LITTELL'S 45-373 LIVING AGE. CONDUCTED BY E. LITTELL. E PLURIBUS UNUM. These publications of the day should from time to time be winnowed, the wheat carefully preserved, and the chaff thrown away." VOL.XXΙΙΙ. OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER, 1849. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY E. LITTELL & COMPANY. STEREOTYPED BY HOBART & ROBBINS. Poisons for the Asking, 477 Hope and Memory, 400 Wont go home till Morning, 520 Hours, The, 451 Benzole, 369 Bremer's (Fred.) Summer Unprotected Female, 567 I would not live Alway, 191 Irish Temperance Hymn, 391 Journey,. It Cannot Last,. 414 -, Overland Journey to, 155 Lola Montes, 525 Ode for the Peace Congress, 613 Cholera, Cessation of, 373 Magalhaen's Straits, 278 Chalmer's Prelections, 531 Modern Orator, 401 Risibility, 318 Melville's Redburn, 580 Soul and Body, 32 Dead Sea and River Jordar,. 1 M'Lean's Twenty-five Years St. Peter's Tears, . 318 Hildreth's History of the Columbus, 251 Matchlighter of San Adri- Aspects of Nature, 587 Resignation, 79 Death of the Flowers, 465 Robert Simpson's Court- Elfin Bride, 124 Adopted Cubs of Russian Elegy in London Church Ventilation, 238 |