Must yield to the ruthless human grasp, Thou peaceful child of a noisy deep! Of death, for a muscle's shell. 1 But the goodly pearl that the merchant bought, Is a purer one than will e'er be brought 'T will still be bright, when the forms that wore The treasures I sought to-day, With their beauty and wealth, to be seen no more, Have faded and passed away. Its lustre will far outlast the sight When the sun and the stars have lost their light, "T will shine in the upper sky! It will not fret while the spheres revolve, And round it their ways pursue; It will not melt, though the heavens dissolve, And the earth, to be made anew! And those who are wise, and seek to know NEWBURYPORT. H. F. G. THE HEART IS FIXED. Heb. xii. 1. THE heart is fixed, and fixed the eye, And I am girded for the race:、 The Lord is strong, and I rely On his assisting grace. Race for the swift-it must be run, And I have tarried longer now (Pleased with the scenes of time) Than fitteth those who hope to go To Heaven, that holy clime; Who hope to pluck the fruit which grows Where the immortal river flows. C The atmosphere of earth-Oh! how It hath bedimmed the eye, And quenched the spirit's fervent glow, And stayed the purpose high; And how these feet have gone astray, That should have walked the narrow way. Race for the swift-I must away, ' A prize laid up'-said he who fought That holy fight of old, Laid up in Heaven for me, yet not For me alone that crown of gold, But all who wait till thou appear, Saviour, the diadem shall wear.' Patiently wait-so help thou me, |