
philosophers was flattering and enthusiastic. | ple of that town began to hear that a great He was accompanied by a gentleman still alive. man was living among them unknown. They who communicates the following interesting had never thought of the poor chemist, who account of a dinner given to him at La Place's country house near Paris :


was so fond of his pipe and a game at bowls, otherwise than as a man who, owing to a sad At four in the afternoon, by a coach with Dal- perversity of nature, had no sense of the imton to Arcueil, La Place's country seat to dine. portance of money. Now, however, they beEngaged the carriage to wait for our return at gan to stare at him as he walked down the nine. On alighting, we were conducted through streets with his bent head and severe expresa suite of rooms where, in succession, dinner, sion. He was becoming a prophet even in dessert, and coffee-tables were set out;-and his own country; but it was only in answer onwards through a large hall, upon a terrace, to the loud echoes of a fame gathering in the commanding an extent of gardens and pleasure- distance. Dalton resumed his scientific ingrounds. There was a sheet of water in front, and a broad spreading current pouring into it Vestigations, which were only interrupted by from some rocks, where was seen a sculptured attending the meetings of the British Associafigure an antique found in the locality, rep- tion, and visiting Oxford in 1832 to receive resenting the genius of the place. It is in these the degree of D.C.L. It was on the latter grounds that are still remaining the principal occasion, when the city was crowded with the Roman works near Paris, the vestiges of Ju- Members of the British Association, that he lian's residence, as governor of Gaul. Avenues, most innocently attracted universal attention parterres, and lawns, terraces and broad gravel by daily wearing his newly acquired Doctor's walks, in long vistas of distance, are bounded by red gown. Some one quizzed him about his woods and by higher grounds. As yet we had seen no one, when part of the company came in scarlet covering. "You call it scarlet," said view at a distance: a gentleman of advanced Dalton, " to me it is the color of green leaves!" years, and two young men. Dalton's scientific services met with national Was it possible not to think of the groves of the Academy, and the recognition in 1833 by Government conferborders of the Ilyssus? We approached this ring upon him a pension of 150%, which was group, when the elderly gentleman took off his doubled in 1836. Manchester now felt that it hat, and advanced to give his hand to Dalton. must do something. Dalton was growing into It was Berthollet! The two younger were La a name, and his townsmen began to see that Place's son, and the astronomer-royal-Arago. illustration of him would be also an illustraClimbing some steps upon a long avenue, we saw, tion of themselves. After much talk it was at a distance, La Place walking uncovered, with agreed to have a statue, the execution of Madame Biot, on his arm; and Biot, Fourier, which was intrusted to Chantrey. Dr. Henry and Courtois, father of the Marchioness La Place. At the front of the house, this lady and her grand- accompanied Dalton to London, and was predaughter met us. At dinner, Dalton on the right sent at some of his sittings to the sculptor. hand of Madame La Place, and Berthollet on her The philosopher had a great dislike to this left, etc. Conversation on the zodiac of Denderah operation; but Chantrey's genial manners and Egypt, Berthollet and Fourier having been in placed him at his ease, and here we have Egypt with Napoleon; the different eras of Egyp: Dalton's account of his visits to the artist's tian sculpture; the fact that so little at Rome-of, studio:public buildings-is earlier than Augustus, etc. After dinner, again abroad in the beautiful Next morning Mrs. Wood walked through the grounds, and along the reservoir and aqueduct Park with me to Mr. Chantrey's; when we found of Julian. These ancient works, after falling him in expectation of seeing me. He took a very much into decay, were restored by Mary of profile as large as life by a camera lucida, and Medicis. Dalton, walking with La Place on one then sketched a front view of the face on paper. side and Berthollet on the other, I shall never for- We took a walk through his rooms, and saw get. Such men, in their personal attentions, re- busts and statues without end. He then gave spect in each other the dignity of science itself me the next day for a holiday, and told me I the great interpretess of nature, and leading star should see my head moulded in clay on Wednes of civilization; something which is beyond the day morning, at which time he invited me to honored individual, which yet attends him, im- breakfast. I went accordingly, and found, as he pressing a sense of homage that is elevating to said, a head apparently perfect. He said he had him who feels it. La Place is an uncommon union not yet touched it, the head having been formed of simplicity of manners and an essential dignity from his drawings by some of his assistants. He of character. His collected and serene air real-set to work to model and polish a little whilst I izes to the observer the tranquillizing influence was mostly engaged in reading the newspaper, of philosophy. We may well conceive, that such or conversing with him. On looking right and a man feels for the interest and honor of science something like a religious regard. At the Institute a few days before, an instance of behavior in La Place was a striking exemplification of this remark.

left he found my ears were not alike, and the modeller had made them alike, so that he imme diately cut off the left ear of the bust and made a new one more resembling the original. Most of the time I was amusing myself with viewing the pictures and statues in the room. At last he On Dalton's return to Manchester, the peo- took a pitcher and blew a little water in my face

(I mean the model), and covered my head with a wet cloth, and we parted, he having desired me to bring Dr. Henry and Dr. Philip with me next morning to breakfast. We went accordingly, and found an abundant table; soon after Dr. Faraday came in, and we all went into the working room for a time. This morning (sixth day), Mrs. Wood was kind enough to walk with me again to Mr. Chantrey's, and we spent another hour or two under his directions. At intervals we have a little amusement and instruction about our respective arts and sciences, and how we acquired our knowledge, etc., in which we vie with each other, and keep up a lively conversation.

An amusing account is given of Dalton's presentation at Court, which, it appears, was brought about by Mr. Babbage; who thought that if it were not incompatible with the philosopher's feelings, it was desirable that he should be presented to his sovereign. Mr. Babbage


gives them to the next officer, who announces them to the king. On passing the philosopher I kissed his hand, and then passing round the rest of the circle of chairs, I thus gave him his first lesson as a courtier. It was arranged that I should take Dr. Dalton with me to the levee, and put in his card, “Dr. Dalton, presented by the Lord Chancellor." When the morning arrived I went to Mr. Wood's residence, and found Dr. Dalton quite ready for the expedition. In order to render the chief actor perfect in his part, we again had a rehearsal; Mrs. Wood personating the king, and the rest of the family, with the assistance of sundry chairs and stools, the great officers of State. I then entered the lowed his instructions as perfectly as if he had room, preceding my excellent friend, who fol-` been repeating an experiment. Being now quite satisfied with the performance, we drove off to St. James's. The dress of a Doctor of Laws is rarely made use of, except at a University address, and Dr. Dalton's costume attracted much attention, and compelled me to gratify the curiosity of many of my friends by explaining who he was. Dalton not objecting, my note was sent on by The prevailing opinion was that he was the Mr. Wood to Lord Brougham, who at that time Mayor of some corporate town come up to get was Lord Chancellor. He approved highly of knighted. I informed my inquirers, that he was the plan, and offered to present Dr. Dalton. He a much more eminent person than any Mayor of also mentioned the circumstance to the King. I any city, and having won for himself a name had had some conversation with Mr. Wood about which would survive when orders of knighthood the subject, when several difficulties presented should be forgotten, he had no ambition to be themselves to him. Dr. Dalton, as a quaker, knighted. At a short distance from the presence could not go in a court dress, because he must chamber, I observed close before me several digwear a sword. To this I replied, that being nitaries of the church, in the full radiance of their aware of this, I had proposed to let him wear vast lawn sleeves. The Bishop of Gloucester, the robes of a Doctor of Laws of Oxford. Mr. who was nearest to me, accidentally turning his Wood remarked, that these robes being scarlet, head, I recognized a face long familiar to me they were not of a color admissible by Quakers. from its cordiality and kindness. A few words To this I replied, that Dr. Dalton had a kind of were interchanged between us, and also by my color blindness, and that all red colors appeared self with the rest of the party, the remotest of to him to be the color of dirt. Besides I had whom, if I remember rightly, was the Archbishop found that our friend entertained very reasonable of Dublin. The dress of my friend seemed to views of such mere matters of form. The velvet strike the bishop's attention; but the quiet coscap of the Doctor again was not an obstacle, as tume of the Quaker beneath his scarlet robe was he was informed that it was usually held in the entirely unnoticed. I therefore confided to the hand, and was rather a mark of office than a Bishop of Gloucester the fact that I had a Quacovering for the head. These difficulties being ker by my side, at the same time ussuring him surmounted, Dr. Dalton came one morning to that my peaceful and philosophic friend, was breakfast with me. We were alone; and after very far from meditating any injury to the church. breakfast he went up with me into the drawing- The effect was electric upon the whole party; room, in order to see the Difference Engine. episcopal eyes had never yet beheld such a specAfter we had made several series of calculations, tacle in such society, and I fear, notwithstanding he recollected that he had in his pocket a note my assurance, some portion of the establishment from Mr. Wood to me. On hastily looking over thought the church really in danger. We now it, I found that it was to announce to me that entered the presence chamber, and having passed our friend acquiesced in the scheme. I now the king, I retired very slowly, in order that I mentioned the forms usual at a levee, and pla-might observe events. Dr. Dalton having kissed cing several chairs in order to represent the va- hands, the king asked him several questions, all rious officers in the presence chamber, I put Dr. which the philosopher duly answered, and then Dalton in the middle of the circle to represent moved on in proper order to join me. the King. I then told my friend that I should ception, however, had not passed with sufficient represent a greater man than the King; that I rapidity to escape jealousy, for I heard one offiintended to personate Dr. Dalton, and would re-cer say to another," Who the d-1 is that fellow enter at the further door, go round the circle, whom the king keeps talking to so long?" make my obeisance to the king, and thus show him the kind of ceremony at which he was to assist. On passing the third chair from the With the exception of occasional attendanking's I put my card on the chair, at the same ces at the meetings of the British Associatime informing Dr. Dalton that this was the post tion, this was Dalton's last public appearance, of a Lord in Waiting, who takes the cards and the remainder of his life being passed in the

This re

retirement of his study,-interrupted only by his custom of playing at bowls every Thursday afternoon, in which game he took especial delight.

if on reflection he was satisfied with the propriety of the object, he was accustomed to give largely in proportion to his means. During the latter years of his life, when his resources had become more ample, I have discovered from his papers, that he made a liberal annual allowance to two distant female relatives, for whom he also eventually provided in his will.

In 1837 he was attacked by paralysis, from which he so far recovered as to be able to resume his scientific researches; but in 1838 a relapse occurred which proved fatal. Before this illness Dalton enjoyed excellent health, Our own acquaintance with the subject of and, as will be seen by the following anecdote, this eulogium enables us to endorse it. We had little faith in physic. Being unwell, his thank the Cavendish Society for so pleasant physician prescribed a small dose of James's and instructive a volume. Dalton was a man Powder. On the following day the physician deserving of such an illustration of his career. called, and finding Dalton very much better, Dr. Henry has performed his labor of love attributed the improvement to the effect of the with zeal and judgment. medicine, upon which Dalton remarked: "I do not see how that can be, as I kept the powder until I could have an opportunity of analyzing it."

By Dalton's death the world lost an eminent philosopher, and that he was as good as he was great is evident from the following sketch of his character by Dr. Henry.

From the Examiner.

The Life of Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and
Wells. By a Layman. Two vols. Mur-


THE charm of Bishop Ken's familiar morning and evening hymns, their quiet piety, so innocent and yet so strong, belongs to his whole life. So much poetry was in him. Otherwise he was a bad poet, and like most bad poets, wrote an epic; but he was one of the best Christians who ever had the image of a crozier set over his grave, and in those hymns, he so expressed the poetry within himself, as to produce verse that must remain immortal.

Dr. Dalton's moral excellences, from his living unmarried and much alone, had a limited field for their manifestation. He enjoyed that equable healthful tone of nerve, of pulse, and of digestion, of which, whether as cause or effect, a serene temper is the usual exponent. He did not possess a lively sensibility; and his outward bearing, even towards his intimate friends, was calm and undemonstrative. But his attachment, when once deliberately bestowed, on the solid ground of esteem for tried worth, or of the common pursuit of the same objects in science, was never weakened or alienated. His friendships The main events of the life of this true were earnest, steadfast, and unalterable; and if Christian are well known. Wykehamist, Felneed came, were evidenced by acts of thoughtful low of New College Oxford, brother to Izaak generosity. One such instance has been commu- Walton's wife, chaplain and friend to Morley nicated to me by a lady, who knew him intimate- Bishop of Winchester-he was chaplain afterly. "A fire occurred in the works, during my wards to the Princess Mary at the Hague, brother's minority. A few days afterwards, Mr. Dalton offered to my mother all the funds he had and then to Charles II. The virgin priest, saved, if any money was wanted. It was not who, in later years carried his shroud with required; but we thought it an act of very con- other clothes in his portmanteau, and shrank siderate kindness and friendship." His moder- from the chance of an exposure of his person ate desires, as regards fortune, may be compared after death, refused, as we all know, to allow with those of the most self-denying of ancient Nell Gwynn to occupy the quarters once asphilosophers; and were the more deserving of signed to her in his prebendal house at Winpraise, as he passed the larger portion of his life chester. He nevertheless won the respect of among a community eagerly engaged in the pur-a profligate king by a consistent piety, which, suit of wealth. Many anecdotes have been preserved of the almost ridiculous moderation of his while it was never time-serving, did in all concharges for performing chemical analyses. These, scientious predilections favor the claims of the which were often merely a few shillings, never, I throne. Therefore, when the Bishopric of believe, exceeded a sovereign. He was in the Bath and Wells was vacant, and more cringhabit of giving his invaluable instruction, in ma-ing loyalists suggested their desires upon it, thematics and chemistry, at the trifling charge Charles is said to have called straightway for of 2s. 6d. per hour, or, if two or more students" the good little man who would not give poor attended together, at 1s. 6d. each for the hour. Nelly a lodging." In his early days, he had necessarily formed ha.

Very shortly afterwards Ken watched at bits of prudent economy, and throughout life his the King's death-bed, and his complete inducpersonal wants were few and easily satisfied. I learned from the late Mr. Clare that when invi- tion to the see fell to be one of the first acts ted to contribute to funds raised by the Society of the reign of James II. After this period of Friends, or for other general objects, it was the life of Bishop Ken becomes a part of his his habit to take time for deliberation; but that tory. He was one of the prelates committed

to the Tower for their appeal against the De-He had dined with his poor ones in the Palace at claration of Indulgence. The same conscien- Wells;-now he would receive the last service tious feelings that induced him to share in this at their hands, and be carried by them to the appeal against what he took to be a transgres-grave, which levels all distinctions.

We may presume that it was Lord Weymouth which covers the remains of his friend. It is, as who gave directions for the singular monument Markland describes, an "iron grating, coffin shaped, surmounted by a mitre and pastoral staff, touching and beautiful in its character." But it is a singular circumstance, that neither

sion beyond royal privilege, held him firm in his allegiance to King James when the King's cause was failing. He refused afterwards to admit the supremacy of William of Orange, and lost his sce with the rest of the non-juring bishops. In opposition he --almost alone-was able to be temperate. the epitaph which Ken himself wrote, nor any He deprecated all excess and all extravagance other record of him, was placed over or near his that had a tendency to afflict the Church itself grave, for above a century after his death. It was with an irreparable wound. He was the last reserved to the present Marchioness of Bathnon-juring bishop who survived; and though who resembles Ken's early friend, Lady Margaret Queen Anne would have restored him to his Maynard, in a devout and charitable life-to bishopric, and he declined that favor, yet he place a painted window in the South aisle of Frome Church to commemorate his Christian used the influence of his irreproachable name graces. And is the poor dust mouldering bein assuring the consciences of those clergy neath yon iron grating, all that remains to us of who doubted whether they ought not still to Bishop Ken? Far from it-he has left us his remain dissident, showing them that the time example-the rich legacy of a long and holy life. was come when it was more just to acquiesce By this he points our way to the Courts of Heain the existing order of the Church. To his ven. In this he yet lives to us: by this he friend Dr. Hooper the good priest was indebt-strengthens, comforts, sustains, and guides us, if ed in his last years for the solace of a small we will be followers as he was, of Christ. pension from the Crown. He died at the age of seventy-four, in the year 1711.

ful life we may learn the duties of our allotted From his practical teaching of a long and eventsphere; to go forward in quietness and confidence; to love and to obey; to abound in almsgiving, and to be faithful to the Church of our Baptism.

We have given the preceding extract, as well to illustrate the tone of this book as for the sake of its illustration of the character of Ken. The author writes as a religious man, whose religion is deeply impressed by a spirit

He had desired that, wherever he might die, he should be buried "in the Churchyard of the nearest Parish within his Diocese, under the east window of the Chancel, just at sun rising, without any manner of pomp or ceremony, besides that of the Order for Burial, in the Liturgy of the Church of England," and to be carried to the grave by the six poorest men in the parish. His body was therefore carried to Frome Selwood, a few miles from Longleat.-Horningsham Church not of devotion for the forms and ritual of the being within the Diocese of Wells. The parish Church of England. We may add that he Registry of Burials at Frome contains this en- looks at his subject always from that point of try-"21 [Mar. 1711] Thomas late Ld Bishop of view. Charles I., of blessed memory, Bath and Wells, Deprived." He directed that a gards as a martyr, and his views of the Complain stone should be laid over him, with the fol-monwealth are in tolerable harmony with lowing Epitaph of his own composing:


"May the here interred Thomas, late Bp of Bath and Wells, and uncanonically Deprived for not transferring his Allegiance, have a perfect consummation of Blisse, both in Body and Soul, at the Great Day, of wch God keep me allwaies


he re

those of Clarendon. The book contains digressions upon Church matters (there is one upon the importance of having daily services), and upon William of Wykeham, and other worthies, which, being set forth in a rather dry style upon pages confused by an excess of extract and quotation, though never perhaps quite beside the purpose, have the effect of bewildering incautious readers. Whenever our attention flagged, as even in critics it is Thus he would have had his very epitaph teach apt to flag over weak writing, we found ourthe passers-by to offer up a holy aspiration, at selves liable to uncertainty about the person least, if not a prayer,-"God keep me allwaies mind- whose virtues were being praised in any given full of the Great Day." In all this we see that paragraph. When we took it to be Ken, it "he died, as he lived, a plain, humble man." Christians of old had a solemn feeling of the saproved perhaps on looking back or getting credness of Churches; even their founders scarceforward, to be Hooper, or the clergyman in ly thought themselves worthy to be buried within the next parish to Ken, or somebody else. the Porch of the sanctuary, dedicated to God's Thus the book has suffered by an inartistic honor. So Ken would sleep in the Churchyard, use of its material, but the material is very among the lowly of the earth, to whom he had good. Great pains have been taken in the preached the glad tidings of a still better rest. collection of facts and the correction of inex

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act statements that had formerly been made, | For every pastime cast upon herself authorities are duly given for all fixed state- (She was an only child, and never knew The social pleasures of a school-girl's life; ments, supposition is given carefully as supposition, and the work is provided with a satis- Books were her playfellows, and trees flowers, fying index. The temper of the writing, we And murmuring rivulets, and merry birds, have already said, is very good; we respect And painted insects, all were books to her;) and appreciate its pious character, and where And breathed a language from the dawn of sen we disagree with it on matters of opinion, we Familiar to her heart. find no antagonism excited by any of those bad manners that belong to the mere partisan. The work is, in fact, a thoroughly respectable one, and being so, for the sake of its subject it well deserves to be much read.

From the Athenæum.

THE interest which attaches to the memory of Caroline Southey, not only as the wife of one of the distinguished men of our time, but as an author of no common mark herself, would warrant an extended notice of her life and writings. For many years a confirmed invalid, and by the force of circumstances, as well as by her own choice, comparatively a hermit, little has transpired of her private history which is not calculated to provoke rather than gratify curiosity. Her life, she used to say, must be looked for in her writings; for "all her adventures were by the fireside (or in her garden) and almost "all her migrations from the blue bed to the brown."

Caroline Anne Bowles was the only child of Captain Charles Bowles, of Buckland. She was born 1787, at Buckland, where she resided all her life, except during the period from her marriage, in 1839, to the death of Dr. Southey in 1843.


A charming series of pictures of the youth of the young poetess-her habits, feelings, and pursuits—will be found in her Birthday,a poem which preceded by several years publication of the poetical autobiography of Wordsworth, and which may be ranked among the most graceful and touching efforts of female genius. A "solitary child," without a companion of her own age, and after the death of her parents left almost wholly to the care of the nurse to whom she makes such grateful reference in her writings, she became inured to solitude from her infancy. "If scant

her stores"

Hence the tone of egotism and the minut
details of her everyday life, which have som
times been censured in her writings;-defect
if they should be so considered, of which sh
was hardly conscious herself. Even the con
panionship of her father, whilst he lived, aj
pears to have encouraged the concentratio
of her entire feelings on herself and the few
the following picture :—
associates of her infancy. How beautiful is

My father loved the patient angler's art,
And many a summer's day, from early morn
To latest evening, by some streamlet's side,
We two have tarried; strange companionship!
A sad and silent man; a joyous child!
Yet those were days as I recall them now
Supremely happy. Silent though he was,
My father's eyes were often on his child
Tenderly eloquent-and his few words
Were kind and gentle. Never angry tone
With childish question. But I learned at last,
Repulsed me if I broke upon his thoughts
Learned intuitively to hold my peace.
When the dark hour was on him, and deep sighs
Spoke the perturbed spirit-only then
crept a little closer to his side,
And stole my hand in his, or on his arm
Laid my cheek softly: till the simple wile
Won on his sad abstraction, and he turned
With a faint smile, and sighed and shook his


Stooping toward me; so I reached at last
Mine arm about his neck and clasped it close,
Printing his pale brow with a silent kiss.

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For more than twenty years the writings of Caroline Bowles were altogether anonymous, and although widely circulated and warmly appreciated by the public, she was a stranger even by name save to a few attached admirers and friends;-like Wordsworth's' Darling of the Spring,' she was "an invisible thing"- -66 a voice, a mystery,"—" still longed for, never seen; and it was not until after the publication of Ellen Fitz Arthur,' and several of the pathetic novelettes which she had contributed to Blackwood's Magazine under the title of Chapters on Churchyards, that her name and identity became known beyond she displayed at a very early age that thirst that limited circle. Seldom has a writer won for knowledge which is one of the chastising her way to public acceptance who has been elements of the poetical character, and which so little aided by adventitious circumstances. helps to fortify its too exquisitely organized And when her name did become known, few system against the daily and hourly accidents of her readers possessed the means of realizing the notions they had formed of her iden

Of human learning: to her mother-tongues (A twofold heritage) well nigh confined Her skill in languages,―

of life:

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