
fuous, if not arrogant, to add our recommendation to that of Dr. Manton; we shall only add, therefore, that we consider it as a suitable companion in every chamber of affliction; as not only instructive to the ignorant, but the most experienced Christians; who will, we doubt not, say with Dr. Manton, when they read it, "the half has not been told us."

This little work has been extremely scarce for many years, and little known. In this new edition, a few quaintnesses and repetitions are omitted, which will make it generally more acceptable.


The principal Parts of the Christian Religion respecting Faith and Practice; or an humble Attempt to place some of the most portant Subjects of Doctrinal, Experimental, and Practical Divinity, in a clear and Scriptural Light. 8vo. A new Edition, cor. rected and enlarged. By D. Tay. lor, London.

THIS Volume is divided into sixteen chapters; in which are considered the following subjects:-The Character and Perfections of God; -The State of Man before Sin entered into the World; -The Moral Law; - The Fall; - The Unconverted Sinner arraigned and condemned by the Law of God;-This condemned State proved to be the State of all Men by Nature; - An Enquiry concerning several Methods of obtaining Salvation, which Men often propose to themselves;-The Way of Salvation by Jesus Christ; -The Operation of the Holy Spirit; -The Scripture Account of Faith in Christ;-The genuine Ef. fects of Faith;- The Nature, Extent, and Means of Evangelical Holiness; -The Christian's Treasure opened, or a View of his PriviJeges;-Encouragement and Advice to real Christians; - A short View of Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell; with a Proof of the Eternity of future Punishment; -Addresses to several Classes of Readers.

These several parts of the Divine Will, we are informed, were more largely illustrated and improved

from the pulpit, in a course of sermons, at Wadsworth; and were attended to with diligence, and crowned with success. The first edition of this work was printed in 1775, and dedicated to the author's friends at the above-mentioned place. This new edition is dedi cated to the church of Christ assembling in Church-lane, Whitechapel, of which Mr. Taylor is pastor.

Although we have had several compendiums of the essential arti. cles of religion, by different writers; yet we think the present will not be found altogether useless. An artless simplicity, and an evident design of doing good, run through the whole. The author, studiously avoiding all nice distinctions and rhetorical embellishments, adapts his style to the lowest capacity, and labours to make every subject clear to the understanding. Some of the notes, indeed, where the originals are quoted, may not be of any utility to the unlearned, bit these are but few; and, not being intermixed with the text, cannot interrupt the attention of those who are not capable of understanding them. There are very few positions in the work we are disposed to controvert: there is one, however, that is not generally held by our orthodox divines, i. e. the Universality of Christ's Death; which Mr. Taylor believes and asserts, but has omitted to bring forward the objections to that doctrine; which, we think, should not have been done, as no man is required to make up his mind on a controverted point by examining only one side of the question. He refers the reader, how. ever, to his Letters to Mr. Fuller on that subject; and, in stating his own views of it, he discovers nothing of a dogmatical spirit, or a bigotted turn of mind. We applaud Mr. Taylor for making his work of a practical tendency. Thus, after speaking of the operations of the Divine Spirit, the reality, origin, certainty, and necessity of these operations, he improves it in the following manner: —

"1. Let every reader carefully examine himself, whether the Spiri

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of God dwells in him. 2. Let every one beware of vexing and grieving the Holy Spirit. 3. Remember, that the Spirit in the heart is the same Spirit that teaches in the Scriptures. Thus we have always a test at hand by which we may try ourselves. We are not to consider every impulse or impression of the mind an operation or influence of the Holy Spirit. Too many, alas! are, in this instance, awfully mistaken. On hearing a strange doctrine, or making, or imagining that we make, some new discoveries, which gratify a speculative and curious mind; feeling some peculiar impressions from the beauty of a preacher's style and address, or even from his tone, his attitudes, and gestures, we have sometimes experienced those agreeable sensations which, though we have been still left under the power of a carnal mind, have been called divine operations. Thus numbers are deluded and encouraged to cry to themselves, “Peace, peace, when there is no peace." Let every reader know, that no sensation, no impression is of God, if its tendency be not to transform us after his own image, in righteousness and holi. ness.-5. Remember there is no inconsistency between divine opera tions on the minds of men and the most earnest exhortations, invitations, and persuasions, addressed by ministers both to saints and sinners. -6. This doctrine of the divine operations, furnishes abundant occasion for prayer and praise.-7. Never forget that, though the great God, by the influence of his Spirit, is the sovereign Agent in our conversion, edification, and all the good that is produced, yet he makes use of various means to ef fect his purpose.-8. That, so far from the influences of the Iloly Spirit on the mind of man being rea sons of indolence on the one hand, or discouragement on the other, that they are represented in Scripture as encouragements to exert ourselves, in order to our fruitfulness and comfort."

These are useful and important remarks, ably proved from Scripture, and concisely amplified by the

author; and shews us the use that can and ought to be made of those doctrines of grace, on the belief of which our happiness and salvation depend.

Reflections on the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ, and of the probable Consequences of a public Exhibition of his Ascension. By J. Bigland. 8vo. 25. 6d.

THE well-known Thomas Paine, among many futile objections to Christianity, laid particular stress upon the private manner in which our Lord arose from the dead, and on his appearing only to his own disciples afterward. The ascension of Christ, he thinks, ought to have been as public as that of a balloon, &c. This objection, which others have more cursorily answered, Mr. Bigland (whom we understand, to be a layman) takes up, and, considering it in all its bearings, shews, that such a public exhibition was by no means necessary to prove the event; and that it would have added little or nothing to the historical evidence we now possess; nor would it have contributed to silence the cavils of infidelity. Mr. Bigland writes with much temper and good sense; his reasoning is close, and his language nervous. Though the above is the leading topic of his pamphlet, it is not the only one; he suggests many things to strengthen the general evidences of Christianity; and the reader will meet with more novelty and entertainment than is usual in travelling such beaten ground. At the same time, this writer avoids that severe and sarcastic language with which some have treated Deistical objections. While they have answered

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The London Apprentice, or the Life and Death of N. Butler, who was executed in Cheapside for the Murder of his Fellow Apprentice; with an Account of the Three Conferences which Sir R. Titchboura, Lord Mayor of London, had with him in Prison. Published by his Lordship's Chaplain, with an Address to the Citizens of London. Recommended by several Eminent Divines; and republished, with an Address to London Apprentices. By the Rev. J. Duncan, LL. D. 12mo. 6d.

DR. DUNCAN, some time since, introduced this pious magistrate to the present age, by the republication of an excellent sermon, which was noticed in our review. The present narrative, which is recommended to our youth in preference to the celebrated George Barnwell, will be found highly interesting and instructive. The Address bears the following great and venerable signatures: Case, Jacomb, Calamy, Doolittle, Watson, Gouge, Manton, Pool, Vincent, Brooks, Caryl, Jackson, Lye, Clarke, Dyer, &c.

Way to Wealth;-List of Bankers;

Poetry, &c. The subsequent pages are the same in both pocket. books, and contain, besides a complete List of Chapels, &c. judicious abstracts of various branches of science, with a reference to their religious application, under the title of "the Circle of Sciences consecrated by the Cross." The articles here introduced are, Anatomy, Astronomy, Botany, Chemistry, Electricity, Galvanism, Geography, Hydrostatics, Magnetism, Mechanics, Optics, Pneumatics, Natural Philosophy, Theology.

These Diaries are sold in variots

bindings, from sheep to morocco, at the usual prices of gentlemen's annual pocket-books.

A New Year's Gift for the Children of Charity and Sunday - Schools. By J. Townsend. 12mo. In stif covers, 34.

MR.TOWNSEND is already known to our readers, not only as a minister, but as the author of an excellent volume of sermons on Prayer, Hints in Defence of Sunday Schools, &c. To this little affectionate ad

Christian Preacher's Diary for dress, are added some short Narra1803. Christian Gentleman and Trades- warning and example.

man's Diary, ditto.

THOUGH We think it quite unnecessary to review the annual publication of religious pocket-books, which are mostly on one plan,-yet, as these are new and original publications, the case materially differs.

Each of these Diaries contains 196 ruled pages for memorandums and accounts; with a text of Scrip. ture for each day. To the former are prefixed, Mr. Eyre's Abstract of Claude's Essay on the Composition of a Sermon ; - Extracts from Dr. Doddridge's MS. Lectures on Preaching;-Dates of the Books of the Old and New Testament ; Principles of Grammar and Rhetoric, in Verse; - Brief Chronology, &c. &c.

To the latter are prefixed, the Character of the Christian Gentle. man and Tradesman; - Franklin's

tives of Children, both by way of

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These accounts, if not equally wonderful, are equally pleasing and encouraging with any that have been made public; and the effects of these conversions are stated to be

permanent and abiding. We could give extracts with pleasure; but the smallness of this tract induces us rather to recommend its perusal to our readers.

SELECT LIST OF RELIGIOUS The Spirit's Work in the Heart the great Witness to the Truth as it is in Jesus. By R. Hawker, D. D. &c. 8vo and 12mo. Bishop Beveridge's Private Thoughts. A New Edition, 12mo, 3s. 6d. boards; or 4s. bound.

An Enquiry into the Origin of True Religion; together with the Invention of Letters, and the Discovery of the most useful Arts, &c. By J. Creighton, B.A. όνο. May's Family Prayers, abridged. A new Edition, 12mo.


Periodical Accounts of the Baptist Missionary Society. No. X. Is.


Apples of Gold for Young Men and Women, and a Crown of Glory for Old Men and Women. By the late Rev. T. Brooks, Author of "Precious Remedies," &c. New Edition, 18mo, 2s. 6d.

The Saint Indeed, or the great Work of a Christian opened and pressed. By the late Rev. J. Flavel. New Edit. 18mo, rs. 6d.

A Sermon preached before the Book Society; containing an Historical Account of the Society. By J. Rippon, D. D. 8vo, is.

Simpson's Plea for Religion, &c. Second Edition, 8vo, 7s.



DEPARTED this life, July 20, 1802, aged eighty years.' He was a very distinguished instance of the wise man's observation: — "The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of rightecusness." Through a long succession of years, his walk and conversation in the church, and in the world, justly entitled him to the exalted character of an established Christian.

He was born at Farnley, near Leeds, in the year 1722; and at the age of thirty, was first awakened to a discovery of his fallen state by nature, under a sermon preached at the Methodist chapel, in Leeds, from Micah vi. 7. He continued to attend the word of God in that chapel; and growing in love to divine things, discovered his zeal for the promotion of Christian knowledge and experience, by establishing social prayer meetings, &c. in Wortley, Holbeck, and Leeds. But, his views of the essential doctrines of the gospel not

according with those maintained by that connection, he left it, at the same time with the Rev. Mr. Edwards; at whose death he became a member of the church of which Mr. Parsons is now pastor. Here he continued long a burning and shining light, to the unspeakable joy of many who, through his instrumentality, were brought to the knowledge and enjoyment of evangelical truths. By his piety and usefulness he reflected a peculiar lustre upon the humble sphere in which he was appointed to move; for he had learnt the pleasing art of being content and happy in his situation.

In his little cot, slothfulness and indifference were not indulged. He had there erected an altar to the Lord: awoke regularly at four in the morning, and rose at five; unless confined by indisposition. Naturally of a social temper, he sought the company of his Christian friends; and at every interview, would introduce, and frequently enlarge upon some of the sweetest portions of the word of God; and

he had a peculiarly happy method of explaining and applying the various parts of Christian experience. An humble sense of his own unworthiness, and a cheerful resignation to the Divine Will, were leading traits in his character. Whatever difficulties might occur in the dispensations of Providence or of grace, they were all solved and removed by the application of this one sentence, "Even so, Father, for so it seemeth good in thy sight."

Having thus borne an honourable testimony to the reality of religion and the power of godliness for the space of fifty years, he was at length called to confirm and strengthen that testimony by a corresponding temper and deportment upon a death-bed. He had long accustomed himself to reflect upon the event of his final dissolution,-and could, therefore, view its approach without any emotion of fear and dismay; and in the midst of all his sufferings, he "rejoiced in hope of the glory of God." A few days previous to his departure, he was favoured with some delightful foretastes of that glory, which was soon to be more fully revealed; and, from that circumstance, was persuaded that his time on earth would be very short. Early in the morning of July 19, with unusual strength and clearness of voice, he committed all his concerns for time and eternity to the care of a faithful and unchanging God. To his aged wife, he said, "I have Heaven upon earth." She asked him, what must become of her when he should be gone to his final home? He said, "I leave you in the Lord's hands he has provided for you so far, and he will provide to the end; and will shortly bring you to your eternal rest!" In the most impressive manner, he soon after exclaimed, lifting up both his hands in an attitude of astonishment, "How little! how mean! how vain! do all created things now look within sight of the promised land!" His bodily weakness continued to increase, with evident symptoms that the springs of life were nearly exhausted; but hearing a friend ask if he was asleep

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On the 30th of July, 1802, aged twenty-seven, died John Winlaw, butcher, in Berwick-upon-Tweed. His death was matter of sorrow to a number of the people of God in this place, who have sustained a loss which only can be made up by sovereign grace calling others, as it was manifested in plucking him, as a brand out of the burning. He received religious impressions when about sixteen or seventeen years of age, and at a time when placed amongst those who had no fear of God before their eyes. Having tasted that the Lord was gracious, he began to ask the way to Sion, with his face thitherward; and was instructed in the way of the Lord more perfectly by some experienced Christians. He soon joined a prayer-, meeting, and was a constant attend. ant, and an ornamental member until the time of his last sickness. He was likewise a useful member of the gratis Sabbath Evening SchoolSociety in this place, and cheerfully assisted as a teacher in one of the schools. In his worldly calling, our deceased friend was honest and upright; and accompanied by the ble sing of God, his business was in a prosperous way. As a Christian, he had a conversation becoming the gospel of Christ, and was remarka ble for artless simplicity and godly sincerity; insomuch, that even those who care for none of these things, were constrained to speak well of him. He esteemed all who love our Lord Jesus Christ, and cordially

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