
spirit I came up to this metropolis. I was think ing when I read of Jacob's going over the brook with a staff, that I would not say so much, but I came up without a friend, I went to Oxford with, out a friend, I had not a servant, I had not any one to introduce me; but God, by his Holy Spirit, was pleased to raise me up to preach for his great name's sake: through his Divine Spirit I continue to this day, and feel my affections are as strong as ever towards the work, and the people of the living God. The congregations at both ends of the town are dear to me: God has honored me to build this and the other place; and, blessed be his name, as he called me to Georgia at first, and I left all London affairs to God's care, when I had most of the churches in London open for me, and had twelve or fourteen constables to keep the doors, that people might not croud too much; L had offers of hundreds then to settle in London, yet I gave it up for God, to go into a foreign clime; and I hope with that same single intention I am going now.

When I came from America last, I thought I had no other river to pass over but the river Jor dan, I remember I told you so; and as the orphanhouse was then to be given, I thought, out of my hands, I then intended to retire into some little corner, and pray when I could not preach, my spirits were so low, and my nerves and animal. frame so weak, but God, of his infinite mercy, has. renewed my strength, and is pleased to raise my spirits, so that I find my heart is willing to go. here or there, wherever God shall call.

The orphan-house being turned into a college is a matter of great consequence; you that have not been in America can't tell, but I heartily wish, I

am neither a prophet, nor the son of a prophet, and I hope none of us will ever be driven to America for an asylum, where God's people were driven from this land an hundred years ago: clouds are growing thick, and if a spirit of moderation does not prevail among governors and governed, what but confusion must happen to persons who strive one with another, and are making sport for the devil by destroying one another? may the great and gracious God avert every impending storm; and by diffusing a spirit of moderation and of a sound mind, and by keeping his people close to himself, avert those storms, those terrible judgments, that we have reason to expect from our repeated provocations. I am going now to settle the orphan-house upon a proper basis; I go now in the fall, that I may be in Georgia in the winter, which is fine weather there. The twentyfifth of March is the anniversary of the day on which I laid the first brick of the orphan-house; by that time, I hope, all the buildings will be finished, and the plantation settled; and then I hope to go and preach along the continent to New England, and from thence I intend, if God permit me, to return to my dear London and English friends again.

I have blessed news from the orphan-house; one writes to me word, Would to God you could send a thousand such as you have sent, Mr. Dixon, and his wife, that have been old servants there; Mr. Wright, Nr. Crayne, and Mr. Wright's brother, and those that have been employed with them to carry on the work of the Lord; and I cannot think but God intends to lay a foundation for a blessed seminary for Christ: Lord Jesus hear our prayers upon that account.

Now I must come to the hardest part I have to act: I was afraid when I came out from home, that I could not bear the shock, but I hope the Lord Jesus Christ will help me to bear it, and help you to give me up to the blessed God, let him do with me what he will. This is the thirteenth time of my crossing the mighty waters; it is a little difficult at this time of life; and though my spirits are improved in some degree, yet weakness is the best of my strength: but I delight in the cause, and God fills me with a peace that is unutterable, which nobody knows, and a stranger intermeddles not with: into his hands I commend my spirit; and I beg that this may be the language of your hearts, Lord, keep him, let nothing pluck him out of thy hands. I expect many a trial while I am on board, satan always meets me there; but that God which has kept me, I believe will keep me, I thank God I have the honor of leaving every thing quite well and easy at both ends of the town; and, my dear hearers, my prayers to God shall be, that nothing may pluck you out of Christ's hands.. Witness against me, if I ever set up a party for myself; did ever any minister, or could any minister in the world say, that I ever spoke against, any one going to any dear minister? i thank God, that he has enabled me to be always strengthening the hands of all though some have afterwards been ashamed to own me. I declare to you, that I believe that God will be with me, and will strengthen me; and I believe it is in answer to your prayers, that God is pleased to revive my spirits may the Lord help you to pray on. If I am drowned in the waves I will say, Lord, take care of my London, take care of my English friends, let nothing pluck them out of thy hands.

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And as Christ has given us eternal life, O my brethren, some of you, I doubt not, will be gone to him before my return; but, my dear brethren, my dear hearers, never mind that; we shall part, but it will be to meet again forever. I dare not meet you now, I can't bear your coming to me to part from me, it cuts me to the heart and quite overcomes me, but by and by all parting will be over, and all tears shall be wiped away from our eyes. God grant that none that weep now at my parting, may weep at our meeting at the day of judgment; and if you never were among Christ's sheep before, may Christ Jesus bring you now. O come, come, see what it is to have eternal life don't refuse it; haste, sinner, haste away: may the great, the good shepherd, draw your souls. Oh! if you never heard his voice before, God grant you may hear it now; that I may have this comfort when I am gone that I had last, that some souls are awakened at the parting sermon. that it may be a farewel sermon to you; that it may be a means of your taking a farewel of the world, the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eye, and the pride of life. O come, come, come, to the Lord Jesus Christ; to him I leave you. And you, dear sheep, that are already in his hands, O may God keep you from wandering; God keep you near Christ's feet; I don't care what shepherds keep you, so as you are kept near the great shepherd and bishop of souls. The Lord God keep you, lift up the light of his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen.

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