eloquence, and manly arguments, or the incomparable liveliness and power of reasoning, to enable a congregation to see things that are not. I could never induce a man to believe, by the magic influence of a long whining exhortation or prayer, that twice five would not make ten in America, as well as in France! In a word, I never thought I was a great man-I never desire to be what the world calls a great man. No verily: "My name from out the temple where the dead In testimony whereof, I sign the same with my own hand, this seventeenth day of October, in the town of Knoxville, and state of Tennessee, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, and in the fifty-ninth year of American Independence. WILLIAM G. BROWNLOW. The copy-right question and the American Sunday School Union-difference in the sales of its books to different unions or schools-different denomina- Speeches of Messrs. Powell and Burden, in the Sen- ate of the State of Pennsylvania, on the application PAGE- 3 15 gy. CHAPTER XII. Review of Rev. Wimpey's eatechism on church gov- - 155 Extracts from a discourse delivered on the 4th of July, 1827, in the 7th Presbyterian church in Philadel- phia, entitled "the duty of christian freemen to elect Ambitious designs of the Presbyterian ministry, or, PART IV. CHAPTER I. Hopkinsian Calvinism, as contained in Doctor Hop- CHAPTER V. Hopkinsian Calvinism, as set forth in a work called the A brief notice of Rev. Abel Pearson's "Analysis of A brief notice of a work entitled, "Questions on the A brief notice of the doctrines of the leading denomin- NARRATIVE Parentage 242-death of his father-idem-born and Obtained religion at Sulphur Springs, 20 miles east of Abingdon. Ib. Was received into the travelling connection on trial in Was appointed to French Broad circuit, and then to sians-scramble among the Hopkinsian preachers for the money collected-one of them claims and Receives deacon's orders, and appointed to travel in Washington circuit. Controversy and law suit with a Hopkinsian elder. Travels through the Cherokee nation. Singing and praying of the Indians. Ib |