

Heavenly Friend, sent as it were from that distant land of glory, where He now dwells, and to which, ere long, you shall depart to dwell with Him for ever? Does it not indeed breathe His love in every line? Is it not dictated by His own Spirit, signed with His own name, sealed with His own blood? Oh! then with what unutterable joy and thankfulness should you regard, receive, prize, and peruse as such. What fond and grateful remembrances of the Friend from whom it comes, should be called forth and cherished, every time you open it; it; and what day should pass without your retiring to your closet, there in holy stillness prayerfully to peruse its dear and precious pages, till every expression of tenderness, every lesson of love, every divine precept and promise, are deeply engraven, in imperishable characters, by the Holy Spirit, on your memory and your heart. And trust me, believer, it does not contain a single suggestion, a single command, from that Friend, by faithfully following which, your own happiness will not be as effectually advanced as His glory; for what is His object in every precept He enforces on you, but the very same which He had in laying down His life for you, even your own eternal happiness, the direct and only path to which is grateful obedience to His commandments, springing from lively faith in His blood? If, then, you desire to enjoy happy communion with Christ, let the Bible be your favourite study, regarded and read

as the book of books. "Search the Scriptures," says Christ, "for they are they which testify of me." "Let the word of Christ," says the Apostle, " dwell in you richly." To this divine volume let all other religious works be strictly subordinate and subservient. Thus used, they may be useful, but misused as substitutes for the book, which bears the seal of the Spirit and the stamp of heaven, they can no more supply the heavenly light and warmth, which communion with Christ in His own word supplies, than a beautiful picture, or eloquent description of sunshine, could supply the light and warmth which can be derived alone from the direct influence of the sun. No, believer; you must place yourself directly under the influence of the rays of the Sun of Righteousness, if you would be warmed, gladdened, and glorified with the reflected splendor of their beams; and Scripture is the sphere where this Sun, in all His glory, shines. Especially delight in those parts where it shines clearest and brightest,where you come, as it were, more immediately in contact with Christ himself-Christ's own historyChrist's own character-Christ's own words; and here let the rays of divine light fall on your soul as fully as if they fell on yours alone, and all their influence was intended solely for yourself; for, as in the natural world, each man has as full benefit of the sun, to pour light round his path, and gladness into his heart, as if it shone only for him; so, in the

spiritual world, each believer has as full benefit of

Christ, its Sun,-of all His divine rays of grace and glory, as if that Sun shone there only for his happiness; while, of course, that happiness is greatly enhanced by remembering, what myriads are equally with himself guided and gladdened by those heavenly beams. There is one portion of scripture where communion with Christ is the exclusive themeset forth in all the glowing beauty and warmth of oriental imagery-the Song of Solomon ; but which, from the peculiar character of the imagery employed, requires to be approached with peculiar qualifications an imagination preeminently chastened and purified, affections deeply sanctified, and passions all subdued to guard against any unwarranted approach to irreverent familiarity, or any unhallowed admixture of earthly excitement, in the communion carried on between the soul and Christ:

portion of scripture more suited, therefore, to the sober, advanced, and matured Christian, (and to such inexpressibly sweet,) than to the young, the ardent, and enthusiastic. In all your communion with Christ, let the remembrance of His united humanity and divinity inspire your soul, believer, with mingled confidence and awe. Let that communion be sweet, for Jehovah is Jesus-but let it be reverential, for Jesus is Jehovah! Lean on His arm with confiding love-for it is the arm of a sympathizing friend; but lean on it with humble


reverence for it is the arm of the Mighty God! Look up in your Redeemer's face with cheerful affection for see, His smile of love towards you beams from a human countenance; but look up with holy awe-for behold, the glory of the Godhead shines through that countenance—and before it the throned seraphim, in lowliest adoration, veil their faces with their wings. This spirit of confiding affection, chastened by reverential awe, will most closely assimilate your communion with Christ on earth, to that which you shall enjoy with Him, face to face, in heaven.

3. Meditation is another means of maintaining this communion. If you were parted from your dearest earthly friend, would you not find it sweet to cherish his memory, and soothe the sorrows of se paration, by frequently and fondly meditating on the many endearing qualities of his character, the many proofs and pledges you have received of his love, the many happy hours you have spent spent in his society, and the joy you will experience, when your heart is once more gladdened by the smile and voice of your own beloved friend. Even thus, believer, meditate on your heavenly friend; it will keep alive His memory, and comfort your spirit, while parted from Him. Meditate on His character, that matchless character-where majesty and meekness, grandeur of mind and gentleness of manner—all that is exalted, and all that is endear

ing-whatever can command our veneration, and whatever can win our love, are beautifully blended into so perfect a portraiture of divine loveliness, as to constrain even the apostle of infidelity to exclaim, "The life and death of the Son of Mary, were those of a God!" and Rousseau was right-the character of Jesus was Deity incarnate. Meditate therefore deeply and devoutly on this adorable character; such meditation will have an assimilating influence, and what can you desire more, since assimilation to Jesus is likeness to God! Meditate also on His love, that wondrous love towards you, which glowed in His bosom from eternity; which drew Him down, for your sake, from the bosom of the Father-led Him through all the sorrows and sufferings of His life-nailed Him to the cross-laid Him in the grave-rose with Him from the sepulchre-ascended with Him up to heaven, where now it ever liveth to make intercession for you. Meditate habitually on this love, and all its proofs and pledges which you have received. Such meditation will keep the flame of gratitude continually burning on the altar of your heart, and make your obedience a sacrifice of thanksgiving-your cheerfulness a song of praise. Meditate daily on the time when your Heavenly Friend shall either send His messenger, or come in person, to take you to Himself, that where He is, you may be also; where you shall see Him face to face-shall see His own smile

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