



at any thing in your house that grieveth you; and shall, by my Lord's grace, suit my Lord to help My love in Christ remembered. At you to bear your burden, and to the desire of this bearer, whom I come in behind you, and give you love I thought to request you, if ye and your burdens a putt up the can help his wife with your advice, mountain. Know you not that Christ for she is in a most dangerous and wooeth his wife in the furnace, Isa. deadly-like condition; for I have xlviii. ver. 10. Behold I have thought she was far changed in her refined thee, but not with silver; I carriage and life this time by past, have chosen thee in the furnace of and had hope that God would have affliction: he casteth his love on brought her home; and now by ap-you, when ye are in the furnace of pearance she will depart this life, affliction: you might indeed be casand leave a number of children be ten down, if he brought you in and hind her. If ye can be entreated to left you there; but when he leadeth help her. it is a work of mercy. My you through the waters, think ye own wife is in exceeding great tor- not that he has a sweet soft hand? ment night and day Pray for us, you know his love grip already; for my life was never so wearisome you shall be delivered: wait on; to me. God hath filled me with Jesus will make a road, and come gall and worm-wood; but I believe, and fetch home the captive: you which holds up my head above the shall not die in prison, but your water, it is good for a man, saith the strokes are such as were your husSpirit of God, Lam. iii. that he bear band's, who was wounded in the the yoke in his youth. I do remem- house of his friends; strokes were ber you; I pray you be humble and not newings to him, and neither are believe; and I intreat you in Je us they to you; but your winter-night Christ, pray for John Stewart and is near spent; it is near hand the his wife, and desire your husband to dawning; I will see you leap for do the same. Remember me heart-joy; the kirk shall be delivered; ily to Jane Brown; desire her to this wilderness shall bud and grow pray for me and my wife; I do up like a rose; Christ got a charter remember her. Forget not Zion of Scotland from his Father, and Grace, grace upon them and peace, who will bereave him of his heritage, that pray for Zion. She is the ship or put our Redeemer out of his we sail in to Canaan; if she be mailing, until his tack be run out? broken on a rock, we will be cast I must have you praying for me; I over-board, to swim to land betwixt death and life. The grace of Jesus be with your husband and children. Your's in our Christ,




S. R.

I LONGED much to have conferred with you at this time: I am grieved

am black shamed for evermore with Christ's goodness; and in private, on the 17th and 18th of August, I got a full answer of my Lord to be a graced minister, and a chosen arrow hidden in his own quiver. But know this assurance is not kept but by watching and prayer; and there. fore dear mistress, help me. I have gotten now, honour to my Lord, the gate to open the store, and shut the bar of his door; and I think it easy to get any thing from the King

by prayer, and to use holy violence dragon, that pursueth the woman with him. Christ was in Carsfarne with child; but what, howbeit we kirk, and opened the people's hearts go and lurk in the wilderness for a wonderfully; Jesus is looking up time? for the Lord will take his that water, and minting to dwell kirk to the wilderness, and speak to amongst them. I would we could her heart. Nothing casteth me give him his welcome home to the Muirs. Now peace and grace be upon you and all yours. Your's in Christ, Anwoth, Aug. 20, 1633.


down, but only I fear the Lord will cast down the shepherd's tents, and feed his own in a secret place; but let us, however matters frame, cast S. R. over the affairs of the bride upon the Bridegroom; the government is upon his shoulders, and he can bear us all well enough; that fallen star, the prince of the bottomless pit, knoweth it is near the time when he shall be tormented; and now in his My love in Christ remembered. I evening he has gathered his armies am in care and fear for this work of to win one battle or two, in the edge our Lord's now near approaching, of the evening, at the sun going because of the danger of the time, down. And when our Lord has and I dare not for my soul be sil- been watering his vineyards in France ent; to see my Lord's house burn- and Germany, and Bohemia, how ing, and not cry, Fire, fire: there- can we think ourselves Christ's sisfore seek from our Lord wisdom- ter, if we be not like him, and our spiritual, not black policy, to speak other great sisters? I cannot but with liberty our Lord's truth. I think, seeing the ends of the earth am cast down, and would fain have are given to Christ, Psal. ii. ver. 8. access and presence to the King and Scotland is the end of the earth that day, even howbeit I should (and so we are in Christ's charterbreak up iron doors. I believe you tailzie) but our Lord will keep his will not forget me, and you will de- possession; we fall by promise and sire Jane Brown, Thomas Carsen, law to Christ; he wan us with the and Marion Carsen to help me. sweat of his brows (if I may say Pray for well-cooked meat, and an so) his Father promised him his heartsome Saviour with joy, crying, life-rent of Scotland. Glory, glory Welcome in my Father's name. I to our King; long may he wear his am confident Zion shall be well; the crown! O Lord, let us never see bush shall burn and not consume, another king. O let him come down for the good will of him that dwelt like rain upon the new-mown grass. in the bush. But the Lord is mak-I had you in remembrance on Saing on a fire in Jerusalem, and turday in the morning last, in a purposeth to blow the bellows, and great measure, and was brought to melt the tin and brass, and bring thrice on end, in remembrance of out a fair beautiful bride out of the you in my prayer to God. Grace, furnace, that will be married over be your portion. again upon the new Husband, and Your's in his sweet Lord Jesus, sing as in the days of her youth, S. R. when the contract of marriage is written over again; but I fear the bride be hidden for a time from the


Anwoth, March 2d, 1634.




be chosen. I beseech you see this be not; the Lord's cause craveth other witnesses to speak for him than My love in Christ remembered such men; and therefore let it not Please you understand, to my grief, be said, that Kircudbright, which is our communion is delayed till sab-spoken of in this kingdom for their bath come eight days; for the Laird religion, hath sent a man to be and Lady have earnestly desired me their mouth that will speak against to delay it, because the Laird is sick. Christ. Such a time as this will not and he fears he be not able to tra- fall out once in half an age. I vel, because he has lately taken phy would entreat your husband, to take sic. The Lord bless that work; it upon him; it is an honourable and commend it to God, as you love necessary service for Christ; and me. For I love not Satan's thorns shew him that I wrote unto you for cast in the Lord's way: The Lord that effect. I fear William Glenrebuke him. I trust in God's mer- doning hath not skill and authority. cy, Satan has gotten but a delay, I am in great heaviness: pray for but no free discharge that his king-me; for we must take our life in dom shall not be hurt. Commend our hand in this ill time. Let us the Laird to your God. I pray stir up ourselves to lay our Lord's you advertise your people, that they bride, and her wrongs, before our be not disappointed in coming here. Husband and Lord. Lord Jesus Show such of them as you love in be with your spirit. Christ from me, that Jesus Christ will be welcomer when he comes in, that he has sharpened their desires for eight days' space. Your daughter is well, I hope, every way. Forget not God's kirk; they are but bastards, and not sons and daugh. ters, that mourn not for Zion: Lord hear us. No further; Jesus Christ be with your spirit. I shall remember you and your new house. Lord been visiting my Lady Kenmure; Jesus, go from the one house to the her child is with the Lord : I in


Your's at all power in the Lord,





S. R.

Your's in his sweet Lord Jesus, Anwoth, May 20.



* Well-beloved sister,

S. R.

My old and dearest love in Christ remembered. Know that I have

treat you visit her; and desire the good-wife of Barcaple to visit her, and Knockbrex, if you see him in the town. My Lord, her husband is absent, and I think she will be heavy: you know what Mr. W. Dalgliesh and I desired you to deal for, at my Lord Kircudbright's hand. Send me word if you obMy love in Christ remembered. I tained any thing at my Lord's hear this day, your town is to choose hands, anent the giving up of our a commissioner for the parliament, names to the high commission; and I was written to from Edin. for I hear it is not for nothing that burgh, to see that good men should the Bishop hath taken that course be chosen in your bounds: and our Lord knows best what is good have heard this day, that Robert for an old kirk, that is fallen from Glendoning or John Ewart look to her first love, and hath forgotten

Well-beloved Mistress,

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me to your husband, and dear Grissel; I think on her: Lord Jesus be in the furnace with her, and then she will but smoke, and not burn. Desire Mr. Robert to excuse my not seeing of him at his house; I have my own reasons therefore. Grace, mercy and peace be with you.


Your's in his sweet Lord Jesus,

April 25th, 1634.

S. R.

her Husband, days without num- I trust in God, the Lord, who knit ber: a trial is like to come on; us together, shall keep us together. but I am sure, our Husbandman It is time now, that the lambs of JeChrist shall lose chaff, but no corn sus should all run together, when the at all. Yet there is a dry wind wolf is barking at them; yet I know, coming, but neither to fan nor to ere God's children want a cross, purge. Happy are they, who are their love amongst themselves shall not blown away with the chaff; be a cross; but our Lord giveth for we will but suffer tentation for love for another end. I know you ten days but those, who are faith-will with love cover infirmities; and ful to the death, shall receive the our Lord give you wisdom in all crown of life. I hear daily what things: I think love hath broad hath been spoken of myself most shoulders, and will bear many things, unjust and falsely; and no marvel, and yet neither faint, nor sweat, nor the dragon with the swing of his fall under the burden. Commend tail, hath made the third part of the stars to fall from heaven, and the fallen would have many to fall with them. If ever Satan was busy, now when he knoweth his time is short, he is busy; yet a little while, and he that shall come, will come, and will not tarry. I know, ere it be long, the Lord shall come, and rid all pleas betwixt us and his enemies: Now welcome, Lord Jesus, go fast. Send me word about Grissel your daughter, who I remember in Christ; and desire her to cast herself in his arms who was born of a woman, and, being the Ancient of days, was made a young! My dearest love in Christ remem weeping Child. It was not for bered: I intreat you, charge your nothing that our brother Jesus was soul to return to rest, and to glorify an infant; it was, that he might your dearest Lord in believing: and pity infants of believers, who were know, that, for the good will of him to come out of the womb into the that dwelleth in the bush, the burnworld; I believe our Lord Jesus ing kirk shall not be consumed to shall be waiting on with mercy, ashes: but, Deut. xxxiii. 16. Blesmercy, mercy to the end of that sing shall come on the head of Jobattle, and bring her through with seph, and upon the top of the head life and peace, and a sign of God's of him who was separate from his favour. I will expect advertisement brethren: and are not the saints sefrom you, and especially if you fear parate from their brethren, and sold, her. Mistress, you remember that and hated? for, Gen. xlix. 23. I said to you, anent your love to me The archers have sorely grieved and my brother begun in Christ; Joseph, and shot at him, and hated you know, we are here but stran- him." Ver. 24. But his bow agers, and you have not yet found bode in strength, and the arms of us a dry well, as others have been; his hands were made strong by the be not overcome of any suspicion; hands of the mighty God of Ja




cob: him is the Shepherd and hath played the harlot, and hath left the Stone of Israel;' the Stone of her first Husband; and the enemies Israel shall not be broken in pieces: think they offend not, for we have it is hammered upon by the children sinned against the Lord: but they of this world, and we shall live, and shall get the devil to their thanks, not die. Our Lord hath done all the rod shall be cast into the fire, this, to see if we will believe, and that we may sing as in the days of not give over; and I am persuaded, our youth. My dear friend, thereyou must of necessity stick by your fore lay down your head upon Christ's work the eye of Christ hath been breast: weep not, the Lion of the upon all this business; and he taketh tribe of Judah will arise. The sun good heed too, who is for him and is gone down upon the prophets, who is against him; let us do our and our gold is become dim ; and part, as we would be approved of the Lord feedeth his people with Christ. The Son of God is near to waters of gall and wormwood; yet his enemies; if they were not deaf, Christ standeth but behind the wall, they may hear the din of his feet: his bowels are moved for Scotland: and he will come with a start, upon he waiteth (as Isaiah saith) that he his weeping children, and take them may show mercy. If we would go on his knee, and lay their head in home, and take our brethren with his bosom, and dry their watery us, weeping with our faces toward eyes; and this day is fast coming; Zion, asking the way thitherward, yet a little time, and the vision wil! he would bring back our captivity : speak, it will not tarry, Hab. ii. we may not think that God has no These questions betwixt us and our care of his own honour, while men adversaries will all be decided in tread it under their feet; he will yonder day, when the Son of God clothe himself with vengeance, as shall come, and rid all pleas; and it with a cloke, and appear against our will be seen whether we or they enemies for our deliverance. Ye have been for Christ, and who have were never yet beguiled, and God been pleading for Baal. It is not will not now begin with you; wrestle known what we are now; but when still with the Angel of the covenant, our life shall appear in glory, then and you shall get the blessing: fight, we shall see who laughs fastest that he delighteth to be overcome by day; therefore we must possess our wrestling. Commend me to Grissouls in patience, and go in to our sel; desire her to learn to know the chamber, and rest while the indig-adversaries of the Lord, and to nation be past: we shall not weep take them as her adversaries; and long, when our Lord shall take us to learn to know the right gate in to up in the day that he gathereth his the Son of God! O but acquainjewels and, Mal. iii. 16. They tance with the Son of God, to say, that feared the Lord spoke often My Well-beloved is mine, and I am one to another; and the Lord hear- his, is a sweet and glorious course kened and heard it, and a book of of life, that none know, but those remembrance was written before who are sealed, and marked in the him, for them that feared the Lord, forehead with Christ's mark, and the and thought upon his name.' And new name that Christ writeth upon I shall never be of another faith, his own! Grace, grace and mercy but our Lord is heating a furnace be with you.

for the enemies of his kirk in Scot

Your's in Christ,

S. R.

land. It is true, the spouse of Christ Anwoth, Sept. 25th, 1634.

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