
But England and France, and, by a scarcely in- made for themselves in Punch a chosen organ. ferior necessity, Prussia and Western Germany, In calculating the probable future of the nation, it must take a part in sustaining the Turkish cause as the fortress of the south and west.

were better to leave out the Court of Arches and the chancellor, if not the queen herself, than to leave out Punch.

The extract we give below has been cut by us at second hand from the columns of some mislaid

But, even if Turkey rested on the Mahometan powers alone, her conquest might demand both remarkable force and remarkable good fortune on the part of her antagonist. With a warlike pop- exchange paper. Its dense and powerful words ulation of perhaps twelve millions; with the will be read with a thrill by all who read them. acknowledged right to call on Mahometanism It has something in it of the awfulness of the throughout all Western Asia and the Mediter- thunder-cloud. It will demonstrate of itself that

ranean for her defence; with the armies and fleet of Egypt at her direct command; and with the general voice of Europe, in this instance, on her side, she could not be broken down in a day.

Punch is sometimes other than a joker. Its closing reference is to the capture of a fugitive from justice, who had murdered his friend and eluded the officers, and was supposed to be on his passage across the seas when the steam-frigate was


A battery at the northern end of the Bosphorus might shut up the Russian fleet in the Euxine, sent to stay him. while a proclamation would find the whole body

of those gallant and able leaders who have fought God's lightning pursuing murder is become a

so perseveringly at the head of the Hungarian peasants crowding to take the conduct of the Turkish armies. Even Russia herself might not be beyond the reach of invasion. A million sterling sent among the Tartar tribes might shake her Asiatic supremacy; a bombardment of Cronstadt might

tell her that even St. Petersburg was not safe. Poland might receive her own heroic exiles with sudden exultation; and a year of war might subvert the empire of centuries.

England deeply deprecates this scene of confusion; for peace is not merely her policy, but her principle. But necessity is the first of all laws, and the protection of Constantinople is now the first necessity of the civilized world.


Fro.n the Independent.

THEY greatly misconceive of the London Punch who suppose it a mere harmless collection of jokes and bon mots, of funny puns and funnier caricatures. There is no review or magazine in the world that has a more definite system of thought than Punch has, or that lives and acts for a more definite purpose; whose forces all work towards an individual end more consentaneously. It presses towards this with wonderful persistence of resolution, and


true and active thing. What was a figure of speech is now a working minister. We have brought devastation into servitude; we have made a bond slave of destruction. Murder has hardly turned from its abomination-scarcely set forth upon its shuddering flight-when the avenging

lightning stays the homicide. Marvellous is the poetry of our daily life! We out-act the dreams of story books. The Arabian tales are flat, crude gossip, against the written activities of our social state. Murder, with its black heart beating thick, its brain bloo blood-gorged, reads the history of its damnation. Hundreds of miles away from its

ghastly work, murder, in the stupidity of deepest
guilt-for the greater the crime the greater the
folly, that ever as a shadow accompanies and be-
trays it-murder, with forced belief in its im-
punity, reads its own doings chronicled and com-
mented upon in the newspaper sheet; and so far
from the victim's grave, the retreat so cunningly
assured, the hiding place so wisely chosen-mur-
der draws freer breath, and holds itself secure!-
And the while, the inexorable lightning-the elec-

tric pulse-thrills in the wires, and in a moment
idiot murder stammers and grows white in the face
of justice. In the marvellousness that sublimates
the mind of man, our electric tales make poor work
of the Arabian. Solomon's genii may sleep in their
brazen kettles. They are, in truth, the veriest smoke
compared with the genii of the wires. In the con-
templation of this last atrocity there is matter for
sad congratulation, for mournful thanksgiving. An
abomination is committed, and so wonderful are
the means of apprehension-so sure and so astound-
ing in their operation-that guilt has but a few gasps
of fancied freedom, and guilt is captive. Consid-
ering the certainty-the fate that travels the wires
-we take hope that from the self-conviction
covery-from the disheartening belief that there is
no escape, no evasion from the consequence of
crime, the miserable wretch tempted to evil will
turn in his mind the many odds, and refrain upon
the lowest principle that of calculation. The
murderer in mind, who would not be stayed in his
guilt by the thought of after lightning, may pause,
awed by the thought of lightning ready-the un-
erring telegraph. It was a solemn business, a stern
and awful work begun, when the Fire Queen, with
her black flag of smoke, stood out from Ports

of dis

oftentimes with wonderful vividness and energy of language. Whatever else there may be in Punch there is no hesitation, no " reserve," no masking of batteries, no frittering away of differences, no failing of an object for want of the fearless use at the right time of a hard word. Its logic may sometimes be covered over with wit, until it concealed; but the sharp edge lies close beneath the wreathing flowers. Its parries and thrusts may seem to the uninitiated mere scenic displays, the flashings of bloodless and unfleshed swords; but every one of them is a thrust for reform; a blow at abuses, imagined or real; a keen arrow from a full quiver, whistling into the heart of some veteran wrong. It should be distinctly understood that the choicest wits, the most pointed writers mouth, bound to cross the Atlantic, if need wereand thinkers of the reform party in England, have to stay and overhaul the Victoria, freighted with wires speak, saying to a certain admiral-"Send In a clamorous appealing to the mercy of the fire, a fast-sailing ship to sea, that retribution may be In a mad expostulation with the deaf and frantic fire, done to blood-shedders." There is something sol

Too much horrified to speak, They can only shriek, shriek, Out of tune,

the curse of murder. There is a fine, stern lesson in this, a noble sermon preached extempore to embryo crime. Justice at the home office makes the

emn, awful, in the warning uttered in this. It says to crime-" Though the sea encompass you, though you have balked pursuit, and justice, like a hound at fault, beats and gropes confounded-though you have begun to count the profits of blood, and how to make the most of them, how in your new country to live a life of impunity and ease-nevertheless, give up the dream; dismiss the vision, and awake to horrid truth. There, in the horizon, miles away, is a thin dark vapor, the man at the mast has seen and reported it, and with every ten minutes it becomes more distinct; and now the distant gun is heard across the water, booming command; the ship's yards swing round-she lies to; and how rapid the ceremony-how brief the time! Murder, aghast and manacled, is made again to turn its face towards the land it has outraged with the sacrifice of blood.

From the Union Magazine for November. THE BELLS.



HEAR the sledges with the bells

Silver bells!

Leaping higher, higher, higher,

With a desperate desire,

And a resolute endeavor Now-now to sit, or never, By the side of the pale-faced moon. Oh, the bells, bells, bells! What a tale their terror tells

[blocks in formation]


What a world of merriment their melody foretells! What a world of solemn thought their monody

How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle,
In the icy air of night!
While the stars that oversprinkle

All the heavens, seem to twinkle
With a crystalline delight;

Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the tintinabulation that so musically wells
From the bells, bells, bells, bells,

[blocks in formation]

In the silence of the night,

How we shiver with affright

At the melancholy menace of their tone.

For every sound that floats

From the rust within their throats

[blocks in formation]

All alone,

And who, tolling, tolling, tolling,

In that muffled monotone,

Feel a glory in so rolling

On the human heart a stone-
They are neither man nor woman-
They are neither brute nor human-

They are Ghouls;
And their king it is who tolls;
And he rolls, rolls, rolls,

A pæan from the bells!
And his merry bosom swells
With the pæan of the bells!
And he dances, and he yells;
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the pæans of the bells-
Of the bells;
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the throbbing of the bells
Of the bells, bells, bells-
To the sobbing of the bells;
Keeping time, time, time,
As he knells, knells, knells,
In a happy Runic rhyme,

To the rolling of the bells

Of the bells, bells, bells;

To the tolling of the bells

Of the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells-

To the moaning and the groaning of the belle

[blocks in formation]

PROSPECTUS. This work is conducted. in the spirit of Littell's Museum of Foreign Literature, (which was favor ably received by the public for twenty years,) but as it is twice as large, and appears so often, we not only give spirit and freshness to it by many things which were excluded by a month's delay, but while thus extending our scope and gathering a greater and more attractive variety, are able so to increase the solid and substantial part of our literary, historical, and political harvest, as fully to satisfy the wants of the American reader.

The elaborate and stately Essays of the Edinburgh, Quarterly, and other Reviews; and Blackwood's noble criticisms on Poetry, his keen political Commentaries, highly wrought Tales, and vivid descriptions of rural and mountain Scenery; and the contributions to Literature, History, and Cominon Life, by the sagacious Spectator, the sparkling Examiner, the judicious Athenæum, the busy and industrious Literary Gazette, the sensible and comprehensive Britannia, the sober and respectable Christian Observer; these are intermixed with the Military and Naval reminiscences of the United Service, and with the best articles of the Dublin University, New Monthly, Fraser's, Tait's, Ainsworth's, Hood's, and Sporting Magazines, and of Chambers' admirable Journal. We do not consider it beneath our dignity to borrow wit and wisdom from Punch; and, when we think it good enough, make ase of the thunder of The Times. We shall increase our variety by importations from the continent of Europe, and from the new growth of the British colonies.

The steamship has brought Europe, Asia and Africa, into our neighborhood; and will greatly multiply our connections, as Merchants, Travellers, and Politicians, with all parts of the world; so that much more than ever it

TERMS.-The LIVING AGE is published every Saturday, by E. LITTELL & Co., corner of Tremont and Bromfield sts., Boston; Price 121 cents a number, or six dollars a year in advance. Remittances for any period will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. To insure regularity in mailing the work, orders should be addressed to the office of publication, as above.

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now becomes every intelligent American to be informed of the condition and changes of foreign countries. And this not only because of their nearer connection with ou selves, but because the nations seem to be hastening through a rapid process of change, to some new state of things, which the merely political prophet cannot compute or foresee.

Geographical Discoveries, the progress of Colonization, (which is extending over the whole world,) and Voyages and Travels, will be favorite matter for our selections; and, in general, we shall systematically and very fully acquaint our readers with the great department of Foreign affairs, without entirely neglecting our own.

While we aspire to make the Living Age desirable all who wish to keep themselves informed of the rapid progress of the movement-to Statesmen, Divines, Lawyers, and Physicians-to men of business and men of leisure-it is still a stronger object to make it attractive and useful to their Wives and Children. We believe that we can thus do some good in our day and generation; and hope to make the work indispensable in every well-informed family. We say indispensable, because in this day of cheap literature it is not possible to guard against the influx of what is bad in taste and vicious in morals, in any other way than by furnishing a sufficient supply of a healthy character. The mental and moral appetite must be gratified.

We hope that, by "winnowing the wheat from the chaff," by providing abundantly for the imagination, and by a large collection of Biography, Voyages and Travels, History, and more solid matter, we may produce a work which shall be popular, while at the same time it will aspire to raise the standard of public taste.

Agencies. We are desirous of making arrangements, in all parts of North America, for increasing the circula tion of this work and for doing this a liberal commission will be allowed to gentlemen who will interest themselves in the business. And we will gladly correspond on this subject with any agent who will send us undoubted refer


Postage. When sent with the cover on, the Living Age consists of three sheets, and is rated as a pamphlet, at 4 cents. But when sent without the cover, it comes within the definition of a newspaper given in the law, and cannot legally be charged with more than newspaper postage, (1) cts.) We add the definition alluded to :

A newspaper is "any printed publication, issued in numbers, consisting of not more than two sheets, and published at short, stated intervals of not more than one month, conveying intelligence of passing events."

Monthly parts. For such as prefer it in that form, the Living Age is put up in monthly parts, containing four or five weekly numbers. In this shape it shows to great advantage in comparison with other works, containing in each part double the matter of any of the quarterlies. But we recommend the weekly numbers, as fresher and fuller of life. Postage on the monthly parts is about 14 cents. The volumes are published quarterly, each volume containing as much matter as a quarterly review gives in eighteen months.

WASHINGTON, 27 DEC., 1845. Or all the Periodical Journals devoted to literature and science which abound in Europe and in this country, this has appeared to me to be the most useful. It contains indeed the exposition only of the current literature of the English language, but this by its immense extent and comprehension includes a portraiture of the human mind in the utmost expansion of the present age. J. Q. ADAMS.


From the Examiner.


To be pacific is as good a reason for French hostility as to be weak. Italy was so inviting that no wonder was excited at French invasion or French perfidy; but there is hardly an example in history of policy so blind and erroneous. Detested as the French always were by every other people, the Italians, always deceived by them, always plundered, always trampled on and cast off, continued to look toward them as protectors. Napoleon bartered Italy for a worthless wife; his nephew gives her up for an imperial crown under a papal consecration. He conciliated both Austria and Russia by abstaining from the consolidation of freedom throughout all the states of Europe, which might have been effected by the pressure of his foot, by only one step onward. And what has he gained by this alliance with despotism? The hatred of all free nations, the contempt even of the enslaved, not only of those who were reduced to this condition under his eye and his connivance, but also of the wretches born to servitude, the very nails and rivets of the chain that now encompasses the globe.

To what a height of glory might the President of France have attained if he had sprung up with her in her ascent toward freedom, if he had seconded and directed her energies, if he had abstained but from falsehood and fraud! History neither will nor can dissemble them; the eternal city bears the eternal testimony. The words of Mazzini are not the words of an angry zealot, but are registered in the archives of every honest heart. He accuses no man without the proof of all he utters; and there was a time when such an accusation, so confirmed, would have driven the delinquent beyond the pale of honorable men's society. A bold front and swaggering gait may reduce the cowardly to silence in presence of the ferocious; not an inch further. It has been tried of late against the Americans, and with what success? A receiver of stolen goods is defended in his roguery by a French envoy. The French envoy is requested by the American government to reconsider the propriety of his protection; the American government is answered with the same insolence as the Roman was on its calm and just expostulation. The matter was submitted by the American government to the French cabinet. The French cabinet defends at once both the insolence and the fraud. Passports are delivered to the envoy; he returns to France.

Arrogance is broken into foam when it dashes on the western shores of the Atlantic. America knows equally her interests and her dignity. Averse to war, averse to the politics of Europe, she is greatly more than a match against the united powers of that continent. France owes her money; and she VOL. XXIII. 25


will have it, although, like many a civil suit, the contest may cost her greatly more than her demands. She is not to be shuffled off, or brought to a compromise, by a minor piece of trickery; the amount of money is not in question. The question is, whether the Americans are to be treated as ignominiously and superciliously as the Italians. At the head of the United States is a brave, a temperate, a sagacious man; no falsehood of word or deed could ever be objected to him. Americans, I hope, will pardon me in comparing their president (the indignity is unintentional) with the President of France. In one we behold the grave, sedate, veracious Englishman of England's commonwealth, animated not indeed by a better spirit, but a spirit moving over vast and discordant populations with strength to direct their energies and assign their courses; the other without any first principles, any determinate line of conduct, swearing to republicanism before the people, abjuring it before the priest hood, undermining it at home, battering it down abroad, delighted at transient cheers on a railroad, deaf to the distant voice of history, following his uncle where the way is tortuous, deviating where it is straight, and stopping in the midst of it to bow with equal obsequiousness to the heads of two religions. Symbolical of such a character is the tree of liberty; a tree unsound at root, shrivelled at top, shedding its leaves on the laborers who plant it, and concealing the nakedness of its branches in the flutter of the garlands that bedizen it.

Sometimes a preference makes poor amends for a comparison; but America will pardon me thus weighing a sound president against a hollow one. Temperate and strong as she is, she will treat arrogant petulance with calm derision. The resources of France, she well knows, are inadequate to set afloat, with soldiers and stores, any fleet that could make an impression. Her soldiers would find no field of operations, until by the humanity and munificence of their captors they should be employed in levelling the road to California. Beside, the Americans would rather see them perform an easier and more voluntary duty. Not only in common with the nations of Europe, but infinitely beyond them, those on the Atlantic see with abhorrence the wrongs and cruelties committed against the bravest and longest free of any on our continent. Europe and Asia rise up simultaneously from a deathlike lethargy, which long held both against more outrageous insolence, more unprovoked ferocity. The god of Mahomet is called the Merciful; and his worship is not the worship of lip or knee. Because the disciple of Mahomet is merciful to the follower of Christ, a Christian potentate threatens him with a war! America will not strike down the arm of France if she defends for once the cause of humanity and honor. From no sympathy wil' she


ever do it, but from jealousy lest England should | facility, long cherished designs against the indebecome more popular and more powerful in the pendence and integrity of Turkey, is a truth we WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR.


[blocks in formation]

have repeatedly insisted on. No one acquainted with past history, or with the present condition of the Danubian populations, could resist this conviction. The scheme of the Austrian cabinet to consolidate a powerful empire, has been effected by means that bar the possibility of any such consolidation. Russian help has forever dislocated and disabled the Austrian empire, and the first important step has been taken to the humiliation and degradation of the Ottoman.

If through Russian aid Austria be victorious, Kossuth has addressed a letter to Lord Palmerthe last barrier is swept away from the road to Conston from Widdin, calculated to strengthen the stantinople. Austria herself will, from that time forward, need the bayonets of the czar to keep down feeling of sympathy for the writer which we her discontented subjects, and must sink to the level believe to exist very generally throughout Engof a secondary power. Its policy will be the pol- land. It appears from this letter that the mission

icy of St. Petersburg; and the dream of a Pansclavic empire will not end in the suppression of the "proud Magyars," but in the reduction of Eastern Europe into a Russian province. If history has meaning in it as well as words, we are not predicting without sufficient warrant. Russian protection and Russian intervention have for a century past been equally fatal. The poor ally non equitem dorso, non frænum depulit ore. "Where is Hamath and Arphad, Sepharvaina and Ivah?" was the question of the Babylonian envoy. What, with equal pertinence, we may ask, have been the fruits of Russian aid to Turkey and Persia, to Warsaw and Finland, in Asterabad and Bessarabia, and now in Moldavia and Wallachia? To all these lands its hatred has been dangerous, but its embrace deadly. Nor is Russian policy the work of a single man, or a single generation. Four sovereigns of the house of Romanoff have consistently walked in the same track. Yet it is not the policy of Catherine, of Paul, of Alexander, or of Nicholas, but of Russia. It bides its time; and the purpose of the fathers is accomplished by the third or fourth generation of the children. It employs, with equal readiness, fraud or force. Muscovite, Pansclavism, and the Greek church, are as much its instruments

of Prince Radzivil, even though foiled in its thirst for blood, will not have been without one effect aimed at by its author, in exhibiting the weakness of the government of the sultan. The unconditional hospitality offered to the Hungarians before Radzivil's arrival was sought to be encumbered with disgraceful conditions immediately after his departure. The Turkish ministers, urged and threatened by a majority of the council under Russian influence, appear to have had no confidence in their power to protect the exiles but by inducing the latter to embrace Mahommedanism. This extraordinary proposal has accordingly been deliberately made; and in this state, for the present, the matter remains.

The following affecting passage occurs in Kossuth's letter:

What steps it may be expedient that you should take, what we have a right to expect from the wellknown generosity of England, it would be hardly fitting for me to enter on. I place my own and my companions' fate in your hands, my lord, and in the name of humanity throw myself under the protec

as the gold of the Ural and the Cossack's lance. It tion of England. Time presses-our doom may proscribes at Warsaw, it bullies at Constantinople, in a few days be sealed. Allow me to make an it flatters France, and is coldly courteous to Eng- humble personal request. I am a man, my lord, land. It has at once the versatility and fixedness prepared to face the worst; and I can die with a which the ancients attributed to destiny-πολλῶν | free look at heaven, as I have lived. But I am ὀνομάτων μορφὶ μία. Its journals and proclamations also, my lord, a husband, son, and father; my poor boast of its paternal sway and vigilance; while it true-hearted wife, my children, and my noble old

peoples Siberia with the children of its victims, and fills their cities and homes with spies. It has a vulture's scent for the tainted portion of nations, and holds out every lure to the indolent, the venal, and the ambitious. Hardly ten years have elapsed since England encountered, in Central Asia, the intrigues of Russia. The Muscovite is now "stepping westward"-not with emissaries or protocols, but with "war in procinct," to subvert by its battalions that national independence by which Austrian arms and arts were equally discomfited. Austria, however, is at present merely a stage in the progress of Russia: the road to Constantinople is as direct by Vienna as by Bucharest.

That the overthrow of the Hungarians, and the consequent reduction of Austria to a state of utter dependence on Russia, would strengthen the czar in the traditional policy of the Russian cabinet, and enable him to carry out, with comparative

mother, are wandering about Hungary. They will probably soon fall into the hands of those Austrians who delight in torturing even feeble women, and with whom the innocence of childhood is no protection against persecutions. I conjure your excellency, in the name of the Most High, to put a stop to these cruelties by your powerful mediation, and especially to accord to my wife and children an asylum on the soil of the generous English people.

It is not long since the Times affected to disbelieve the wanton and barbarous cruelties here pointed at; and though, from day to day, it eagerly seizes on every apochryphal rumor that can damage the defeated patriots, it has omitted to protest against an act of fiendish barbarity recorded four days ago in its own columns, and which we believe to be without parallel in any civilized or uncivilized country. How striking is the simple

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