
eternity. Let me have some comfortable hopes and foretaste of a blessed immortality, to sweeten my passage through and out of this world. I am hastening apace into an endless eternity; O that I were ready for my appearance at thy bar!

Lord, I

Ah Lord! if my Judge be not my advocate, with what dread and astonishment must I needs think of thy tribunal, where I must appear before a heart-searching and a sinrevenging God! There is not one sin in my whole life but is seen to thine all-seeing eye, and is all naked and open to thee. would humbly beg that my sins, though many and great, may all be pardoned and forgiven. Many horrid sinners have been received to mercy; and though my sins are of a crimson and scarlet dye, yet the blood of an all-sufficient Saviour can wash them white: he is able and willing to save all those that come to God through him, and he ever lives to make intercession for them. Help me, by faith, to lay hold on this Redeemer, who came into the world on this very

errand, to save poor sinners, and reconcile

them to God.

If so, I dare not, I will not despair: yet, Lord, I beg I may not presume.

Help me humbly to cast myself prostrate at thy feet, and implore thy heavenly benediction. Bless me, even me, in turning me away from all my sins; let them never separate between thee and my poor soul: let them all be remitted, and then it will be as if they had never been committed. In my last and sorest agonies let me see thou art reconciled to me. Be with me till I die; and when I die, and when this world can yield me no help, comfort, or support, let me find it all in thee.

I know thy presence can sweeten all the troubles of this life, and death itself: then let me not be dismayed at that last and great enemy. When I pass through the valley and shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou wilt be with me. O Lord, I beg thou wouldst not then be a terror to me: thou art my hope in the day of evil: help me then to

hold up my head with comfort, hoping my redemption draweth nigh. Let not this world have such possession of my heart and affections, as to make me unwilling to dislodge and go hence when thou callest me off the stage of this life. Let the last scene of my life be the best part of my days. Let me honour thee by doing thy will, and submitting to whatever thou, my God, shalt think fit to lay on me. Help me to bear patiently thy afflicting hand, either sickness, or worldly crosses, or death itself. Let me not dare to murmur, grumble or complain when death looks me in the face: let me not be too much daunted, startled, and affrighted at its approach.

Thousands, and ten thousands have gone through that dark passage, and shot that gulph, and there is no escape for any of the children of Adam: they that have deserved death eternal, bave no cause to grumble at death temporal, especially if it be unstung; nay, then there is cause of triumph, for it is an entrance into life, and messenger to glory;

therefore I hope, and firmly believe and trust, that that God who hath conducted so many safe through these dark regions, will not leave my poor soul in its last conflicts.


I SENSIBLY find my outward man perish and decay, but how comfortable would it be to me, if I could as easily perceive the inward man to be renewed day by day! This earthly tabernacle is tottering, and ere long will tumble down; but in what plight is the poor soul that now inhabiteth this ruinated cottage? What provision hath it made against that day when it must be turned out? hath it got an interest in, and a title to an enduring substance; a house above, eternal in the heavens ?

This life of mine is but a vapour, it appeareth but for a little while, and then van


isheth away. Lord, teach me to number my days, that I may know how frail I am. This outward man is daily consuming, wasting, perishing, and decaying, and shall I be careless, negligent, remiss, and unconcerned about my future state, how it will go with me hereafter in the other world? Though my bodily strength abate, yet let the inward man be renewed every day, and wax stronger and stronger when the comforts of this life are, as Job saith of the white of an egg, unsavory, have no relish, and are no satisfaction to me, let me have comforts and cordials that this world knoweth not of, even the light of thy countenance, and that will put gladness into my heart, more than all the treasures and pleasures of this vain world.

Whatever thou deniest me, deny me not thyself to be my God and portion; and let me have an interest in thy Son, my only Saviour and Redeemer: and do thou graciously give thy Holy Spirit to direct, guide, quicken, counsel and comfort me the remaining part of my sojourning here. How few days may

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