xvii. 11. Lu. xvii. 12-19. XXXV. Christ heals ten Lepers. Jerusalem. XXXVII. Christ teacheth the true Nature of Prayer. Luke xviii. 1-8. Matt. xix. 16,| Lu. xviii. 18-30. XL. Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. zarus. XLII. Christ again predicts his Sufferings and Mat. xx. 17-19. Death. XLIII. Ambition of the Sons of Zebedee. XLIV. Two Blind Men healed at Jericho. Mar. x. 32-34. Lu.xviii.31-34.) Mat. xx. 20-28. Cn the way- the end. Mark x. 46, to the end. Luke xviii. 35, to the end. XLV. Conversion of Zaccheus, and the Parable Luke xix. 1-28. of the Pounds. XLVI. The Resurrection of Lazarus. XLVIII. Caiaphas prophesies. John xi. 17-46. Bethany. John xi. 49-52. XLIX. The Sanhedrim resolve to put Christ to John xi. 53. death. L. Christ retires to Ephraim, or Ephrata. John xi. 54. Ephraim. LI. State of the public Mind at Jerusalem, John xi. 55, to Jerusalem. at which Christ attended. the end. LII. Christ comes to Bethany, where he is Mt. xxvi. 6-13. Bethany. CHAPTER VI. From Christ's triumphant Entry into Jerusalem, to his Apprehension-Sunday, 474229 I. The People meet Christ with Hosannas-Mat. xxi. 8-10. Jerusalem. II. Christ's Lamentation over Jerusalem, and Lu. xix. 41-44. III. Christ, on entering the City, casts the Mt. xxi. 12, 13. Mark xi. part of IV. Christ heals the Sick in the Temple, and Mt. xxi. 14-16. V. Some Greeks at Jerusalem desire to see John xii. 20-43. VI. Christ again declares the object of his sion. VII. Christ leaves the City in the Evening, goes to Bethany. VIII. Monday-Fourth Day before the Mis-John xii. 44, to the end. and Matt. xxi. 17. Bethany. Mark xi. 11. Pas- Mat. xi. 18, 19. Jerusalem. sover-Christ, entering Jerusalem again, Mar. xi. 12-14. IX. Christ again casts the Buyers and Sellers Mar.xi. 15-17. X. The Scribes and Chief Priests seek to de- Mark xi. 18. stroy Christ. Lu. xix. 47, 48. XI. Christ retires in the Evening from the Mark xi. 19. City. XII. Tuesday-Third Day before the Passover Mt. xxi. 20-22. - XIII. Christ answers the Chief Priests, who in- XIV. Christ replies to the Herodians. XV. Christ replies to the Sadducees. XVI. Christ replies to the Pharisees. XVII. Christ inquires of the Pharisees concerning XVIII. Christ severely reproves the Pharisees. Mar. xi. 20-26. to the end. XIX. Christ applauds the liberality of the poor Mark xii. 41, Jerusalem. to the end. Luk. xxi. 1-4. XX. Christ foretels the destruction of Jerusa-Mt. xxiv. 1-35. luge. Mark xiii. 32, to the end. Luk.xxi.34-36. XXII. The Parable of the wise and foolish Vir-Mat. xxv. 1-13. gins. XXIII. The Parable of the Servants and the Ta-Mt. xxv. 14-30. lents. of Judgment. XXIV. Christ declares the proceedings at the Day Matt. xxv. 31, to the end. XXV. Christ retires from the city to the Mount Luk.xxi.37,38. of Olives. XXVI. Wednesday-Second day before the Cru-Matt. xxvi. 1-2. cifixion Christ foretels his approaching Mark xiv. 1. Death. XXVII. The Rulers consult how they may take Matt.xxvi. 3-5 Christ. Mark xiv. pt. of XXVIII. Judas agrees with the Chief Priests to be- Mat.xvi. 14-16. XXIX. Thursday—the day before the Crucifixion. Mt.xxvi. 17-19. Christ directs two of his Disciples to Mar.xiv. 12-16. prepare the Passover. XXX. Christ partakes of the last Passover. XXXI. Christ again reproves the Ambition of his Disciples. XXXII. Christ sitting at the Passover, and continuing the Conversation, speaks of his Betrayer. Luk. xxii.7-13. Mark xiv. 17. Joh. xiii. 17-30. XXXIII. Judas goes out to betray Christ, who pre- Luk. xx.28-38. dicts Peter's denial of him, and the John xiii. 31, to danger of the rest of the Apostles. XXXIV. Christ institutes the Eucharist. the end. XXXV. Christ exhorts the Apostles, and consoles John xiv. them on his approaching Death. XXXVI. Christ goes with his Disciples to the Mount Matt. xxvi. 3. of Olives. XXXVII. Christ declares himself to be the true Vine. XXXVIII. Christ exhorts the Apostles to mutual love, and to prepare for Persecution. Mark xiv. 26. xvi. 1-4. XXXIX. Christ promises the gifts of the Holy Spirit. John xvi. 5, to the end. SECTION. CONTENTS. SCRIPTURE. PLACE. Julien John xvii. 1 XL. Christ intercedes for all his followers. Ma. xiv. 27-31. XLII. Christ goes into the Garden of Gethse-Mt, xxvi.36-46. Mar.xiv.32-42. LXIII. Christ is betrayed and apprehended. The Mt. xxvi.47-56. Jerusalem. 4742 resistance of Peter. Ma. xiv. 43-50. Lu. xxii. 47-53. Joh. xviii. 3-11. CHAPTER VII. From the Apprehension of Christ to the Crucifixion. I. Christ is taken to Annas, and to the Pa-(Matt. xxvi. 57. Jerusalem. II. Peter and John follow their Master. III. Christ is first examined and condemned the House of the High Priest. Mar. xiv.51-53. Luke xxii. 55. Mar. xiv.55-64. IV. Twelve at night. Christ is struck, and Mt. xxvi.67,68. V. Peter's first denial of Christ, in the Hall Mt. xxvi.66-70. Mar. xiv.66-68. 1742 Lu. xxii. 56,57. VI. After Midnight. Peter's second denial of Mt. xxvi.71,72. VII. Friday, the day of the Crucifixion. Time, Mt.xxvi.73-75. till the dawn of day. VIII. Christ is taken before the Sanhedrim, and Matt. xxvii. 1. condemned. IX. Judas declares the Innocence of Christ. Mark xv. part of ver. 1. to the end. X. Christ is accused before Pilate, and is by Matt. xxvii. 2. XI. Christ is sent by Pilate to Herod. and xi. 14. 1 ICTION CONTENTS. SCRIPTURE. PLACE. XII. Christ is brought back again to Pilate, Mt.xxvii. 15-20. Jerusalem. John xviii. 39. XIII. Pilate three times endeavours again to re- Mt.xxvii.21-23. XIV. The Jews imprecate the punishment of Mt.xxvii.24,25. XV. Pilate releases Barabbas, and delivers Mt.xxvii.26-30"| Mar. xv. 15-19-1 XVI. Christ is led away from the Judgment-hall Mt.xxvii.31,32. Mark xv.20,21. XVII. Christ arrives at Mount Calvary, and is Mat. xxvii. 33, XIX. The Soldiers divide and cast lots for the Mt.xxvii.35,36. XX. Christ is reviled when on the Cross, by the Mt.xxvii. 39-44. Calvary. Thief. XXII. Christ commends his Mother to the care of Joh. xix. 25-27. John. XXIII. The death of Christ, and its attendant cir- Matt. xxvii. 45- From the Death of Christ till his Ascension into Heaven. I. Joseph of Arimathea, and Nicodemus, Mt.xxvii.57-60. Jerusalem. 4742 Mar. xv. 42-46. II. Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, Mark xv. 47. and the Women from Galilee, observe Luke xxiii. 55. |