
let them feel that duty is always expediency, even though for a time not understood to be so. If they are right in principle, let them not shrink from asserting the simple truth, because they are told of political difficulties, or interested opposition, or honest ignorance, or the vested rights of iniquity. They will find the Bible their best political as well as religious code; and justice and mercy will prove in the end true patriotism, and the most exalted political economy. Would that all our public men, all our legislators, would that even all those who profess more peculiar strictness as Christians, would reduce every vote to one simple test, Is it right? not, Is it politic? is it countenanced by one party, or discountenanced by another? is it approved in high quarters? is it the sentiment of the circle in which I move? would it bring me into awkward companionships? would it expose me to painful misconceptions? would it affront friends? would it involve sacrifice? would it impede my ascent in life, or affect the interests of my children?-but IS IT RIGHT? that is, is it according to the doctrines and precepts of Him whose I am, and whom I serve? Every true Christian must afford to keep a conscience, however expensive the incumbrance. Is it not one of the strangest anomalies of our fallen nature, that there are those who would scarcely shrink from the stake in defence of a scriptural doctrine, who can yet be blinded without difficulty as to their obedience to a plain moral precept? yet such inconsistencies are to be found among us.

Some further discussions having occured in parliament on the subject of freetrade and the reciprocity system, which many uninformed or interested persons have represented as having injured the commerce and shipping interest of the country, the duke of Wellington has proved from official documents, that the number of ships which left or entered our ports in 1829, was 13,659, with a tonnage of more than two millions, being the greatest amount ever known; and that the increase of British freight over foreign in our ports has been no less than forty-eight thousand tons, even with those countries where the reciprocity system is least in our favour. British ship-building also has greatly increased since the relaxation of the navigation laws; so that the objections often urged against this truly Christian system of international intercourse, are proved to be as unfounded in experience, as they are unphilosophical and illiberal in theory. Is it not surprising that while such wellinformed men of the world, as have no private interest to serve, see the propriety and perfect safety of the most enlarged kindly intercourse, and mutual dependence among nations, some who, from their better knowledge of the benevolent spirit of the Gospel, ought to be the first to entertain this wise and liberal sentiment, seem to

think it a point of duty to cherish narrow selfish prejudices; prejudices as hostile to Christianity as to a well-understood political economy? Gladly would we see our clergy in particular inculcating, as accords with the principles both of good sense and of the New Testament, the most expanded feelings, the most enlightened sentiments, among their parishioners, in the true spirit of that second commandment which involves all our duties to our neighbour. If a man without prepossession or selfish interest, will only enter into the spirit of that precept, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself," we have no fear as to what will be the result as respects universal education, commercial jealousy, colonial slavery, the compulsatory charity of poor-laws, and the numerous restrictions which prevent persons doing what they will with their own; as for instance carrying their commodities where they will, and bringing back what they please in return. We are aware that to many readers this is very unpopular language; but as Christian observers, we can have but one standard, and that is the Bible; and we dare not recede from this standard, because some whom we highly respect in other matters have in this allowed their eyes to be blinded by an ill-understood self-interest. A truly Christian man would not wish to be one penny the richer by intercepting the penny which ought to have found its way to his neighbour's purse; yet this is the real spirit of those illiberal prejudices which some among us are ready to identify with a zeal for the best interests of the country. If any of our readers think us wrong in our opinion, we are open to conviction, provided they will discuss the matter simply upon Christian principles, as they consider it would have been discussed by Christ and his Apostles, and not at the instigation of those passions or selfish considerations which made Jews and Samaritans pride themselves upon their reciprocal hostility. One man tells us that his sugar-farm will be of less value if he may not coerce Black men to cultivate it; another that his ship will be of less value if he may not prevent other people having a share of the traffic; another, that his labour will be of less value if he does not combine with his fellowworkmen to cheat his master and the public bypreventing others who are willing to work for less; another, that his wool or silk will be of less value if he cannot make his neighbour pay him more for it than it is worth, that is, than he can get it for elsewhere; another that his corn-field, or orchard, or hop-garden will be less valuable, if all men may buy corn, or apples, or hops where they please. There may be on all such questions, points of concession, and equitable adjustment: and these ought not to be overlooked; very far from it; but on matters of broad principle we must not forget that we are Christians, and as

Christians we may not do to any man what to him is disadvantageous, however advantageous it may appear to ourselves. There has been a grievous want of simplicity and sincerity among Christians, in not bringing their religious sentiments fully to bear upon their political principles and worldly interests. Take the matter of colonial slavery as an illustration. There are not a few whose conduct on this painful subject will be a thorn in their dying pillow. They may stifle conscience in company, and follow a multitude to do evil, but they must die alone. Will a timeserving support of West-India slavery be among their most agreeable retrospections? Petitions have been presented to Parliament by Lord Winchelsea, and Sir R. Inglis, praying that Protestant soldiers may no longer be obliged to be present at Roman-Catholic ceremonies. This unjust infliction upon the rights of conscience, we have taken many occasions of alluding to and reprobating, particularly in reference to the severe measure dealt out to Capt. Atcheson and Lieut. Dawson; and we are glad to find that it is beginning to

attract the attention of the country. We would urge that the inquiry should proceed further than the case of the Papal or Greek rites; for in India our officers and soldiers are often obliged to grace the atrocities of Pagan superstition, in a way very painful to a Christian mind.

A committee of the House of Commonsis engaged in investigating the workings of the poor laws; and Dr. Chalmers who is intimately conversant with the whole question, is in London for the purpose of giving his evidence.

Mr. R. Grant's bill for the emancipation of the Jews, has been thrown out on the motion for the second reading, by a majority of 228 to 164.-Mr Brougham is bringing in a most useful bill, with the full concurrence of government, for appointing local courts throughout the kingdom, for the cheap recovery of debts, not exceeding an amount to be specified. He purposes that the local courts, besides a power of direct adjudication, shall be authorized to arbitrate, and even to act by conciliation, in recommending the parties to do what may appear just, without going to law.


J. W. N.; CLERICUS INDICUS; R. F. W.; SENEX; G. J.; R. S.; R. F. D.; A Curate; AMERICANUS; C. F. B.; and D. B. C.; are under consideration.


OUR Conscientious predilection for schools on the plan of the National Society, has not rendered us insensible to the blessings of moral and religious education in other quarters. Truly rejoiced are we that the tens and hundreds of thousands of the poor who cannot, or will not, avail themselves of education directly in the bosom of our national Zion, are still learning to read the word of God, and receiving Christian instruction in other quarters, especially by the benevolent labours of the British and Foreign School Society, which we would far rather regard as an auxiliary in the common warfare against vice, and ignorance, and irreligion, than as a rival, the labours of which impede those of any institutions connected with our own church. From the annexed documents of the society, it appears that in England alone, nearly a million of children have passed through the society's schools, who might otherwise have grown up in vice and ignorance; and we are gratified in learning that the education is avowedly scriptural, though not connected with any particular denomination of Christians. It is, however, chiefly for the sake of the information respecting the important foreign operations of the institution that we purpose from this time to append the society's quarterly extracts to our Numbers; and in this branch of its proceedings, our extinct controversies about Bell and Lancaster will not prevent every true friend of humanity, of religion, and we add confidently, of our own church, rejoicing that useful and scriptural education, under the gigantic powers of the system of mutual instruction, is working its way to the remotest corners of the earth. Éducation, Bibles, and Christian missions are a threefold cord which will not easily be broken; and by their united efficacy, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, we confidently anticipate for future ages a wide, and at length a universal, diffusion of spiritual blessings throughout the world. The Society's communications from Greece and Russia are peculiarly interesting.


The Supplement to the Reporter gives a highly interesting account of the proceedings of Anti-slavery meetings in various parts of the empire; and next month, will appear the speeches at the meeting in London, which have caused a powerful sensation throughout the kingdom, and done much to excite a more ardent and widely spread determination than ever that slavery shall speedily cease to pollute the British name. We shall recur to the subject.


We have only room to announce the Report of this society, without one word of comment; except our increased conviction of its great utility and valuable labours.

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(Concluded from p. 268.)

never ventured to carry his views so far. What he himself called his ignorance, and his want of educa

THE circumstances which led tion, appeared to be insuperable Ferdinand Caulier to commence preaching, or more properly teaching and exhorting, for he never became ordained as a pastor, were the following.

"Providential occurrences had removed me from that part of the country. My departure left a vast, but promising field uncultivated. In a short time, the hunger and thirst for hearing the word of God being increasingly felt, the people began to apply to Ferdinand, who continued to distribute the Scriptures, to address them at their little meetings. He did not refuse, and his first attempts increased his courage. By degrees, invitations of this nature greatly multiplied, and in proportion as he yielded to them, the people had increasing cause for rejoicing at the clear and simple manner, but often full of unction, in which he instructed, convinced, and exhorted. He thus found, without having sought, the office of preaching the Gospel, and that precisely at the time when the colportage had been stopped by obstacles to which we were compelled to yield.

"Thus the Lord, by the secret working of his Divine providence, introduced our beloved Ferdinand into this important office. He had CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 342.

obstacles. But God, who is not obliged to seek his servants only in the bosom of academies, and who often, on the contrary, has pleased to select them elsewhere; from the plough, like Elisha; from the flocks, like the shepherd of Tekoa; or from a court, like Isaiah; shewed, in this instance, that he could make a humble peasant a chosen instrument for the advancement of his kingdom upon earth.

"The success which attended the labours of Ferdinand was soon much more remarkable than that with which I had been favoured in cultivating the same field. Many sin


were soon brought to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus, and proved by newness of life the sincerity of their conversion. It was not only in G that this religious revival took place, but throughout the neighbourhood. For a considerable time scarcely a week elapsed in which he did not receive fresh invitations to visit small religious societies, the members of which wished to hear him. His whole time was thus occupied; and, notwithstanding his incredible activity, he could not do all that was required.

"He began now to think of choosing a companion; and being 2 U

convinced that the union of a Chris tian with a worldly-minded person is contrary to the will of God, and that it is always accompanied by dangers and difficulties, he determined not to give his hand to any one who had not given her heart to God. He found such a person in R. R., who became his wife. His marriage did not diminish his zeal, his devotedness, or his labours. He had acquired by this time a facility in public speaking, which would have astonished those who knew the few advantages which he had enjoyed; but with his accustomed humility he thought his powers very inadequate to the situation which he occupied. Being frequently called upon to speak before persons better educated than himself, he feared lest what he called the coarseness of his language and the want of polish in his ideas should injure the cause which he pleaded. He therefore thought seriously of applying himself to study, and with this view solicited and obtained from the society which employed him, permission to place himself for some time under my care.

"We had thus the happiness of being reunited at B. I may with truth say that I have rarely seen so much ardour for study as he possessed. In a short time he made great progress in the knowledge of his own language, and in theology; still endeavouring, whenever he had an opportunity, to promote the kingdom of God on earth by assisting me in my ministry.

"After two years, well and fully occupied, he returned to La Beauce, to which place he had been frequently solicited to return. A short time after his arrival there, many untoward circumstances occurred, which however all proved to his advantage, and augmented the influence which his Christian virtues and his disinterested zeal had obtained for him. He resumed his labours with renewed ardour, perhaps even with too much. Sometimes in one place, sometimes in another,

he preached once every day, and three times on the Sunday. One might almost say, that under a presentiment of his approaching end, he hastened to accomplish his work; and that as his sun must set when that of others was rising above the horizon, he wished to fulfil his entire day.

"A short time after his return, some of his friends began to urge him strongly to procure ordination to the ministry by the imposition of hands; but he thought himself unworthy of this sacred office. He continued to view himself as among the least of those who serve God upon earth; and the thought of assuming a title which he did not consider himself warranted in seeking was painful to him. However, as the advice was urged by persons for whose judgment he felt much deference, he regarded it his duty to consider the subject. But his Lord had decided otherwise, and recalled him to himself at the very time when he was thinking of going to England, in order there to receive ordination."

His last illness exhibited in a remarkable light the Christian graces which he had received. His wife, three days after his death, gave the following interesting account of his last moments, in a letter to the writer of the above parti. culars.

"During the night of the 29th or 30th of October, he had a severe fit of coughing, which ended with a violent suffocation; he desired me to fetch my father, which I immediately did. We thought that all was over. I asked him whether the Lord was going to take him to himself, he answered, that he did not think that his time was come. The violence of this attack subsided, although it did not entirely leave him: he rose the next day, and remained up part of the day, and then undressed himself, and got into bed without assistance; but, alas! it was leave it no more. He was very weak, and much oppressed during the night.

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On the morning of the 31st, he said to me, I do not feel pain now, only weakness.' I asked him whether he thought that his Lord was then coming to fetch him, he replied, that he did not know; but at about two o'clock in the afternoon the oppression of his breath increased, and he began to feel that his end approached. Adieu, my beloved wife,' said he; I must leave thee; the sacrifice will soon be over. Do not weep; thou shalt soon join me, to part no more.' By three o'clock this beloved friend had quitted this world of misery. He had never felt any fear of death. He often said, that if it should be the will of God to restore him to health, in order to labour still longer in his work, he should be quite satisfied; but,' added he, if he has decided otherwise, the Lord's will be done!' When he perceived that his departure was at hand, he desired to have the thirty-first Psalm read to him; then, addressing himself in prayer to God, he said, Lord Jesus, receive a miserable sinner who calls upon thee; wash my soul again and again.' Then turning to me, he said, 'My dear friend, pray that the Lord may pardon all my sins, that he may wash me in his blood.' That is done already,' said I; "O yes,' he replied, that is already done. What mercy!' And as he could scarcely articulate, I often said to him, You do not regret leaving this world, do you, my dear Ferdinand?' No, no. Is the Lord with thee?' 'Yes.' My sister coming to his bed-side, he entreated her to think of the salvation of her soul; and in about five minutes after this his spirit had quitted this world to enjoy everlasting felicity. He is now happy, and I am left alone. Oh, if you knew my dear friend how hard it is to be separated!"

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To another friend his still sorrowing wife adds the following interest ing particulars.

"Nothing,we know, happens with out the permission of God. Our life is in his hands, and he disposes of

it according to his good pleasure. Moreover, the children of God are exhorted to redeem the time: they ought to work while it is day. If I were not convinced of this, I should be inconsolable on account of the fatigues which my dear husband sustained while in the body, knowing that his zeal and his ardour for his work have shortened his days. But it was in the cause of Christ. Who can know so well as I the excessive fatigues which he endured? Since our return from Bespecially, he did not lose a moment; he was instant in season and out of season. Thus, following the example of his Saviour, he went about doing good. On Sunday he had scarcely time to take his necessary food, being surrounded by persons almost incessantly from eight o'clock in the morning until ten or eleven at night. When I sometimes entreated him to retire and to take a little rest: 'No, my dear wife,' said he, let me work while there is time. Our Lord did much more than this; he preached all day long, and at night retired to pray....And sometimes passed the whole night in prayer.' What could I say except to supplicate for Divine grace to be found as earnest? Sometimes, quite exhausted, he said to me, I am quite overdone; I have scarcely courage to go to bed; but truly, the Lord giveth strength to the weary." He delighted thus to apply this passage.

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"He conducted five religious services in five different villages during the week, and scarcely passed a day without visiting several persons. He discharged this duty towards all the Protestants in the neighbourhood, speaking to each as his case required. He never spoke to any one even for a moment on secular subjects, unless duty required that he should do so. I recollect that on our return from B., he was much affected at finding himself alone in the midst of so wide a field of labour. Who am I,' said he, to have so important a

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