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which, at the moment, may seem to many to be doing good, which, nevertheless, may pass over like a hurricane in the natural world, marking its course with the wrecks even of God's own institutions.— Judge not then by this uncertain standard. If you are to judge of any great change by effects, you must wait till they are fully developed, till you can see not only the more immediate but the more remote effects; the latter of which are often the most important; and these are usually developed gradually. Hold fast then to the law and the testimony as your rule of judging; and as, in so doing, you will honor God most, so you will be most likely to be kept out of the mazes of error.

2. Our subject may assist us to discover the causes of the decline of a revival.

I admit that there is more or less of sovereignty here; and that the Spirit of God operates whenever and wherever, in infinite wisdom, he pleases. I acknowledge too that the strong excitement which often attends a revival cannot, so far as respects the same individuals, be kept up for a long time; nor is it at all essential, or even desirable, that it should be. But so far as a healthful and vigorous state of religious feeling is concerned on the part of Christians, and I may add, in view of the promises of God to answer prayer, so far as the conversion of sinners is concerned, it is not irreverent to say that while he is himself the great agent, he commits his work in an important sense, into the hands of his people; and if it decline, there is blame resting upon

them. It is because they have grown weary in their supplications, or because they have relaxed in the use of some other of the means which he has put within their reach. Let Christians then tremble in view of their responsibility; and when God is sending down his Spirit to work with them, let them take heed that they render a hearty and persevering co-operation. Let them take heed that they grieve not this divine agent to depart either from their own souls, lest they should be given up to barrenness; or from the souls of inquiring sinners, lest there should fall upon them the curse of reproba


3. Once more: How great is the privilege and the honor which Christians enjoy, of being permitted to cooperate with God in carrying forward his work.

When you are laboring for the salvation of sinners around you, when you are using the various means which God has put into your hands to waken them to conviction and bring them to repentance, you are laboring in the very cause which is identified with the success and the glory of Christ's mediation. Nay, you are a fellow worker with the Holy Ghost; and while he honors your efforts with his saving blessing, they are set down to your account in the book of God's remembrance. Yes, Christian, all that you do in this cause brings glory to God in the highest, contributes to brighten your immortal crown, and subserves the great cause of man's salvation. What remains then but that you take these considerations to your heart as so many

arguments, to labor in this holy cause with more untiring zeal, with more holy fidelity? Is it a cause that demands sacrifices? You can well afford to make them, for it brings happiness, and glory, and honor in its train. Let it be seen on earth, and let the angels report it in heaven, that you are co-workers with God, in giving effect to the purposes of his grace, and in training up immortal souls for the glories of his kingdom.




Repent ye therefore, and be converted.

There is scarcely a period of so much interest in the life of an individual, as that in which he is brought to earnest inquiry respecting the salvation of his soul. It is a state of mind which comes between the utter neglect of religion and the actual possession of it. The dream of thoughtlessness is disturbed. Conscience wakes to its office as an accuser. This world holds the soul with an enfee

bled grasp, and the realities of another weigh upon it with deep and awful impression. But then, on the other hand, there is as yet no submission to the terms of the gospel ;-no melting down in penitence at the feet of mercy;—no yielding up of the heart to God;-no thankful, cordial acceptance of Christ and his salvation. But between these two states of mind there is no uniform connection; for though conviction is essential to conversion, yet the sinner who is only convinced, may, instead of being con

verted, return to the world, and thus his last state be worse than his first. It is reasonable to suppose, in any given case of conviction, that the sinner who is the subject of it, is on the eve of having his destiny decided for eternity: for if he press forward, he secures his salvation; but if he linger and fall back, there is, to say the least, an awful uncertainty whether he is ever again the subject of an awakening influence.

Now you will readily perceive that it is a most responsible office to counsel and direct an individual in these interesting circumstances. The mind is in a state to be most easily influenced; and influenced on a subject that involves all the interests of eternity: there is a sort of balancing of the soul between religion and the world, between heaven and hell; and no one can be certain that the weight of a single remark may not turn the scale one way or the other. Of what vast importance is it that all the suggestions and counsels that are offered at such a time should be scriptural-seasonable the very instructions of the Holy Ghost.

But if it be a responsible office for an individual to direct a single inquiring sinner, what shall be said of the responsibility of the church during a revival of religion; in which there are many, on every side, pressing the inquiry, 'what they shall do to be saved? And how important is it that members of the church should be so enlightened as to be safe guides on this momentous subject; that thus they may never put in still greater jeopardy the interests

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