
mission of George Fox, and the practice of monarchical or republican, but taught obedience to his early followers resulting from it, are not the magistrate, by enforcing purity of morals. It based upon more solid principles of Chris- was a plain, honest, and zealous attempt to clear tianity, and are not more closely allied to the gospel from the mist of error and superstition, which had long obscured it; to release the minds its pure spirit than the world at large gene- of the people from the shackles of school-wisdom, rally admit to be essential? Quakerism is and the subtleties of polemical divinity; to hold grounded on the passage" that the grace out to them the true nature of that redemption of God which brings salvation had appeared which it offers to all mankind, a redemption deto all men, and that the manifestation of the pending upon faith in Christ, repentance from sin, spirit of God was given to every man to and transformation from the world, but not upon outward rites and ordinances, or creeds drawn up profit withal." Fox maintained, that by a by fallible men. He pleaded alone for religious faithful obedience to the inward teachings liberty, for a free toleration of all religious opiof this Holy Spirit we become God's people, nions; a principle which in itself involves emanand by its aid alone acquire a clear under- cipation of mind, and lays the foundation for the standing of the Scriptures; but which in-universal and equal rights of all men, the priviward monitor, if continually neglected, or after the example of Felix, dismissed for a more convenient season, will in time be withdrawn, leaving the heart reprobate, and abandoned to its own wicked devices; for God has declared, "my spirit shall not always strive with man. Gen. vii., 3.

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This inward principle is the good seed, which being sown in all soils, flourishes in some, pines away or is choked in others, and in some individuals finds no root at all.

leged classes as well as those below them; and effectually resists the encroachments of either party upon the just rights of the other, by inculcating the great Christian rule of doing as we would be done by."-p. 48.

The "Journal" of George Fox was pronounced by the late Sir James Mackintosh to be "one of the most extraordinary and instructive documents in the world ;" and he adds, that "no man of competent judg

virtue of the writer." To his efforts, sinthe establishment and rise of the Quakers, gle-handed, or nearly so, we may ascribe which, as Bancroft in his "History of the United States" declares, is "one of the most remarkable events in the history of man. It

- Scriptural authority, if it be literally inter-ment can peruse it without revering the preted, is at least in favor of Fox's testimony against all oaths, and warfare, as being antichristian, and in direct opposition to the dictates of Christ, and the practice of the apostles and early church. And further, in accordance with his emulation of the noble and disinterested example of the early Chris-marks," says he, "the moment when inteltian pastors, who ministered the word of life without fee or reward; and with his rejection

of all outward ceremonies and forms of wor

lectual freedom was claimed unconditionally by the people as an inalienable birthright. It was the consequence of a great moal of the human mind after a perfect emancipawarfare against corruption; the aspiration tion from the long reign of bigotry and superstition."

ship, because they had degenerated into religious rites, and which he considered as so many stumbling blocks and impediments to that spiritual devotion required of man by his Maker. Again, it would appear to support how Fox arrived at the conclusion that In another passage, Bancroft describes his great Christian principle, that no system truth is to be sought by listening to the of policy whatever should be founded on ex-voice of God in the soul. This principle," pediency; but upon that golden precept of Christ's, "of doing unto others as we would says he, "contained a moral revolution. It established absolute freedom of mind, treadthey should do unto us,"-a maxim that if faithfully acted would do away at once ing idolatry under foot, and entered the with all grounds of contention and warfare. strongest protest against the forms of a hierThe Quakers therefore as a body may be archy. It was the principle for which Socrates died, and Plato suffered; and now considered universal philanthropists; and in that Fox went forth to proclaim it among their Christian love and good will to all men. they are as much opposed to every measure with vehemence, and priests and professors, the people, he was resisted everywhere which is injurious to the free and just rights magistrates and people, swelled against him of man, as they are often the foremost sup like the raging waves of the porters of those devised for his good.


"The mission of G. Fox was no republican doctrine, disguised under the form of theology. It never interfered with the existing powers, whether

"" sea.

It is worthy of remark, that this storm of persecution should have raged most fiercely during the protectorate of Cromwell, a man who has the credit of resisting the influence

of priesthood and priestcraft when directed The following extracts will give some idea. against himself. We are especially told by of the treatment which this most sincere D'Aubigné, in his "History of the Reforma- and truly pious man was made to suffer, and tion," that "the rise of the plebeian sects, it will also exhibit his own character in its which swarmed in England, was encourag-true light.


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ed by the freedom of the popular government under the commonwealth." "The next morning he was summoned before this freedom could have been does not ap- the magistrates, to whom he gave further offence pear very obvious; imprisonment in dun- by declaring to them that the fruits of their priests' geons underground, and beneath other dun- preaching were void of Christianity, and that, though they were great professors, they were geons occupied by felons, and so arranged without the possession of that which they profess that the lower dungeon received all the ed. He was, upon this, committed to gaol as a filth from the upper one; pelting with stones heretic, a blasphemer, and a seducer;' and by orand rotten eggs in the pillory; beating with der of the magistrates, he was shut up among the holly-bushes; laceration with pitchforks; lowest class of felons, and the gaolers were enthreshing with long poles; these are feats, couraged to treat him with the greatest brutality, either performed by the executive or sanc-declaring to him that he should never come out tioned by the administrators of the common again but to be hanged; and so confident were his enemies in accomplishing his ruin and death, weal. George Fox, however, went on his that numbers visited him in prison as a condemned way whenever he was liberated, renewing person, who was shortly to be executed.”—p. 97. on all occasions his testimony against a "At Carlisle he suffered an illegal imprisonhireling ministry, payment of tithes, swear- ment for several months, and at the approaching ing, ceremonies, and forms; and preaching assizes his enemies made sure of leading him to his favorite doctrine of the divine light of the gallows; but, not being able to substantiate Christ in the soul of man. His sufferings any legal charge against him, he was never were renewed again and again, often with-brought up for trial. The high-sheriff, and a company of bitter Scotch priests, were so misled by out the slightest provocation, but sometimes their rancorous feelings, that they had him guardfrom his own intemperate zeal; intemperate, ed by three musqueteers to shoot him upon any because personal interference with the mode pretence of escape. For a time they would suffer of worship chosen by others is at all times no one to have access to him excepting themselves; of doubtful propriety, and in many instances they sometimes came into his cell as late as the concomitant circumstances render it per-ly rude and devilish; they were not fit to speak tenth hour, and their deportment was exceedingfectly unjustifiable. But Fox's day was of the thing of God, they were so foul-mouthed; one of all manner of religious excesses. and he grieved to think such people should call Baptists, Presbyterians, and Independents, themselves ministers of God; but the Lord, by were struggling for the mastery, and all his power, gave them dominion over them all, and striving to possess themselves of some of the let them see both their fruits and their spirits." emoluments of priestcraft. Wild, blood- During this confinement he was often cruelly beaten thirsty, and persecuting, all seemed to lose with a large cudgel, at the caprice of the undersight of the peaceful character of Christian- gaoler; who, entering his cell one day, fell upon ity, and to contend with a fury more allied him without the shadow of an excuse for such abominable cruelty, and beat him most furiously, to the ravings of madmen than the behaviour calling out all the time, as a pretext, Come out of of sincere disciples of a meek and peace the window, although George Fox was on the All these wrangling opposite side of the room to it. While he was so preaching master. Dissenters thought it an outward symbol of beaten, he was moved of the Lord to sing psalms, sanctity to wear their hair closely cropped; being filled with joy:' upon which the exaspe but Fox wore his very long, falling grace-rated gaoler brought in a fiddler to annoy him; but fully over his shoulders, a practice which while he played George Fox so overpowered him obtained generally among his followers, and by his singing, being moved by the everlasting power of the Lord God,' that they were struck from a passage in his journal it would ap- and confounded, and went away, leaving him to pear that he entertained some scruple the unmolested enjoyment of his heartfelt hymns against its being cut: he wished it to be of praise, and rejoicing that he was thus found understood that true religion did not con-worthy to suffer for the sake of his great Lord and sist in this outward mark, an observation Master, whose precepts he had thus far totally which would lead one to believe that he eschewed rather than aimed at a peculiar assumption of holiness in his appearance or apparel. His long hair gave additional offence to the " crop-ears, or "roundheads" heaven.'-Mait. v. 11, 12. of the day.

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and faithfully declared, without respect of persons. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake, Rejoice, and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in

"In this prison he became acquainted with

straw, which they burnt to purify the air. The smoke arising upon this occasion penetrated through the chinks of the floor above, and found its way into the chamber occupied by the under gaoler and some thieves, who immediately began to revenge themselves, by pouring down upon them through the chinks whatever they could obtain to annoy them, and make their condition still

with the foulest language. In this place they were sometimes left in want both of food and water, owing to the brutality of the gaoler and his wife; who often abused and beat those who brought them a few necessaries and comforts. The whole particulars of the infamous treatment to which they were subjected, from the misconduct of their unfeeling keepers, are too offensive for recital: and when such abuses no longer exist in our public goals are best left untold."--p. 131.

James Parnell, a youth of only sixteen years, but | brought them both a light and a few handfuls of remarkable for his early piety and religious life. He had been so struck with Fox's preaching and doctrine, that he frequently visited him while in bonds, eagerly seeking instruction; and the Lord quickly made him a powerful minister of the word of life, and many were turned to Christ by him.' Travelling soon after into Essex, as an acknowledged minister of the Quakers, he was imprisoned with many others in Colchester Castle, and sub-more deplorable; at the same time abusing them jected to the cruelty of a merciless gaoler, who was encouraged in his brutality by the magistrates themselves. At this time James Parnell was extremely debilitated by severe indisposition, and was confined in a place called the oven, a large hole in the wall, and so high from the ground that it was only accessible by a short ladder, and a rope, because the ladder was not sufficiently long. From this place he was constrained by the gaoler to come down every day for his food, refusing him the advantage of any assistance which his fellow prisoners would gladly have rendered him. Climbing up one day to this incommodious dormitory, with his day's provision in one hand, he missed his hold of the rope through weakness, and falling down was so much shaken, that he died very soon afterwards in consequence of his fall. After his death, his persecutors, to cover their own cruelty, wrote a book, stating that he fasted himself to death.' Thus he died a martyr to his religious convictions, about two years after he had joined the Quakers."-p. 98.

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During his confinement with those unfortunate and depraved characters, of both sexes, his sincere piety and kindly feeling united to his good exam ple, had a great effect upon the minds of his wretched companions; they treated him with respect, and several of them became sincere and true penitents, so powerfully and so feelingly had he laid open to them the profligacy of their evil courses." p. 100.

Cromwell, who was well acquainted with Fox, both personally and by reputation, was cognisant of all these proceedings; and it certainly seems to us a lasting stigma on his character that he allowed them. On one occasion, after a long interview, when Fox was about to leave, Cromwell seized him by the hand, and said, with tears in his eyes, "Come again to my house; for if thou and I were but an hour a day together we should be nearer one another ;" and he ordered that Fox should be conducted to the great hall, to dine with his gentlemen. This honor was, however, flatly refused by the unambitious Quaker: "Tell the Protector," said he, "that I will neither eat of his bread nor drink of his drink." When Cromwell "The assizes being now ended, and the prison- received the message he remarked-" Now ers refusing upon principle to pay a fine they con- I see there is a people arisen that I cannot sidered most illegal, since nothing had been proved win either with gifts, honors, offices, or against them to justify their apprehension,* much less their imprisonment, and judging from the places; but all other sects and people I malice of their enemies that they were not likely can." This anecdote and subsequent events to be liberated very soon, demanded a free prison, show the exhibition of friendly feeling toand told the gaoler they should discontinue to pay wards Fox to have been ostensible only; him for the hire of his room, for which they had for he never raised a finger to assist him or hitherto given him seven shillings a week each to do him justice when so foully ill-used; person, as well as seven shillings a week for each the anecdote exhibits also the talent of the of their horses. Upon this notification, the gaoler, Protector in correctly estimating the hollowwho was an abandoned character, and had been

twice branded with a hot iron as a thief (as wellness and mercenary spirit of his self-righteous as his wife and the under gaoler), shut them up followers. The following short quotations in a foul dungeon, called Doomsdale, which was show that Fox himself remonstrated with noisome and pestilential, on account of its being the Protector on the cruel oppression of his the common sewer of the prison, the floor of persecuted sect :which was so thick in mire, that it was over their shoes, and afforded no place where they could either sit or lie down. In this dreadful place they were denied by their exasperated keeper even a little straw or a light; but some kindly disposed people of the town hearing of their sad condition *They had been arrested for travelling and preaching by the way.


The travellers entering London by Hyde Park, met the Protector in his coach, attended by his life-guard, and surrounded by a great concourse of people. George Fox immediately rode up to the coach side, from whence he would have been repelled by the guards, had not Cromwell caught sight of him and beckoned him to approach. He

then rode by the coach side, and spoke to him, Declaring,' as he says, what the Lord gave me to say to him, of the condition and of the sufferings of Friends in the nation; showing him how contrary this persecution was to Christ and his Apostles, and to Christianity. At the park gate of St. James' they parted, and Cromwell invited him to come to his house."-p. 137.

"In the course of a few days he had an inter view with the Protector at Whitehall, accompanied by Edward Pyott. George Fox was very urgent on behalf of the Friends, stating how unjustly they were persecuted, and how great were their sufferings throughout his dominions, for conscience sake alone; he pleaded their right, in common with all peaceable subjects, to Cromwell's protection."-p. 137.

neither eat of his bread nor drink of his drink;" let the reader ask what was Fox's opinion, founded on dear-bought experience, of this sincere and straight-forward monarch. For what crime was Fox imprisoned? Alas! does not the termination of each imprisonment show? We have it recorded again and again-" At length he was freed without a trial, without a hearing, without a charge of any kind being brought against him." We doubt whether the annals of any nation under the sun can produce a match for the unrighteous persecutions borne for conscience' sake under that liberal government, the Commonwealth of Eng"A report was also spread of his (Cromwell's) land. Immediately before Cromwell's death intention to assume the crown. George Fox went Fox had a final interview with him, in the to him and warned him against accepting it, and also of other dangers, such as his suffering the in-capacity of intercessor for the sect which he nocent to be oppressed by the unjust, and that if he did not put a stop to this evil, he would bring shame and ruin upon himself and his posterity. Cromwell appeared to take his advice very well," &c.-p. 163.

"Appeared to take his advice very well;" but his course remained unaltered. The priests of all denominations, and the rabble whom they incited, continued their persecutions procured the arrest and ill-usage of Fox and all the leaders of his sect; and Cromwell remained as before a passive if not approving spectator.

Since the publication of Mr. Carlyle's very able "Life of Cromwell" it has become rather a fashion to suppose that powerful man greatly injured by the charge of hypocrisy formerly preferred against him, and to hold him up as a pattern of straight-forwardness and sincerity. Now, the elements of straight-forwardness and sincerity do not appear to us to consist in conduct like that of Cromwell, a sovereign prince, towards Fox, a peaceful and inoffensive subject. Sincerity does not, in our view, consist in wringing a man's hand, and, with tears in one's eyes, begging him to come again, when he had just permitted him to suffer the grossest indignities; neither in providing sumptuous dinners for him one day, and seeing him cast into a loathsome dungeon the next without raising so much as a finger to assist him. And be it recollected that dungeons and fair words were continually alternated with some regularity, not merely on one occasion, but times and oft; and the ruler knew the sterling worth of his subject, and lamented that he was not to be bought with a bribe. Let the reader repeat, again and again, Fox's answer to this powerful and crafty potentate-"Tell the Protector I will

had founded.

What impression he made is unknown; for the Protector's days were numbered-he was on the eve of that summons which the weak and the powerful alike obey. We give our author's brief account of the meeting :

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George Fox went again to see the Protector, to act with justice and impartiality to all his subto try once more how far he could influence him jects, and thus put a stop to the sufferings of the injured Friends, who were now unjustly deprived of the liberties and privileges secured to all freemen by the great charter of England. He had often before warned him of his unjust neglect of this portion of his unoffending and innocent subfusing any interference on their behalf, God would jects, and had told him, that if he persisted in resoon rend the power out of his hands; and that a day of reverse and thick darkness was coming over those high professions, even a day of darkness that should be felt.' Cromwell was at Hampton Court. George Fox says, I met him riding in the park, and before I came to him, as he waft (or apparition) of death go forth against him; rode at the head of his life-guard, I saw and felt a and when I came to him he looked like a dead man. After I had laid the sufferings of Friends before him, and had warned him, according as I was moved to speak to him, he bid me come to his house. So I returned to Kingston; and the next day went up to Hampton Court, to speak further with him. But when I came he was sick; and one Harvey, who waited on him, told me the doctors were not willing that I should speak to him. So I passed away, and never saw him more.'". p. 168.

After the Restoration the persecution of the Quakers still continued; but, as before, it appears to have proceeded entirely from the Roundheads, especially those who had turned renegades to their old faith, and put on the more fashionable religion established by law, in order to conciliate those in power,

and obtain a share of the temporalities of the church.

character they had represented him to be, they liberated him upon his parole, to appear of his own accord, and deliver up his own accusation

before the proper authorities in London; by this own proceedings, and the falsity of their charges act tacitly acknowledging the injustice of their against him; because, if they had been true only in part, nothing could justify their setting such a person at large upon parole. Thus he left Lancaster Castle, without the payment of a single fee, travelled at his leisure, visited his friends, and held many great meetings on his journey; committing had been imprisoned, and in which offences his over and over again the very offences for which he persecutors now silently acquiesced, since, by liberating him upon his bare word to surrender himself, they consented to that which they well knew would be his only line of conduct.

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Fox was arrested at Swarthmore, on a charge of "having great meetings up and down," and was kept a close prisoner in the "Dark House" in Lancaster Castle. He was committed by one Porter, a violent and bitter Roundhead, but one who had just renegaded to the faith now uppermost. While in Lancaster Castle numbers of rude people were admitted to see him, merely for the purpose of abusing and insulting him. "One time," he says, "there came two young priests, and very abusive they were; the worst of people could not be worse." ." But perhaps the climax of abuse came from a woman whom he terms "old Justice Upon his arrival in London he found a great Preston's wife, of Howker Hall." She concourse of people assembled at Charing Cross, told him his tongue should be cut out, and to witness the burning of the bowels of the late that he should be hanged; at the same time quartered. The next day he went before the Lord king's judges, who had been hanged, drawn, and showing him a gallows, which we may ima-Chief Justice Foster, and Judge Mallett, and pregine she had brought in her pocket in order senting them his own accusation, they read it to illustrate and point her invective. Hav- through till they came to the words, that he and ing applied for a copy of his mittimus, it was his friends were embroiling the nation in blood,' refused him; but he appears to have gained &c. Upon which they struck their hands upon a knowledge of its contents by two of his the table. George Fox told them, I am the man fellow-professors, who had perused it. whom that charge is against, but I am as innocent owed his liberation on this occasion to the brought it up myself; and some of my friends of any such thing as a new-born child, and had intercession of Margaret Fell, the lady at came with me, without any guard.' They then whose house he was staying, and whom he observed that he stood with his hat on, and said afterwards married. This excellent person to him, What, do you stand with your hat on!' went up to London, and appealed personally He replied, that he did not stand so in any conto the king on behalf of her ill-used friend. tempt of them.' In consequence of the King's She met with a most gracious reception; Will you appear to-morrow, about ten o'clock, Bench prison being full, Judge Foster asked him, and the application resulted in the liberation at the King's Bench bar in Westminster Hall? of Fox. There is in the narrative matter of He said, Yes, if the Lord give me strength.' the highest interest. Then Judge Foster remarked to the other Judge, If he says, yes, and promises it, you may take his word; and then he was dismissed. The next. morning, he says, I was brought into the middle of the court; and as soon as I came in I was moved to look about, and, turning to the people, said, Peace be among you;' and the power of the Lord sprung over the court. The charge against me was then read openly. The people were moderate, and the judges cool and loving; and the Lord's mercy was to them.


"Reverting to Margaret Fell's application to the king, it appeared from the nature of his commitment that the king could not release him; he therefore ordered a writ of habeas corpus to be is sued for his removal to London, in order that his case might be referred to the judges. The trouble now was how to get him removed to town; for if he was only sent under the care of two bailiffs, the charge would be considerable; but to send him under the guard of a troop of horse was quite out of the question; therefore, to save their pockets, the magistrates told him, that if he would put in bail that he would be in London by such a day of term, he might go up with some of his friends.' George Fox told them, he would neither put in bail, nor give one piece of silver to the gaoler, for he was an innocent man, upon whom they had Jaid a false charge, and imprisoned wrongfully. Nevertheless, if they would let him go up with one or two of his friends, he would be in London such a day, if the Lord should permit, and would carry up the charge against himself. So inconsistent was the conduct of his persecutors, that, to save themselves the charge of conveying him up to town under an escort, suitable for the dangerous

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"But when they came to that part which said that I and my friends were embroiling the nation in blood, and raising a new war, that I was an enemy to the king, &c.,' they lifted up their hands. Then stretching out my arms, I said, 'I am the man whom that charge is against, but I am as innocent as a child concerning the charge, and have never learned any war-postures; and do ye think, that if I and my friends had been such men as the charge declares, that I would have brought it up myself against myself? or that I should have been suffered to come up with only one or two of my friends with me? Had I been such a man as this charge sets forth, I had need to have been guarded up with a troop or two of horse!' Then

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