges
of the clergy, 144 - assents to the
Constitutions of Clarendon, 145
withdraws this assent, 146 - his
goods confiscated, 147 goes into
exile, 148 kindly received by
Louis, and the pope, 149 - obliged
to shift his residence, 150.
Bernard, Saint, sufferings of, 118.
Berwick, Marshal, siege of Gaeta
by, 3.

Black, Dr., defrauded of fame by La-
voisier, 75.

Blenheim, battle of, sung by Addison,

Boileau, Addison's interview with,
326, 328.

Boisdale of Clanranald meets Charles
Edward, 8.

Bossuet, pulpit eloquence of, 392.
Boston, Warburton's account of, 249.
Boswell praised by Brougham, 63.
Brandenburg, adventure of the Mar-
quis Hugues of, 114.

Brandywine, battle of, 451.
Brendan, Saint, vision of, 111.
British Critic on Americanisms, 182.
Brooks, Charles T., poetical transla-
tions by, reviewed, 402 - modesty
and good sense of, 423 - transla-
tion from Schiller by, 424 - from
other German poets, 425.

Brougham, Lord, Lives of Men of
Letters and Science by, second se-
ries, reviewed, 59 - merits and
faults of, ib., 96 - complaints made
of, 60 unjust to Dr. Johnson, 61
- praises Boswell, 63 - his criti-
cisms on Johnson's works, 62-
on Johnson's character, 66 - his
life of Adam Smith, 67 - of La-
voisier, 72- of Gibbon, 77- of Sir
Joseph Banks, 85-of D'Alembert,

Browne, Frances E., Poems by, re-
viewed, 402-judged by a speci-
men, 432.

Burgoyne's expedition, 244.
Burns, festival in honor of, 492.
Burr, conduct of, towards Hamilton,

Bute, Lord, Stirling's acquaintance
with, 440.

Button's coffee-house, origin of, 339.


years of, 2-serves under Marshal
Berwick, 3- his favorite amuse-
ments, ib. - secretly leaves Italy,
5- delayed and disappointed in
France, 6-embarks for Scotland,
7-lands at Moidart, 8-persuades
the Highland chiefs to join him, 9
- raises the royal standard, 11-
receives many adherents, 12-ad-
vances to Stirling, 13 - enters Ed.
inburgh, 15 defeats Cope at
Preston, 18-bold intentions of,
19-advised to stay in Scotland,
20-his habits while there, 21-
determines to invade England, 22
- marches over the border, 23-
captures Carlisle, 24 - farther suc-
cesses of, 26- compelled to retreat
from Derby, 28 - reënters Scot-
land, 29-invests Stirling, 30 —
defeats Hawley at Falkirk, 31
causes of his delay at this time, 34
becomes attached to Miss Wal-
kinshaw, 35-gains possession of
Inverness, 37-resolves to fight
Cumberland, 38 - defeated at Cul-
loden, 39-his adventures as a fu-
gitive, 43 puts off for the isle of
Skye, 44-his wanderings among
the Hebrides, 45 assisted by Flo-
ra MacDonald, 47 - hardships suf-
fered by, 49- lives in a cave, 52
protected by outlaws, 53-re-
turns to France, 54 sorrows of
his later life, 55
death and char-
acter of, 56.
Chemistry, discoveries in, 73.
Christian Consolations, by A. P. Pea-
body, noticed, 521.
Christianity, the doctrine of a future
life in, 105.


Campbell, Dr., on technical words,

Canada, trouble and disaffection in,


Carlisle besieged and taken by
Charles Edward, 24.
Cato, Addison's tragedy of, 351.
Channing, William E, Poems by,
reviewed, 402- a feeble imitator,
414-citations from, with com-
ments, 415- attempts of, in lyric
poetry, 417-discourses on poli-
tics and religion, 418 - on scenery,
419 defies the critics, 421 -
praised by Miss Fuller, 423.

Charles of Anjou made king of Sici-
ly, 502-defeats his opponents,
503-tyrannical conduct of, 504
enemies of, 505- attempts to
crush the rebellion, 507 - is un-
successful, 508.

Charles Edward, the Pretender, A.
Pichot's life of, reviewed, 1 - early

Christmas, celebration of, 495.
Church, strength of the, in the Mid-
dle Ages, 142 - its weakness and

dangers, 143.

Cicero, the Dream of Scipio by, 100.
Clarendon, Constitutions of, 145.
Classical learning, decline of, 279.
Clergy, power of the, in the Middle
Ages, 141.
Colman, James F., poems by, review-
ed, 402 correct, but tedious, 431

The Island Bride by, ib. - other

poems of, 432.
Conrad, king of Sicily, 501.
Constance, queen of Aragon, 505.
Constitution, Federal, origin of the,

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