The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions, and International Trade

MIT Press, 2001 - 367 pagina's

The authors show how a common approach that emphasizes the three-way interaction among increasing returns, transportation costs, and the movement of productive factors can be applied to a wide range of issues in urban, regional, and international economics.

Since 1990 there has been a renaissance of theoretical and empirical work on the spatial aspects of the economy--that is, where economic activity occurs and why. Using new tools--in particular, modeling techniques developed to analyze industrial organization, international trade, and economic growth--this "new economic geography" has emerged as one of the most exciting areas of contemporary economics.

The authors show how seemingly disparate models reflect a few basic themes, and in so doing they develop a common "grammar" for discussing a variety of issues. They show how a common approach that emphasizes the three-way interaction among increasing returns, transportation costs, and the movement of productive factors can be applied to a wide range of issues in urban, regional, and international economics. This book is the first to provide a sound and unified explanation of the existence of large economic agglomerations at various spatial scales.



Urban Economics
Regional Science
The DixitStiglitz Model of Monopolistic Competition and
Core and Periphery
Many Regions and Continuous Space
Agricultural Transport Costs
A Heuristic
The Monocentric Economy
Ports Transportation Hubs and City Location
International Specialization
Economic Development and the Spread of Industry
Industrial Clustering
A Seamless World
External Trade and Internal Geography
The Way Forward

The Emergence of New Cities
Evolution of a Hierarchical Urban System
The Sizes of Cities

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Over de auteur (2001)

Masahisa Fujita is Professor of Economics at the Kyoto Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University. Paul Krugman was born on February 28, 1953. He received a B.S. in economics from Yale University in 1974 and a Ph.D from MIT in 1977. From 1982 to 1983, he worked at the Reagan White House as a member of the Council of Economic Advisers. He taught at numerous universities including Yale University, MIT, UC Berkeley, the London School of Economics, and Stanford University before becoming a professor of economics and international affairs at Princeton University in 2000. He has written over 200 scholarly papers and 20 books including Peddling Prosperity; International Economics: Theory and Policy; The Great Unraveling; and The Conscience of a Liberal. Since 2000, he has written a twice-weekly column for The New York Times. He received the 1991 John Bates Clark Medal and the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. His title End This Depression Now! made The New York Times Best Seller List for 2012.

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