
Your Ladyship's in his sweetest Lord
Jesus, S. R.

Anwoth, April 1, 1633.

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To my Lady KENMURE.

and spirit in pawn to him, who the rest, and your way to heaven keepeth his Father's pawns, and will lieth through a more wild and waste make an account of them faithfully, wilderness, than the way of many even to that Fairest amongst the of your fellow-travellers; not only sons of men, our sweet Lord Jesus, through the midst of this wood of the fairest, the sweetest, the most thorns, the cumbersome world, but delicious Rose of all his Father's also through these dangerous paths, great field. The smell of that Rose the vain-glory of it: the consideraperfume your soul. tion wherof hath often moved me to pity your soul, and the soul of your worthy and noble husband. And it is more to you to win heaven, being ships of greater burden, and in the main sea, than for little vessels, that are not so much in the mercy and reverence of the storms; because they may come quietly to their port by launching along the Í DETERMINED, and was desirous coast; for the which cause ye do also to have seen your Ladyship, much, if in the midst of such a but because of a pain in my arm I tumult of business, and crowd of could not. I know ye will not im- temptations, ye shall give Christ pute it to any unsuitable forgetful- Jesus his own court, and his own ness of your Ladyship, from whom, due place in your soul. I know at my first entry to my calling in this and am persuaded, that that lovely country, and since also, I receiv- One, Jesus, is dearer to you than ed such comfort in my affliction, as, many kingdoms; and that ye esI trust in God never to forget, and teem him your Well-beloved, and shall labour by his grace to recom- the Standard-bearer among ten pence it, the only way possible to me, thousand, Cant. v. 10. And it beand that is, by presenting your soul, cometh him full well to take the person, house, and all your necessi- place, and the board-head in your ties, in prayer to him, whose I hope soul, before all the world: I knew you are, and who is able to keep and saw him with you in the furnace you till that day of appearance, and of affliction: for there he wooed to present you before his face with you to himself, and chose you to be joy. I am confident your Ladyship his; and now he craveth no other is going forward, in the begun jour- hire of you but your love, and that ney to your Lord and Father's home he get no cause to be jealous of and kingdom; howbeit ye want not you. And therefore dear and wortemptations within and without: and thy Lady, be like to the fresh river, who among the saints hath ever that keepeth its own fresh taste in taken that castle without stroke of the salt-sea. This world is not worsword? The chief of the house, our thy of your soul; give it not a good Elder brother, our Lord Jesus, not day, when Christ cometh in combeing excepted, who won his own petition with it. Be like one of anhouse at home, due to him by birth, other country: home and stay not; with much blood and many blows. for the sun is fallen low, and nigh Your Ladyship hath the more need the tops of the mountains, and the to look to yourself, because our shadows are stretched out in great Lord hath placed you higher than length. Linger not by the way;

the world and sin would train you (fair weather, mend the sails of the on, and make you turn aside: leave ship. Now, hoping your Ladyship not the way for them, and the Lord will pardon my tediousness, I reJesus be at the voyage! Madam, commend your soul and person to many eyes are upon you, and many the grace and mercy of our sweet would be glad your Ladyship should Lord Jesus, in whom I am spill a Christian, and mar a good

Lord Jesus mar their

Your Ladyship's at all dutiful obedience

in Christ,


To my Lady KENMURE.

S. R.

professor. godless desires, and keep the con- Anwoth, Nov. 15, 1633, science whole without a crack! If there be a hole in it, so that it take in water at a leak, it will with difficulty mend again. It is a dainty delicate creature, and a rare piece of the workmanship of your Maker; and therefore deal gently with it, HAVING received a letter from and keep it entire, that amidst this some of the worthiest of the minisworld's glory, your Ladyship may try in this kingdom, the contents learn to entertain Christ; and what- whereof I am desired to communisoever creature your Ladyship find cate to such professors in these eth not to smell of him, it may have parts, as I know love the beauty of no better relish to you than the Zion, and are afflicted to see the white of an egg. Madam it is a Lord's vineyard trodden under foot part of the truth of your profession, by the wild boars out of the wood, to drop words in the ears of your who lay it waste; I could not but noble husband continually, of eter-also desire your Ladyship's help, to nity, judgment, death, hell, heaven, join with the rest, desiring you to the honourable profession, the sins impart it to my lord, your husband; of his father's house: he must reck- and if ye think it needful, I shall on with God for his father's debt; write to his Lordship, as Mr. G. G. forgetting of accounts payeth not shall advertise me. Know theredebt; nay, the interest of a forgot fore, that the best affected of the ten bond runneth up with God, to ministry have thought it convenient interest upon interest. I know, he and necessary, at such a time as looketh homeward, and loveth the this, that all who love the truth truth: but I pity him, with my soul, should join their prayers together, because of his many temptations; and cry to God with humiliation Satan layeth upon men a burden of and fasting; the times which are cares above a load, and maketh a pack-horse of men's souls, when they are wholly set upon this world. We owe the devil no such service; it were wisdom to throw off that load into a mire, and cast all our cares over upon God. Madam, think ye have no child; subscribe a bond to your Lord, that she shall be his, if he take her; and thanks and praise and glory to his holy name, shall be the interest for a year's loan of her. Look for crosses; and while it is

agreed upon, are the first two sabbaths of February next, and the six days intervening betwixt these sabbaths, as they may conveniently be had, and the first sabbath of every quarter.; and the causes, as they are written to me, are these; 1. Besides the distresses of the reformed churches abroad, the many reigning sins of uncleanness, ungodliness, and unrighteousness in this land: the present judgments on the land, and many more hanging over us,

whereof few are sensible, or yet but hurt their back, and the stone know the right and true cause of shall not be moved, at least not rethem. 2. The lamentable and piti- moved, Zech. xii. 3. Grace, grace ful estate of a glorious church, in be with you, from him who hath calso short a time, against so many led you to the inheritance of the bonds, in doctrine, sacrament and saints in light.


in his sweet Lord Jesus, Anwoth, Jan. 23, 1634,



To my Lady KENMURE.

S. R

discipline, so sore persecuted, in the Your Ladyship's at all submissive obedience persons of faithful pastors and professors, and the door of God's house kept so strait, by bastard-porters in so much that worthy instruments, able for the work, are held at the door: the rulers having turned over religion into policy, and the multitude ready to receive any religion that shall be enjoined by authority. 3. In ALL submisive and dutiful obedi our humiliation, besides that we are ence in our Lord Jesus remember. under a necessity of deprecating bered; I trust I need not much enGod's wrath, and vowing to God sin-treat your Ladyship to look to him, cerely new obedience; the wakeness, who hath stricken you at this time; coldness, silence and luke-warmness, but my duty, in the memory of that of some of the best of the ministry comfort I found in your Ladyship's and the deadness of professors, who kindness, when I was no less heavy, have suffered the truth both secret-in a case not unlike that, speaketh ly to be stolen away, and openly to to me, to say something now; and be plucked from us, would be con- I wish I could ease your Ladyship fessed. 4. Atheism, idolatry, pro- at least with words: I am persuadfanity, and vanity would be confes-ed, your Physician will not slay you, sed; our king's heart recommended but purge you; and seeing he cal. to God; and God intreated, that he leth himself the Chirurgeon, who would stir up the nobles and the maketh the wound and bindeth it people to turn from their evil ways. up again, for to lance a wound is Thus, Madam, hoping that your not to kill, but to cure the patient, Ladyship will join with others, that Deut. xxxii. 30. 1 Sam. ii. 6. Job such a work be not slighted at such vi. 18. Hos. vi. 1. I believe, faith a necessary time, when our kirk is will teach you to kiss a striking at the overturning, I will promise Lord, and so acknowledge the soto myself your help, as the Lord in vereignty of God, in the death of a secrecy and prudence shall enable child, to be above the power of us you, that your Ladyship may re-mortal men, who may pluck up a joice with the Lord's people, when flower in the bud, and not be blamdeliverance shall come: for true ed for it: if our dear Lord pluck and sincere humiliation comes al-up one of his roses, and pull down ways speed with God; and when sour and green fruit before the harauthority, king, court, and church- vest, who can challenge him: For men oppose the truth, what other he sendeth us to his world, as men armour have we but prayer and to a market, wherein some stay faith? whereby if we wrestle with many hours, and eat and drink, and him, there is ground to hope that buy and sell, and pass through the those who would remove the bur- fair, till they be weary; and such densome stone out of its place, shall are those who live long, and get a

hearty fill of this life: and others itself is to be transplanted to the again come slipping in to the morn-high garden; in a good time be it, ing market, and do neither sit nor our Lord ripen your Ladyship. All stand, nor buy nor sell, but look these crosses, and indeed when I about them a little, and pass pre-remember them, they are heavy and sently home again; and these are many, peace, peace be the end of infants and young ones, who end them, are to make you white and their short market in the morn- ripe for the Lord's harvest hook. ing, and get but a short view of the I have seen the Lord weaning you fair. Our Lord, who hath num- from the breasts of this world; it bered man's months, and set him was never his mind, it should be bounds that he cannot pass, Job your patrimony, and God be thankxiv. 5. hath written the length of ed for that; ye look the liker one our market; and it is easier to com- of the heirs; let the moveables go, plain of the decree, than to change why not? they are not yours; fastit I verily believe, when I write en your grips upon the heritage; this, your Lord hath taught your and our Lord Jesus make the charLadyship to lay your hand on your ters sure, and give your Ladyship mouth: but I shall be far from de- to grow as a palm tree on God's siring your Ladyship or any others mount Zion; howbeit shaken with to cast by a cross, like an old use winds, yet the root is fast. This is less bill, that is only for the fire; all I can do, to recommend your but rather would wish, each cross case to your Lord, who hath you were looked in the face seven times, written upon the palms of his hands. and were read over and over again. If I were able to do more, your It is the messenger of the Lord, and Ladyship may believe me, that gladspeaks something, and the man of ly I would. I trust shortly to see understanding will hear the rod, your Ladyship. Now he who hath and him that hath appointed it: try called you, confirm and establish what is the taste of the Lord's cup, your heart in grace unto the day of and drink with God's blessing, that the liberty of the sons of God. ye may grow thereby. I trust in Your Ladyship's at all submissive obedience God, whatever speech it utter to in his sweet Lord Jesus, your soul, this is one word in it, Ardwel, April, 29, 1634 S. R Job. v. 17. Behold blessed is the man whom God correcteth;' and that it saith to you, ye are from home while here; ye are not of this world, as your Redeemer, Christ, was not of this world. There is


To my Lady KENMURE My very Noble and Worthy Lady, something keeping for you, which So oft as I call to mind the comis worth the having, All that is forts, that I myself, a poor friendhere is condemned to die, to pass less stranger, received from your away like a snow-ball before a sum- Ladyship here in a strange part of mer-sun; and since death took first the country, when my Lord took possession of something of yours, it from me the desire of mine eyes, as hath been and daily is creeping the word speaketh, Ezek. xxiv. 16. rearer and nearer to yourself, how- (which wound is not yet fully healbeit with no noise of feet. Your ed and cured,) I trust your Lord husbandman and Lord hath lopped shall remember that, and give you off some branches already, the tree comfort now, at such a time as this,

ciously taken out your husband's name, and your name, out of the summonses, that are raised at the instance of the terrible sin-revenging Judge of the world, against the house of Kenmure: and I

wherein your dearest Lord hath made you a widow, that ye may be a free woman for Christ, who is now suiting for marriage-love of you; and, therefore, since you lye alone in your bed, let Christ be as a bundle of myrrh, to sleep and lye all the dare say that God's hammering night betwixt your breasts, Cant i. of you from your youth, is only 13. and then your bed is better to make you a fair carved stone, filled than before: and seeing, a in the high upper temple of among all crosses spoken of in our the New Jerusalem. Your Lord Lord's word, this giveth you a par- never thought this world's vain ticular right to make God your painted glory a gift worthy of husband, (which was not so your's, you; and therefore would not while your husband was alive,) read bestow it on you, because he is God's mercy out of this visitation. to propine you with a better porAnd albeit I must out of some ex- tion: let the moveables go, the inperience say, the mourning for the heritance is your's. Ye are a child husband of your youth be by God's of the house, and joy is laid up -for own mouth the heaviest worldly you; it is long in coming, but not sorrow, Joel i. 8. and though this the worse for that. I am now exbe the weightiest burden that ever pecting to see, and that with joy lay upon your back, yet ye know and comfort, that which I hoped of when the fields are emptied, and you, since I knew you fully; even your husband now asleep in the that ye have laid such strength Lord, if ye shall wait upon him, who upon the Holy One of Israel, that hideth his face for a while, that it ye defy troubles; and that your lyeth upon God's honour and truth soul is a castle that may be beto fill the field, and to be a husband sieged, but cannot be taken. What to the widow: see and consider have you to do here? This world then what ye have lost, and how never looked like a friend upon little it is. Therefore Madam, let you; ye owe it little love, it looked me entreat you in the bowels of ever sour like upon you; howbeit Christ Jesus, and by the comforts ye should woo it, it will not match of his Spirit, and your appearance with you; and therefore never seek before him, let God, and men, and warm fire under cold ice. This is angels now see what is in you; the not a field where your happiness Lord hath pierced the vessel, it groweth; it is up above, where, will be known whether there be in Rev. vii. 9. there are a great it wine or water: let your faith and multitude, which no man can numpatience be seen, that it may be ber, of all nations, and kindreds, known your only beloved first and and people, and tongues, standing last bath been Christ: and there- before the throne and before the fore now, were your whole love Lamb, clothed with white robes, and upon him, he alone is a suitable palms in their hands: what ye could object for your love and all the never get here, ye shall find there. affections of your soul. God hath And withal consider, how in all dried up one channel of your love, these trials (and truly they have by the removal of your husband: been many) your Lord hath been let now that speat run upon Christ: loosing you at the root from perishyour Lord and Lover hath gra- ing things, and hunting after you,

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