
King's College with a help towards those philo- | Short considerably hurt. The elephant broke one logical acquirements which are necessary to of his enormous tusks in this encounter. A mile divines, as well for the true understanding of further the elephant, now grown more furious, the meaning of Scripture as for the sharpening attacked in the same manner a horse and wagon, and training of their own minds. The matter with Mr. Thomas Peck and his son. He broke revised and extended now appears in the form the wagon and wounded the horse, which ran of a book, which will aid a larger class than the away. Mr. Peck was pretty badly hurt in the students of a single college. hip.

Perhaps this task could not have been undertaken by any other scholar so successfully as by Mr. Trench. His nice discrimination of differences, and the power of stating them with popular effect, was not only critically shown in the "Lectures on Words," and the volume on Proverbs, but is proved by the success of those books. The (Greek) Synonyms of the New Testament appeals, of course, to a much more limited class than the works just mentioned, and does not admit of such immediate application; but it is distinguished by the same power of imparting interest to philological questions.-Spectator.

A Treatise on Relics. By John Calvin. Newly translated from the French Original. With an Introductory Dissertation on the Miraculous Images, as well as other Superstitions, of the

Roman Catholic and Russo-Greek Churches.

An exposure of the religious mischiefs and absurdities of relics, addressed to an age which received, as cogent novelties in reasoning, what have now become common property, was scarcely needed in these times. But the reader who desires a specimen of Calvin could scarcely have a better one than this Treatise on Relics. It is brief, clear, and rapid: the arguments are not new; but the style of argumentation will be found novel, and the manner more measured than many might expect from the stern Genevan


Two men took horses and drove ahead to give warning to the passengers whom they met on the way. They came up with a Mr. Pearce who was riding with his little son in a one-horse wagon. He was coming towards the elephant, and being warned by the outriders turned around and put the horse to his speed; but the elephant overtook him, and seizing the wagon, threw it into the air, dashing it to pieces, and breaking the collar bone and arm of Mr. Pearce. The horse, disengaged from the wagon, escaped with the fore-wheels, and the elephant gave chase for eight miles, but did not catch him. The elephant came back from his unsuccessful pursuit and he next encountered Mr. Jabez Eddy, with a took up his march again on the main road, where horse and wagon. He threw up the whole establishment in the same way as before, smashed the wagon, killed the horse and wounded Mr. Eddy. He threw the horse twenty feet over a fence into the adjoining lot, then broke down fence, went over and picked up the dead horse and deposited him in the road, where he had first met him.

He killed one other horse, and pursued another who fled to a barn. The elephant followed, but was met by a fierce bull-dog, which bit his leg and drove him off.

saw him plunge over a wall and make for a house.
Once on the route, the keeper ahead of him,
The keeper got into the house first, hurried the
frightened people within to the upper story, and
driving off the furious beast.
providing himself with an axe, succeeded in

The treatise of Calvin, however, does not occupy a fourth part of the volume. The other On his route, the elephant killed three horses part consists of an introduction by the trans-and seriously injured two men, besides the damlator containing a history of the rise and establishment of relic-workship, as an original compromise with Paganism. This is followed by an account of the superstitous revival of relics in our day in the Romish Church, and a description of the practice of Russian Greeks on the subject. The historical part is the best done; a compilation, well studded with quotations, but readable and animated.-Spectator.

AN ELEPHANT AL LARGE. From the Providence Journal, and the testimony of an eye-witness to a part of the scene, we gather the following particulars of the havoc and destruction made yesterday morning by a large elephant attached to the Broadway Menagerie, who got loose from his keeper on the way from Pawtucket to Fall River. When about seven miles from Pawtucket he got free from the control of his keeper, and meeting a horse and wagon belonging to Mr. Stafford Short, he thrust his tusk into the horse and lifted horse, wagon, and rider into the air. He mangled the horse terribly, and carried him about fifty feet and threw the dead body into a pond. The wagon was broken to pieces, and Mr.

age to wagons. Our informant says he shall never forget "seeing that elephant." He was covered with blood from the horses he had killed. His strength was surprising, for he seemed to handle a horse with as much ease as a terrier dog does a rat. The horses were terribly frightened when they saw the wild elephant. It is believed that a part of the time he ran at the rate of a mile in three minutes. He finally exhausted his strength, and laid himself down in the bushes, about two miles from Slade's Ferry. Here he was secured with chains, and carried over the ferry to Fall River. - Boston Transcript, June 6.

BELIEF REJECTED WITH AS LITTLE REASON AS IT IS RECEIVED.-Comme nous ne recevons point nôtre créance par la raison ne nous en faitpas changer. Un dégoût secret des vieux sentimens nous fait sortir de la religion dans laquelle nous avous vécu; l'agrément que trouve l'esprit en de nouvelles pensées, nous fait entrer dans une autre; et le pors qu'on a changé de religion, si on est fort à parler des erreurs qu'on a quittées, on est assez foible à établir la vérité de celle qu'on a prise.-Saint Evremond.

[Having always deprecated the agitation of the sent Wellesley and his army to their field of Slavery question, whether by sincere fanatics future fame in the Peninsula, and three times (North or South)-or by treasonable politicians as easily as Abercrombie's force was landed (South or North), who endeavor to build up their to re-conquer Egypt from the French. own fortunes by the ruin of the National health,- Providence never does anything without a we claim of the South a fair hearing for the follow-purpose. Things move abreast of one another ing friendly appeal of the Dublin University Maga- in this world of ours, in a way full of the zine. And we beg leave to say that the British Nation deepest significance. And if one will but look is far in advance of its government, in the knowledge back upon these last few years, which have of its true policy towards the United States-and will not long (we hope) tolerate the pernicious "protectorate" in Central America. In the Old World the government made a great mistake, when in 1848 it permitted Russia to meddle with Hungary. Had England then launched her thunder in favor of non-intervention, we think she might have relied upon the alliance of all her offspring, against the "solidarity" of despotism. It will now cost her much blood and treasure, before she can force upon the great mass of our voters, a belief and confidence that she is on the side of the people. We doubt Lord Aberdeen, and his order,-but do not doubt the British nation; and hope yet to see a fair marshalling, on opposite sides, of the powers of Despotism, and the spirit of Liberty. Then the people of the United States of America will

know which side to take.]-Living Age. AMERICAN AMBITION AND EUROPE'S


thus drawn closer to each other the two great simultaneously, there has been arising a peril Anglo-Saxon empires, he will perceive that, for Freedom and Civilization, which it may be doubted if anything short of a union of these two Powers will suffice to resist. In 1848 we had a year of Revolutions-an unripe, and in some places unhallowed, but in others assuredly a most noble effort for liberty. But in 1849, as was natural, came the year of Reaction; and, since then, Absolutism has gone on strengthening itself, until now it overshadows almost the entire Continent. Britain alone, free from the madness of 1848, has escaped likewise the cold fit of reaction, and has proceeded unwaveringly in the path of increasing freedom and social amelioration. Day by day the Continent, swayed by its despots, is becoming more alien to us in spirit; and, year by year, under the influence of those causes which we have specified, the two free Anglo-Saxon empires are being placed in a position in which they can more effectually render that mutual support which is their due, which they must render sooner or later, and which the earlier they do the better

On this midsummer day of 1854, when from East and West alike come murmurs of war and disquiet, "distress of nations, with perplexity," aroused by the troubled medley of intelligence that every hour flows in upon us, let us endeavor to rise above the shitting accidents of the moment, and, widening our views until the entire scene is before us, endeavor to discover some of the leading landmarks of the question, and the course which events are most likely to take.

In these times, when the influence of Race is becoming so acknowledged in the world's history, and is assuming so much importance in the present complications of European for both. politics, there is little probability, we should think, of any one undervaluing the bond of relationship which links the British nation to their fellow-race of Anglo-Saxons in America. The same in blood, we are the same also in the spirit of our institutions. For the last seven years, also-ever since the famine and the commencement of the Exodus-our people have been settling in myriads on the western side of the Atlantic, creating new ties between the kindred peoples; while the triumphs of mechanical genius have kept pace with the The first glance at the troubled scene aswants of men, and are yearly shortening the sures us that, as the last age was the age of time of transit, and virtually bringing nearer colonial extension and the maritime supreand nearer to each other the British and macy of Great Britain, so the present is that American shores. New York is as near to us of the march of empires and the extension of now as Dublin and Edinburgh were to Lon- their power by land. In the New World, as don in the boyhood of our fathers. Commerce in the Old, the phenomenon is the same; and and emigration flow between the kindred any one must be struck by the singular paralshores in ceaseless and rapid streams; and, lelism at present exhibited by the two great were the eventualities of the war to demand rising Powers of either hemisphere. Russia, it, a military expedition-thanks to the in- the great military power of the Old World, creased speed and still more greatly augment- has of late been rapidly extending her froned size and number of our vessels could tiers. North, south, east, and west simultacross from the New World to the Old with as neously has she been pushing forward her little difficulty as our fathers equipped the outposts. Finland, Poland, Bessarabia, and expedition to Flanders, twice as easily as we the Persian provinces on the Caspian, have

successively felt her appropriating hand; and there is no hope of lasting peace: the territonow she is mustering the whole forces of her rial system which embraces such arrangements immense empire, with the daring project of is necessarily transitory in its nature, and can marching over the crumbling empires of Isla- never exist otherwise than in a state of unstamism in the East, and of simultaneously bid- ble equilibrium. We do not wonder, thereding defiance to the banded strength of Wes- fore, that the tottering aspect and internal tern Europe. In the New World the United disunion of the Mohammedan empires of the States have been progressing in a similar East should tempt Russia to exert her giant manner, though in a somewhat different spirit. strength against them, nor that the fillibusterSurrounded by comparative solitudes, they ing order of the Lone Star should cast the have rather had to subdue nature than to eyes of a bandit upon the American possesconquer men; and yet they have been about sions of effete Spain. This was to be expect as good at the latter process as at the former. ed. Be it right or be it wrong, no rising emIn the Boundary questions, they so bullied pire has ever acted otherwise, from the days of and overreached us, as to force from Britain a Persia and Rome to the conquests of our own considerable sacrifice of territory both in New East India Company. But leaving the prosBrunswick and Oregon. They fought the pects of Europe to be treated of on some fuIndians out of Florida, the Spaniards out of ture occasion, let us give our attention to the Texas; and compelled Mexico, at the point probable results of American ambition upon of the bayonet, to cede to them her golden the external and internal fortunes of the province of California. Russia conquers by Union, and as most seriously complicating the her massive battalions and her Machiavellian imbroglio into which the whole civilized world diplomacy,-America by her roving "squat- seems on the point of falling. ters," at once the pioneers of Civilization and In Autumn last it was quite visible to the trailleurs of the all-absorbing Republic. thoughtful observers that a feud had broken Overflowing the frontier-limits of the Union, out between the eastern and western States these men squat upon the unoccupied lands of Europe which would not easily be healed. of neighboring States; band after band they No such incentive as this was needed to set pour in, until the territory becomes half Amer- Young America on the move,-for its ambiican; then comes differences with the au- tion is chronic, and ever on the lookout for opthorities of the country, followed in due time by an open rupture, at the end of which the territory is annexed by the victorious Yankees, and the Union finds a new "star" added to its mighty constellation.

Thus the great despotic Power of the Old World, and the great democratic one of the New are embarked on a similar career of conquest-each bearing southwards upon the territories of empires once powerful, but now sapless and effete, and which at once awake the cupidity and invite the attack of their colossal neighbors. Singularly enough, the motives which now prompt these ambitious Powers to action are not less kindred in character. With Russia, it is a dread of seeing a strong Greek or Turco-Greek State establish itself in Turkey, which would no longer leave an excuse for the Czar's interferences, and which might be able to set his power at defiance. With the United States the apprehension is lest Spain, acting in conjunction with England and France, should proclaim in Cuba a gradual emancipation of the slaves, and so a bar be put to the acquisition of that coveted island by the American Republic, in consequence of the whole Negro race, 600,000 in number, being ready, if so emancipated, to fight to the death rather than yield to invaders who would mercilessly reimpose upon the fetters of slavery.


As long as the strong States border upon weak, and the young jostles with the effete,

portunities; but once a new grievance against Spain was found, the knowledge of Europe's dilemma could not fail to strengthen the hands of the Annexationist party. This new griev ance presented itself, or was made to present itself, in the "Black Warrior" affair-originally a perfect trifle, and moreover one in which the American skipper was unquestionably in the wrong. The seizure of this vessel at Havanna, for an infraction of the revenue laws of the port, furnished all that was wanted-a pretext. And as the affair is likely to prove one of historical importance, from the results which it promises to induce, we place on record an account of it, as furnished by a New York Journal :

"The Black Warrior is an indifferent ship, owned mostly in Mobile, but partly in New York, and is worth some 125,000 dollars. She has run touching regularly at Havanna nearly two years between this port and Mobile, on her way coming and going. She has been allowed to enter and depart from Havanna without reporting her cargo to the anthorities of that port, for that cargo has always been carried direct from New York to Mobile, or vice versa from Mobile to New York. The steamer has never landed at Havanna, nor received on board at that port any commodities of commerce whatever; her sole object in touching there having been to land or to receive passengers. The revenue authorities at Havanna have always perfectly understood this. It is not her case alone, but the case of the other steamers running from this city to

ports on the Gulf of Mexico and to the Isthmus. and the Americans became entitled to negoTo prevent contraband trade, all these ships tiate directly with Cuba, it is easy to foresee have always been put under surveillance from that unreasonable demands would be made the time of their arrival till their departure. It

therefore, been in direct violation of the letter of


has been perfectly well known that the Black upon the luckless "Queen of the Antilles; Warrior and the other steamers carried cargoes, case from the Cuban authorities, the Ameriand that, failing to obtain satisfaction in any but they have been invariably passed through the Custom-house as 'in ballast. This kind of cans would proceed to enforce their claims entry has been permitted, notwithstanding a by the law of the strongest. In the second revenue law has always existed, requiring that a week of May last, the Spanish Government duty should be paid on the cargo of all vessels returned an answer to M Soulé's last note, entering and departing from the port, although declaring that the demands of the American the vessel should neither land nor receive on Ambassador were destitute of foundation, and board anything while there. The course of the wholly inadmissible; and although they conBlack Warrior and of our other steamers has joined with this answer certain offers of conthe revenue laws of the port of Havanna. These cession, so categorical a reply was calculated laws, however, not having been enforced against to bring the dispute to a crisis. President the Black Warrior during the thirty voyages Peirce is said to be preparing an energetic she has made to that port, notwithstanding the address to the Senate on the subject. And knowledge of the authorities of the notorious to show the temper of that body, we may violation of them, her owners and agents had state that on the first of May, Senator Slidell, some right to suppose, and to act upon the sup- of the slave-state of Louisiana, delivered a position, that there had been an actual suspen-fillibustero speech in reference to Cuba and sion of them in respect to that ship. The law the alleged "Africanization" of that Island requiring the transit dues on the cargo having contemplated by the European powers; endbeen totally suspended in practice, it was fair to expect that some notice would be given that the ing with a motion to the effect that the Presi law would be revived, in case it were the intendent be authorized to suspend the Neutrality tion of the authorities to revive and enforce it. Laws, should he see fit, during the approachIf no such notice was given, the seizure of the Black Warrior and the confiscation of her cargo, are acts of flagrant injustice. But, on the other hand, if the authorities promulgated the fact that the law would be enforced, then no blame can attach to them for the seizure of the ship for further violation of it. The whole case turns, therefore, upon the fact of whether or not due notice was given of the revival of an obsolete law on port regulations in its application to the Having thus picked a quarrel with one of Black Warrior, which law by its sudden revival the western powers of Europe, the Cabinet of has resulted in the seizure of the ship and the Washington has since been every day showing confiscation of her cargo. The report from Mr. stronger symptoms of a leaning towards RusRobertson, the acting consul at Havanna, af-sia. As if in prospect of going to loggerfords good ground for the conjecture that the heads with Spain and her allies, the WashSpanish authorities intend to allege that such ington Union, the organ of the Government, notice was given. On the other hand, the same has published a series of articles against the document and the statement of the consignees interests of England and France, and favorof the ship go to show that such notice was not given." ing those of Russia in the Eastern Questionone of the last of which articles occupies no less than five of its columns. The Union and Pennsylvanian are decidedly Russian in their politics. The former openly likens Cuba to Turkey, saying that the island is the "sick man" of the West; and the latter journal, which is semi-official, closes an article in favor of Russia, and against England and France, as follows:

ing recess of Congress: the real object of the proposal being, that the President shall have power to order an attack upon Cuba of his own authority, the instant such an enterprise is deemed expedient. And the Senate marked its tolerance of such a design, by referring Mr. Slidell's motion to the consideration of the committee on foreign relations.

This affair of the Black Warrior has been seized upon by the American Government, backed by the whole fillibustero party in the States, as a seasonable opportunity for advancing its pretensions over Cuba. M. Soulé, an influential slaveholder and annexationist, as well as a fiery and high-handed diplomatist-a good deal in the Menschikoff style, indeed has been appointed to represent the "With no fear for any, there is danger to Union at the Court of Madrid; and recently us from France and England, and hence the a demand was made through him, that means cause of American sympathies for Russia, of redress shall be afforded to the Cabinet of whose successes can portend us no evil, and Washington, in all disputes between it and whose power, however aggrandized, contains the American colonies of Spain, without hav- no menace to our fortunes, no poison to our ing to incur the delays inseparable from an repose." So zealous and pertinacious is this application to the Government of the mother advocacy of Russian interests, that charges country. If such a demand were conceded, have been openly made against certain of

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these journals, of being subsidized by the which has arrived from New York, we learn agents of the Czar, and charges upon which that the underwriters now insert the "wara well-informed writer in the Morning Chron- clause into all marine policies, in evident icle remarks: "We have no great belief in anticipation of a collision with some of the rumors of newspapers being bribed and jour- maritime Powers of Europe. nalists subsidized; but certainly there is something remarkable in the convictions of all well-informed Americans respecting the activity of Russian corruption in their country; and there is one widely-circulated Northern newspaper, now siding with Russia, which would lose no character by having a bribe brought home to it."

We regret to see the free Republic of the United States taking such a course, both for our own sakes and for hers. We regret it for our own sakes, and for the sake of civilization, because we believe that this Old-World war, and the strife of principles to which it is leading, will not be fought out without the intervention of America. There may be truces As might be inferred, from the conduct of and armed peace for a year or years-breaththe Government journals, the Government ing times for the antagonistic Powers to reitself at present inclines to the side of Russia; cruit their strength ere they continue the and circumstances are not absent to indicate contest; but when we look at the forces of the want of friendliness towards the Western Liberty, and distinguish between those which Powers. We are informed that Mr. Spence, are genuine, and which consequently may be the United States Ambassador at Constanti-permanently relied on, and those which are nople, is about to be recalled, because “the factitious, and which, under altered circumAdministration disapprove of his unqualified stances, may go over to the side of Absolutism, declaration to the Sultan in behalf of Turkey we believe that no satisfactory solution of the and her allies." The differences, also, be present crisis will be reached without the cotween us and the Union regarding Central operation of our transatlantic brethren. That America and Honduras are unfortunately not such intervention on the part of America yet wholly at an end, and the representatives will-must take place, when the real hour of of the Republic in those quarters seem to have need arrives, we make no doubt. By that a special love for creating embarrassing riots time the real character of the struggle will and disturbances.* And by the last mail

have unmistakably revealed itself; and even should the American rulers desire to hold "There is some anxiety with regard to a back from the strife, the people will then comnew treaty with Nicaragua, sent to Washington pel them to "draw and strike in,"-just as by Mr. Borland. So far as its provisions are the popular voice in this country compelled the concerned as a treaty of commerce, it is, proba- Aberdeen majority in the Cabinet to take up bly, unobjectionable; but it is said that Mr. the gage of combat thrown down by the Czar. Borland has agreed with Nicaragua so to define the boundaries of the state of Nicaragua as to But America, we repeat, ere she win those extend them over the Mosquito territory-the new laurels, seems inclined to sully her past United States to guarantee Nicaragua in such fame. Self-interest and honor, unfortunately, boundary. If this objectionable clause be sub- now beckon her in different directions; and mitted to the Senate, it will lead to a hot de- we apprehend that the leaders of the United bate. in the course of which more of Gen. Cass's States, instead of showing themselves those amiable war speeches against England may be champions of liberty which they affect to be, expected, and other violent speakers will be in- or even assuming the defiant air which they voking the Monroe doctrine. But neither Mos- did in the Kossta affair with Austria-will quitia, England, Honduras, nor Costa Rica, all interested parties, have been consulted in the interfered, and said to the authorities, that "no drawing up of the treaty, and all deny the right authority recognized by the United States exof Nicaragua to a single inch of the coveted ter-isted at Greytown to arrest any American citiritory-nay, England has held a protectorate zen." A riot ensued, and Mr. Borland himself over it for nearly three centuries! For the was for some time under a kind of duress, and United States and Nicaragua thus to claim and struck by a glass bottle thrown at him from the seize the territory, would be about as rational crowd. No one else was hurt; and although and just as for France and Turkey to negotiate away a part of the kingdom of Persia."-Correspondent of Morning Chronicle.

fifty Americans armed themselves, yet there was no actual mischief. Further advices say that, during the trouble at Greytown and Mr. BorThis Mr. Borland, who is the United States land's interference, the American consulate was minister at Nicaragua, is quite a firebrand, as mobbed, the consul fired at, and the destruction may be learnt from the following details of an of the property of the Nicaragua Steam Comunfortunate occurrence near San Juan, Grey-pany at Punta Arenas threatened. A force from town. It appears that the authorities attempted the American steamer Pampero was sent to proto arrest one captain Smith, commander of the tect the property. But why should Mr. Borland American river-steamer, Routh, when alongside have interfered to screen from the law a man the New York steamer, Northern Light. This charged with murder? Is that the business of was resisted, and Mr. Borland, being on board, a minister, or of justice?

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