

Allen, Richard, 163; seceded, etc., | Books, effects of reading, 14, 18;


America, Methodism in, 80, 126.

Antinomianism, 76; its nature and

effects, 225-235.

Army, labors in, 51, 127.

provided for preachers, 69, 70, 148.
Brett, Pliny, seceded, 162.

Bunting, Dr. Jabez, 121–123.

Asbury, Francis, 129, 132, 135, 137, Call to preach, 42, 44, 101, 102.

140; death of, 147.

Atonement, objects of, 211; univers-
al, 234, 245.

Band meetings, 50.

Baptism, obligations of, 291; nature
of, 292; benefits of, 292; its sub-
jects, 293; its mode, 295; not
necessary to the Lord's supper,


Baptists, origin of, 189; name of,

214; give no letters, 436.
Bishops, title of, 138; powers op-
posed, 139-142; utility of, 351-
355; Soule and Hedding elected,
156; Andiew, connected with
siavery, 182; how constituted,
312, duties of, 312; Wesley a
bishop, 337-341, 356; duties and
responsibilities of, 321, 371-377;
own no meeting-houses, 321.
Book Concern, started, 139, 152;
history of, 160, 161; burned, 161;
new buildings, 188; agents of
161, 322.

Calvinism, its influence, 38, 39, 79,

resisted, 77; modified, 144; his-
tory of, 215-230; its foreknowl-
edge, 237; natural ability, 239;
its sentiments, 216-230.
Camp meetings, origin of, 146, 150,
464; objections to, 479.
Canada, troubles with, 150, 166.
Cennick, licensed and left, 38.
Chapels, how settled, 34; building
committee, 107; fund, 106; rules
concerning, 108, 318; first in
America, 128; free, etc., 152.
Christ, his character, 209; mission
of, 211.

Christian Advocate started, 156.
Church, the M. E., organized, 135;
how marshaled, 323; its judica-
tories, 323–328; its jurisprudence,
406-412; doctrinal agreement
with others, 201-213; receiving
members, 432; withdrawing from,
430; receiving in full, 435; from
other sects, 436.

Church Extension Society, organ-
ized, 188.

Class meetings, origin of, 47, 48; de- | Embury, Philip, 127.

fence of, 464, 465; leaders of,

Clergy, their opposition, 40, 73.
Coke, Dr., in charge of missions, 93;

ordained, 132-137; death of, 94.

Episcopacy, Asbury's construction
of, 137; ours scriptural, 330, 336;
Wesleyan, 337-349; necessary to
itinerancy, 350; its powers, 373-


Colleges, our first, 137; Asbury, Exhorters, what, 315.

burned, 149; Madison, 156; pres-

ent state of, 187.

Colliers, converted, 45; children of, Faith, beginning of, 255; its prog-


Colored testimony disapproved, 178.
Conferences, the first, 61; second,
62, 78; first legal, 89; first in
America, 130; of 1784, 135;
General, 138–143; Canada, 151,
166, 167; District, 189; Annual,
413; Quarterly, 327; right of,


Congregationalists, age of, 195; rea-
sons for name, 114; government
of, 393-398, 409.
Conversion, what, 253; instantane-
ous, 259; how known, 260.
Conviction, how wrought, 252; Wes-
ley's, 14, 22, 25; effects of, 252;
an essential element of, 254.
Council, formed and failed, 138.

Deacons, how constituted and duties
of, 310.

Deed of declaration, 80; its objects,
81, 82; opposed, 81-83; its in-
fluence, 85; our deed, 319.
Delegates to General Conference,
142; exchange of, with other
bodies, 155, 166.

Discipline, the first, 62; questions
in relation to, 413–431.
Dress, 502.

Education, 70, 95, 101, 149, 156;
Board of, 191.

ress, 256; its prevailing act, 258;
its result, 259.

Financial plan, 71; its influence, 98,
99, 105-110; remarks on, 111;
our own, 384.

Fletcher, John, account of religion,
76; checks of, 78; how esteemed,

Free grace and free will, what? 242-
244; results of, 245; defence of,

Funds, contingent, 104; children's,
105; chapel, 106; auxiliary, 108-
112; Chartered, 146; centenary,
159, 191.

God, perfections of, 209; his good-
ness impeached, 235; blasphemed,
235, 236; foreknowledge, what?
237; passing by men, what? 240;
his goodness defended, 243.
Government, general statement, 299–

302; of civil, 302; ecclesiastical,
303; of the several denominations,
stated, 309; of the M. E. Church,
310; its officers, 311; judicato-
ries, 324; well-balanced, 369; safe,
375; contrasted, 391; its legisla-
tion, 404; jurisprudence, 406; pro-
tects individuals, 408-410; change

proposed, 139–142; change effect- | Meeting-houses, the first, 31; in
ed, 189.
America, 128; free, 152; pewed,

Harding, F. A., his appeal, 182.
Holy Club, 18; organized, 29.
Huntingdon, Lady, 77.
Hymn book, history of, 152.

Independents, origin of, 188, 303,
307–309; government of, 406, 412.
Ireland, visited, 72; conferences held
in, 93; statistics of, 200.
Itinerancy, popular, 350; arrange-
ments of, 355; lawful, 446; expe-
dient, 447; philosophy of, 350--
368; scriptural, 446; objections
to, 458.

Judgment, how a farce, 234.
Jurisprudence, 406-412; questions
of, settled, 413-431.

Kneeling, defended, 485, 487; effect
of, 488; in church, 487, 488.

Laborers, wanted, 40, 42.
Lay preaching opposed, 36; intro-
duced, 43.

Lay representation, 140, 189.
Love-feasts, origin of, 56; explained
and defended, 466.

Man, fall and depravity of, 210, 225;
in his reduced condition, 245.
Maxfield, Thomas, began to preach,
41; ordained, 74; became a fa-
natic and seceded, 74, 75.

Meetings, watch, 48, 49, 469; four-
days', 157; quarterly, 463, 465;
class, 464; love-feasts, 466; camp,
473; prayer, 489.
Members, how received, 432-437;
protected from oppression, 375-
380; duty to their preacher and
society, 386-388.
Methodism, origin of, 30; its com-

parative success, 192-199; the
cause of it, 197-199; present sta-
tistics of, 200; assailed doctrin-
ally, 215.

Methodist Church in Canada, 166.
Methodist Episcopal Church, South,

Methodists, name of, 19, 30; suc-
cess of, 35; troubles of, 37; rules
of, adopted, 37; die well, 46; per-
secuted, 52-60; strictness, 66;
must give offence, 67; greatest
obstacles of, 74; in Scotland, 78
-America, 80; increase of, 86,
154; in Europe, 96-stability of,
in New York, 126, 130, 131;
in 1784, etc., 139; in New En-
gland, 143-their early conflicts,
145; at the death of Asbury, 148;
in England and America contrast-
ed, 155; in 1839, 160; decrease
of, 174, 187; statistics of, 194;
doctrines of, 201-213; govern-
ment of, Episcopal, 310; Calvin-
istic, 113; doctrinally one, 114;
New Connection, 114; Primitive,
115; Bryanite, 116; Primitive
Wesleyan, 116; Independent, 117;
Warrenite, 118; Episcopal, Cana-
da, 120; African, 163; Reformed,
162; Stilwell, 165; Protestant,

167-171; Wesleyan, 177-181;
Episcopal, South, 181-186; Brit-
ish, trouble of, 120-125; Church
in Canada, 166; appearance of,
502; views of dress, 503; audible
responses of, defended, 503-506;
their aim, 214; differ from others,
214; assailed by Calvinists, 215.
Millerism, its influence, 173.
Ministers, authority of, 392; powers
curtailed, 394-defended, 394-

Missions, the first, 93; new meas-
ures, 94, 95; state of, 96, 193; to
America, 128, 129-Liberia, 156;
aided by three secretaries, 322.
Moravians, in error, 37.

Nelson, John, 43.

New birth, 212; its means, convic-
tion, 252; faith, 255-259; the re-
sult, 259-261; implies what, 253;
instantaneous, 260; evidence of,


New England, 143.

O'Kelley, seceded, 140.

istic notions of, refuted, 278-289;
doctrine dangerous, 289.
Prayer, extemporaneous, 488; ask-
ing for, 498-501.
Preachers, church, no shepherds, 40;
origin of lay, 36, 41, 438; efficien-
cy of, 42; approved by Wesley,
42; John Nelson, 43; only skilled
in first principles, 68; sufferings
of, 72; effects of their poverty, 98;
worn out, 108, 109; Capt. Webb,
127, 129; powers of, safe, 379-
how checked, 383; rights of, 392,
411; in charge, 420; Philip Em-
bury, 127; local, 314, 420.
Preaching, of laymen, 36, 42, 43,

438; success of, 46, 133; extem-
poraneous, 51, 442-445.
Predestination, sermon on, 38; ob-
jections to, 231–241.

Presbyterians, 195; government of,
306, 405; preferable to independ-
ency, 410.

Presiding elders, changes proposed,
141; sub-bishops, 313; duties of,
313; necessary, 357; right style
of, 363; expense of, 364; powers
of, safe, 376; questions relating
to, 414-420.

Ordinations, at the first, 92, 93; by Priest, elder, and bishop, one, 333◄

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