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S the favourable Reception our MAGAZINE meets with, not only continues but increases daily, we think ourselves obliged to conclude this Year, with a Declaration of our most grateful Acknowledgments to the Publick; and as a proper Encouragement gives Life and Spirit to every Undertaking, we hope the Publick will believe us fincere, when we declare, that we shall endeavour, as much as poffible, to merit the Favours we may hereafter meet with.

AT the fame Time we fhall take this Opportunity to return Thanks to those Gentlemen, who have been fo good as to communicate to us many excellent original Pieces, both in Profe and Verfe: Moft of them we have published; and as to those we have omit


ted, we hope, the ingenious Authors will believe, the Omiffion was not owing to a Difapprobation, or Diflike, of what they fent us, but to its being, fome way or other, not agreeable to our Design.

THE Year 1740 will be a remarkable Æra in all future Hiftories: The unexpected Death of the Emperor of Germany, recorded in our MAGAZINE for OCTOBER, and the equally unexpected Death of the Empress of Ruffia, recorded in our MAGAZINE for NOVEMBER, muft introduce a bufy, if not a quite new Scene of Affairs in Europe; and as this must neceffarily affect, and perhaps change the Scene of Politicks in this Kingdom, a well chosen Abstract of all the Political Debates that may happen, and all the remarkable Pieces that may be published upon that Subject amongst us, where alone fuch Topicks can be freely handled, must be well worth preferving as well as reading. As this can be found no where but in our MAGAZINE, we have fome Reafon to expect an extraordinary Encouragement; and therefore we fhall conclude this PREFACE with affuring our Readers, that we shall do all we can to merit their Approbation.


Scipio Africanus, Lord Noel Somerfet.
Afinius Pollio, Lord Polwarth, now Earl of

L. Æmilius Mamercinus, Mr. Ald. Perry.
C. Duillius, Sir Charles Wager.

P. Valerius Publicola, Walter Plummer, Efq;
M. Craffus, Edw. Montagu Wortley, Efq;
L. Caffius Longinus, Lord Hinton.
P. Ventidius, Earl of Westmorland.
L. Porcius, Duke of Portland.
M. Giganius Macerinus, Lord Gower.

Ca. Domitius Calvinus, Duke of Newcastle.
L. Pifo, Earl of Chesterfield.

C. Mucius Scavola, Earl of Scarborough.
M. Agrippa, Lord Cartetet.

C. Helvius, Lord Harvey.

2. Fabius Maximus, Lord Bathurft.
L. Æmilius Paullus, Duke of Argyle.
L. Junius Brutus, Samuel Sandys, Efq;
M. Tullius Cicero, Sir Robert Walpole.
M. Cato, William Pulteney, Efq;
M. Valerius Corvus, Sir John Barnard.
Servilius Prifcus, Henry Pelham, Efq;
M. Furius Camillus, Sir William Wyndham.
L. Quintius Capitolinus, John Talbot, Efq;
L. Valerius Flaccus, Sir William Yonge.
L. Quintius Cincinnatus, Wm. Shippen, Efq;
Mecanas, George Lyttleton, Efq;

C. Plinius Cæcilius, Lord Chancellor.
Pomponius Atticus, Horace Walpole, Esq;
Julius Florus, William Pitt, Efq;

L. Porcius, Duke of Portland.

L. Pifo, Earl of Chesterfield.

C. Mucius Scavola, Earl of Scarborough.
M. Agrippa, Lord Carteret.
C. Helvius, Lord Harvey.

2. Fabius Maximus, Lord Bathurst.
L. Æmilius Paullus, Duke of Argyle.
L. Junius Brutus, Samuel Sandys, Efq;
M. Tullius Cicero, Sir Robert Walpole.
M. Cato, William Pulteney, Efq;
M. Valerius Corvus, Sir John Barnard.
Servilius Prifcus, Henry Pelham, Efq;
M. Furius Camillus, Sir Wm. Wyndham.
L. Quintius Capitolinus, John Talbot, Efq;


L. Valerius Flaccus, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Mecanas, George Lyttleton, Efq;
C. Plinius Cæcilius, Lord Chancellor.
Pomponius Atticus, Horace Walpole, Efq;
Julius Florus, William Pitt, Efq;
C. Cicerejus, Earl of Choimondly.
L. Icilius, Earl of Ifla.

C. Calpurnius Pifo, J. Campbell of Pembrokeshire, Efq;

P. Sempronius Tuditanus, Sir Tho. Saunder fon, now Earl of Scarborough.

L. Hortenfius, John Howe, Efq;
T. Manlius Torquatus, Col. Mordaunt.
P. Villius Tappulus, Mr. Ald. Willmot.

L. Æmilius Mamercinus, Mr. Ald. Perry.
C. Duillius, Sir Charles Wager.
L. Caffius Longinus, Lord Hinton.

Cn. Domitius Calvinus, Duke of Newcastle.
L. Pifo, Earl of Chesterfield.

C. Mucius Scævola, Earl of Scarborough. M. Agrippa, Lord Carteret.

C. Helvius, Lord Harvey.

2. Fabius Maximus, Lord Bathurst. L. Æmilius Paullus, Duke of Argyle. L. Junius Brutus, Samuel Sandys, Efq; M. Tullius Cicero, Sir Robert Walpole." M. Cato, Wm. Pulteney, Efq; M. Valerius Corvus, Sir John Barnard. Servilius Prifcus, Henry Pelham, Efq; M. Furius Camillus, Sir Wm. Wyndham. L. Valerius Flaccus, Sir Wm. Yonge. Mecanas, George Lyttleton, Efq; C. Plinius Cæcilus, Lord Chancellor. Pomponius Atticus, Horace Walpole, Efq; C. Cicerejus, Earl of Cholmondly. L. Icilius, Earl of la.


C. Calpurnius Pifo, J. Campbell of Pembrokeshire, Efq;

L. Hortenfius, John Howe, Efq;
A. Pofthumius, Duke of Bedford.
T. Quintius, Lord Talbot.

C. Claudius Nero, Earl of Winchelsea.
M. Babius Tampbilus, Lord Baltimore
C. Herennius, Edw. Hoper, Efq;
Aulus Gabinius, Philip Gibbon, Efq;

Cn. Fulvius, Henry Fox, Efq;

Cn. Domitius Enobarbus, Jol. Danvers, Efq; 2. Horatius Barbatus, Earl of Halifax. L. Duronius, Lord Delawar.

C. Oppius, Lord Onflow.

A. Sempronius Atratinus, John Selwyn, jun.

C. Sulpicius, Edward Southwell, Efq;
C. Triarius, Robert Tracy, Efq;

L. Geganius, Lord Gage.

2. Cicero, Lord Walpole.

Sp. Carvilius, Earl of Carlifte.

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