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7. They must not be conformed to the world, because they are servants of another master, than the rest of the world. The world serves the devil, and serves their lusts, and serves other gods; but every believer is a Joshua in this; "As for me, and my house, we will serve the Lord." Now, a man cannot serve two masters; and the believer cannot serve both God and Mammon; Christ and the world.

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8. They must not be conformed to the world, because they are partakers of another spirit than the world: They have not received the spirit of this world, but the spirit which is of God." The world is led by an ill spirit to the land of darkness; whereas they are led by the good spirit to the land, of uprightness.--The world is led by a poor, pitiful, low, and mean spirit; whereby they are easily put off with trifles, and satisfied with shadows and vanities: but the godly are led by a noble, high, and heavenly spirit: whereby they aspire after divine and celestial things.--The world is led by a blind, ignorant, foolish spirit; whereby they are mad upon their idols: the children of God are led by a spirit of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding; whereby they are wise unto salvation. And thus the circumstances of the people of God yield all the reason in the world, why they ought not to be conformed to this world.

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[2.] Their safety requires it also, that they be not conformed to the world: (1.) The safety of their names, that are in danger to be disgraced. (2.) The safety of their consciences, that are in danger to be defiled. (3.) The safety of their graces, that are in hazard of being marred. And, (4.) The safety of their persons, that are in danger to be punished by their conformity to the world.

1. The safety of their names requires, that they be not conformed to this world; for their names are in danger of being disgraced, by such a conformity. Because when they become like unto the wicked, and conformed to the world, they give occasion of their being suspected of the world, and so shame and disgrace their own name and their father's name; "He that is a companion of

riotous men, shameth his father," Prov. xxviii. 7. So the believer shames his heavenly Father by conformity to the world; for what agreement is there between God and the world? He shameth his earthly father also, whether he be a graceless or a gracious man; If he be a graceless man, he shameth him by giving occasion, to say, he is like him; Like father like son: If he be a gracious man, he shameth him, by being so unlike unto him. But he especially shameth himself; for, whereas a good name is as precious ointment; so his conformity to the world, in any measure, is the dead fly that causes the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour, Eccl. x. 1. They lose their credit and esteem.

2. The safety of their consciences require that they be not conformed to the world: because, by conformity to the world, their consciences are in danger of being defiled, and their souls to be depraved; for the sin and way of the world is of an infectious nature: can a man touch pitch, and not be defiled? "Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burnt? Can he go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burnt?" saith Solomon. We are told of the Jews, Psal. cvi. 35. that when they were mingled among the heathen, they learned their works, and served their idols, which was a snare to them. The finest looking-glasses will gather dust and defilement; even so may the children of God themselves gather dust and defilement, by mingling with the world: for sin is a plague and infection. And the haunting of sinful company will defile a saint: Joseph, in Pharaoh's court, learned to swear by the life of Pharaoh; Peter, in the high-priest's hall, swears and denies his master; the Israelites, being used to the Egyptian furnaces, framed an idol. They that lie down with dogs, shall rise up with fleas; they that dwell in the kitchen will smell of the smoke.

3. The safety even of their graces, that are in danger to be marred and weakened, require that they be not conformed to the world. There is not such a gracious person on earth, but if he cast himself, by untenderness and unwatchfulness into the company of a carnal world, he will find their conversation abate the edge of his zeal

and cool the fervour of his devotion; yea, enervate, debilitate, and weaken every grace; and, by little and little, transform him to their manner, in a great measure, till sovereign grace reform him again: "When iniquity abounds, the love of many waxeth cold." This new-planted colony of grace in the heart, is in great danger when opposed, not only by the native; (I mean, our corruption,) but also by the auxiliary help and aid of the corruption of others.

4. The safety of their persons require that they be not conformed to the world: for they who are conformed to the wicked world, are in danger of being punished therewith. Though all that are in Christ are freed from condemnation, and eternal wrath; yet they are not freed from affliction and temporal judgments, especially if they shall associate with the wicked. If Lot had not come out of Sodom, at the command of God, he had perished in the flames; if Noah had not made the ark, at God's command, he had perished in the flood with the world. And hence the command of God to us is, "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues," Rev. xviii. 4. "A companion of fools shall be destroyed," Prov. xiii. 20. And again, "Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord; and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you," 2 Cor. vi. 17. "Shouldst thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord,” 2 Chron. xix. 2.

Thus you see many reasons, why the people of God must not be conformed to this world, and that in respect of themselves; their circumstances and their safety every way require it.

V. The Fifth thing proposed, in the method, was, To make application of the subject; which we shall essay in an use of information, reproof, examination, and exhortation, enforced with some motives; and then conclude the subject with some directions.

Use I. Let us improve the doctrine in an use of information. If then matters be so, as you have been hearing, That the people of God must not be conformed to the wicked world, we may hence learn,


1. What are the rules by which our conversation in the world is to be squared, and how our conversation with the world is to be cautioned. This non-conformity to the world doth not exclude all conversation whatsoever with the world: for, in several cases, we may lawfully converse with them.

QUEST. In what CASES may the godly converse with the world?

ANSW. (1.) In case of necessity; when we are compelled and obliged to live amongst them. This was David's case in Kedar; "Wo is me that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in the tents of Kedar;" Psal.. cxx. 5. So it was with the church of Pergamos; "I know where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is," Rev. ii. 13. Where God hath a chapel, Satan hath a throne.

(2.) In case of policy, traffic, trade and merchandise: in this respect we cannot live without the wicked of the world. It is lawful to have commerce with them; provided always we mingle not with their vices.

(3.) In case of courtesy and civility. As this non-conformity to the world doth not exclude lawful traffic; so neither doth it exclude, or impeach civil courtesy. It is not only lawful, but laudable to do any courteous offices towards them that are without, whereby to gain them.

(4.) In case of charity; hence we are called to do good to all, but especially to the household of faith. Though the household of faith, in poverty, be the special objects. of charity; yet, we are not to exclude others: "Do good to all."

(5.) In case of piety; and thus it is lawful to converse with the wicked as far as, by gentle and reasonable re proofs, we may, through grace, be useful to reclaim them. We are to walk wisely towards these that are without; to visit them in their distress, when they are in affliction; and to do all the good we can to their souls.

(6.) In case of affinity. This non-conformity to the world doth not take away natural affection; neither will it extend to a separation between husband and wife, for the sake of religion: it is lawful for the believing wife to converse with the carnal husband, as Abigail with Nabal: nay, for religion's sake, such are called to con

verse together: "What knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy husband? or, what knowest thou, O man, whether thou shalt save thy wife?" 1 Cor. vii. 14, 16.

In all these, and the like cases, converse with the wicked of the world is lawful. But the meaning of nonconformity with them is, we must not chuse them for our daily companions, delight in their discourse, or frequent their haunts; "Now, I have written unto you, not to keep company; if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such a one no not to eat," 1 Cor. v. 11. We are no to affect their society, nor to savour their wickedness; but keep ourselves unspotted from the world, James i. 27.

Thus we see, I say, the rule by which our conversation in the world should be squared. In things which are absolutely moral indeed, all rules of art should be affirmative: but in this point, a man may give a negative rule, which may be safe and good. Do not as the world doth do quite contrary to them. It is a good rule to live by, to mark the courses of worldly men, and to do the quite contrary. Worldly men give themselves to covetousness, to worldly pleasure, worldly lusts, worldly affections: now, it is a good rule of walk, to observe what they do, and to do the quite contrary.

2. Hence we may see, if it be the property of a true Christian, not to be conformed to the world, how few true Christians there are in the world. There are many professors indeed, but few godly persons: why? because they are like the world; they live as others in the world do they live as atheists and infidels. Look to yourself, man, woman; do you not even the same things that the rest of the profane world do? Do you not live after the same course, and at the same rate? They restrain prayer before God, both in secret, and in their families: they neglect the word; they regard it not, they obey it not; they swell against it, they snarl at it: they break and profane the Sabbath; they omit the proper duties of it, and do those things which are in themselves unlawful on that day: they are malicious; they are decietful in their dealings; they live contentedly without Christ :

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