50 II. St. Paul separating from Barnabas, pro-Acts xv. 37, to Syria and xvi. 4-5. III. St. Paul proceeds to Derbe, and Lystra in Acts xvi. 1-3. Derbe and IV. They proceed from Iconium to Phrygia Acts xvi. 6. and Galatia. V. From Galatia to Mysia and Troas. VI. From Troas to Samothrace. VII. From Samothrace to Neapolis. Acts xvi. 7-10. Lystra. Acts xvi. part o. Samothrace. Acts xvi. part of Neapolis. ver. 11. VIII. From Neapolis to Philippi, where the Py- Acts xvi. 12, to Philippi. converted. IX. From Philippi to Amphipolis and Apollo- Acts xvii. 1-10. Thessalo- nia, to Thessalonica, where they are opposed by Jason. X. St. Paul writes his Epistle to the Galati- Epistle to the ans, to prove, in opposition to the Galatians. nica. XI. From Thessalonica to Berea. The causes Acts xvii. 10-Berea. for which the Bereans are favourably 14. disposed to receive the Gospel. XII. From Berea, having left there Silas and Acts xvii. 15-Athens. where he preaches to the philosophers and students. XIII. From Athens St. Paul proceeds to Corinth, Acts xviii. 1-5. Corinth. support. Silas and Timothy join him at XIV. St. Paul writes his first Epistle to the Epistle to the XV. St. Paul being rejected by the Jews, con- Acts xviii. 6-11. Gentiles. XVI. St. Paul writes his second Epistle to the Second Epistle he prophesies the rise, prosperity, and overthrow of a great apostacy in the XVII. St. Paul still at Corinth, is brought before Acts xviii. 12, Corinth. consul, the brother of Seneca. XVIII. St. Paul having left Corinth for Crete, is Epistle to Ti-Crete, compelled on his return to winter at tus. Nicopolis, from whence he writes his Epistle to Titus, whom he had left in Crete, with power to ordain Teachers, 4763 Nicopolis. and to govern the Church in that Island. XX. From Cenchrea to Ephesus, where he dis- Acts xviii. 19. Ephesus. puted with the Jews. XXI. From Ephesus St. Paul proceeds to Casa-Acts xviii. 20-Cesarea, rea, and having saluted the Church at 22. Jerusalem, in Syria. CHAPTER XIII. The third Apostolical Journey of St. Paul. I. St. Paul again leaves Antioch, to visit the Acts xviii. 23. (Antioch, 4768 Galatia, II. History of Apollos, who was now preach- Acts xviii. 24, Corinth. by St. Paul. III. St. Paul proceeds from Phrygia, and dis-Acts xix. 1-10. Ephesus. IV. St. Paul continues two years in Ephesus; Acts xix. 11-20. the people burn their magical books. V. St. Paul sends Timothy and Erastus to Acts xix. 21, pt. of ver. 22. VI. St. Paul writes his first Epistle to the Co-1st Epistle to rinthians, to assert his apostolic autho- the Corinthi- the questions of the converts on various VII. St. Paul continues at Ephesus; a mob is Acts xix. pt. v. Ephesus. occasioned at that place by Demetrius. 22, to the end. VIII. St. Paul leaves Ephesus, and goes to Ma- Acts xx. cedonia. IX. St. Paul writes his first Epistle to Timothy, 1st Epistle to of Ephesus, over which he was appoint ed to preside. 4769 4769 for more proba bly 4770 4776 от X. St. Paul proceeds from Macedonia to Acts xx. 2, and Macedonia, Greece or Achaia, and continues there part of ver. 3. Achaia, XI. St. Paul having been informed of the re-2d Epistle to the ception his first Epistle had met from Corinthians. tle from Philippi, to justify his apostolic both of which had been impugned by a false Teacher. XII. St. Paul returns from Achaia and Corinth Acts xx. pt. v. Achaia, to Macedonia, sending his companions 3, to v. 6. Corinth, forward to Troas. SECTION. CONTENTS. SCRIPTURE. PLACE. Julian Vulgar XIII. St. Paul, in his way from Achaia to Ma- Epistle to the Corinth. to the Gentiles and Jews of Rome-to XIV. From Macedonia St. Paul proceeds to Acts xx. 6-12. Troas. Troas, where he raises Eutychus to XV. From Troas to Assos and Mitylene. XVI. From Mitylene to Chios. XVII. From Chios to Samos, and Trogyllium. Acts xx. 13, 14. Assos and Acts xx. part of Chios. ver. 15. Acts xx. part of Samos and XVIII. From Trogyllium to Miletus, where St. Acts xx. part of Miletus. Paul meets, and takes his farewell of ver. 15, to the XIX. From Miletus, to Coos and Rhodes and Acts xxi. 1-3. Coos and Patara; whence St. Paul, together with St. Luke, the Writer of the Book of the Rhodes, Pa tara, Tyre. XX. St. Paul and St. Luke continue at Tyre Acts xxi. 4-6. Tyre. seven Days. XXI. They proceed from Tyre to Ptolemais. Acts xxi. 7. Ptolemais. XXII. From Ptolemais to Cesarea, to the House Acts xxi. 8-14. Cesarea. of Philip the Evangelist-Agabus pro- Paul. XXIII. St. Paul and St. Luke arrive at Jerusa- Acts xxi. 15-26. Jerusalem. lem, and present themselves to St. James and the Church. XXIV. St. Paul is apprehended by the chief Cap-Acts xxi.27-36. tain of the Temple, in consequence of a Mob, occasioned by some of the Asiatic XXV. St. Paul makes his Defence before the Acts xxi. 37, to XXVI. On declaring his Mission to preach to the Acts xxii. 22. XXVII. St. Paul claims the Privilege of a Roman Acts xxii. 23- Citizen. XXVIII. St. Paul is brought before the Sanhedrim, Acts xxii. 30. who are summoned by the Captain of and xxiii. 1-10. the Temple. XXIX. St. Paul is encouraged by a Vision to per-Acts xxiii. 11. severe. Cesarea. XXX. In consequence of the Discovery of a Acts xxiii. 12, Antipatris- Antipatris to Cesarea. XXXI. St. Paul is accused of Sedition before Fe-Acts xxiv. 1-21. Cesarea. 4771 58 lix, the Governor of Judea. XXXII. After many Conferences with Felix, St. Acts xxiv. 22, rival of Porcius Festus. XXXIII. Trial of St. Paul before Festus-He ap-Acts xxv. 1-12. peals to the Emperor. XXXIV. Curious Account given to Agrippa by Fes-Acts xxv. 13- XXXVI. St. Paul being surrendered as a Prisoner Acts xxvii. 1. 4773 CHAPTER XIV. St. Paul commences his Voyage to Rome, as a Prisoner. I. St. Paul commences his Voyage to Rome, Acts xxvii. 2. Cesarea. II. The Ship arrives at Sidon, from whence it Acts xxvii. 3, 4. III. After changing their Ship at Tyre, they Acts xxvii. 5-8. and the City of Lasea. IV. St. Paul warns the Master of the Ship of Acts xxvii. 9the Danger they were in-They at- 13. tempt to reach Phenice in Crete. V. The Ship is wrecked, but the Lives of all Acts xxvii. 14, VIII. St. Paul arrives at Rome, and is kindly Acts xxviii. part Rome. received by the Brethren. of ver. 14 to IX. St. Paul summons the Jews at Rome, to Acts xxviii. 17explain to them the causes of his Impri- 30. sonment. X St. Paul writes his Epistle to the Ephe- The Epistle to mating Language, the Mercy of God 4774 SECTION. CONTENTS. SCRIPTURE. PLACE. XI. St. Paul writes his Epistle to the Philip-The Epistle to Rome. to introduce themselves among them.," XII. St. Paul writes his Epistle to the Colos-The Epistle to XIII. St. Paul writes his Epistle to his Friend The Epistle to verted to Christianity by means of the Apostle's Ministry. XIV. St. James writes his Epistle to the Jewish The Epistle of Jerusalem. against the prevalent Evils of the Day -to rectify the Errors into which many had fallen, by misinterpreting St. Paul's Doctrine of Justification, and to enforce various Duties. XV. St. Paul is released from his Imprisonment Acts xxviii. 30, Rome. at Rome, the Jews not daring to prose- 31. cute him before the Emperor. CHAPTER XV. Julian Vulgar 4775 62 From the Commencement of the fifth and last Journey of St. Paul, to the Completion of the Canon of the whole Scriptures-With a brief Survey of the History of the Christian Church to the present Time. I. St. Paul, while waiting in Italy for Timo-The Epistle to Italy. II. After his Liberation, St. Paul visits Italy, III. He then proceeds to Jerusalem. 14775 62 Italy--Spain 4776-7 63-4 - |