
From Household Words.

shag tobacco-smoke, to hear him tell of the wonders of the deep; and he never balked my wishes in that respect. His family, he told me, had been divers for centuries, long before science had interfered with that professionwhen the poor

Ceylon Diver held his breath,

And went all naked to the hungry shark;

THE town in which I am now living is much changed from that it was some sixty years since. My great aunt and her chambermaid were almost the sole inhabitants of a district that now numbers forty thousand souls. It was at the very window at which I write this, she sat (I have her letter by me), and wrote these words to her sister, dwelling in- when stark, nude athletes, with sponges dipland-a shepherdess, with a satin gown with- ped in oil, to hold more air than lungs could out a waist, according to this picture over the carry, staid their five and ten minutes in the mantel-piece: "The day is calm and pleasant, caves of the sea; when Sicilian Nicholas, surand the great vessel in the offing betwixt us named the Fish, and webbed in hands and and the fair island sways not a handsbreadth, feet like a duck, plunged fathoms deep after nor can flutter a single pennant." Then, in a single oyster, a terribly exhausting process quite another trembling hand, and yet the before even the smallest of barrels should same, is added: "When I had written that have been completed,-who went in for pearls sentence, Dorothy, I looked again, southwards, and coral, however, also, and lost his life in and the sea was as still as before, and the fair Charybdis by a cup too much, having already island sparkled in the sun; but betwixt us and obtained one gold one from the whirlpool, and it I saw no trace of the great three-decker. I dipping for another to please the king of the thought my brain was wrong, and rang the Two Sicilies. One of Mr. Headfurst's ances bell for Agnes; but when she too could see tors, it may be, was of that party described nothing of the ship, a horrid fear took hold of by a savant of fifteen hundred," who desme. Moreover, from the seaport, a mile away, cended into the sea in a large tin kettle, with there came a solemn murmur, and a fleet of a burning light in it, and rose up without fishing-boats put off-too late, too late, I fear being wet," a feat seemingly as adventurous --from every creek and cove, so that we knew as that of the wise men of Gotham in their the glorious vessel was gone down, with all her bowl. Who knows but that Thomas's greatcompany. I hear near a thousand men were great-grandfather (or even grandmother) may aboard of her; but at present we know nothing certain."

have dipped, in his (or her) time for the wrecks of the Armada, in "a square box Even to this day this thing is interesting to bound with iron, furnished with windows, and us; and furniture enough to stock a hundred having a stool in it?" for that is the descripwarehouses, not to mention snuff-boxes, card- tion of a gigantic strong box given us, by cases, candlesticks and knife-handles by thou- which two hundred thousand pounds worth of sands, have been made out of the timber of property was fished up for the Duke of Althe sunken ship. Accounts of the dreadful bemarle, the son of Monk who had drawn accident, describing how she canted over on prizes from vexed waters before him. Nay, one side, bound in boards taken from the ves- whether our hero's family-tree had been bearsel, are raffled for at all our watering-places. ing this submarine fruit so very long or not, it The very walking-stick I use was rescued is certain his father followed the trade before from her hulk, beneath the sea,-or, at least, him; and off the Irish coast, near Cork, his it has a brazen biography upon it that asserts brother is or was a most distinguished diver. so much. If a quarter of these things be Whenever there was an adventure to be desgenuine, there can be little left of her. Two cribed a leetle too strong for even my infant ships were anchored over her for years, with faith, the narration was made oblique, and bediving apparatus; and fathoms deep, and came a family incident instead of a personal miles away from shore, the divers plied their reminiscence, as:trade. It is with some of these we have to do. "It was in the year fourteen, or, it may be, The Seven Cricketers, over against this fifteen, when the Diomede went down, off house, was kept, until a few years back, by an Deal, and the guv'nor and a chum of his, old diver. I often used to wonder, when I was named Bluffy, was appointed to be under the a boy, how he managed to accommodate him- sea; for we be captains, like, and masters self to that airy situation and dry skittle-ground and all, when a ship once goes to the bottom, after his restricted sphere of action in his great and wears, by consequence, a very singular bell and helmet, under the midst of the sea. uniform. Now, there was no better waterThomas Headfurst was very communicative to workmen in the Channel than them two; me in these early days indeed, and I was very and they would have been employed still grateful. I could sit in his red-curtained back | more constantly, and been yet better to do in parlor for hours together, under a fusillade of the world, but for being so precious fond of

their game of cribbage. All day long, in said, I was new to the work, and having some little parlor like this present, they'd banged at him with a pickaxe till I was tired, be knobbing, and heeling, and going, so that and he slipped away from me just like oil, I they was seldom ready when they was wanted, thought it would be an easier thing to suffoand went by the name of the Fifteen Two. cate him than me; so I didn't turn no air on However, the Diomede had bars of gold in for ever so long, and found myself getting her, and it was of the utmost consequence to black in the face, while the animal was swimwork at her as hard and fast as might be. ming and gliding like a gentleman in easy So Bluffy and the guv'nor was hauled out of circumstances enjoying the spectacle, and their snug parlor to the minute, never mind every now and then a-splashing with his tail where the game was, and out they was rowed for moderate applause. So I gave up that to the lugger moored above the wreck, and dodge just in time, and resumed my pick. down they was lowered in the bell. On one The more I picked, however, the less he of those mornings, especially, they had a great chose, which was an unappreciated joke I mind to throw up their commissions, and go made to myself during those trying events on pegging away all their lifetimes; but they themselves, and I was obliged to try summut thought better of it, and went aboard. Now, else. I laid bare the floor of the bell (which they was accustomed to be below a good long we can do within an inch or so), got him time, only this day they stayed a precious into shallow water, and very soon finished. deal longer, and the crew above began to be him off. The skin is in the big chest, in my alarmed, and to think there was something bed-room, and measures a hundred and twenty wrong with the air-tube. Howsomever, as feet from tip to tip. I regret to say that the no signal had been given to draw up, they key is lost, or I should have great pleasure in sent down a third man in a helmet, to see showing it to you."

what had become of 'em, and a precious sight Once upon a time I persuaded Mr. Headhe sees Bluffy and the guv'nor in their furst to let me accompany him on one of his diving-dresses, sitting in the bell like a couple submarine visits to the great three-decker of magnified tadpoles, and cutting, and show- which I first spoke of as sunken opposite. I ing, and cribbing, with the cards and the was in a flutter of fright and joy such as board between them, just as though they were youths who have only been down in the bell in the inn parlor, except that now and then they was nearly being suffocated, having forgotten to turn the air-cock. So the end of it was, Fifteen Two was never allowed to go down in the bell together no more." "Dear me!" said I, "Mr. Headfurst, that reason to be. The bell could hold but two, seems a very extraordinary story."


at the Polytechnic can form no idea of. I had the perfectest confidence in the machine, and, above all, in my friend Thomas, but still I was in a greater state of "blue funk” than most boys of fifteen have ever any

so I took the place of the other diver-though, Xtrorniry, I believe you,' said he, "but of course, without a helmet-opposite Thomas. nothing like a fight I had once with a 'lectrical I had become quite accustomed by this time eel, in fifty fathom of water, west-by-south of to his hideous apparel above-board and on St. Michael's Mount, in Cornwall. It was land, but as we sank lower and lower, and the one of my earliest jobs, and I wasn't thorougly light grew dimmer and dimmer, that terrible used to the work at that time; and I hadn't shako of his, and his pipes and his paraphera mate, either, to go down with me. It's a nalia grew frightfully unnatural to my perfright'ning thing that sinking sinking out of turbed vision, and I thought whether he sight of everything, a'most, without knowing might not be Davy Jones himself, and the where you're going to, nor what you may bell his "locker." Now and then some find when you get there. This time the strange and dreadful fish glided in upon us, bell missed the wreck I was arter, entirely but one glimpse of Thomas drove him out in (which, as it happen'd, however, was a very an instant, and I didn't wonder. Neverthefortunate circumstance), and I was lowered less, it was far worse when I was left, in the down to the very bottom. Half way down, machine alone-with the fullest instruction, Master James, what should come into the of course, as to air tubes, but also in the machine but an enormous 'lectrical eel. He came in, young master, and he stopped in; and the higher the water rose in the bell, the nigher I got to the 'lectrical eel. I pulled my precious legs up on the seat, I promise you, and sat tailor fashion all the rest of the way; but when we touched ground at last, I wasn't above an inch or two off the beast, boxed up under the ocean, within a couple of inches of being shocked to death. Well, as


deadliest terror of forgetting them-while my friend (the only friend I had in all the sea) went about his business over the wreck-a very wondrous experience that, and not easily forgotten. Many reflections of an original character ought to have occurred to me, without doubt, which I should have now described, but, as I said before, I was far too frightened to think of anything except air-tubes and getting up again. After the longest half-hour

anybody ever passed in their lives my merman reappeared. He had fixed his hooks and eyes round a great brass carronade, and was extremely buoyant in consequence.

"But," said he, when we were in his snug parlor again that evening, and he had been congratulating me on my prowess; "but Master James, you must come down with a helmet some day, and then you will see wonders."

rope were lying on the main-deck, the hatches were open and the door above the chief cabin stairs; the wet, swift fishes darted in and out of it, and the crabs were going about their work already when my brother descended. There were six or seven men in the cabin, gentlemen passengers, and a card or two that floated about showed they had been playing when the vessel struck; some of them were Jeven standing upright, just as they started from their seats when they felt the shock, and one had a dreadful look, with pale, parted lips, as though a cry of agony had just escaped them; a young man and a girl-so like as to be sworn brother and sister-were embracing for the last time; the heaving of the sea, Well," said he, and turned his quid in scarce felt at such depth, swayed all the his mouth, and brought his right eye to bear figures to and fro-without a touch of decay, steadfastly upon me, as was his wont during and instinct with all but life, was that ship's compilation; "I will tell you of an occur- company. The captain, in his cabin, slept rence that happened to my brother within his last sleep quite placidly. The sailors, for the last few years; he has become an altered the most part, were drowned within their man since, I assure you, and generally takes hammocks, only those whose duty necessia religious work down in the bell with him.

"Thank you, Thomas," said I, "all the same, but enough is as good as a feast; I have had my duck, and enjoyed it, nor do I want another. I should like, however, to hear of anything interesting you may have met with under those circumstances."


had found what he wanted and, laden with as many bags as he could carry, was returning to the main-deck by another way, it seemed to him the worst job he had been ever set to do

tated their being on deck were washed off "There was a friend of his, mate to a West and driven ashore. The darkness had been Indiaman that was outward bound in a few so deep as to render the best look futile, the days from Cork, and Bill, my brother, and he strongest swimming of no avail. All these had had a difference; what the quarrel began things were sad enough, and Bill's nerves, about I don't rightly know, but the mate iron as they were, were shaken sadly. Wanabused Bill's profession, and called him an dering about that living charnel-house, attired amphiberous lubber, or something like that, so unnaturally, seeking for gold in the very and Bill abused the mate and wished him heart of ocean, it was terrible, and yet, Masunder the sea, with never an air-tube; and ter James, though you look so shocked, it was the ship sailed without making it up. My his honest business so to do, and a far less hatebrother was very sorry when it was too ful way of getting on in the world than is late-for amphiberous lubbers has their feel- practised in high places daily; still, when he ings like other folks-and greatly shook when news was brought, next morning, that the vessel had gone down not three miles from shore, with every soul on board. Just at starting, as it might be with all her passengers so full of and, lo! at the foot of the companion-ladder, hope, agoing to join their friends again-she struck upon a rock off Early Point, and settled down, as it was supposed, about midnight in a few minutes. There was a good cargo of spice, and Bill was, of course, sent for immediate; there was but few bodies floated to shore, and, knowing he would see some terrible sights, he was not over-pleased at the job; but until they could get more divers there was no choice, so down he goes to the vessel, and finds her fallen betwixt two reefs of rock, bolt upright, with masts standing and sails set, just as she settled down. She looked, he said, for all the world like any ship upon the surface, except that there was a hole broken in her side, where she had struck; her boats were slung almost uninjured, coils of

he met the man he knew so well, and parted with in wrath so lately, with one hand on the round, as if in the act of flight. The look upon the drowned man's face seemed to reproach him for his latest wish, so that he dared not put him aside and pass by, but turned back and went upon deck by the road he came; nor ever after that dreadful sight could brother Bill be brought to venture down into the sunk West Indiaman."

"Dear me, Mr. Headfurst," I said, "I never heard so frightful a tale in all my life."

"Nor I neither, Master James, but it's true enough, and so my brother will tell you if you ask him. I don't happen, just at present, to remember his address, but he dives a good deal still, off the east coast of Ireland.”


about nine or ten feet below the surface, so that the only vessels they could hurt, the gunboats, float

FROM a Correspondent of The Times, dated quietly over them, and, now we know what they

off Cronstadt 21 June.

are, they have been disarmed of all their dread. mander-in-Chief was examining one of the fuseBut they prove dangerous playthings; the Comtubes that was supposed to be spoilt, for it was full of mud and water, when he accidentally touched the lever, and it exploded in his hands, scattering the mud into the faces of all present, and literally throwing dirt into their eyes, but doing no hurt.

From the Transcript.

This morning each ship commenced sweep: ing for the infernal machines, and before night gathered in a capital harvest of them. The way in which the sweeping is done is this,-two boats take between them a long rope, which is sunk to the depth of 10 or 12 feet by means of weights, and held suspended at that depth by lines attach ed to small casks, which float on the surface at intervals of 40 or 50 yards; the boats then separate as far as the rope will allow them, and pull in parallel lines until one of the casks stops behind, which tells them, as a fishing float tells readers whatever they may choose to send to this [WE should be glad to receive from any of our the angler, that they have caught something; good man. the two boats then approach each other, keeping we forwarded some years ago. ED. LIV. AGE.] He thankfully acknowledged what the rope taut, then haul it in carefully, and up comes the machine. The Exmouth found the THE CASE OF THOMAS DICK, LL. D. Some first, the Nile the second, and then the catching months ago we published a statement that the became so numerous that in some instances two Aberdeen Ministry of Great Britain, upon apat a time were hauled up; they were first sup- plication of the friends of the distinguished Dr. posed to be only the buoys to the machine, but I Thomas Dick for aid from the Royal Literary am sorry to say Admiral Seymour proved them Fund, granted that scholar the munificent sum to be the machine itself in a most unpleasant of ten pound sterling. One of our subscribers, manner. He was examining one of them on the upon reading this report, wrote to the venerable poop of the Exmouth, and incautiously tapped a author and enclosed a bill of exchange for ten little bit of iron which projected from its side, pounds, as a token of respect from a citizen of saying, "this must be the way they are explod- the United States. We have before us the reed," when, bang! the thing went off, and every-ply of Dr. Dick, in which he acknowledges the body round was scattered on the deck. Admi- reception of the remittance above named, and ral Seymour was so injured in the eyes that for expresses his gratitude for the kindness and libsome time it was thought he would lose the erality evinced by his Boston correspondent. The sight of both, but I am very glad to say he can truth of the report of the paltry pittance given see a little out of both to-day, and no fear is en- by the British Government in this case, is thus tertained now of either. Lieutenant Lewis, R. confirmed by the testimony of the recipient. M., was severely wounded in the knee joint, and Many of the English papers have properly referbadly burnt in the hands and arms; the signal-red to this transaction in terms of indignation. man, who was holding the machine in his hands, We would mention to those of our readers was severely burnt down the front of the body who have perused the works of Dr. Dick, and and legs; and Mr. Peirce, flag lieutenant, had are somewhat interested in his personal history, his whiskers burnt off and his face singed, and that we have the highest authority for the folevery one near was more or less burnt. It was lowing statement. During the past thirty years a wonderful escape for them all. Each machine Dr. Dick has sold the copyright of his works as consists of a cone of galvanized iron, 16 inches in they were published. They have yielded him diameter at the base and 20 inches from base to but a comparatively small sum, and while the apex, and is divided into three chambers; the Doctor is not in absolute needy circumstances, one near the base being largest, and containing he has never had much money at command. air, causes it to float with the base uppermost. During the past eight or ten years he has had five In the center of this chamber is another, which orphans to maintain, whose parents died within holds a tube with a fuse in it, and an apparatus thirteen days of each other. One of these perfor firing it. This consists of two little iron rods, sons now carries on the business of dressmaking which move in guides, and are kept projected in Edinburgh. Another of the number has taught over the side of the base by springs, which press an infant school in Leith, but within a year has them outwards. When anything pushes either been compelled to abandon it on account of failof these rods inwards it strikes against a lever, ing health. We mention these facts in the hope which moves like a pendulum, in the fuse-tube, that they may meet the eye of the admirers of and the lower end of the lever breaks or bends a the author of the" Christian Philosopher," "Sidsmall leaden tube, containing a combustible com-erial Heavens," "Philosophy of Religion," "Espound, which is set on fire by coming in contact say on Covetousness," etc. It is now about twenwith some sulphuric acid held in a capillary tube, ty-eight years since an American edition of the which is broken at the same time, and so fires work first named above appeared. It is too much the fuse, which communicates with the powder to hope that the declining years of this noble contained in the chamber at the apex of the cone, Christian man may be cheered by the reception and which holds about 9lb or 10lb. At the extreme of other letters with funds enclosed, from his apex is a brass ring, to which is attached a rope trans-atlantic friends? His post office address is and some pieces of granite, which moors them" Broughty Ferry, near Dundee, Scotland."




Suggested in New Haven Cemetery, and written in Look on me, Death, me very sad, and weary; part upon a Tombstone. Me nerveless, faint: nor pride nor power I

[blocks in formation]


Yet cannot all thy gloom, and phantoms dreary, And cannibal lust, mine inner spirit daunt.


Look on me eye to eye. My pulses thicken With ebbing life; more sluggish still its flow. 'Tis thine! thine all this fleshy heart did quicken. Unhand my soul! Thou canst not quench its glow.


I do not challenge thee. I know thy terror,

Loathe thy putrescence, darken at thy name Yet, boast me not thy bondslave; for, that error Misjoying fiend, thou'lt rue in endless shame.


Shudder thy bones with anger, O malignant? Or dread'st thou, prescient of swift coming doom?

It withers thee-that Christ-smile so benignant. Pouring its light through thy sepulchral gloom,


O mighty! by th' Almighty Saviour vanquished. Condemned to menial office in thy cave: Discrowned Usurper, serve me, who had languished Else, in the hopeless thraldom of the grave.

Disrobe my soul! these carnal earth-ties sever,
Lay me asleep on my Redeemer's breast.
Grateful thy coldness to life's arid fever:
Almost I love thee, Death; I greet thy rest.

From the New York Observer. HEART-HUSHINGS.

Thoughts stirred by sympathy with this passage in a note: "I hope my heart may learn to be still, knowing that 'He doeth all things well.'" Learn to be still? what, when the life is throbbing

Like ship, her grided cable fain to part, When on the ear of God fall sighing, sobbing,

The storm-chased surges of a troubled heart?

Still? what, when earth in vehement commotion,

Groaning or heaved as by volcanic fire, Drowns in its roar the whisper of devotion, Like death-cry lost in Ocean's frenzied ire?

Learn to be still? fond spirit, art thou dreaming Of halcyon state, from all disquiet free?

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