
REMARKABLE TENACITY OF LIFE.-A singular cir- | plation of the sorrow which has been sapping her cumstance has arisen out of the late fire in Market very existence. She has undertaken a work suited street. A favorite tortoiseshell cat, the property of to the gravity of her intellect, and well calculated Richard Greenhills, the porter at Messrs. Gunliffe to employ the fruits of the study and meditation to & Brooke's bank, who occupied a room in the top which she has devoted herself for the last five years. story, was supposed to have been destroyed in the It is a history of the philosophy of the middle ages; conflagration. Pussy was in this room at tea time and those who have been admitted to her intimacy on the night of the fire, and, subsequently, when it speak in the highest terms of the deep research and was nearly filled with flames, she was observed to powerful thinking displayed in its execution. It is run about the apartment, as if wild, for a moment, in occupations of this nature, diversified by the and then to make a spring in the direction of the superintendence of the education of her children, fire-place. Not a doubt was felt that she had per- that the Royal widow passes the whole of her days, ished, but neither her life nor troubles were yet at seeming not to have moved with time in his proan end. Directly underneath the apartment ingress, since the hour when the blow which bereft which she had been last seen, but on the basement her of hope and happiness fell like a thunderbolt story, and consequently the sixth from the top, was and crushed her as if to rise no more. Her favorite a part of the cellaring occupied by Mr. Wood, ale boudoir at the Tuileries, and from which she and porter dealer, and in this cellar was a boiler rarely stirs save to pay her evening visit to the used for heating water for the washing of bottles, Queen, is an exact counterpart of the one allotted which boiler, notwithstanding that the whole of the to her use at the country palace of Ludwigslust, five stories above fell or were pulled down, was not where she passed her happy childhood, and where much damaged. On Monday Mr. Wood's son en- she first received the intimation that the choice of deavored to make a fire in the furnace under- the Prince Royal of France had fallen upon her. neath the boiler; but though he put a quantity of The small organ placed beneath the magnificent lighted paper in, could not get it to burn, there being portrait of the late Duke, by Ingres, is the very one no draught of air whatever. On Wednesday upon which she was playing a symphony by Sebasmorning the porter's attention was attracted again tian Bach when her brother entered with joyous to the obstacle in the flue, and, putting up his hand, countenance to announce the news. Sometimes at drew forth by the tail the poor cat, but so begrimed twilight the promenaders in the garden can hear with soot as totally to conceal its color, and so the sound of that organ, and the notes of that very much emaciated from want of food as to be scarcely symphony as they come through the open window able to stand. It was taken in the man's apron to like harmony from heaven. To those who know the porter at the bank in King-street, where the com- the tale it seems the sad requiem of the good and pany had removed to. He at once recognised his brave, the evening prayer for his repose. I have old favorite, and she, on hearing his voice, was not myself seen among the fair listeners many a bright slow to give tokens of recognition on her part. On eye dimmed with tears ere the strain was concluded. some nourishing diet being given to her she soon The Duchess touches the organ with a master recovered, and, except being still very thin, appears hand, and is remarkable for the one great excellence little the worse for the danger and privation she of doing all things well which are worthy of being has undergone. The fire occurred on the night of well done.-Paris Correspondent of the Atlas. the 11th inst., so that a period of thirteen and a half days, or 324 hours, elapsed from the time she was STATUE OF HUSKISSON.-The statue of this missed until she was discovered.-Manchester Ex-eminent statesman has at length found a resting


A ROYAL WIDOW.--There has been some little amendment of late in the health of the Duchess of Orleans, and the joy to which the event has given rise has been some compensation to the Royal circle for all the tribulations and vexations from without. It is said that she has, at length, found a new interest in life to divert her mind from the morbid contem

place. Workmen are now employed in digging the foundation for the monument on the area of the north side of the custom-house, immediately oppo site South Castle-street, Liverpool. A more appro priate site could not, we think, have been chosen, being in the centre of our commercial transactions, and one of the greatest thoroughfares in the town. The statue, we believe, is a metal cast of the mar ble one by Gibson. The position of the figure is

well suited for an open-air monument, having all the lines boldly and well defined. The left hand of the statesman is resting on his right breast, which is left bare by the drapery thrown over the left shoulder. The right hand is placed upon the right hip. The head of the figure is left bare. The figure, which is nine feet six inches high, will stand upon a base and pedestal composed of granite nine feet high.-Liverpool Mercury.

being books originally produced in the United
Kingdom, 15s. per. cwt. On prints and drawings,
plain or colored, published within the said states,
single, each one halfpenny; bound or sewn, the
dozen, three halfpence duty.

ORIGIN OF THE HOUSE OF RUSSELL.-John Russell, a plain gentleman residing near Bridport, county of Dorset, obtained a favorable introduction to court by a piece of good fortune. The Archduke THE COURAGE OF INNOCENCE.-At the Central Philip of Austria, having encountered a violent Criminal Court, John King was tried for delivering hurricane in his passage from Flanders to Spain, to Miss Eliza Lynn a letter demanding money, with was driven into Weymouth, where he landed, and menaces. Miss Lynn, on entering the reading- was hospitably received by Sir Thomas Trenchroom of the British Museum, on the 11th inst., ard, a gentleman of the neighborhood. Sir Thomas was presented with a letter by King, an assistant in apprised the court of the circumstance, and in the department; the letter threatened, that unless 57. the interim, while waiting for instructions what were left with King for "a poor family," the writer course to follow, he invited his cousin, Mr. Russell, would divulge certain scandalous statements against to wait upon the Prince. Mr. Russell proved so the young lady, at the nature of which he hinted. agreeable a companion, that the archduke desired Miss Lynn at once placed the letter in the hands of him to accompany him to Windsor. He was there the authorities of the Museum. For the defence, presented to the King, Henry VII., who, likewise, Mr. Ballantine admitted that the accusations in the was so well pleased with Mr. Russell, that he reletter were utterly false; but contended, that the tained him as one of the gentlemen of the privy authorship of the letter had not been proved against chamber. Being subsequently a companion of the him, and that the insinuations were not bad enough Prince, he so far ingratiated himself into young to constitute the degree of intimidation contemplated Tudor's favor, that he got elevated to the peerage, by the highly penal statute under which King was under the title of Baron Russell, of Cheyneys. In indicted. The jury immediately convicted the the next year, 1540, when the Church lands were prisoner. The recorder commented on the base and seized, Henry gave his favorite the abbey of Tavisunmanly nature of the offence; and highly compli- tock, with the extensive possessions belonging mented the courage shown by the young lady in thereto. In the next reign, Russell's star being still repelling the charge: the same virtuous mind in the ascendant, young Edward, not sixteen, gave which would have made her revolt from the conduct him the monastery of Woburn. In Charles the falsely imputed to her, supplied her with the cour-Second's time, William, the fifth Earl, was made age of innocence; and he had no doubt that many women would be protected from similar injuries by the example which the case afforded. He sentenced King to be transported for seven years.

MONUMENT TO CRABBE.-A very interesting and elegant memorial was placed in Aldborough Church last week. It is a statuary marble bust, rather larger than life, on a graceful plinth of marble, upon which is sculptured an unstrung lyre of antique model, and beneath appears the following inscription:-"To the Memory of George Crabbe, the Poet of Nature andTruth, this Monument is erected, by those who are desirous to record their admiration of his genius, in the place of his birth. Born December 24th, 1754. Died January 29th, 1832." This tribute to the memory of one of the most original and truthful of our poets was executed by Mr. Thurlow, jun., of Saxmundham.- Bury Post.

INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT.-In the Gazette of Tuesday, it is ordered, that the authors, inventors, designers, &c., of any books, prints, sculptures, dramatic works, musical compositions, and other works of literature and the fine arts (in which the laws of Great Britain give any privilege of copyright to British subjects), first published within the dominions of the states forming the Thuringian Union, shall, after the 15th day of July last, have the privilege of copyright therein, in the same manner and for the same period as is enjoyed by British subjects, throughout Great Britain, subject to the same proviso as to registration. The same Gazette also contains an order in council, dated the 10th of August, 1847, by which the duty on books originally produced in the United Kingdom, and republished at any place within the dominions of the said states, is declared to be 21. 10s. per cwt., on books published or republished at any place within the states, not

Duke of Bedford.-From The Right of the Aristo-
cracy to the Soil considered-a clever and outspoken

what singular circumstance occurred in connexion

with the recent visit of Prince Waldemar of Prus-
sia to Earl Fitzwilliam, at Wentworth-house. His
Count Brisla, Count Groeben, and Baron Lauir,
Royal Highness, with his suite, among whom were
arrived at the Wortley station on the Manchester,
Sheffield, and Lincolnshire railway, by the train
which reaches there about 12 o'clock; and being anx-
ious to proceed at once to Wentworth, he endeavor-
ed to obtain post-horses to attach to the travelling-
carriages in which they had arrived at the station.
The officials at the station, being unacquainted with
the distinguished rank of their passengers, after
making some inquiry, reported that post-horses
I could not be obtained in the neighborhood, and that
the only means of conveyance available, was a
spring-cart belonging to a neighboring farmer. His
Royal Highness and suite availed themselves of this
vehicle, in which they arrived safely at Wentworth-
house. The adventure did not end here. A carriage
and four, with outriders, had been despatched to meet
his Royal Highness, who was not expected to ar-
rive by so early a train. The two vehicles passed
each other on the road without any recognition
taking place, no one in his Royal Highness's suite
knowing the carriage of Earl Fitzwilliam, and his
lordship's servants not expecting to meet a Prince
and his suite travelling in a farmer's market-cart.-
Sheffield Independent.

manufacture of watches, musical boxes, and jewel-
lery, is that to which Geneva owes its present pros-
perity. Upwards of fifty workshops devoted to
watchmaking, and seventy to the jeweller's trade,

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are kept in constant employment; and it has been calculated that in good years 75,000 ounces of gold, five thousand marks of silver, and precious stones to the value of a million of francs, are used in them. One hundred thousand watches are said to be now annually manufactured in Geneva.

their removal from Trafalgar-square. We observed several great improvements as the result of his labors, especially in the clump of trees introduced behind the head of the monk in the last picture of the series, and also in the general tone of color and finish in the largest picture. They form an intellectual treat, now that they can be viewed alone and away from the distraction and glare of the academy walls. In color they are rich and powerful in the extreme, the subject sublime and elevating; they are noble works, of the highest order of art, and worthy of the mind of the greatest painter of the age and country. None but a great master like Etty could have embraced so large a subject, or treated it with such grandeur and success. The pictures are about to be exhibited at Liverpool, and other large towns, and also at Paris and on the continent, and will afterwards be engraved. We are glad to find that they have fallen into the hands of enterprising men, and that the public will have the opportunity of seeing them, for they are works of art of which the age and country may be proud.

THE ROSSE TELESCOPE.-The capacity of this instrument is wonderful. Such is its power, that if a star of the first magnitude were removed to such a distance that its light would be three millions of years in reaching us, this telescope would, nevertheless, show it to the human eye. Is it to be wondered at, then, that with such an instrument grand discoveries should be made? It has been pointed to the heavens; and, although in the beginning only of its career, it has already accomplished mighty things. There are nebulous spots in the heavens which have baffled all the instruments hitherto constructed, but this telescope resolves their true character completely. Among the wonderful objects which have been subject to its scrutiny, is the nebula in the constellation Orion. I have had an opportunity to examine it. It is one HONORS OF RALEIGH.-We find in the report of of the most curious objects in the whole heavens. the Commissioners of the Fine Arts, with reIt is not round, and it throws off furious lights. ference to the building of the new Houses of ParFrom the time of Herschel it has been subject to liament, that of the twelve panels in the royal antethe examination of the most powerful instruments; chamber, two are proposed to be devoted to Raleigh but it grew more and more mysterious and diverse-his spreading his cloak as a carpet for the Queen, in its character. When Lord Rosse's great tele- and his landing in Virginia. Between these two, a scope was directed to its examination, it for a long third panel is to intervene, the subject of which is time resisted its power. He found it required Queen Elizabeth knighting Sir Francis Drake.-patient examination-night after night, and month Globe. after month. At length, a pure atmosphere gave him the resolution of its constitution; and the stars of which it is composed burst upon the sight of man for the first time.-Athenæum.

[blocks in formation]

THE POWER OF THE PRESS. In the year 1272, the wages of a laboring man were just three halfpence per day; and, at the same period, the price of a Bible well written out was 36. sterling. Of course, a common laborer in those days could not have procured a Bible with less than the entire earnings of thirteen years! Now a beautifully printed copy of the same book can be purchased with the earnings of half a day!

DONIZETTI, THE COMPOSER.-This eminent man who, as our readers are doubtless aware, has been for a considerable time past afflicted with mental derangement, is at present residing, under the care of his nephew, in an asylum near Paris. The following particulars related by a friend who recently visited him, will doubtless be read with interest:-" The other evening we went to pay a visit to poor Donizetti. His nephew, Andrea, an amiable young man, devotedly attached to his uncle, is unremitting in his attendance on the interesting invalid. When we arrived Donizetti was in the garden, seated in a large arm-chair. "He held in his hand a bunch of flowers. His head was inclined downward: but his countenance was inanimate. He seemed, as it were, to be dreaming awake. In the garden, a little parterre of verdure and flowers is reserved for his use; and on one side there is a little marquee, into which he occasionally retires to shelter himself against the chilling breeze, or the scorching rays of the sun. When we spoke to him, he gazed on us with an expression of interest. It would appear that the sight of his friends created in his mind a feeling of sadness, for I observed a tear glittering in his eye. M. Ricordi spoke to him of Italy; of his native city, Milan. Donizetti here closed his eyes, and an expression of deep melancholy overspread his countenance. He seemed to say within himself. "Pity me! I am very miserable!" A few moments afterwards, he

rose from his chair, and we conducted him into the house. His nephew sat down to the piano and sounded a few chords. Donizetti then became more cheerful, and whilst his nephew continued to play, he marked the time with his foot. This fact leads me to hope that his case is not so desperate as was at first apprehended.

ENORMOUS SUSPENSION-BRIDGE.-The Pesth suspension-bridge over the Danube, designed by Mr. Tierney Clark, and now nearly completed, is 1200 feet long, in three spans; the centre span being 600 feet, the side spans 300 feet each. The chains are being made in England; the granite for the piers was brought in immense blocks, from twelve to sixteen tons weight each, from Linz, in Upper Austria. The contractor for the cofferdams, &c., was an Englishman, as were the principal workmen, and all the machinery has been supplied from this country. The total cost of the bridge, as we understand, will be £600,000.- The Builder.

THE PROUD DUCHESS.-When the Duchess (of Buckingham) found herself dying, she sent for Anstis, the herald, and settled all the pomp of her funeral ceremony. She was afraid of dying before the preparations were ready. "Why," she asked, "won't they send the canopy for me to see? Let them send it, even though the tassels are not finished." And then she exacted, as Horace Walpole affirms, a vow from her ladies, that if she should become insensible, they would not sit down in her room until she was dead. Funeral honors appear, indeed, to have been her fancy; for when her only son died, she sent messengers to her friends, telling them that if they wished to see him lie in state, she would admit them by the back-stairs. Such was the delicacy of her maternal sorrow. But there was one match in pride and insolence for Katharine, Duchess of Buckingham; this was Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. Upon the death of the young Duke of Buckingham, his mother endeavored to borrow the triumphal car that had carried the remains of Marlborough to the grave. "No," replied the widowed Duchess of Marlborough," the car that has carried the Duke of Marlborough's THE CAVE OF DESPAIR.-The beautiful Engraving body shall never be profaned by any other." "I have sent to the undertaker," was the Duchess of Buck-which accompanies the present number, is taken from a ingham's rejoinder, "and he has engaged to make celebrated painting by C. L Eastlake, Esq., R. A. The a better for £20."-Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon, subject is from a well-known passage in Spencer's "Faerie one of the Court Ladies of Queen Caroline, wife of Queene," which is as follows: George the Second.

Paris have been for some years past in the habit of THE PRINTERS OF PARIS.-The printers of dining together about the commencement of autumn. This year, on applying to the Prefect of Police for the customary permission, a refusal was given. The men, finding a public dinner thus rendered impossible, appointed a committee to seek out private premises suited to receive their usual number of guests, namely, 500 or 600 persons. M. Gerbes, a master printer, placed at the orders of the committee an enclosed piece of ground in the commune of Vaugirard, and there they erected a large marquee, under which tables were laid out for dinner. The men, on Sunday, were on the point of sitting down to table, when two commissaries of police entered, and, in the name of the authorities, ordered the men to disperse.

QUEEN POMARE'S EDUCATION.-The "Semaine," states that a professor of the Paris University, sent out to Oceania by the government, is charged to give to Queen Pomare lessons in the French language, which she already speaks and writes with a certain correctness. She is also being taught the first elements of arithmetic, of geography, and history. "The Queen," says the above journal, "shows such intelligence and penetration in her studies, that it is to be regretted that her mind was not sooner cultivated."

Then gan the villein him to overcraw;
And brought unto him swords, ropes, poison, fire,
And all that might him to perdition draw;
And bad him choose what death he would desire:
For death was dew to him that had provokt God's


But, whenas none of them he saw him take, He to him raught a dagger sharpe and keene, And gave it him in hand: his hand did quake And tremble like a leafe of aspin greene, And troubled blood through his pale face was seene To come and goe, with tidings from the heart, DEATH OF MADAME ALBERTAZZI.-With regret As it a running messenger had beene. we announce the demise of this once favorite vocal- At last, resolv'd to work his finall smart, ist on Friday, the 24th ult. at the early age of thirty- He lifted up his hand, that backe againe did start. three, at her residence, St. John's Wood. She was Which whenas Una saw, through every vaine originally a pupil of Signor Costa, in Italian sing The crudled cold ran to her well of life, ing, having received the rudiments of her musical As in a swowne: but soone reliv'd againe education from her father, Mr. Howson, a professor Out of his hand she snatcht the cursed knife, of music. She married Signor Albertazzi at sixteen And threw it to the ground, enraged rife, years of age, and immediately afterwards went to And to him said; "Fic, fie, fainted hearted Knight, Italy, where she appeared and sang as a mezzo soWhat meanest thou by this reproach full strife? prauo in several of the principal theatres, visiting Is this the battaile, which thou vauntst to fight Paris and Madrid; and when she increased in fame With that fire-mouth dragon, horrible and bright? and reputation as a singer, she made her first appearance at Her Majesty's Theatre in 1840, in "Come; come away, fraile, feeble, fleshy wight, the "Cenerentola," since which she has appeared Ne let vaine words bewitch thy many hart, successively at Drury Lane and the Princess's The-Ne let divilish thoughts dismay thy constant spright: atres. Her last public appearance was as Giselle, in Loder's opera of the "Night Dancers," which engagement she was obliged to resign from illhealth, ending with consumption; and we are sorry to say, far from being in affluent circumstances. A subscription has been commenced among her friends in the musical profession, for the support of her five children who are destitute.

In heavenly mercies hast thou not a part?
Why shouldst thou then despeire, that chosen art?
Where justice growes, there growes eke greater

The which doth quench the brond of hellish smart,
And that accurst hand-writing doth deface:
Arise, sir Knight; arise and leave this cursed

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