


THE Catechetical School at the Tabernacle, was instituted at Easter 1796. The general average number who attend to repeat, are 200, divided into various classes. Upon having learned the Assembly's Shorter Catechism, consisting of 107 questions, with Scripture proots, each child is examined; and if it is correctly repeated, they receive the reward, of a neat Pocket-Bible and Janeway's Token for Children. Their Catechisms, and Dr. Watts's Songs, are also provided for the children, gratis; and, on the same terms, the teachers give their labours.

It is usual for some one of the friends to close the service with a short explication of some lively pas. sage of Scripture, or to improve some recent providential event; and the teachers have been stimulated by observing the diligent attention of many children, and the good effects of their labour of love. Severai young minds have been impressed with the power of Divine truth; some of whom have been admitted to the holy Communion. The following account of the death of one of the children, affords the most pleasing encouragement:

Ann Botcheba, a girl about twelve years of age, was admitted into the school something more than a year ago; and was in the upper class but one, where the stage of progress is perfection in all the answers, and in the proofs from forty to seventy. Her general disposition shewed itself more in reading than in needle-work; and it was not difficult for her to learn six or eight verses of a chapter while nursing the smaller children, during the absence of her parents at public wor ship; and this accounts, for that readiness with which, in her conversation, she adapted Scriptures to her own case, during her affliction. Her temper, however, until within the last eight or nine months,

was perverse and untractable; and was the occasion of great grief to her parents. About July last, having strongly betrayed that symptom of a degenerate and fallen nature, her parents conceived it their duty to correct her; and added chastisement to reproof. A week or two after this, the catechetical exhortation happened to be on the parable of the Wheat and Tares (Mat. xiii.); and on this occasion (as she said since her calamity) she was convinced of sin. Her parents observed, with pleasure, a great change of disposition, a readiness to oblige them, and a correctness of behaviour altogether; and which they supposed an effect of the Lord's blessing on their correction; but from what they have learned since from the child, it seems pretty evident, that it was owing to the work of the Spirit quickening the word of life. From that time her conduct has been as becometh the gospel of Christ: dutiful to her parents and teachers, loving to her brothers, and very attentive to the opportunities and means of grace.

She arose a little after six o'clock on Monday, March 7, to light the fire for her mother, as usual; in doing which her clothes unhappily caught fire; and before any effectual help could be obtained, she was so much burned as to presage the fatal consequence which did ensue. When the accident happened, her screams alarmed her poor mother, who ran down stairs, and endeavoured to quench the flame; which, with great difficulty and personal injury to herself, she did.


child exclaimed, "Oh, my Lord and my God, forsake me not now in the time of my trouble!" and then, addressing her mother, said, “ Pray to the Lord Jesus for me;" and added, "Oh, it is hard work now! How long have I walked and sinned while others have been serving him!" and then repeated the same words, adding, “Oh, I suffer! but it will soon be over; there is a

mansion prepared for me." Her pains being very acute, she cried aloud for mercy, and repeated, "Blessed Jesus, wash me, wash me in thy precious blood!" — On her father (who had been sent for) coming in, he exhorted her to pray to God to forgive her sins; when she replied, "Father, he has !" The father hearing her avow this with such unexpected confidence, and fearing she might deceive her self, said, By what right?' She replied, "Christ has died for me, and rose again for my justification." This she pronounced with great energy, even with vehemence; and then added, "Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly." On beholding her mother weep, she said, "Oh, mo. ther, weep not for me!"

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It being found difficult to procure medical help in the neighbourhood (the people and neighbour. hood are very poor) her parents proposed the hospital; and she appeared quite resigned to it. On being put into a coach, she made some appropriate remarks on her pain and sufferings; but these she bore with fortitude, for she looked at an object of greater suffering than hers, and that calmed her spirit; for she said, "What did Christ suffer! he sweat great drops of blood."-Was not this the teaching of divine wisdom? When she arrived at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, she seemed impatient for the Saviour, crying out, "Comie, Lord Jesus, come quickly." To her mother, "Weep not; a mansion is prepared for me." The conversations of her parents with her, while she retained her senses, were generally of the kind already mentioned. On being exhorted to patience, she replied," He has given me patience, blessed be. his holy naine."

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One of the persons who had taught her the catechism, called on her at the hospital, and found her in a very distressing situation; but quite resigned. He said, My dear child, it is probable this calamity may end in your death; pray to God to forgive your sins. She replied, very calmly, Sir, I hope he has forgiven them.” He then asked her, if she knew the way in which

God forgave sin? Of which she seemed to have clear conceptions, and to give satisfactory answers. On his exhorting her to patience and submission to the doctors, she said, "I have prayed for patience, and the Lord has answered my prayers;" and then," The Lord is the best Physician." When under great pain, her mother being with her, and before the mortification came on, she exclaimed, "My Lord and my God!" and clasping her poor arms about her mother, cried out, "We are his people, and he is our God," solicitous to include her parents in a blessing, of which she seemed to have a sensible enjoyment.

The last five days of her life wert much interrupted with delirium; but the frame of her mind then was evidently happy. The last words which she was heard to articulate, were, "Father, forgive me;” and about half an hour afterwards she fell asleep in Jesus.

W. B.

MR. ROBERT BISHOP Departed this life March 14, at his house in the Spa-fields, in the sixty-first year of his age. He was born at Hamilton, in Scotland, in the year 1742, where he continued till about the year 1763. He then came to London; and, about seven years after, married the widow of Mr. Taylor, who kept a Norwich, crape and bombazeen warehouse, in London; which business he car ried on with great credit, for the support of a large family, near thirty years, and then retired upon a mo d rate competency, which made the evening of his life close in peace. In the year 1780, when that dread. ful spirit of anarchy and confusion broke out, Mr. Bishop proposed to his brother housekeepers, to arm themselves, and learn the military discipline. His proposal was cheerfully embraced: they formed themselves into an association, and appointed Mr. Bishop their captain. As a tradesman and public charac ter, few were better known, of more respected; particularly on account of his punctuality. But a

a Christian, he shone the brightest. In his own houfe he had an altar erected for God. One evening in the week it was open for a few select friends, where they used to meet for prayer and praise, and which was continued to the time of his death, nearly twenty years; and from this private meeting much public good has resulted. That very excellent school, for the clothing and educating 100 poor children in the principles of the Protestant religion, which attends at Tottenham-court chapel, originated here. The numher who met at that time was seven, heads of families; and, it is remarkable, four of whom died within the last ten months, in the comfortable expectation of that glorious rest that God has provided for them who love and serve him. Three survive; one of whom writes this article.

It is in the recollection of many how well Mr. Bishop filled up the character of a principal conductor, er chairman, in many extensive societies, particularly that of the Protestant Association, which took place at the remarkable period before alluded to, 1780, where he always took the side for moderate and legal measures. For this he was well calculated, having a very respectable appearance. Indeed, he was endowed with a fruitful genius, a strong memory, and a great flow of words, strictly grammatical and correct but, what is far better, he was blessed with a tender heart, a pitying eye, and a hand ever ready to relieve; and he particularly exerted himself as a friend to the parishpoor.

all his faculties were shut up, and
he was scarcely able to speak arti
culately for several days; but he
seemed to have full possession of
his senses to the last, and appeared
much engaged with God in humble
prayer. He was many years a mom
ber of the church of Christ under
Mr. Hart in jewin - street, who was
succeeded by Mr. Hughes, Mr.
Woodgate, and now Mr. Priestley,
to whom Mr. Bishop was many
years a deacon.
T. B.


AFTER living many years in the
most unremitted habits of friend-
ship, sharing many of her com-
forts, and most of her sufferings, I
have observed some excellent traits
in Mrs. W's. character; some of
which I would mention, not with a
design to extol her, but to engage
imitation. Her first impressions, I
understand, were occasioned by the
funeral sermon for Mrs. Lane,
preached by the Rev. Mr. Grove.
To her convictions she was open,
faithful, firm, and persevering.
She was opposed, yet stood her
ground; and in time, the Lord
brought opposing connections to
unite with her in the cause of God
and truth, in the year 1782.
Her piety was not of the superficial
kind; she had strong exercices,
dark seasons, sore temptations, but
was not left without suitable aid and
seasonable comforts. Her mater
pal trials are still in recollection;
but long-delayed prayer was kindly

On the 6th of February, 1802, died her son, a young man unhape pily distinguished by almost every species of iniquity, who, after a long course of wickedness, broke the heart both of father and mother; yet, four months before he died, the Lord softened, changed, and renewed him; and he gave the most pleasing and satisfactory evidence, that the vulture was become a dove. I witnessed the change; and his parents had joy in his death, beyond the sorrows of their life:but their wounds were too deep for

Towards the latter part of his life, he was heavily afflicted with a kind of nervous fever, which lay in his head, and precluded him from his former usefulness, for some months before his death; and tho' he was perceived to pray much, it was private, and without speaking to be heard by man. Some of his friends were greatly disappointed, who had formed a hope, that a life so usefully spent, would have been closed with a triumphant death. But this was not the will of God; * Mr J. Brookes, of Tottenham-court Road; Mr. W. Phipps, of Holborn; Mr. f. Bangs, of Lyon's Inn; and Mr. Rishop.

healing, his father died three months after, and his mother ten months after her husband. "Our days on earth are a shadow, and there is none abiding." Her complicated bodily afflictions were the counter poise of her natural bias of mind, which was sensitive and quick; but her improper sentiments were very transient. In moral justice, she was exact to the smallest consideration. Her love to the people of God was not partial, she loved those of every name without distinction. Religious exercises in her own family she greatly enjoyed. The chapel was her delight while she had strength to reach it: there she saw her obligation to be her privilege. "Here," said she, "is my home." When she was prevented attending, sbe deeply felt the mercy of having the gospel nearer home; and how tender a mother she proved in that part of the Lord's Israel, to the sns of Levi, the dead has witnessed, and the living can.

therto hath the Lord brought me ; now speed my way." It was soon done. She led the 28th of March.

I am informed, that the day fortnight before, she expressed it the happiest of her life, in meditating on Is xlii.16, "I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not," &c. It may be asked, Had she no imperfections?' I reply, that she had no perfection; she could not have any as a believer sanctified but in part; but she was complete in Christ; and all her imperfections are dropped with her clay. Glory to God!

It is my sincere prayer, that her near relations may be bettered by her counsels; and in future life, imitate her laudable example. Woburn.

T. E.

DIED lately at Rotterdam, at a very advanced age, Mynheer Cornelius Van Brem, a gentleman not more eminent for every accomplishment becoming a member of society, and the successful merchant of one of the first commercial cities in Europe, than for all those graces which adorn the Christian. Never was the heart of man more sincerely engaged in any undertaking, than this devoted servant of Christ was in every thing which concerned the advancement of true religion in the world. He bore a part in the management when able, or assisted with his countenance and advice, in whatever plans were concerted for doing good to mankind. In him the Missionar cause has lost a zea. lous supporter; and the Rotterdam Society in particular, one whose attachment to its interest was not to be shaken by the convulsions of the state, nor altered by the changing situations of any thing beneath the sun. The arrival of the Evangelical and Missionary Magazines in Rotterdam, brought to him good news from a far country. His soul drank in their contents, like the parched land the refreshing shower. Nor could he be satisfied till his countryme were made acquainted with the most inaterial intelligence they contained. Accordingly, he used to translate them into Dutch, and publish them for the encourage. Late Rev. Mr. Brodbelt.

Her tenderness, sympathy, and liberality to the poor, Loudwater can testify, and its gratitude will not be silent: her mind was generous; no instance of kindness was left unnoticed; small offerings had ample returns. She had fixed her principles, and aimed to act from thence in firm and sincere friendship. As to divine things, her mind was teachable; she could receive instruction from a ploughman truly taught, with the same relish as from those who had drawn their knowledge from the schools. She had much to wean her from the love of life. In a letter to me, dated 25th of Feb. she said, "As to myself, I am very low; I have weight upon weight, pressure upon pressure, but the end is at hand; I cannot stand many more storms. If I had nothing to do but recline myself into the arms of death, a dismission from the body would be welcome; but 1 am weary of life, and yet not will ing to die." But soon was her language altered! On my next and last interview, she repeated what had been upon her mind: "Hinder me not. Keep me not from my Father's house." On being assisted to come down stairs, she said, "Hi

thought upon his name; some of whom are now scattered throughout the provinces, silvered over with years, and not only bearing marks of their earthly warfare, but endur

ment of all like-minded. Altho' he never was in this country, his acquaintance with our language, and the many excellent books in divinity he had read, the productions of British authors, prepossessing hardness as good soldiers of the ed him much in our favour. With Lord Jesus. How faithfully this some valuable ministers in Britain worthy man executed the trust rehe frequently corresponded, and posed in him, is known to many constantly enquired after them, in hundreds in Holland, and to a few terms which bespoke the warmest in this country. The appellation affection. Among many other pie- applied to him was truly verified; ces, translated by him into Dutch, for with parental care he watched and which have met with equal suc- over all committed to his charge, cess in Holland as in England, were and had in return their unfeigned Booth's Reign of Grace, and Her love. While scarce able to walk, vey's Theron and Aspasia; but his and to appearance near his end, yet translations of similar works were would he go about the duties of his numerous; for no sooner did he office, in the exercise of morning meet with any thing which pleased and evening prayers, with a spirihim, than he immediately set about tuality very different from many in it; and the writer of this article such situations; who, because it saw him busily engaged, although makes a part of the rules and regu bordering on ninety years of age, lations of the establishment, regard and with an inflamed_eye, translat- it as a task, rather than a privilege. ing" Dr. Rippon's Discourses on He also rejoiced to hear of the the All-sufficent Gracious Assistance success of the London Missionary of the Spirit of Christ," &c. In Society; and assisted it by his frehim likewise, the Scots Church of quent fervent prayers. Rotterdam has lost one of her brightest ornaments. Although a native of Holland, that he might strengthen the hands and encourage the hearts of our countrymen in a foreign land, he became a member, and was, many years ago, chosen one of her elders. This trust he continued to exercise, to the satisfaction of all, till his death; which is much regretted by those eminent servants of Christ, Messrs. Ross and McPhail, ministers of the church, and every Christian in

the country known.

to whom he was
R. O.

LIKEWISE died about the same time, Mr. James Maclean, father of the English Orphan, or Workhouse, Amsterdam. He had been in early life a private soldier, and afterwards a serjeant in the Scotch brigade, long in the service of the States of Holland; in which regi. ment, as likewise in others from that country, were found a remnant of those who feared the Lord and

It may be remarked, that both of these good men, with many others in Holland, deeply lamented the of fects of French principles in that country;—and how justly they did so, only those who have had an opportunity of seeing their effects can judge. R. O.

APRIL 28th, died at Philadelphia, the Rev. Mr. Ustick, Minis that city. His funeral-sermon was ter of the first Baptist church in preached by his colleague, Dr. W. Rogers, from John xi. 11, "Our friend Lazarus sleepeth." He was in his fiftieth year.


SATURDAY Morning, June 11, died the Rev. Jeremiah Newell, Vicar of Great Missenden, &c. who preached the last sermon before the Missionary Society. We hope to present our readers with a short memoir of this excellent man in a future Number.


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