
From Fraser's Magazine,



CHARTLEY, like the early renown of the But, before I enter upon these details of Ferrers family, is now no more. Adjoin- horror, let me give a slight review of those ing the parish of Stone, in Staffordshire, members of the Shirley family who have it stood formerly in an extensive park, and shed just lustre on their name. To Sir possessed all the attributes of a strong ba- Thomas Shirley, the first baronet of his ronial abode in the middle ages. Built house, the public owe three distinct MS. round a court, and embattled at the top, it histories of the Shirley family, which are was enriched along the sides with curious preserved in the British Museum. But the specimens of carved wood. The arms of three brothers, celebrated as the three Shirthe Devereux and Ferrerses were conspicu- leys, were the scions of that branch of the ous there, and over the gateway was a head family which settled in Sussex. The little in profile, surmounted with a crown. There work entitled Travels of Sir Robert, Sir was a moat, likewise, of which the remains Thomas, and Sir Anthony Shirley, has still show the original dimensions of the more the character of romance than truth. pile; but this pile itself was consumed by These gentlemen flourished in the sixteenth fire in 1781. Chartley had, however, its century, and their adventures were celedays of dignity; for the godly Earl of brated in an indifferent tragedy, entitled, Chester held his court here so early as the The Three English Brothers; but, as Fulthirteenth century, and Mary, Queen of ler remarks, "the affidavit of a poet carScots, passed a portion of her captivity rieth but a small credit in the court of under the dark shadow of its roof. history."

And now let your chronicler connect the Chartley came into the possession of the Ferrers family with this ill-starred struc- Shirleys from the Devereux family, after ture, and show upon what grounds the the death of the last Earl of Essex of that Chartley Ferrerses merit a more particular name. It was not, however, at any time, notice than others of their name and house. the principal residence of the family; for The surname of this noble race is Shir- they owned, likewise, the estate of Staunley. Their relation to Chartley originated ton Harold, in Leicestershire, and having not in any kindred with that Earl of Fer-improved and ornamented it at a large exrers who, after the death of the founder, penditure of money, they naturally set up possessed the castle; nor was it till the their abode there, visiting Chartley but at time of Charles II. that Chartley came into intervals. their possession.

At his beautiful seat in Leicestershire, Of Saxon descent (Sewallis of Etingdon lived Laurence, the fourth Earl Ferrers. was the head of their line), their chief seat No one has disputed either the acquirelay in Warwickshire; whence, in process ments or the natural abilities of this unhapof time, they stretched themselves out in py peer; but he seems to have been cursed various directions. They eminently dis- with violent passions, which he made no eftinguished themselves in the reign of Ed-fort to subdue, and which were quite unfetward III. In the reign of James I., Sir tered by any of those gentler affections Henry Shirley aspired to the hand of the which sometimes supply the place of a sense daughter of Robert Devereux, Earl of Es- of duty. sex, and obtained it. The great civil war bowed them down for a season; but, under Charles II., they revived, and became, at length, ennobled, with the title of Lord Ferrers of Chartley.

Such were the destinies of this race, till, in modern times, a stain was affixed on its reputation, and a tragedy, dark as ever lover of romance coveted, sullied its bright honor.

Laurence succeeded his uncle, Henry, third Earl Ferrers, under very peculiar circumstances. The latter had been long a lunatic, and being placed, by the authority of a statute of lunacy, in confinement, he died, after a short lucid interval, insane. The Lady Barbara Shirley, aunt to Earl Laurence, had also died insane. These facts were urged as sufficiently accounting for his savage character; but, perhaps, its

growth may be as justly traced back to his making in early life what was then called the grand tour; during which he contracted a habit of drinking, and became more than commonly imbued with the vices which were then too common among the younger portion of our aristocracy.

Lady Ferrers thus became free; but although she had endured every possible variety of cruelty, her lord felt deeply their separation,-perhaps from shame-perhaps from some lingering admiration of his injured wife-perhaps from the annoyance of that triumph which virtue had acquired over vice. The Earl now grew evidently worse; he was often absent from Staunton Harold, and preferred living in lodgings at Muswell Hill, frequently boarding at a small public-house kept by a Mrs. Williams. His temper became so furious, that, in the company of his equals, he could not restrain it; and when on a visit to Lord Westmoreland, he quarrelled with Sir Thomas Stapleton, and purposed advertising that gentleman in all the newspapers as a coward if he did not give him satisfaction. In short, his conduct became so outrageous, that a consultation was held by

In 1752, Lord Ferrers married; the unhappy object of his choice was Mary, the sister of Sir William Meredith. Gentle and timid, this lady soon experienced the most brutal treatment from her husband. Violent fits of passion were, perhaps, scarcely so intolerable as the direful suspicion of every connexion, the endless and bitter jealousies by which those storms of fury were fed, like a turbid stream from a foul source. Nor could anything be more revolting to a young and refined woman than the Earl's ordinary demeanor. Wine, in which he habitually indulged to excess, infuriated him to what appeared madness. His his friends as to the expediency of taking calmer moments were diversified by making out a commission of lunacy against him; mouths in the looking-glass, and spitting but they were deterred from that step by upon it; or grinning, clenching his fists, considering that his intervals of sanity were walking up and down the room, biting his long, and that his lordship might avenge lips, and tearing the pictures. These were himself by suing them for scandalum magthe amusements of his sober hours; and natum; and thus he was left to pursue his even in these tranquil moments violent and own unhallowed course. His excesses were causeless bursts of passion would shake the the amusement of the low, the horror of fortitude of the stoutest of his companions. his equals. One day he rescued his horse Sometimes at table fierce attacks and bitter from the stables of his friend Mrs. Wilrailings broke up all peace. One day he liams, the publican, striking the poor wofollowed his brother, Mr. Walter Shirley, man down to the ground first. Next, he up stairs, and planting himself with his might be seen, in the company of the lowback to the fire, in the presence of the la- est characters, breaking poor Mrs. Wildies, broke out into insulting and violent liams's glasses, and threatening to strangle language, without, apparently, the slightest her if she opposed him. Sometimes he laprovocation. To these vehement passions mented these fits of lunacy, as he called there was not the alleviation of a generous them, and cautioned others not to be afand feeling temper, such as often accompanies a disposition of the kind. Lord Ferrers was wholly devoid of honor; remorse was unknown to him: he lived only for himself, and tyrannised over all around him. His younger brothers and sisters could not obtain from him the fortunes left to them, without lawsuits, and hence he was continually at warfare with these, his nearest connexions. His lady, however, was by far the greatest sufferer, and at length her forbearance was exhausted. She appealed to the law for redress, and obtained a divorce by Act of Parliament; and by the same act it was ordered, that a receiver of the rents accruing from Lord Ferrers' estates should be appointed, and should apply those rents as the Act directed. That receiver was his victim, Johnson.

fronted at his behavior. But, during all this time, he conducted his affairs with the greatest exactness and penetration; and those who had to deal with his lordship soon found out that it would require more than ordinary skill to deceive him. It was stated on his trial by the Earl's attorney, that he suffered the ill-fated peer to perform several legal acts which were necessary to cut off an entail, and this he would not have permitted had he not been convinced of the Earl's sanity. From this singular case some conclusions relative to the different degrees of madness have been deduced; but it has been admitted, even by those who were disposed to excuse Earl Ferrers, that his was not that species of insanity which may relieve an individual from responsibility, because it prevents him

from distinguishing between right and wrong.

The act being passed which compelled the appointment of a receiver to his estates, Lord Ferrers was permitted to select the person in whom that trust should be reposed. He chose Mr. James Johnson, who was his steward, and who had been reared in the service of his lordship's family. This selection was made under an impression that Johnson would be disposed to favor Lord Ferrers, and to betray his trust; but that notion was soon set aside by the integrity of Johnson, who refused to oblige his patron at the expense of his honesty. Upon this, Lord Ferrers formed as deep-laid a scheme as ever entered into the head of the children of evil. His first endeavor was to eject Johnson from a farm which he had been permitted to rent by a verbal promise from the earl. This promise had been given before Johnson was appointed receiver, but it had since been confirmed by the earl's trustees. Johnson could not, therefore, be ejected. He would have done wisely to yield the point, but the poor victim foresaw not his doom. He knew, indeed, that the greatest hatred of him had taken possession of the earl's heart, who brought all manner of charges against him; but the brink of the precipice on which poor Johnson stood was now besprinkled with flowers. The earl changed his behavior towards him. He began to dissemble; he smiled on the victim whom he intended to destroy; he became affable and good-humored. It is wonderful that Johnson, knowing his patron from childhood, should have been deceived, but so it was. One day—it was on Sunday, the 13th of January, 1760,-Lord Ferrers made an appointment with his steward to come to him on the Friday following. A calm interval of four or five days intervened; it was passed by Lord Ferrers in maturing his scheme. Beneath the roof of Staunton Harold lived a certain Mrs. Clifford, whose connexion with Lord Ferrers was notorious, and who had borne him four children. It is remarkable, that he wished either to save this woman from any participation in his offence, or that he dreaded her interference. He, therefore, desired her to absent herself at a certain hour on the day of his appointment with Johnson, and to take her children with her; and accordingly they walked over to her father's house, two miles distant from Staunton Harold. The two men servants in his lordship's service were also sent out;

so that three women servants alone remained in the house at Staunton Harold. The hour specified was noted down in Lord Ferrers' memory: it was three o'clock, and punctually at that hour the victim arrived.

The unfortunate man was received at the door by Lord Ferrers, and was directed to wait in the still-room. After a time, his lordship ordered Johnson into the parlor, and they entered it together, upon which the door was closed and locked. What then happened was afterwards made known by Lord Ferrers' confession. One of the maid-servants, it is true, hearing some high words, went to the door of the parlor to listen. She heard his lordship say, "Down on your knees, Johnson! your time is come! You must die!" Then there was the report of a pistol, and the affrighted woman fled to a different part of the house. Lord Ferrers, in his confession, declared, that he said to his steward, "Johnson, you have been a villain; if you don't sign a paper, confessing all your villany, I will shoot you!" Johnson refused to sign. Then Lord Ferrers fired. The pistol was a good one, for it had already been tried, and had carried its ball through a board. The aim was certain, and the ball penetrated into the steward's body. He did not, however, drop; he rose, and was able to walk.

As Lord Ferrers looked upon his victim, a momentary pang of compassion softened his terrible heart: he quitted the room, and went to seek assistance; and having found one of the maid-servants, he ordered her to return with him, and to assist Johnson upstairs to bed. When she had reached the parlor, the woman heard Lord Ferrers ask the murdered man how he was? lord," replied the steward, "I am a dying man--send for my children!"


That request was complied with: his daughter came. She was conducted by Lord Ferrers himself to the room where her father lay, and told by his lordship that he had shot him, and had intended to do so. Then, as he stood in the presence of the fainting man, his rage returned; he attempted to pull off the bed-clothes, but was prevented by the daughter, who, perhaps, anticipated a further revenge, a fresh act of barbarity; and too just were her fears.

A surgeon named Kirkland was sent for by Lord Ferrers, from Ashby-de-la-Zouche. This person did not, however, proceed immediately to the Hall, but called at the Lount, Johnson's house, where he found Lord Ferrers lurking about. He went to

him the earl desired he would come on,peration. A fearful scene ensued. At first, and attend to Johnson, as he had shot him. Lord Ferrers spoke temperately, merely While they walked to the Hall, he told the insisting that the steward should own that surgeon that if anybody attempted to seize he had "been a villain to him." The him he would shoot him; and he was as-wounded man only answered by requesting sured that Mr. Kirkland would not suffer that his lordship would let him alone at his lordship to be seized, since Johnson was that time. Lord Ferrers, upon this, in fury, not dead. At this time, the British peer, attempted to pull off the bed-clothes, and far more to be commiserated than the it was feared he would have struck Johnsteward who lay in agonies, was partially son, had not the poor man, prompted by intoxicated; and, under that influence, he the surgeon, defenceless and wounded, at confessed his premeditated guilt, and de- last faltered out," that he owned he was a clared that if Johnson died, he would volun- villain." Lord Ferrers then left the room, tarily surrender himself to the House of and the murdered and the murderer met no Lords. The surgeon, alarmed at his threat- more on this side of the grave. ened violence, or softened by his fears, adopted a soothing plan, which prevented further violence, and effectually kept the fated murderer within the reach of justice. Mr. Kirkland found Johnson in extreme anguish. There seemed no possibility of extracting the ball, which had entered the abdomen; but the earl was assured, that even were a serious injury done to that vital part, there was a chance of recovery. Lord Ferrers then expressed his opinion, that Johnson was more 66 frightened than hurt." "I intended," he said, " to have shot him dead, but finding that he did not fall at the first shot, I was going to fire a second, only the pain he complained of made me forbear. Then nature prevailed over the resolution I had formed. I desire you will take care of him, for it would be cruel not to give him ease now I have spared his life!" A strange mode of expression. Yet Lord Ferrers repeatedly declared that he did not repent of his act-" for Johnson is a villain, and deserves death."

The sorrowing daughter stood trembling all this time by the bedside of her father. What a sight! When Lord Ferrers retired to bed, measures were taken to remove his victim from Staunton Harold. The sufferer entreated, "that, for God's sake, they would take him away." As they conferred, the voice of the murderer, calling to his pointer, alarmed them; but Lord Ferrers closed his bedroom door, and all was silent. Then, in the dead of night, Johnson was conveyed to his home-to die. He was conveyed in an easy chair, borne by stout country fellows, on poles. This removal was, no doubt, fatal to Johnson; but there was no alternative, for his nerves were weak, and it was believed, that had he remained at Staunton Harold he would have died of fear; even in his own house he begged to change his room, lest Lord Ferrers might find out where he was, and shoot at him through the window. He was gratified; but the deed was done-Johnson was then sinking, his extremities were cold, and at nine o'clock the next morning he expired.

Mr. Johnson appeared to revive, and the earl and the surgeon went down to supper It remained to apprehend the murderer. together. The repast was presided over by On the following day a multitude thronged Mrs. Clifford. Wine was brought, and round the parties in authority, and proceeddrunk freely; but the conversation, in spite ed to the Hall. They soon perceived Lord of every effort on the part of Lord Ferrers Ferrers going to the stable, his dress in great to appear unconcerned, perpetually reverted disorder. He stopped short, and asked what to Johnson. He told the surgeon, that a they wanted. The mission was disclosed, bill due to him should be discharged in and the earl instantly fled into the house. part, if he would set the affair in such a Two hours afterwards he appeared at a garlight that he should not be seized. Mr. ret window. He called to a man named Kirkland still maintained his prudent de- Springthorpe, who headed the party, and meanor, and replied, "that he did not asked how Johnson was? He was told that want money, and that his lordship could the steward was dead. At first, he pretendsettle his account whenever it suited him." ed not to believe it: afterwards, he said he Late at night the surgeon, accompanied by should surrender; yet he again disappeared, Lord Ferrers, went again to see Johnson. but was taken two hours afterwards by a By this time the nobleman was inflamed man named Curtis, a collier. Lord Ferrers with wine, and the presence of the man then made a formidable appearance. He whom he hated produced the utmost exas-had taken advantage of the interval to arm

himself with a blunderbuss, two or three pistols, and a dagger; but Curtis, far from being intimidated, made up to the carl, and so overpowered him by an air of strong determination, that he suffered himself to be seized without the slightest resistance. The moment afterwards he exclaimed, "that he had killed a villain, and that he gloried in it."

Lord Ferrers was conveyed first to Ashbyde-la-Zouche, where he awaited the verdict of the coroner's jury. He was then committed to Leicester jail, and thence taken in his own landau and four, under a strong guard, to the Tower.

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peers, with one accord, rose up, and turned their backs upon the wretched prisoner-so relates Horace Walpole-and, when the question was put, not a dissentient voice was heard in that solemn assembly; the words, "Guilty upon my honor," resounded from mouth to mouth, reverberating through the crowded house, and listened to in breathless silence.

On the following day Lord Ferrers received judgment. A brief, manly address from the criminal, closed this remarkable scene. He regretted that he had troubled their lordships with a defence to which he was always averse-that of insanity. He thanked their lordships for their "fair and candid trial;" and requested a respite, which was afterwards granted.

During that solemn interval, Lord Ferrers made a will, in which he left 1300l. to Mr. Johnson's family, 601. a year to Mrs. Clifford, and 1000l. to each of his natural children. This will being made after his conviction, was not valid; but, by the good feeling of his successors, it was carried into effect.

On the 16th of April he was brought to his trial, which lasted two days. He conducted his defence himself, and committed a fatal error in so doing; for his sole chance of escape from the judgment of the law rested on the popular belief of his insanity. His acuteness, his presence of mind, his clear memory, his pertinent questions, completely refuted this notion. His unhappy brothers did their best to save him from an ignominious death upon this presumption. Horace Walpole, who was present at the Whilst the earl was thus evincing in some trial, feelingly remarks," It was affecting measure his penitence, the famous Whiteto see his family come forward to prove in- field visited him, and endeavored to consanity in blood, in order to save him." To vert him. He found him courteous, but inthe earl's credit, he entered into this at- flexibly deaf to religious subjects, a state tempt with reluctance, and remarked with of mind which Whitefield, or, as Horace a delicacy and sensibility for which few Walpole calls him, "that impertinent felcould have given him credit upon the situa-low," described in his sermons as a "heart tion to which he was reduced, on being of stone." obliged to prove himself a lunatic that he might not be deemed a murderer." When he found that the plea could not save him, he confessed that he had availed himself of it only to gratify his friends, and that be believed it had been prejudicial to his cause. The lord high steward, in passing sentence, remarked, "that the prisoner had appeared almost ashamed to take refuge under a pretended insanity; but that he had displayed, in all his cross-examinations of the witnesses, the exactness of a memory more than ordinarily sound."

But the last sad scene now approached. Tyburn was then in all its sombre glory; and thither, to undergo the punishment of hanging, Lord Ferrers was to be conveyed. A scaffold was erected there, and was covered with black cloth.

The attire in which Lord Ferrers dressed himself for this, the last act of his wretched life, seems to imply great singularity, if it be not characteristic of absolute insanity. Instead of assuming a decorous mourning, he appeared in a suit of a light color, embroidered gaily with silver. This was said During the progress of the trial, the sym- to have been his wedding dress. "You pathies of the lords had been awakened to may think it strange, sir," said the peer to the situation of the noble prisoner. His the sheriff, who attended him, to see me calmness, his clearness and ability, were ex-in this dress, but I have a particular reason torting admiration, until, as the evidence for it." The procession then set out amid proceeded, his determined, fierce revenge the gaze of thousands, to whom that day was manifested; and when it was shown was a holiday. Lord Ferrers, by his own that he had endeavored to pull the bed request, went to his doom in his landau and clothes off his agonized victim with a view four, escorted by horse-guards. A mournto tearing the bandages from his wound, the ing coach and six, containing a party of his VOL. XII. No. IV.


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