
God. He bore all the various difficulties he passed through here with an invincible courage and constancy; and now we are assured that he is set down on the throne of God, and hath promised that those that are true followers of him shall in due time inherit eternal life, and shall sit down with him on the throne of God, as certainly as he is already set down with his Father.

Chap. xxi. 7. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my Son. Here are several particulars instanced, in what those shall possess that overcome; and here, to conclude, it is said, he shall inherit all things, all things necessary for this life, or a better; all things conducing to this life and the other.


to complete the happiness of the godly, God hath promised to be his God, and that he will own him as his son. And I am sure none can be miserable that have this God for their God and portion.

Seeing here are so many comfortable promises to those that overcome, help me, O my

God, that I may not seem to fall short of entering into thy rest, but help me to persevere and hold out to the end. Do thou strengthen me against all needless fears. Thou that saidst, Fear none of those things that thou shalt suffer, give me an undaunted spirit against all earthly troubles. What though thou meetest with many troubles and trials, yet thy God hath told thee, they shall not last long. If thou sink under thy burden, thou art undone; but if thou courageously overcomest, these promises to thy comfort thou mayest lay hold on. death, and then thy good

Be faithful to the God will give thee

a crown of life, which fadeth not away, but is reserved in heaven for those that love and fear him.


O LORD, I beg a meetness for heaven; make me meet to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light. I am unmeet, unfit, unprepared, unworthy to be a partaker of those privileges that are enjoyed above at thy right hand by thy redeemed ones. But, Lord, I humbly desire that thou wouldest fit, prepare, and qualify me for communion with thyself in glory. Help me to be getting dispositions for heaven, to be meet to live above. I often desire to be at home at my Father's house, to be there where God and Christ is, where the saints and angels, and all the host of heaven are continually lauding, blessing, praising, and magnifying thy great and holy name.

O holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, shall ever such a poor worm as I, be admitted to dwell with thee in thy heavenly temple? I, that am so ill-deserving; I, that am so undeserving, dare I presume?

Can I hope upon good grounds that I shall be of the number of those happy ones who shall be called unto thy kingdom and glory; there to live and reign with thee, world without end? Sometimes I am overwhelmed, and utterly despair of this high honour, when I consider what a vile wretch I am by nature. And when I reflect on the sins of my life, that my whole life hath been one continual provocation against thy Divine Majesty, I can hardly find day or hour wherein I have not offended thee; nay, I fear my very prayers are sins and abominations to thy pure eyes and if my condition be such, how is it like to fare with me to all eternity? Who will be my companions in the other world, if I am cast off by thee, and excluded from thy presence? (which, Lord, I earnestly implore may never be my portion.) Give me leave to plead with thee; I find in thy word that the blood of Christ cleanseth from all sins, those of a crimson and scarlet dye; and I also read that he came to save the chief of sinners that are sensible of their lost and

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