
We humbly thank your Majesty.


1st and 2nd Coun.


[They help themselves.

[Drinks. Peace! [They drink the toast. Clicq. Pros't!-may the pledge avail the wished-for-end!

For which we strive, as yet, alas! in vain,
That end what means were safest to pursue ?

[Drinks. 1st Coun. If I might hazard speech — Clicq. Speak freely, man. [Slaps him on the shoulder. 1st Coun. This counsel I would give your Majesty ;

At once with Austria and the Western Powers
Make common cause, and lead the Intellect,
The Science, and the Morals, and the Art
Of Germany against the barbarism
And brutish force of savage Muscovy.

Clicq. Why that's well said—that's well and bravely said

Extremely well and very properly said,
There is the Physical and Psychical

And there is Russia- that's one element
And Prussia- that's another element-
Antagonistic forces.

2nd Coun.

Pardon, Sire:


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1st Coun. But Russia, as your Majesty well

The Greek corrupt religion doth profess,
Not the confession evangelical
Of Martin Luther.

Clicq. Why, that alters sha caseagain (Drinks).
MARNLUTHER I look upon as a Posh'l. MARN-
LUTHER'S sh' only true shysht'm of theology.
True sheology's sha bashish of eveshing-
[Drinks. eshecks and evshing elsh! (Drinks.)

[blocks in formation]

2nd Coun. What course then doth your Majesty elect?

Clicq. Lemmy turnitover immymind. Famous doctorhewas! DOCTOR MARNLUTHER. Sings DOCMARNLUTHER'S Song.

1st and 2nd Coun. What song, an't like your gracious Majesty ?

Clicq. Song DocMARNLUTHER used to sing. You know

1st and 2nd Coun. Full many a goodly song puissant liege.


Clicq. Ay; but zshish was a cap'l song. Tsh! whatamem'ry I have, be sure! Who lovesh not wine." Thash ish! (drinks). "Who loves not wine" (trying to sing, breaks down). No-I can't shing! I've qui' lost myvoice-quilostmyvoice - talkinsmuch 'bout this confound East'n quest'n. Shall soon have no voice atall left. I'm very tired-essessively tired - (drinks) — zhentl'm'n helpyaselves an' dowmineme (nods). 1st and 2nd Coun. But, Sire, your answer to the Western Powers.

And Prussia shall march in she van o' European [And Austria?

2nd Coun. Then, Sire, against your august re-

Your Majesty resolves to draw the sword?

Clicq. Talkaboutthattomorra!

[Falls asleep. COUNCILLORS raise their hands, turn up their eyes, and shrug their shoulders; and the SCENE closes.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

temper of the Hungarian nation, and the dis-south of Germany. If "order" was for a moment astrous condition of the Imperial finances, Aus- endangered-if the people demanded some slight tria would dare to strike any serious blow at her voice in the management of their own affairs, it great patron and protector, the Emperor of Rus- was to Russia that the eyes of the great powers sia. (as they are facetiously termed) of Germany, no The ink was scarcely dry with which our ob- less than the little powers of the Bamberg conservations were written, when the tone of exulta-ference, were turned for assistance. That in the tion was exchanged for one of doubt and despon-hour of danger it would not be refused they dency. The Austrians were ready enough to knew, because they well knew the eager desire follow, as long as the Russians were retreating; of the Russian Government to interfere in the but the latter unfortunately faced about at Bucharest in consequence of their rear being threat ened by the advancing Turkish army. And the instant the Russians pause in their retreat, the approaching host of Austria, which was to work such wonders, halts also. The Austrian steamers on the Danube are fired upon by the Cossacks, but even this by no means incites the stern and resolute" young Emperor. He who was so ready to "occupy is not prepared to fight. He discovers that his frontier is unguarded and his dominions more menaced than those of Turkey.

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domestic concerns of Germany. The sound part of the nation, those who desire to see Germany something more than a name, have long writhed under the curse of the degradation to which they are doomed. But they are termed democrats and revolutionists and possibly the treatment they have received may have made them such. Can they, then, be expected to fight for a prince whose word they have trusted only to be betrayed? Suppose that the nation should take up armns against Russia at the call of Frederick William

and so exposed is the Prussian frontier that a levy en masse would probably be necessaryHis friends now say that great allowances are what security is there that some panic in the to be made for him, and we have said so all along. Royal mind, some qualm of conscience or indiHe is admitted to be in a very critical position: gestion, might not produce a change of policy, but why was this not found out before? Why and that the King might not direct a massacre were important military operations deferred, why of his German lieges, as he did of the Posen was time for preparations given to an enemy in peasants who at his summons took up arms order to conciliate a Power, which, when the against the Russians in 1848, and manifested a pinch comes, finds out that it is itself in greater little hesitation in laying them down again at danger than the State it promised to assist. For the first indication of change in the Royal counthe convenience of this irresolute Power, four cils?

months have been employed in moving troops to In one respect we are happy to agree with the point which was obviously the best that could those of our contemporaries who have hitherto bebe selected for at once protecting Constantino-lieved that the concurrence of the neutralized Gerple and annoying the Russians. The Himalaya man Powers in protocols and conferences would, conveyed a regiment from Cork to Varna in ra- by some mysterious agency, drive the Russian ther less than twelve days. Whatever may be army out of the Principalities. They now disthe conduct of Austria for the future, she has cover what we all along have steadfastly maincertainly done much, by thus retarding the oper- tained, that Russia will recede only before the ations of the French and English, towards repay-energetic hostility of France and England. Rusing the debt she owes the Czar for his disinter- | sia has been much too well informed to dread ested services in Hungary. that hostility hitherto, because she has known It must not be forgotten, too, that no further that the Western Powers were waiting for the back than the autumn, confidence equal to that last week expressed for Austria was placed in the assurances of Prussia. Prussia, it was then positively averred, would throw her sword into the scale of the Western Alliance; and to secure her support no delay was thought too long, no concession was considered too great. To the con-halting states, had thrown at once upon the tumelies now heaped on the unfortunate monarch of that country by his former admirers we have no wish to add, because we believe that for him, as well as for the Kaiserlein at Vienna, great allowances are to be made. Neither potentate can trust his own subjects.

Under the hypocritical cry of "order," the rule of the sword has been established as the law in the north, almost to as great an extent as in the

On the fly-leaf of Sir Roger Twysden's copy of Stow's Annales are the following lines, dated 1643:

"Wise men labor, good men grieve,

Germans, and that she could exercise, either through fear or favor, sufficient influence over the latter to prevent them from concluding with the former any other than a hollow and fruitless alliance. If the only two really great Powers in Europe, instead of waiting for these decrepid and

shores of the Crimea the forces which have been employed for months in digging ditches at Gallipoli, and parading at Scutari, they might have marched, almost without opposition, down the high street of Sebastopol, and the war would probably already have terminated, which, as far as the land forces of the allies are concerned, can scarcely be said to have begun.

Knaves devise, and fools believe;
Help, Lord! and now stand to us,
Or fools and knaves will quite undo us.
Or knaves and fools will quite undo us."

From Chambers's Journal. friend is a little bladder full of fluid.

THE RADICAL MEMBER OF SOCIETY. THE radical member of society, unlike his namesake of the senate, is a very unobtrusive personage. He was made before Adam, and his race has been multiplying on the face of the earth ever since the creation; yet, two centuries ago, men had but just become acquainted with the fact of his presence among them. He dwells familiarly in the midst of us, and yet ninety-nine in every hundred of us go down to our graves without knowing that he is there. He is essential, too, to our being. We cannot do without him, even for an instant. He ministers to our physical wants, renders himself subservient to our enjoyments, and even charges himself with the superintendence of our mental operations. Simple in his habits, and humble in his bearing, he is, nevertheless, a mighty potentate in his way. If the Emperor of All the Russias were to prove his fitness to sit in a high place, by blowing a generation of his fellow-men into dust, our little patient friend would quietly ply his craft, and by the time the autocrat had joined the smoke of his own explosion, and had become ashes with ashes, a new generation of living human forms would fill the vacant place.

The radical member of society is not given to the adornment of his person with factitious decoration, neither does he stand six feet without his boots. This, indeed, is why he is so commonly overlooked, even when in the act of rendering important service to the state. If the truth must be told, he is but a pigmy in stature --so small, indeed, that unless when he chances to have outgrown the ordinary standard of his race, he cannot be discerned by unaided human eyes. He is, in fact, microscopical as well as radical. Until the ingenious Robert Hooke had put his apparatus of magnifying-lenses together, to pry into all things"-as it has been judicially, but not very reverentially expressed-it was not possible that he should be seen. So minute are his dimensions, that a clever hand might put a million of his little bodies to bed, side by side, upon the face of a shilling. As many as twenty millions, indeed, have been known to be comfortably accommodated within the same area, when the individuals happened to be only dwarf specimens of the race.

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On this

account, he has been named by scientific sponsors a vesicle, and very appropriate is the denomi nation: vesicula is the Latin word for a little bladder. Many people prefer to speak of the subject of our consideration as a cell: cella is a chamber where valuables may be stored away. A cellar, for instance, is a place where we pack our wine; but a cellar may be a hole hollowed out in the ground, or it may be a structure built up of walls. Now, our friend is not a hollow space, excavated in a lump of continuous substance: he is really a structure made of walls that have been built up regularly of smaller parts. In each of the twenty millions of bodies that can repose together upon a shilling, there are myriads of little atoms, as they are termed, fixed and fitted together, as bricks are fitted in common buildings. When our vesicle is strengthened and stiffened by outer coatings, or thickened by inner deposits, it may be convenient to speak of it as a cell; but the term must then be understood to comprise both the walls and contents, as well as the chamber or cavity in which the latter are held.

But a bladder is no person: it is only a thing; hence it may be urged we have not at present established any good and sufficient ground for speaking of our vesicular acquaintance in the language we have employed. Our answer is, that we have yet more to tell. The cbject of our allusions is really a living vesicle, and has an absolute personal individuality of its own. He grows from infantile into mature age, arranges the matters of his own internal economy, transacts his own business, and even brings up a family, and manages to get his descendants off in the world at an appropriate time. To make all this as evident to our readers as it is to ourselves, we will drop in upon our friend in one of his favorite places of resort, and spy out his doings by means of our microscope. We need entertain no scruples in committing the act of espial, for he will be altogether unconscious of our operations: he has no telescope to turn upon us.

In pools of still water-especially if on open moory ground-a layer of greenish, half-fluid, cloudy-looking substance nearly always collects at the bottom. If a portion of this be carefully raised by the hand, or by a net of fine muslin The radical member of society has been plan- insinuated along the mud beneath, and be then ned with a view to convenient package, as well examined by the microscope, it will be found as to fitness for active work; hence he is with that it is occupied by swarms of minute objects, out any kind of awkward incumbrance. He has possessing an immense variety of appearance, neither arms, legs, nor head: he is all body, and and yet agreeing together in certain essential this body is generally as compact as a dump- particulars. Some look like little balls; others ling; so that it may be rolled freely about when are elliptical or boat shaped; others cylindrical, engaged in locomotive operations, or, even when quadrangular, or even triangular. Some resemnot so employed, be stored up, as Dutch cheeses ble flat circular disks, and are covered by syinare packed away in cellars. He is, nevertheless, metrical patterns worked in lines and dots. very cunningly and beautifully made. His com- Many are beautiful crescents, or yet more gracepact body is composed of an exquisitely delicate ful spindles, lengthened out and bent opposite film of skin, covering a reservoir of rich liquid. Sometimes this skin is defended by a rigid coatof-mail, spread over it externally; at other times, it is strengthened by a stout lining attached to the inside. In either case, the radical fact, nevertheless, still remains-that our radical

ways at the extremities, with a sort of segmoid curve. All of them are, however, hollow cases of thin membrane, and contain inside a clear liquid, in which numerous small granular specks, often of a bright green color, float. Now, if some of these curious objects be carefully watch

The jerking movements of these rudimentary vesicles are now generally conceived to be, not properly locomotive acts, but simply hints of this nature thrown out to our mechanicians, to show them how to set about their work.

ed for a little time, it will be noticed that they horny plates, or by flinty shields and mail-pieces do not remain altogether stationary where they applied closely to their external surfaces. These have been placed; all at once, they get restless, uncovered spaces, for purposes of imbibition, are and advance by a series of little jerking starts only left along the margins of the plates, or unin one direction-then they stop and return upon der holes bored through their dense substance. their previous course with the same halting gait. When this is the case, it occasionally chances, Occasionally, some very brisk individual of the that the insetting or outflowing current of liquid community will, in this fashion, make a journey becomes so strong in one direction, that the light an inch long in a few minutes: the more cir-vesicle is suddenly pushed before it, just as it has cumspect travellers take a day to accomplish the been recently proposed to propel steam-boats by same distance. jetting water out from pipes, instead of by the But if the observation be carried on for a suf-revolution of paddle-wheels and threaded screws. ficient length of time, it will be seen that these fitful creatures grow as well as move. They get larger and larger, in some cases by puffing out their sides; in others, by extending their length. All the while this is going on, a strange commotion is taking place in their insides: legions of Microscopic living cells of this kind do not granular specks hurry now this way and now dwell in placid pools alone; they love the fresh that, until at length a result of all the bustle be-water which is still and clear to the bottom, and gins to appear. A thin partition commences to that allows the genial sunshine to penetrate to form all round the inside of the case, and creeps its utmost depths. But they also abound in all onward, step by step, until at last it has divided moist situations: they cover the surface of rocks the original chamber into two perfectly isolated in the sea; they cling to the submerged parts of parts. The partition then thickens, and finally aquatic plants, both marine and fresh; they clussplits into two distinct layers, of which the one attaches itself to one cavity, and the other to its neighbor; and thus the case itself tumbles into halves. Each half then grows, until it attains the mature dimensions of the parent, and after this deposits its partitions, and falls to pieces; and so, individual after individual, and generation after generation, are formed.

ter in ditches; and wherever running-streams lag by the way, they assemble in crowds. In every trough or cistern where water is allowed to stand, their presence may be easily detected by skilful seekers. Scientific men have called these omnipresent multitudes of self-multipliers by the name of diatoms, the epithet being a reflection upon their origin-the word is taken from two Greek terms that signify 'cut through.' Some of the microscopic community that possess angular forms, show a little inclination to cling together by their corners; these are especially classed as desmidiæ, a word derived from the Greek for a chain.

These little multiplying vesicles-for such the bodies are acquire the substance that is used in the augmentation of their own dimensions, and in the formation of their partitions, from the liquid in which they are immersed. There are no perceptible openings in their delicate membraneous walls; but those walls are, nevertheless, There is one curious fact regarding the confull of inconceivably minute pores, through stitution of the true diatoms: so soon as their which liquids can slowly infiltrate. Water will delicate membranes are fully formed, and freely not run through a piece of bladder; but the exposed to the influence of the water in which bladder will, notwithstanding this, soak water they float, they collect from that fluid minute parup into its substance, and get thoroughly wet ticles of hard flint, and out of these fashion for throughout. Under this soaking power, if sirup themselves solid shields or shells, which they atbe tied up in a bladder, and the bladder be tossed tach to the outside of their bodies, merely leavinto a pail of pure water, the water will be drunk ing narrow grooves and dots of the membrane in and mingled with the sirup, rendering it thin-free from the dense investment, that the liquid ner and more dilute in consequence of the ad-nourishment may there still flow through. These mixture. Just in the same way, the living vesi- flinty shields are so indestructible that they may cles under consideration, imbibe the thin fluids be boiled in aquafortis, and will come out from in which they float, and mingle the same with the ordeal only the more perfect and clear. Time the thick rich matters they contain within. They seems to possess scarcely any power over their then select from the imbibed fluid, principles that forms, for beds of them many feet thick are are useful for their constructive work, and reject found lying where they must have been depositThis is what the restless movements ed by lakes that have been dried up for thouof the granular specks alluded to above mean. sands of years. Many of them are embossed and Those little floating masses are necessarily car- worked over by very beautiful ridges, arranged ried to and fro by the arriving and departing in symmetrical patterns. There are shields of currents. In this way, then, our radical mem- some of the diatoms known as naviculæ, which ber manages to feed himself without either head are quite invisible to the unaided eye, and which or hands. He is mouths all over his skin, and is appear only as thin films, without any discernalways swimming about in a reservoir of nutri-able tracings upon them, when magnified 150,000 tious liquid, which he can appropriate at need.

the rest.

Every vesicle that falls under observation is not, however, equally fortunate in this respect. Some of the little flattened or lengthened cells have their skins defended by large impervious

times. But when the magnifying power is increased to some million and a half of times, the film is seen to be entirely hatched over by obliquely crossing lines, like those which engravers execute in producing shadows upon their work.

When the amplifying power is raised to four millions of times for the instruments of modern days can accomplish even this wonderful feat when wielded by skilful hands those lines themselves are resolved into rows of projecting beads ranged side by side, each separate from its neighbor, and each distinctly raised from the general surface of the silicious film. But each one of these beads must be formed of myriad particles, in their turn quite invisible, even when increased by optical power to four millions of times more than their proper dimensions. There is an infinity in littleness as well as in vastness, at least so far as the capacities of the human lenses are concerned.

of duck-weed growing in turbid water, instead of in the clear pools in which the diatoms abound, a small speck of transparent jelly-like substance may often be detected clinging to the surface of the green leaves. When this speck is submitted to microscopic scrutiny, it is found to consist of a little bag of limp membrane, containing a quantity of fluid inside. It is, in fact, a vesicle, but it is a vesicle of a very curious kind. Instead of being rigid, and wearing a fixed form, like the diatoms already considered, it is soft and yielding everywhere, and it is every mo ment altering its shape. Now, it looks like a round ball; now, a little projection is pushed out on one side, like the finger of a glove-the These surprising little objects discovered by ball rolls after this, and a new finger points in microscopical research at the bottom of still another direction, and the ball is resolved into pools of water, and in other convenient situa- an altogether grotesque and indescribable object, tions, are, then, really living creatures, as won-unlike any other creature discoverable beneath derfully perfect after their kind as lordly man is the sun. This very odd concern is called the after his kind. Each one is an organ or instru- amaba (the 'always changing,' from the Greek ment, accomplishing important work by the word for to change'). It also is really a living transformation of dead matter into its own living vesicle; it is a single-celled organism, like the structure, and by the production of generations diatoms, but it is unlike the diatoms or the desof bodies like to itself, which are to take its midiæ in this particular: it possesses the power place in the scheme of nature, when its frame has of bending, and folding, and rolling its own thin been swept away from the scene; hence these membrane about, which they never do. It moves lowly receptacles of life are termed organisms; about, indeed, habitually in search of its food, and still further to distinguish them from more and it carries on its search in this way it sets up complex efforts of creation, they are expressive- a current or stream of liquid in its inside, in some ly designated single-celled organisms. As each definite direction, and before this current its thin cell or vesicle is an organism, so each organ is membrane is pouched out; the body then falls complete in a single cell. But having deter-over after the pouch, and yet another pouch mined the fact, that these simple bodies are liv-projects. If, during this progress, the point of ing organisms, there still remains for considera- the pouch gets at any time into contact with a tion the question of what kind the life is that they morsel of appropriate substance fit to serve as possess. Are they merely single-celled plants food, the limp membrane folds itself completely vegetating in the water? or are they single-celled round it, and thus forms a sort of interior sac. animals, endowed with the higher privileges of It makes, in fact, an extemporaneous stomach, vitality? This problem has proved a somewhat and in this the morsel is digested or dissolved. knotty one to solve. The observers who have The dissolved material is then absorbed through studied the diatoms and desmidiæ the most care- the membrane, as any other liquid might be; fully during the last few years, have waged a and the stomach, having accomplished its work, fierce war over their unconscious forms. Ehren-is unfolded to become skin again. Thus the berg, with a small band of gallant allies, has, on amæba furnishes the curious spectacle of a livthe one hand, claimed them on behalf of the an- ing creature rolled along in search of its food, by imal tribes, only conceding that they may be de- means of internal streams that push its limp skin signated animalcules on account of their micros- before them. It is, in fact, a living vesicle, furcopic dimensions. He maintains that he has nished with locomotive powers, and travelling about seen them put forth and draw back retractile in search of food, instead of merely absorbing limbs; that he has watched them while perform-what chances to come into contact with its skin, ing distinct acts of locomotion; and that he has as is the case with the diatoms. Now, this lofed them with indigo, and noticed the food dis- comotive cell is unquestionably an animal organappearing into open mouths. Nageli and Siebold, on the other hand, with a more imposing array of supporters, insist that they are not even animalcules, but only plants; and that the retractile limbs and swallowing-mouths of Ehrenberg are merely extraneous particles of solid matter quivering before the alternating currents of liquid, setting into and out from the permeable tracts of absorbing membrane. Before we attempt, Jovelike, to hold the scales for these contending heroes, we purpose to shift our position a little, in order that we may perform the service circumspectly, and with a firm and safe support beneath our feet. It will not do, in this iron age, for an arbiter of destiny to stand upon the clouds.

If a careful search is made among the fronds

ism: it certainly belongs to Ehrenberg's animalcule tribe. It is in the scale of animate creation what, in all probability, the diatoms and their congeners are in the vegetable creation. It is the radical member of society in his animated garb, as the diatom is in his vegetative form. The primitive organism of animal life is a limp, restless, changeable structure. The primitive organism of vegetable life is a rigid, changeless, and immovable structure. The soft, unarmed amaba is the type of one, and the stiff, mailed diatom is the type of the other. Free mobility in the membrane of the vesicle, at once marks it as belonging to the animal domain. The mere power of moving from place to place is not suffcient for the purpose, for vegetable cells often do

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