
aux "Recueils" de Toussaint du Bray, 1609). Paris: Champion, 1922.

Rev. by H. Chamard, Rev. d'Hist. Lit., xxx, 550-1.

Lancaster, H. Carrington. Théophile de Viau his Own Critic? MP., XXI, 1-6.

Lebèque, Raymond. La publication des Lettres de Malherbe, Part II. Rev. d'Hist. Lit., Jan.-March, 1923, 1-23.

Lipparini, G. Le pagine della letteratura italiana. 8 vols. Milano: C. Signorelli, 1923.

Mackenzie, K. R. H. Master Tyll Owlglass. Translated by K. R. H. Mackenzie. London: Routledge, 1923.

Rev. in LTS., May 31, 1923, p. 296.

McCurdy, Edward: Leonardo da Vinci's Note Books. New York: Empire State Book Co., 1923.

McGovern, J. B. Danteiana. N. and Q., 12S., XII, 443-6. McKenzie, Kenneth. La Vita Nuova di Dante Alighieri. Boston,


Rev. by J. E. Shaw in MLN., XXXVIII, 432-40.

Majenza, M. La natura e l'amore nella Divina Commedia. Caltanissetta: Tip. Ospizio di beneficenza, 1922.

Mélanges offerts par ses amis et ses élèves à Gustave Lanson. Paris: Hachette, 1922.

Menéndez y Pelayo, M. Estudios sobre el teatro de Lope de Vega. Ed. por A. Bonilla y San Martín. III. Madrid: R. Velasco, 1923.

Michaud, G. L. Luis Vives and Rabelais' Pedagogy. PMLA.,

XXXVIII, 419-24.

Michaut, G. La Jeunesse de Molière. Paris: Hachette, 1922.

Rev. by E. Roy, Rev. d'Hist. Lit., xxx, 102-4.

Millé, Jiménez, J. Lope de Vega, traductor de Claudiano. Buenos Aires: Impr. Aranjo hermanos, 1923.

Mincoff-Marriage, Elizabeth (ed.). Souterliedekens: een Nederlandsch Psalmboek van 1540. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1923.

Rev. in LTS., April 26, 1923, p. 282.

Mongrédien, G. Etude sur la vie et l'oeuvre de Nicholas Vauquelin, Seigneur des Yveteaux (1570-1649). 2 vols. Paris: Picard, 1923.

Montaigne. Essays. Ed. by Wm. Carew Hazlitt. Reprint of 1877 ed. 5 vols. London: Navarre Society, 1923. Morel-Fatio, A. La Comédie Espagnole du XVIIe siècle. Leçon d'ouverture. Deuxième édition. Deuxième édition. Paris: H. Champion, 1923.

Pansier, P. Histoire du livre et de l'imprimerie à Avignon du XIVe au XVIe siècles. 3 vols. Avignon: Aubanel, 1922. Parodi, E. G. Poeti antichi e moderni. Studi critici.

Sansoni, 1923.


Pellizzari, A. Dante e l'anima nazionale. Firenze: Perrella,


Perotti, M. A. La lirica di Dante. Saluzzo: Tip. fratelli LobettiBodoni, 1922.

Pietrobono, L. Dal centro al cerchio. La struttura morale della Divina Commedia. Torino: Soc. ed. Internazionale, 1923. Pirozzi, G. G. La Vergine nell' anima e nell' arte di Dante. Valle di Pompei: Scuola tip. per i Figli dei carcerati, 1922. Plattard, Jean. Guillaume Budé (1468-1540) et les Origines de L'Humanisme Français. Paris: Société d'Edition les Belles Lettres, 1923.

Rev. in LTS., Sept. 20, 1923, p. 616.

Powell, Lawrence F. Boccaccio's 'Decamerone.' N. and Q., 12S., XII, 72-3.

Prieur, L. Dante et l'ordre social. Paris: Perrin, 1923.

Romera-Navarro, M. y Mercado, J. Cervantes. Cartilla escolar.
New York: Instituto de las Españas, 1922.

Ronsard, lyrique et amoureux. Paris: la Sirène, 1922.
Rossi, L. Saggio sui " Cinque canti" di Lodovico Ariosto.
Reggio Emilia: Coop. Lavoranti Tip., 1923.

Ruggieri, P. Amore e donna in Dante. Conferenza. Marsala :

Tip. G. Martoglio e figli, 1922.

Sainéan, L. La Langue de Rabelais. II. Paris: Boccard, 1923. Schilirò, F. Perchè l'Inferno dantesco è più popolare. Bronte: Stab. tip. Sociale, 1922.

Shelton, Thomas. The History of Don Quixote of the Mancha. Translated from the Spanish of Miguel de Cervantes. Reprinted from the first edition, 1612-1520. With a new preface by F. J. Harvey Daton. London: Navarre Society, 1923.

Solmi, A.

Stato e chiesa nel pensiero di Dante. Firenze: R.
Deputazione toscana di storia patria, 1922.

Smith, Preserved. Erasmus. New York: Harpers, 1923.
Spaak, P. Jean Lemaire de Belges. Rev. du XVIe siècle. Pts.

2-4 (1922); Pt. 5 (1923).

Strauch, A. Die Kosmographie in Ariosts Orlando Furioso. Bonn Dissertation, 1923.

Taylor, James Spottiswoode: Montaigne and Medicine. London: Milford, 1923.

Rev. in LTS., July 12, 1923, p. 467; by E. C. Streeter in LR., June 16, 1923, p. 765.

Tilley, Arthur. From Montaigne to Molière. Second edition revised. Cambridge University Press, 1923.

Toynbee, Paget. The New Dante Manuscript. LTS., Jan. 25, 1923, p. 60.

Toynbee, Paget. The Bearing of the Cursus on Dante's De Vulgari Eloquentia. London: Milford, 1923.

Villey, P. Recherches sur la Chronologie des Oeuvres de Marot.
Bulletin du Bibliophile.

Villon, François. Oeuvres. Ed. L. Thuasne.
Ed. L. Thuasne. 3 vols. Paris:

Picard, 1923.

Vincent, F. Le Travail du Style chez Saint François de Sales. Diss. Paris: Beauchesne, 1923.

Viviani, Dr. Ugo. Curiosità Storiche e Letterarie Aretine. Arezzo: Viviani, 1923.

Weczerzik-Planheim, Karl. Die Scholastik in Dantes Weltsystem.
Wien: Mayer & Comp. in Komm, 1923.

Wesselski, Albert. Die Legende um Dante. Weimar, 1921.
Rev. by T. F. Crane in MLN., XXXVIII, 293-5.

Whibley, Charles (ed.). Twenty Select Colloquies of Erasmus.
Translated by Sir Roger L'Estrange, with an introduction
by Charles Whibley. London: Chapman & Dodd, 1923.
Rev. in LTS.. Nov. 22, 1923, p. 782.

Whiting, Mary Bradford. Dante the Man and the Poet. Philadelphia: Appleton, 1923.

Zabughin, V. Vergilio nel Rinascimento italiano da Dante a Torquato Tasso. Vol. I-II. Il Trecento e il Quattrocento. Bologna: Zanichelli, 1922.

[blocks in formation]

Where in the history of literature is to be found a more sweeping and striking display of irony than in the juxtaposition of The Old Yellow Book, The Ring and the Book, and the long ripple of interpretation following in their wake? The ironic contrast is at least four-fold..

First, a poet so incorrigibly dramatic and objective that to speak in his own person is a confessed wrench to his own nature goes cut of his way on one occasion to unlock his heart to the public gaze, explaining in rather garrulous detail and with pounding emphasis the circumstances, motives, aim and achievement, involved in the poem avowed as his masterpiece. Second, in this gratuitous performance he so thoroughly misinterprets himself and misleads his readers that practically the reverse of his assertions constitutes the actual case. Third, when after a lapse of nearly forty years the hitherto inaccessible data are placed at the world's disposal through the enterprise of a scholarly critic, this editor himself, after the intensive study necessary for translation, fails to perceive the glaring discrepancy and merely echoes the author's contention, affirming it to have been gloriously fulfilled. Fourth, those commentators who have done exegesis duty on this theme subsequent to the revelation have been content to refill the conventional formula and reëcho the initial false note, permitted so to do for fifteen years to date without let, hindrance, or challenge, in an age ostensibly as devoted to the truth as Browning himself, the prince of truth-discoverers and truth-promulgators and truthpreservers.

The thing that clamors for rectification, belated though it be, is not that the poet protested too much when he needed not to pro

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