
The original collection scarcely amounted Paris possesses five public libraries, to to 4000 yolumes, but considerable additions which admission is absolutely free, indewere soon made by various benefactors, and pendently of those of the Institute, the many books are said to have been transfer- University, and the two Chambers, to all red to it, in 1647, from old St. Paul's of which persons satisfactorily recommendCathedral. More than one-third of the ed may obtain admission. These five books were destroyed in the Great Fire of libraries contain at least 1,300,000 volumes 1666. In 1679, a considerable collection of printed books-viz. of books, which had been seized from the

800,000 volumes




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Jesuits, were sent to Sion College, some of 1. Royal Library which are very curious, and are not to be 2. Arsenal Library found in the Museum Library. George, 3. Saint Genevieve Library 4. Mazarine Library first Earl of Berkeley, presented half of the 5. Town Library library of his uncle, Sir Robert Cooke, towards the close of the seventeenth century; and in the beginning of the eighteenth-by the Act 8 of Anne, c. 19-the The sum granted for the maintenance college acquired the right of receiving a and enlargement of the first four of these copy of every book printed in Great Bri- libraries, in the budget for 1846, was 23,tain, which right it retained until 1836, 159 (555,823 francs.†)


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when so much of that Act was repealed as About 12,000 volumes are stated, in a related to Sion College, the Advocates' recent French publication, to be annually Library at Edinburgh, the Libraries of the added to the Royal library alone. As in four Scottish Universities, and the King's most of the great continental libraries, its Inns' Library in Dublin. books are permitted to be borrowed, as well Sion College now receives 300l. a year as used in the reading-rooms. Of late, infrom the Treasury, as a compensation for deed, this practice has become matter of this loss, which sum is applied to the pur- complaint with some of the literary men of chase of books, chiefly in theology and Paris. M. Paul Lacroix, especially, in his ecclesiastical history, and this money grant proves far more advantageous to the library act-pamphlet, entitled, "Réforme de la than was its former privilege, the abolition Bibliothèque du Roi," waxes loud and inof which has also relieved literature from dignant in his denunciation of it. But we an unwise and oppressive tax. think that his condemnation is far too sweep

clever and sarcastic-but somewhat inex

This library contains an important col-ing, and that, in this instance, the reform relection of tracts on the Romanist contro-quired is by no means the abolition of the versy, formed by Bishop Gibson, and some lending system, but rather a better method minor collections. The total number of of managing it, and certain additional revolumes (including the tract volumes) is strictions to guard against its abuse. Several about 27,000. A complete catalogue of years ago, the officers of the library, in a them is in progress, both classed and joint letter to the then Minister of Public alphabetical, on the principle of that by Instruction, whilst admitting the former Reading, published in 1724, but modified, existence of great abuse in this matter, add as to the classification, in accordance with emphatically, "The evil exists no longer. the excellent system drawn up by the Rev. T. H. Horne, for the trustees of the British Museum.

The four public libraries of London, the origin and present condition of which we have thus passed in review, contain in the aggregate about 397,000 volumes of printed


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... If some persons have still betrayed our confidence, the mischief thence resulting has been rendered almost null." At all events, it is clear the mischief has

been much diminished.

The average daily number of readers at the Royal Library is stated to be nearly 400; and of those at the Arsenal, St. Genevieve, and Mazarine Libraries together,

*We give these numbers as the lowest estimate which can be formed of them, after a careful comparison of various official returns with the most recent books of repute on the public establishments and statistics of Paris.

+ Budget de l'Exercice, 1845, vol. i., p. 323. Lazare, Dictionnaire des Rues de Paris, p. 71.

stroying it, and abandoning the site to the speculators in new lines of shops. The letters of Count de Laborde are admirably written, and will repay perusal even to the mere reader for amusement, abounding as they do with historical anecdote and felicitous illustration.

about 400 more. Of the great assiduity | requisite in course of time, instead of deand urbanity of the librarians of the former, we can bear testimony from personal experience. But we regret to add, that we cannot extend our praise to its catalogues. In this most important point, it may be asserted, without fear of contradiction, that the Royal Library of Paris, although the greatest and finest library in the world, is far worse provided than the Library of the British Museum. The very extent of the Paris Library may, indeed, partly account for the inferiority; but, in this point of view, the question is simply one of expense.

"The catalogue," says M. Paul Lacroix, "has been for a century in preparation; it has been the favorite dream of some librarians; the invariable pretext of the greater number; everybody has had a hand in it, some doing, others doing over again, and many undoing; it has cost enormous sums, .... and the only result, as yet, has been a mass of titles piled up in cases, in alphabetical order, titles faulty, insignificant, and incomplete. Yet as long as this catalogue, classed and methodized, remains unaccomplished, and, what is more, printed, the library will be like an ocean, without a compass and without a pilot.”*

We learn, however, with pleasure, that zealous efforts are now being made to accomplish this task in a manner adequate to its importance. We believe that it will be accomplished, too, without having recourse to the extreme measure, advocated by M. Lacroix, of absolutely closing the library for two years, in addition to the total abolition of the loan of books.

But, on the whole, it cannot be doubted, that far more ample provision is made for the student in Paris than in London, even were the Bibliothèque Royale the only public library in the former capital. When to this are added four other extensive libraries, each possessing its distinctive recommendation, and to each of which there is the freest access, the comparison turns greatly indeed to our disadvantage. We trust, however, that the liberality of Parliament will not be limited to the improvement and extension of the British Museum, but that at least two additional public libraries will be established in different parts of the metropolis, under thoroughly responsible management. Experience justifies the belief, that if this were done, and done well, private munificence would soon come in aid of the grants which may be allotted from the public purse, for the furtherance of so truly public and national an object.

AN AFFECTING AND ROMANTIC CASE.-An unfortunate young woman The administration of the Royal Library brought up before the Magistrates at Reading Powas on Thursday last of Paris has also had to contend with an-lice Office, having been found on the race-course at other great difficulty, in the shape of the multitudinous projects which have been formed-and, many of them, brought under discussion both in the government and in the chambers-for building a new library, and removing to it the vast collections of the present one. Architects, contractors, journalists, and meddlers of all kinds, have given ample expression to their several ideas on this subject, until it has become quite the fashion for the architectural tyro to make his debut in the exhibition with a "Plan for a New Royal Library ;" but only very lately has the energetic and authoritative voice been raised to preserve the present noble building, with its ample space, and its historical associations, and to show the wisdom of making all needful reparations, and such additions as may become

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six o'clock that morning by one of the police in a pitiable state. It was with some difficulty that his worship could persuade her to answer any question, but from what was ultimately elicited, she stated that she had been educated in a convent in France, and placed there by the Viscountess Fitzjames, and that her name was Clara Amboise. She had found her way to the race-course, and, from her appearance, had been very badly treated, her eyes being swollen and her clothes torn and dirty. She had come from London, and had been in Reading had been vending small tracts, and a person in the for the last few days, and we understand that she town had relieved her and told her she would endeavor to place her in a situation. She also stated that she had known a young female that had formerthey were both together in the convent in France. ly lived in a respectable seminary in this town, and The unfortunate girl had evidently received a good education, and appeared to feel deeply her deplorable situation. His worship the Mayor directed Mr. supply her with necessary comforts, in order that Readings to take care of her for a few days, and to inquiries may be made, and the unfortunate young creature, if possible, restored to her friends.-Berkshire Chronicle.

From the English Review.


1. Life of JEAN PAUL F. RICHTER, compiled from various sources; together with his Autobiography, Translated from the German. 2 Vols. London, 1845.

2. Walt and Vult; or, The Twins: Translated from the Flegeljahre of JEAN PAUL, by the author of " The Life of JEAN PAUL." 2 Vols Boston and New York, 1846. 3. Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces; or, The Married Life, Death, and Wedding of the Advocate of the Poor, Firmian Stanislaus Siebenkäs. By JEAN PAUL FRIEDRICH RICHTER. Translated from the German by EDWARD HENRY NOEL. 2 Vols. London,


THE Conquests achieved by literary genius, pieces, Mr. Thomas Carlyle brought the over the impenetrable dulness which is, in English public acquainted with the name of the most enlightened, as well as in the dark- Jean Paul Friedrich Richter, and gave them est ages, the portion of the general mass of some little "taste of his quality." He was humankind, are, like other great conquests, followed by Kenney, from whose pen apnot the work of a moment: the day on peared at Dresden, 1839, a translation of which the victory is decided and proclaimed "The Death of an Angel," and of a large is preceded by many a conflict of doubtful number of short pieces, selected from the issue, and many a forlorn hope has to be works of Jean Paul, together with A led on before a breach can be effected in the Sketch of his Life and Character;" and massive fortifications of intellectual impas- now we have before us from an American sibility. Such forlorn hopes are the various pen, in an English reprint, a "Life of attempts which have been made to intro- Jean Paul," in two volumes, followed by a duce to the English reading public, by translation of his Flegeljahre, from the translations and biographies, one of the most same pen; and furthermore a translation distinguished literary characters of what of Siebenküs, from the pen of Mr. Noel. may well be termed our German brotherland. As we shall find opportunities of dropping The first of these attempts proceeded, an obiter dictum on the merits of these prosome twenty years ago, from no mean pen, ductions, we shall not detain our readers that of the veteran of German criticism in by criticisms upon the copies from that furthe field of English literature. By two re- ther and fuller acquaintance with the origiviews of the two principal biographies of the nals to which we shall endeavor, as far as is author, the one authentic, the other apo- possible within our limits, to introduce them. cryphal,† and by translations of several short Neither do we propose to enter into any details respecting the life of Jean Paul, of which as much as can be compressed into a brief sketch has already been told, and well told, by Mr. Carlyle. The history of genius working out its powers under the pressure of worldly disadvantages, and struggling into greatness and fame through a long continuance of overwhelming adversity, is indeed an interesting and a highlyinstructive theme: but still more interesting, and replete with instruction of a yet


* Wahrheit aus Jean Paul's Leben, which contains

the autobiography of Jean Paul, in the form of humoristic lectures, extending, however, no further than his boyhood; followed by the continuation of his history by his intimate personal friend and literary confidant, Otto, who himself, also, did not live to complete it, having died a few months after Jean Paul, from grief, it is said, for the loss of his friend. The Conclusion is from the pen of Dr. Förster, Jean

Paul's son-in-law, to whom, after Otto's death, the completion both of his biography, and of the complete edition of his works, was committed. The first volumes of this biography were reviewed by Mr. Carlyle, in No. IX. of the Foreign Review. The article is reprinted in the second volume of Carlyle's Critical and Miscellaneous Essays.

Jean Paul Friedrich Richter's Leben, nebst Characteristic seiner Werke, von Heinrich Döring, Gotha, 1826. Of this production Mr. Carlyle gave an account in No. XCI. of the Edinburgh Review; reprinted in the first volume of his Miscellanies. Döring himself published, in 1830, a second and enlarged, but scarcely improved edition of this biographical compilation, against which Jean Paul's widow cautioned the public by advertisement.

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deeper sort, is the history of a mind grop- occasioned by the sorrow of his bereaveing through the darkness of human systems ment, is a touching attestation of the flame after the light of heaven's truth; endued of hope and faith which was glimmering in with an instinct of truth too powerful to be his soul, and which longed for the heavenly deceived by the false lights by which phi-oil that would have kindled it into dazzling losophic thought and poetic enthusiasm are brightness. As we behold the unfinished endeavouring among our German neighbors manuscript of that work laid upon Jean to supply the absence of the torch of God's Paul's bier by his mourning friends and adtruth, and yet kept back from seeking the mirers, we seem to see the soul, which in its light of that truth where alone it can be flight from its earthly tenement left behind found, by prejudices, the existence of which these fragments of its inward workings, is to be laid in a very great measure at the passing over the threshold of the unscen door of those who announce themselves to world with that mighty question on its lips, the world as its depositaries and heralds. there to receive a full and eternal answer. As is not unfrequently the case with men, whom their high gifts and their singular

Such a mind was that of Jean Paul. In his earliest years, on the verge of boyhood, a deep touch of religious sentiment accom-energy of character mark as chosen instrupanied his first communion; but when the ments for the accomplishment of great moral luxuriant growth of his mind and heart in and intellectual reforms, Jean Paul's literary youth, and the full ripe power of all his and social career commenced with opposifaculties in manhood, would have required tion against the existing state of things. the strong meat of Christian grace and truth For it is the manner, the instinct, so to to sustain them, the leanness and dryness speak, of men of that stamp to chant forth of Lutheran orthodoxy failed to satisfy the into the world, forcibly and without discravings of his mind, while the cold and guise, whatever is for the time being the barren forms of Lutheran worship acted like key-note of their inner life; whence it hapthe negative pole of the magnet upon his pens that what in after years of moral and warm heart and his deeply poetic soul. intellectual maturity proves a sweet and Thus became he an easy prey to the seduc- salutary fruit of wisdom, is in earlier years tions of that idolatry of genius which was not unfrequently obtruded upon the public at its height in Germany when Jean Paul's with all the sourness and asperity which mind awoke to the great questions of life; belongs to an unripe state. In few instanand which, when afterwards by his own lite- ces has this truth been more strikingly ilrary productions he rose into notice, placed lustrated that in that of our author; the himself also among the idols in the temple gentle mellowness of whose later works of literary fame. But although both a forms the most extraordinary contrast with worshipper and an idol in that temple, nei- the uncouth crabbedness of his youthful ther its worship nor the faith on which it productions; while the position in which he was founded could quench his soul's deep found himself at the commencement of his thirst for a higher and more heavenly life; literary carcer, at the age of nineteen, "at and we find him who had become a free- hand-grips with actual want," was one thinker as soon as he began to think at all, which to an ordinary mind would have in the ripeness of his manhood, and when suggested any course in preference to that he was full of years, before the gates of of provoking the world's hostility by a sedeath and the portals of the invisible ries of keen and bitter satires. Such, neworld, struggling to give to that world re-vertheless, were the first-fruits of Jean ality within his breast. One of his most interesting works, written in the very acme of his literary strength and fame, treats of the great question of the immortality of the soul; and a second and still maturer work on the same subject was commenced by him on the day on which he was bereaved of his only son, a hopeful youth of nineteen, whose premature end was accelerated by spiritual struggles surpassing his bodily strength. This latter work especially, which was left incomplete, when, five years after, death overtook the author in the blindness

Paul's genius; and in the preface to them in the edition of his collected works, which he began to prepare after he had been an author for forty years, he frankly condemns them on this very account. He appears almost reluctant to reproduce them, yielding in fact to the curiosity of the public as to the first lucubrations of a favorite author; but even with this excuse he cannot make up his mind to republish them in their original form; he says he found it indispensably necessary to "reduce the coarse-grained grey salt" of his wit "to a

finer state," or "to exchange it for white "Piracy is the soul of copious writing. In the salt altogether." He chides his former republic of letters, as at Sparta, those thieves are self in good earnest, for that" in two en-in high esteem who know how to hide their long tire tomes no room was found for even a single line of gentle love ;" and he sets his wit to work to account for a phenomenon so inconsistent with the tone of his later writings.

"The Juvenilia of Satire are like the iambics of Stolberg-mostly Juvenilia. Hence there are in this youthful little work no other flowers than humble violets, which, like other violets in the spring season, have drastic properties; for, in fact, all spring flowers are dark-colored and poisonous. Let it be remembered, then, that it is the reader himself that calls for these violets, the juvenile relics of a novelist whom he has never known otherwise than gentle, even as love itself. After all, however, this book of satires will represent nothing worse than the relic of a Petrarcan cat, especially since it has the electric skin, and the sparkling eyes, and the sharp claws of the feline race; precisely as at Padua they still show the skeleton of a cat with which the love-sick Petrarca was wont to play."-Jean Paul, sämmtliche Werke, t. i., p. xiii.

The first objects of Jean Paul's satire were authors and reviewers. As regards the former, he puts the question, "How can one manage to write a great deal?" to which he makes answer:


"Whoever wishes to endue his fist with necessary fruitfulness, let him proceed thus: Let all the ideas which embellished his first productions be brought out in later productions in new characters and under a new disguise, putting upon them, like upon old hats, a new gloss. Whatever ideas chance may throw up in his brain, those which rise at the first moment of waking; those which form the vanguard of nightly dreams; those which shoot up in the heat of conversation; those which he picks up in familiar chit-chat, or snatches accidentally from some torn scrap of per; those which turn up in idle moments; or those which, scarcely emerged from darkness, are trying to escape from memory's gripe, as young partridges run from the nest as soon as they are hatched,-all these ideas let him invest with a paper-body, quicken them with ink, scrape them on a heap, and carry them to market in any cart he can get. By thus listening for the light step of each idea, and forthwith shutting it up with others in a book,-by scraping from the brain every shooting crystal of thought, and inflating with words every dumb frog, the driest matter will swell into an octavo volume; every stone will be turned into an intellectual child, and into bread in

the bargain; every head will become the patriarch of a sister-library, and fill its own book-case by its own fertility. At last such an author will be unable to help laughing at the writers who produce so little, and who have to rub their foreheads so hard till their ideas begin to flow.

their temples wreaths and bands very different fingers in a glove; and the journals tie around from those which the criminal code of Charles V. fastens round the necks of common thieves.

The greedy instinct with which these inventive copyists cause to be printed for the benefit of mankind under their names what was originally printed under the author's name only, and procure their subsistence, not from other men's coffers, but simply from other men's books, has to crawl through various paths towards their aim, and to enwrap their merit in various shapes. One solders together the disjecta membra poetarum' with his own rhymes into a Horatian ‹ humano capiti cervicem pictor equinam,' &c., or cuts for himself in the oak forests of Klopstock a little wooden or corken Pegasus or hobby-horse, or does as those who melted down the fragments of horses of gilt brass found in Herculaneum into an entirely new nag .. Another, like thieves in England, puts on a mask, writing anonymously, and steals other men's honey, being defended against the stings of its rightful owners by a wire-mask and gloves. Another disguises his selfishness under the semblance of disinterestedness, steals the fruit of the sweat of other men's brows for the sake of imparting it to the public, and enriches himself by impoverishing them through sheer philanthropy; as Pococke relates that the Egyptian thieves smear over their naked bodies with oil, to avoid their being laid hold of in their nocturnal expeditions. Some steal from the author nothing except the book itself, which they fit up with a preface and an index of their own; in other words, with an improved head and an improved tail; as Scheuchzer paints the unicorn,-the body of a horse, with a horn on the forehead and the tail of an ass. Others, again, are fishing in the familiar circles of friendship for the stray thoughts of great men ; make them drop their cheese by fair speeches, like the cunning fox in the fable; and store up in their memory the fruit of other men's lips for their next publication.

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Nay, often the pupil robs the master, and cheats the world with his borrowed greatness, until the true sun rises and causes the moon to turn pale; or he locks up his stolen ware till the death of the owner, intending by patchwork of his own to prevent its being recognised; even so a she-wolf once suckled Romulus, the son of a god. This accounts for the fact that an author is often so much worse than his book, and the child so unlike the father; that those who write for the amusement of a whole public of readers are often mute in society; even as crocodiles are not themselves eatable, but only their eggs.-Grönländische Processe, s. W., t. i., p. 24–27.

In this wild strain,-which we have been obliged to chasten here and there, the salt of our author being, in spite of his own expurgations, occasionally still too grey to be set upon an English table,-the literally starving son of the Muses ran on

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