1 -On the confederation-On the finances-On the appointment of plenipotentiaries-On the convention with General Burgoyne On the transportation of Dr. C. Defence in the synod of Glasgow. -The addresses or letters entitled, On the proposed market in General Washington's camp-Address to General Washington-On the affairs of the United States-On the contest between Great Britain and America. Whatever praise or blame the publication of the pieces here specified may be thought to deferve, the editor takes to himself. They would, probably, have perished in obscurity, if his exertions had not been used in bringing them to light. He has to lament that the lectures on Divinity, and a number of the fermons and speeches, as well as fome of the essays and letters, are unfinished. For the lectures and fermons, however, he thinks that no apology will be thought neceffary; and for the rest he can only say, that the parts which are given appeared to him fo valuable, as to be worth preferving, though the whole could not be obtained. Sometimes they caft light on the transactions of congress, or on the hiftory of the revolutionary war of our country: fometimes they ferve to exhibit the peculiar character and genius of the author, or to make known some circumstance of his life which will afford gratification to his friends: and fometimes they contain a few ponderous or fplendid thoughts, which, like fragments of golden ore, are precious, though they are found detached from the mine. It is hoped that not much will be obferved, that even fufpicion itself will impute merely to a defire of swelling the volumes; and the DR's manner is so striking in all, that no one acquainted with it will doubt that the whole has proceeded from his pen. In the former edition the following note was prefixed to the lectures on Moral Philofophy: "In justice to the memory of DR. WITHERSPOON, it " ought to be stated that he did not intend these lectures for "the press, and that he once compelled a printer who, with" out his knowledge, had undertaken to publish them, to de" fift from the design, by threatening a profecution as the "consequence of perfifting in it. The DR's lectures on " morals, notwithstanding they affume the form of regular "discourses, were in fact, viewed by himself as little more "than a fyllabus or compend, on which he might enlarge "before a class at the times of recitation; and not intending "that they should go further, or be otherwise considered, " he took freely and without acknowledgment from writers " of character, such ideas, and perhaps expreffions, as he "found suited to his purpose. But though these causes "would not permit the Dr. himself to give to the public "these sketches of moral philofophy, it is believed that they '" ought not to operate so powerfully on those into whose "hands his papers have fallen fince his death. Many of his "pupils whose eminence in literature and distinction in so"ciety give weight to their opinions, have thought that "these lectures, with all their imperfections, contain one of "the best and most perfpicuous exhibitions of the radical " principles of the fcience on which they treat that has ever "been made, and they have very importunately demanded "their publication in this edition of his works: Nor is it "conceived that a compliance with this demand, after the explanation here given can do any injury to the Dr's repu"tation. And to the writer of this note it does not feem a "fufficient reafon that a very valuable work should be con"figned to oblivion, because it is in fome measure incom"plete, or because it is partly a felection from authors to "whom a diftinct reference cannot now be made." It may be remarked that the lectures on Eloquence and Divinity, though equally compendious with those on Moral Philofophy, do not feem to need any acknowledgment in regard to the liberty taken of borrowing from other authors. They are in a remarkable degree original. It may, perhaps, be proper to state, what is known to hundreds, that the lectures on Eloquence were written exactly as they now appear before Blair's lectures on the same subject were ever in print. DR. WITHERSPOON has been heard to declare explicitly, that no communication whatever took place between him and DR. BLAIR, relative to the topics which they have both difcuffed; and the correfpondence which appears in their leading ideas, he used to remark, was a striking proof of the lafting effect produced by imbibing the same principles and studying under the fame masters in early life. The editor has only to state farther, that he most sincerely regrets that no more of the manufcript fermons of Dr. WiTHERSPOON can be obtained. Of many excellent discourses which he has been heard to deliver, not a trace can now be found. They were probably committed to the flames through mistake, with a large collection of his papers which he ordered to be burned a little before his death. THE EDITOR. PREFACE. THE following Treatises were originally published at different times, and some of them on particular occasions; but the attentive reader will easily perceive one leading design running through the whole. The author hath long been of opinion, that the great decay of religion in all parts of this kingdom, is chiefly owing to a departure from the truth as it is in Jesus, from those doctrines which chiefly constitute the substance of the gospel. It may perhaps be justly imputed to other general causes in part, and in some measure to less universal causes in particular places ; but as all moral action must arise from principle, otherwise it ought not to be called by that name, the immediate and most powerful cause of degeneracy in practice, must always be a corruption in principle. I am sensible that many will be ready to cry out on this occasion, " Such notions arise from narrowness of mind and uncharitable “ sentiments." I answer, that it is surprising to think how easily the fashionable or cant phrases of the age, will pass among superficial thinkers and readers, without the least attention either to their meaning, or to the evidence on which they are founded. Thus at present, if a man shall write or speak against certain principles, and stile them pernicious, it will be thought a sufficient vindication of them to make a beaten common-place encomium on liberty of conscience and freedom of enquiry. Blessed be God, this great and sacred privilege is well secured to us in this nation: But pray, is it not mine as well as yours? And is it not the very exercise of this liberty for every man to endeavor to support those principles which appear to him to be founded on Reason and Scripture, as well as to attack, without scruple, every thing which he believes to be contrary to either. Let it also be observed, that if freedom of inquiry be a blessing at all, it can be so for no other reason than the excellence and salutary influence of real truth, when it can be discovered. If truth and error are equally safe, nothing can be more foolish than for a man to waste his time in endeavoring to distinguish the one from the other. What a view does it give us of the weakness of human nature, that the same persons so frequently hold inconsistent principles? How many will say the strongest things in favor of an impartial search after truth, and with the very same breath tell you, "It is of no consequence at all, either for time or eternity, whe"ther you hold one opinion or another," These reflections are only designed to procure a candid unpre judiced hearing to what is offered in the following pages, in defence of what appears to me the fundamental doctrines of the gospel, which are now so greatly neglected, or so openly despised. I am encouraged to this republication by the great demand there has been for some of the pieces, particularly The Essay on Justification. I must observe here, that I have received several letters on this subject, desiring that the phrase imputed righteousness might be changed, as liable to great exceptions; a request which I would readily have complied with, if it could be made appear to be either unscriptural or dangerous. But as I apprehend it is fully warranted by Rom. iv. 6. and many other passages, so I do not see what can be understood by it, different from, or more dangerous than, forgiveness of fin and acceptance with God, not for our own but for CHRIST'S fake. As the case stands, therefore it is to be feared, that a studied endeavor to avoid the expression would do more harm on the one hand than it could do service on the other. In the Treatise on Regeneration, now first published, the same general design is pursued, but in a way more directly practical; and indeed I um fully convinced, that it is not only of much greater moment to make experimental than speculative Christians, but that to explain and enforce the doctrines of the gospel is a better way to produce an unshaken persuasion of their truth, than to collect and refute the cavils of adversaries, which, though they are often trifling, are notwithstanding innumerable. I hope this will excuse the introducing several passages of Scripture in the last mentioned Treatife, and applying them on what appears to me to be their obvious meaning, without taking the least notice of the unwearied pains frequently taken by wire drawing critics to interpret them in a contrary sense. London, June, 1764. J, W, CONTENTS. Page A FUNERAL DISCOURSE CHAP. I. Some general observations on the metaphor ufed by the apostle John, Except a man be born again; and the fame or fimilar expreffions to be found in other parts of the SECT. I. From this expreffion, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God, we may learn SECT. II. This expreffion, Except a man be born again, and other fimilar expreffions, imply that the change here intended is not merely partial, but universal SECT. III. From these words, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God, and other fimilar ex- pressions in the holy Scriptures, we may infer that the change here intended is not merely external and im- perfect, but inward, essential and complete. SECT. IV. From this metaphor, except a man be born a- gain, he cannot see the kingdom of God, and other paral- |