
dell elected governor of 275; cal-
culations on the next presidential
election 5; election of gov, and
members of congress in Tennessee
18; in Kentucky 18; in R. Island 18;
Tatnall, Mr. resigns his seat in con-
gress 18; Mr. Wing elected from
Michigan 18; abuse of character 34;
elections in Maine 50; in Mississip-
pi, 50; Alabama 50; D. E. Evans of
N. Y. resigns 50; "Adams" and
"Jackson" papers 80; Talbot, Mr.
a candidate for governor of Geo.
dies 81; general election in Ma-
ryland 82, 98; meetings in opposi-
tion to gen. Jackson in Virginia 29,
82, 212; convention in Va. to form
an anti-Jackson ticket 180, 212, 333;
congressional election in Delaware
82,98; Mr.Sergeant elected to con-
gress from Philadelphia 98; politi-
cal character of the legislatures of
New Jersey and Pennsylvania 129;
Hugh L. White elected a senator
of the U. S. from Tennessee 129;
Forsyth, Mr. elected gov. of Geo.
129; elections in New York 180;
resolutions in the legislature of
Vermont 180; Mr. Clinton no-
minated as vice president 196, 212;
classification of the members in
the New York legislature 197;
the vice presidency, rumors of can-
didates for 212; "Jackson meeting"
in Fayette co. Pa. 212; Mr. Van
Buren named for the vice pre-
sidency 212; convention favora-
ble to the administration at Har-
risburg 212; ticket formed at 916,
correspondence of gov. Shulze
with the committee requesting
that he might be nominated for the
vice presidency 277, 332; Jackson
electoral ticket of Georgia 213; the
electoral law of N. York 226; vio-
lence of party feeling in Georgia
226; Adams electoral ticket of Lou-
isiana 226; election of a speaker in
the house of representatives of
Ky. 277; Administration electoral
ticket in North Carolina 315; Mr.
Crawford nominated for the vice
presidency by the H. of rep. of
Geo. 315; election for a speaker in
the house of representatives of Del-
aware 315, 334; elections in Lan-
caster and Adams co. Pa. 315; e-
lection of officers in the Maryland
legislature 317; electors friendly to
the administration in Ohio 316; e-
lectors favorable to the administra-
tion in Ky. 316; state of parties in
the legislature of Indiana 332: Jack-
son electoral ticket of N. Jersey
356; Jackson electoral ticket of Va.
357; Adams convention in Rhode
Island 357; state of parties in the
Ohio legislature 374; nomination
of Messrs. Adams and Rush at
Portland, Me. 374; state of parties
in the legislature of Louisiana 374;
Jackson electoral ticket of Indiana
388; Adams electoral ticket of do.
388; the gov. of N. Jersey declines
issuing a writ for an election to sup-
ply the vacancy in congress occa-
sioned by the death of Dr. Hol-
combe 388; nomination of gen.
Jackson for the presidency by the
members of the N. York legisla-
ture 388; Jackson electoral ticket
of Pennsylvania
Elliott, Jesse D. of the U. S. navy 219

[blocks in formation]

Fortune, freaksot-Angereau & Ber-

146, 389
Franklin, captain the navigator 5, 43
"Free born Englishmen"-sale of 375
Freeports on the Pacific

French affairs.
Agricultural products, &c. 218; Al-
giers-blockade of &c. 5, 97; bat-
tle with the Algerine fleet 286;
capture of French vessels 6; af-
fairs of France 6; Americans in
Paris celebrate the 4th of July 6,
12; Greeks, the
Cherbourg, the celebrated port of
372; censorship of the press 57;
98; arbitrary acts of the censor-
ship 61; commerce of France 132;
with the U. S. 216; cloths, gossa-
mer 116; metallic 132; Circe, the
frigate at Norfolk, Va. 68; cotton







Disturbances in Paris
Forgeries, extensive at Bordeaux 118
Gambling in Paris
69, 87, 99
Imports and exports, value of 36
Josephine and Maria Louisa
Lafayette, general-elected to the
chamber of deputies 6, 18; doings
of certain Americans in conse-
quence 35; his speech at the cele-
bration of the 4th of July in Paris
12; his land in the U. S.
Manual, M. burial of 122; metallic
cloths $7; a miser
Naval-vessels afloat 197; Napoleon,
Scott's life of 52, 87, 229; a singu-
lar law suit arising from his will 55;
Josephine and Maria Lousia
Silk manufacturers 69; statistics, in-
218, 390
Fulton, R. his letter to Joel Barlow 15
Gallatin, A. 218; arrives at N. Y. 228
Georgia-German emigrants 5; E.
F. Tatnall resigns his seat in con2
gress 18; exports of cotton, rice,
&c. from Savannah 65; Mr. For-
syth elected governer 129; Jackson
electoral ticket 213; general New-
man removed from office 213; gov.
Troup's message to the legislature
220 to 222; report and resolution
made to the legislature on the ta-
riff and internal improvements 325
to 328; the Darien bank 346; case
of judge Moses Fort 346; resolu-
tions passed in the legislature re-
specting the Cherokee lands 347;
differences with the Creeks settled
374; violence of party feeling in
226; proceedings of the senate on
protecting manufactures 275, 276;
Mr. Crawford nominated for the
vice presidency 315; agriculture of


the state
Germany a match vender of Ratis-
bone 37; protestants in 57; inunda
tions in Silesia


Giles, W. B. see politics of the day
and Virginia.
Gilmer, Thomas, W. his letters to
gov. Coles
282, 335

Ghent, commissioners under the


treaty, in session

Gossamer cloths



Graham, W. of New York, killed in
a duel 218; his letter to the editor
of the N. Y. Enquirer
Greece and Turkey-affairs of 3; in-
terference of the allies 6; terms of
the proposed treaty, &c. 8, 38,
69, 147, 218, 229, 357, 391; French
consul at Cisme 6; Ibrahim pacha
57, 148; his barbarity 6, 229; A-
thens the battle of 7; J. G. Eynard's
letter to Lord Cochrane and gen.
Church 7; the Porte and the alli-
ed ministers 19, 38, 69, 147, 229;
Aleppo, the plague at 19; thanks
of the Greek government to the
president of the U. S. &c. 34; for-
mer population, revenue, &c. of
Greece 34; the Acropolis of Athens
34; naval action off Candia 38; let-
from J. P. Miller to the executive
committee in New York 45; man-
ifesto of the Ottoman porte 45; Lord
Cochrane 57, 88, 229; gen. Church
57;Colocotroni 57; Fabvier, accusa-
tion against 57; De Rigny, admi-
ral 57; American beneficence 431;
disturbances in Greece 58, 88; con-
vention between the porte and Swe-
den 229; Arabs beaten by the
Greeks 69; J. P. Miller's, &c. let-
ter as to the sufferings of the
Greeks 230, 276; dreadful fire in
Moldavia 69; constitutional char-
ter 70; affairs at Napoli between
Gouras and Fountomaris 88, 118;
Washington, lieut. killed 88; victo-
ry in the Peloponnesus 88; the reis
effendi disgraced 277; relief from
France 88; fire at Jassy 88; thanks
of the government to the Greek
committee in Philadelphia 197;
battle at the monastery of Tasichi
197; Paul Bonaparte arrives in
Greece 197; the French fleet at Na-
varino 218; the allied fleet 229; par-
tition of Turkey 226, 262; procla-
mation of the Greek government
on the intervention of the allies 229;
battles 69, 88, 197, 229; Capo a'Is-
tria 229; a sketch of his life, with his
address to the Greek nation 322,
323; destruction of the Turkish
fleet 261; news of at Constantinople
276; English and French official
accounts of the battle, with inter-
esting items 266, 277, 279, official
papers relating to 278 to 280; admi-
ral Codrington's general order to
the combined fleet 350; letter of the
allied commanders to the Greek
government on the subject of the
piracies of the Greeks 350; mutiny
among the Egyptian troops 277;
cotton of Greece
Grundy, Felix, his letter to gen. An-
drew Jackson
Gurley, R. R. his letter answering
certain interesting inquiries re-
specting the colony at Liberia 377;
see Africa.
Harrisburg convention-notices rela-
tive to 17, 65, 81, 97, 160; address
of the convention 100 to 112; an
error in noticed 113; appendix to
the address, table shewing the pro-
gress of the population of the U. S.
from 1790 to 1820, &c. 123; sum-
mary view of the commerce of the
U. States 124; population 125; gen-
eral view of the commerce of the
U. States 125; revenue 127; pro-
duction and consumption 138 to
144; internal trade, or commerce



[blocks in formation]

Hopkinson, lieut. of the U. S. navy
Houston, S. elected gov. of Ten. 18
Howard, col. John Eager, dies, &c.

190, 129, 145, 195; tribute of the
legislature of S. C. to his worth 389
Huzzar frigate
Illinois-lands to be sold for taxes 219
Indiana-Harmony 85; squirrels


in 99; grant of land, to the state
for the construction of roads and
canals 322; Jackson electoral tick-
et for the state 388; Adams elec-
toral ticket 388; resolutions of the
legislature asking gen. Jackson's
opinions on the policy of protect-
ing manufactures, &c. 439; state
of parties in the legislature
Indians generally-disturbances a-
mong the Winnebagoes, &c. 15,68
gov. Cass's proceedings 44, 54;
the war over 115; return of the
troops 162; the Creeks 35; settle-
ment of the differences with Geor-
gia 374; Chilly McIntosh's let-
ter, describing the treatment of
the emigrating party 276; the
Shawanese 54; the Cherokees 73;
treaty with 145; constitution of
214, 346; their lands in Georgia
347; Red Jacket deposed, &c.
84, 146; Siouxs and Chippe-
ways 90; aboriginal character 116;
credulity among the Potawo-
tomies 145; the "Cherokee Phe-
nix" a newspaper to be published
in the Cherokee nation 196; In-
dians within the U. S. 274; col.
McKenney's tour 274; Dr. Jacob
Jamison, a native of the Seneca
tribe, appointed a surgeon's mate
in the U. S. navy 276; Indian
schools, number and expense of
276; gen. Hummingbird, dies 439;
See congress.

Internal trade

88, 321,

Irish population in the U. S.
Isaacs, I. C. his letter


Italy-the church at Rome
Jackson gen. his letter concerning




the six militia men &c. 20; in re-
ply to an invitation to dine at
Frankfort, Ky. 87; his letter to Fe-
lix Grundy as to any affray with
com. Decatur 281, 375; see poli-
tics of the day; his reception at
New Orleans
Jamison, Dr. Jacob, a native of the
Seneca tribe
Jefferson, Thomas-see politics of
the day; an opinion of 21; letters of
gov. Coles and T. W. Gilmer on
the subject 281, to 283, 335: his
letter to Mr. Giles 48, 59; the disa-
greable intrusions upon his family 65
Kane, Mr. death of




Kent, Joseph, his letter to a gentle-
man in Ky. 19; R. M. Saunders'
reply thereto 92; gov. Kent's re-
joinder to gen. Saunders 137
Kentucky-elections in 1, 50; death
of Dr. Young 98; Messrs. Chilton
and Calhoun 277; election of a
speaker to the house of represen-
tatives 277; electors favorable to
the administration 315; gen. Tho-
mas Metcalfe and J. R. Under-
wood nominated for governor and
lieutenant governor 316, Jackson
electoral ticket 357; the "Augus-
ta Herald" 439; nominations of go-
vernor 316, 357; vote of the legis-
lature on firing a salute on the 8th
of January
Key West-alleged violations of
the harbor of 23; seizure of a slave
vessel in the neighborhood of 373;
see com. Porter and Mexico.
Kremer, Geo. his speech at New
Labor and power of G. Britain and
Law and law cases-water rights
16; case of the associate reformed
church in Baltimore, 33; Hudson
vs. James M. French and others,
assault and battery at sea 33; rights
of reporters 34; case of a witness
who does not believe in a future
state of reward and punishment 55;
liability of carriers 55; suit aris-
ing from Bonaparte's will 55; law,
various notices of the uncertainty
of 72; legal forms! 2; slander, cases
of 80, 132, Adams and others vs.
the Washington Insurance compa-
ny 86; Commonwealth of Penn-
sylvania, vs. James M. Moore,
and 24 other journeymen taylors
-"conspiracy" 91; a delicate case
in N. York, Ú. S. bank vs. Grant
115; a novel case at Kingston, U.
C. 131; Champlain vs. Davidson
131; cruelty to a sailor, case tried
at Boston 147; Thos. Warren and
others vs. W. and A. Crocheron
160; the commonwealth of Va. vs.
R. I. Curtis editor of the Wheeling
Gazette-libel case 196; case of T.
C. Fay, editor of the S. Carolina
Gazette, indicted for a libel 215;
the Astor cause at N. Y. 215; deci-
sion in the case of Cruikshank vs.
Lambert 215; damages recoveredof
a physician for negligence 219; case
B, Wiggins et. al. vs. the execu
tors of Mason Lee, tried at Marl-
borough, S. C. 219; supreme court
of the U. S. in session 329; the
testimony of an atheist rejected
before the supreme court of Cou-



Lead mines on Red river
Lee, gen. Charles, a jeu d'esprit of 80
Liberty, the effects of
Little, Peter, his letter to the editors
transmitting extracts from the
journals of the first congress for
the protection of manufactures 430
Lovesiuna-com. Porter at New
Orleans 40, 71; epidemic in 50; the
battle of alluded to by an English
writer 130; electors of president
favorable to the administration no-
minated 226; parties in the legis
lature 374; convention at Baton
Rouge 277; delegates appointed in
N. York to attend the celebration
of the battle of the 8th January

180; gen. Jackson's visit to New
Orleans, an account of
Lutherans and Calvinists, union of 215
Machinery for the manufacture of
cloth exported




Madison, James, his letter to the edi-
tor of the Lynchburg Virginian 135
Maganese found in Vermont 118
Maine-Mr. Lincoln, re-elected go-
vernor 50; McIntire, Mr. elected
to congress 50; N. E. boundary,
various notices relative to 199;
nomination of Messrs. Adams
and Rush at Portland, 374; reso-
lutions of the legislature con-
cerning the N. E. boundary 430
Mareshal, Ambrose, arch-bishop of
Baltimore, dies
Markley, Philip S. his letter as to
the alleged "bargain" 167 to 170
Maryland--the general election in
81, 98; election of officers in the le-
gislature 315; revolutionary events
in 92; the penitentiary at Balti-
more 212; proceedings of the le-
gislature as to the powers of the
general government to construct
roads and canals, &c.
Massachusetts-schools in Boston
2; Blackstone canal 116; salt
works at N. Bedford 180; tolls of
Charlestown bridge 219; the Wor-
cester Insurance Co. 219; resolu-
tions in favor of protection to ma-
nufacturers by the legislature 347;
proceedings in the senate
Mr. Tufts having been summon-
ed to appear at Washington before
the committee on manufactures
350; exhibition of manufactures
180; meeting of wool growers, &c.
at Pittsfield 359; toasts drank at
Worcester 370; proceedings in the
legislature on accepting the statue
of Washington, presented by the
monument association 376; militia
in the state 390: fisheries, produce
of in the district of Gloucester 439
M'Clure, Geo. his letter relative to
the vote of Mr. Clay
M'Kenney, col. of the Indian de-
partment, returns to Washington
218; his work noticed 274; see con-
Methodist church, members of, &c. 128
Metcalfe, gen. Thomas, a letter from
him on the subject of roads, 321
Mexico-the attack on Mr. Poin-
sett, &c. 13; his reply to a denun-
ciation of the congress of Vera
Cruz 23 to 26; treaty with Eng-
land 18, 71; with the U. States
19; the squadron at Key West 23;
letters of com. Porter to the edi
tors of the Louisiana Advertiser,
and to com. Charles G. Ridgely, as
to alleged violations of the har
bor of Key West 23; his affair
with the district attorney at New'
Orleans 40, 71; his proclamation
offering commissions for priva
teers 356; do. in regard to vessels
containing effects belonging to the
enemy 356; battle near Apapa 38;
disturbances 76; 4th of July at San
Potosi 115; persecution of the Spa-
aards in 182, 230, 321; decree of
expulsion 376; the new tariff 198;
celebration of the anniversary of
independence 230; boundary be
tween Mexico and the U. States 230
Michigan-Mr. Wing elected to
congress 18; a day of thanksgiving

[blocks in formation]




Mississippi-elections in, 50; bloody
rencontre near Natchez 182; cul-
tivation of silk in 193; negroes in 211
Missouri-lead mines, &c. 87, 371:
mode of electing president in
Morgan, case of 34, 82, 146,
Moneys, weights and measures, a ge-
neral index of all foreign
Naples-the ex-queen of vindicated
36; population of the city
Navy and naval-British and Ame-
rican navies 51; the navy board
65; captain Downes 67; the Dela-
ware 67, 276, 376; the Natchez 68;
La Circe, the French frigate 68;
the squadron in the Mediterra-
nean 99; Brodie's marine trunk
116; midshipmen 133; the Peacock
153; the Falmouth 162; capt. Jesse
D. Elliott 219; rank in the navy 345
Netherlands population of 52;


deaths and births in Amsterdam 374
New Hampshire-banks in
New York, (city), packets belong-
ing to 2; location of a bank in 3;
"Journal of Commerce" 34; pas-
sengers, arrival of 36, 219; the
king of Bavaria presented with a
memoir on the canal, 54; revenue
from the customs received at 54;
mail for France 56; "The Times"
newspaper 66; shipping in the har-
bor 138, delegates appointed to
attend the celebration at New Or-
leans 180; "the conspiracy cases"
terminated 196; Thomas Addis
Emmett dies, &c. 196, 211; forge-
ries committed in 211; poor debt-
ors in 213; the Astor causes 215;
decision in the case of Cruikshank
vs. Lambert 216; population of the
city 218; newspapers in 218, the
evacuation by the British celebrat-
ed 219; toasts drank at a Jackson
dinner in 226; Kane, sec. of the na-
tional insurance company 356; cot-
ton trade of the city 371; Mr. Eck-
ford's daughter 374, church mov-
ing 389; "Merchants Telegraph" 389
New York-state; D. E. Evans re-
signs his seat in congress 50; ses-
sion of the legislature to revise the
laws 54; grand spectacle at the
falls of Niagara 63; great harvest
in 115; resolutions introduced in-
to the legislature by Mr. Brashear
129; gen. Root elected speaker
316; gov. Clinton's proclamation
for a day of thanksgiving 162; poli-
tical classification of members in
the legislature 197, 212; Erie canal
closed 211; damage on bills of ex-
change 213; disputes in churches
219; gale on lake Erie 219; the
electoral law 226; meetings of
agriculturalists at Albany 227; at
Utica 359; in Dutchess co. 359;
politics of the state 277; the pro-
posed tariff to protect wool, wool-
lens, &c. 321; Morgan affair, vari-
ous notices of 34, 82, 146, 161;
disaster at Lewistown 346; canal
revenue 346; report in the senate

on the existing provisions for e-
lecting a chief magistrate 351;
policy of New York 369; internal
improvements in 369; improve-
ments on lake Erie $69; revenue
371; auction duties 387; the mem-
bers of the legislature nominate
gen. Jackson for the presidency
388; resolutions of the legislature
concerning a revision of the tariff 391
New Jersey-convention in 2; the
legislature of 129; officers of the
legislature 147; electoral ticket of
the state favorable to general Jack-
son 356: Dr. Holcombe dies 356,
388; persons burnt to death 374
New South Wales--the colony of 372
Newspapers, value of
Niagara falls, spectacle at
North Carolina-elections in 1; Mr.
Iredell elected governor 275;
Adams electoral ticket 315; revo-
lutionary relic 41; "swamp lands"
in 182; Dr. Vance killed in a
duel 208; gov. Burton's recom-
mendation to the legislature, &c.
210; his message on the opening
of the legislature 283; proceed-
ings as to the expediency of es-
tablishing manufactories 275; Cape
Fear and Newbern banks 331,
374, 439; fire at Wilmington 374;
internal improvement and manu-
factures in 346; captain Blakely's
daughter 346; colonization society


North eastern boundary, see Maine.
Ohio-iron and forges in 210; tobac-
co 217; two members of the legis-
lature natives of the state 275;
ticket formed by the convention
at Columbus, friendly to the pre-
sent administration 316; Jackson
electoral ticket formed at 857;
census of the state 332; the Ohio
canal 332; the Ohio river 347;
wonderful changes in the state
371; nominations of governor 357;
political character of the legisla-
ture 374; inspections at Cincinnati


Pacific, the free ports on
Parsons, capt. S. C. testimony hono-
rable to
Passengers, arrival of, at N. Y. 36, 219
Penn, William, and Charles II 128
Pennsylvania-weaving done at E-
conomy 49; convention at Harris-
burg; see "Harrisburg Conven-
tion" and "editorial;" the legis
lature, state of parties in 128; the
Harmonists 133; coal trade of the
Lehigh and Schuylkill 182; cotton
mills, &c. at Manayunk 211; re-
solutions of a Jackson meeting in
Fayette co. 212; convention favor-
able to the administration at Har-
risburg 212, 316; gov. Shulze de-
clines a nomination for the vice
presidency 277,332; weight of cer-
tain cattle in 216; steam boats at
Pittsburg 217; prosperity of 438;
thanks of the trustees of Dickin-
inson college to capt. Jesse D. El-
liott of the U. S. navy 219; elections
315; instructions, &c. of the legis-
lature relative to the tariff 321;
finances 325; Union canal 332;
report concerning 348; coal trade
183, 347; Lackawana mines 370;
correspondence of certain mem-
bers of the legislature with Wm.
Clark, state treasurer 388; Mr.



Lehman's speech on the impor-
tance of a breakwater on the Dela-
ware 404; tobacco raised in
Perkins, Mr. his steam engine 56;
See steam.
Peru-congress of 70; disturbances
at Linga
Philadelphia-elections in 98; ex-
ports 181; thanks from the Greeks
197; regulation of the weight of
bread 211; Binns, John 265; flour
exported 346; improvements 356;
commerce of 370; large bell on
the state house 371; water-works 389
Plants and seeds-the sec. of the
treasury's letter concerning
Platina, a large mass of found
"Politics of the day" 1; letter of
gov. Kent 19; gen. R. M. Saun-
ders' reply 92; gov. Kent's answer
to gen. S. 137; gen. Jackson his
letter relative the six militia men
20; T. M. Randolph's letter to the
editors of the Charlotteville Ad-
vocate 21; opinion of Mr. Jeffer-
son 21; Mr. Buchanan, certain de-
clarations of 21; extract of a letter
from him to the editor of the Tele- 1
graph 21; Mr. John Branch's letter
to the editor of the Raleigh N.C.
Star, and speech when Mr. Clay's
nomination was before the senate
21; W. H. Harrison's letters re-
lating to 222, 336; wishes of a fo-
reigner 34; Mr. Giles's letter re-
lative to Mr. Jefferson's opinions,
with certain extracts 47, 59; Mr.
Jefferson's letter to Mr. Giles on
the alleged encroachments of the
government 48; Mr. R. A. Buck-
ner's address, &c. 76; Mr. J. C.
Isacks's letter 78; Mr. Eaton's let-
ter the public 94; gen. Jackson's
reply to an invitation to dine at
Frankfort, Ky. 87; charge of there
having been an understanding be-
tween Messrs. Adams and Web-
ster, with Mr. Bailey's card 119
and 120; letter of Mr. Madison to
the editor of the Lynchburg Vir-
ginian, &c. 135; case of the six mi-
Iitia men, report of the Nashville
committee, &c. 164, 167, 181, 195;
P. S. Markley's letter as to the al-
leged "bargain" 170; the Tennes-
see resolutions, &c. 183, 195; Mr.
William's speech 198; Chapman
Johnson's letter to W. H. Cabell,
&c. 187; the commonwealth of Va.
vs. Robert I. Curtis, editor of the
Wheeling Gazette, for a libel on
Carter Beverly 196; Mr. Kre-
mer's speech at New Berlin,
Pa. 223; I. I. Crittenden's address
224; Mr. Bourne's letter 224, 228;
the electoral law of N. York 226;
toasts drank at a Jackson dinner in
N. Y. 226; Mr. Clay's letter to
Dr. Godman 228; gov. Shulze, of
Pa. declines a nomination for the
vice presidency 277, 332; corres-
pondence between gen. Jackson
and Felix Grundy, 281; letters of
gov. Coles and T. W. Gilmer 281;
282, 335; Geo. McClure's letter
relative to the vote of Mr. Clay 283;
Mr. Clay's address to the public
with the documents 296 to 315;
Mr. Brent and Mr. Desha, affair
between 335 general R. K. Call's
letter as to an interview said to have
taken place between general Jack-
son and commodore Decatur 375;


correspondence of certain mem-
bers of the legislature of Pa. with
Mr. Clark state treasurer 388; re-
solutions of the legislature of In-
diana requesting gen. Jackson's
sentiments on the policy of pro-
tecting manufactures, &c. 439; re-
port made to the legislature of N.
Y. as to the existing provisions for
the election of president
Portugal-the princess regent 18,
57, 69; disturbances, &c. 18, 57,
69, 147; Don Pedro 69; Saldanah
37, 69; St. Anthony's day in Lis-
bon 84; Don Miguel 88, 147, 229,
357; mutiny at Villa Vicosa 37;
Portuguese vengeance on a wife
and her lover 38; the treasury 357
Porter, com. See Mexico; his affair
with the U. S. district attorney at
New Orleans 40, 71; his squadron
at Key West

Post master, the duties of

Presbyterian church, state of the

Press, the liberty of

23, 67




[blocks in formation]


Rhode Island-elections in 18; jew-
elry made at Providence 56; pros
perity of the town
Roads--roads and canals, the facili-
ties afforded by 84; U. S. in Ar-
kansas 117; the great northern
road 131; report of the directors
of the Baltimore and Ohio rail
road 137; report of engineers on
162; S. H. Long's letter to the pre-
sident 201; the engineers leave
Baltimore to commence the sur-
vey 228; the stock of 266; an ar-
ticle relating to the road in the
"Richmond Enquirer," noticed 278
Rocky mountains, furs from
Roos, the honorable Frederick De
Russia-rumors of peace with Per-

number that passed thro' Frank-
fort, Ky.


Silk, on the cultivation of 193, 438;
Slander 80, 132: see congress.
Slave trade 9, 42,


istration 180; gov. Butler de-
clines a re-election 208; adjourn-
ment of the legislature, &c. 218;
a dairy in 346; Lake Champlain
370; Vertical paddle wheel
Slaves captured near Key West 373 Virginia-visitors at Monticello 65;
Snelson, the bank robber
146, 212
meetings in opposition to gen.
South Carolina-certain proceedings
Jackson in 82, 129; convention to
at Columbia as to the woollens bill
form an "anti Jackson" ticket
with the speech of Dr.Cooper 26 to
180, 212, 333; letter of C. John-
32; the memorial to the state legis-
son, &c. 187; St. George Tucker
lature 59; excitement about the ta-
dies 210; the legislature in ses-
riff 49; yellow fever in Charleston
sion 228; legislative caucus 277;
50; gold in Tiger river 56; exports
convention to revise the constitu-
of cotton and rice from Charles- tion 272; the bill providing for pas-
ton 65, 117; Mr. McCord's speech
ses the senate 387; an article in the
177; libel case at Georgetown
Richmond Enquirer on the Balti-
215; B. Wiggins et. al. vs. the
more and Ohio rail roads noticed
executors of Mason Lee 219; gov.
273; removal of the restriction
Taylor's message 230; proceedings
for its location by the house of
relativeto 264; against the wool-
delegates 331; proceedings as to
the establishment of manufactures
len's bill 275; Sumpter, gen. 277;
the "Southern Patriot" 360; tri- 275, 355; rebellion in 331; Jackson
bute of the legislature to the late
electoral ticket 357; meeting in
col. Howard
Loudon county favorable to do-
Spain-disturbances in 37, 57, 69, 87,
mestic industry 357; a wife mar-
ders her husband $74; gov. Giles'
118, 147, 197, 229, 277; an Amer-
ican citizen killed in 57; stipula-
message on the tariff, &c.
Wambersie, E. his letter to the gov.
tions of the rebels 229; the minis-
of Goo.
try 118; battle with the rebels at
Conca del Tren 197; invitation of
the king to the central junta 197; a
new loan 229; case of the Olive 356
State rights-a palpable hit!
Steam-twenty years ago, letter from
Fulton to Barlow 15; steam boat
for navigating canals 54; Mr. Per-
kins' engine 56; passage of the
Washington through Hellgate 73;
boats on the Ohio and Mississippi 181
St. Lawrence, correspondence re-
specting the navigation of 411 to
428-see congress.
"Stock," that passed Evans' hotel 347
Stone, large blocks of
Strang's confession

Supreme court of the U. S.
Surgical operation, a wonderful

Sweden-treaty with the U. States
38; with Turkey







Symmes, John Cleves


[blocks in formation]



sia 6, 197; the army beaten by the
Persians 18; the emperor invested
with the garter 18; gambling-a
picquet match 18; army on the
Pruth 38; fleet in England $7, 52;
the prince Karabagh places him-
self under the protection of the
emperor 57; baron Wrangall 57;
introduction of foreign sheep in
116; victory over the Persians 118;
commerce of Russia 132, 216; fleet
in the Black sea 197; ports on do.
390; a new levy 197; the captain-
of a Russian ship deposed
Rush, Richard, secretary of the
treasury, his letter concerning for-
eign plants, &c. 201; see congress.
Salt-made at New Bedford, Mass.
180; quantity of domestic
Saunders, gen. letter in reply to gov.
Kent 92; gov. Kent's rejoinder 137
Seal skins, sale of at Stonington,
Con. 36; sealing vessels
Schools in Boston 2; for the blind 86
"Scientific power"-letter to the edi-
tors on the effects of
Sheep-sales of Saxony 17, 146;




[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Washington city-statistics of
Weaving done at Economy, Pa.
Webster, D. an extract from his
speech 130; alledged understand-
ing with Mr. Adams
Weights and measures
West Indies-free people of color
in Jamaica 4; effects of the gales
58, 68, 83; amount of the trade
82, 329; British order in council $57
West, enterprise of 83; travels in 91
Wool and the woollens bill-re-

marks on the operation of 210;
certain proceedings at Columbia
S. C. with Dr. Cooper's speech
16, to 32; Mr. McCord's speech
177; the memorials from the citi-
zens of Columbia, &c. on the sub-
ject 59; 266; a power loom ex-
ported 195; tables shewing the
distribution of members into
states who voted for the resolution
introduced into the house of re-
presentatives by the com. on man-
ufactures, &c. &c. 289, 317, 318;
importance of protection to the
wool growers and wool manufac¬
turers in the eastern states 214;
meeting at Albany, N. Y. 227; re-
solutions of the senate of S. C,
against protection to manufac
tures 275; proceedings in the legis-
lature of Mass, on Mr. Tufts hav-
ing been summoned 351; the Bos-
ton report against an increase of
duty on woollens 353; early pro-
tection of manufactures 430; See
Harrisburg convention.
Yale College, alumni of
Yellow fever in Charleston, S. C. 50


Though this day commences a new volume, we The returns have not been received from the congreshave no new plan to suggest to our readers knowing sional districts lately represented by Messrs. Trimble of no reason why we should change an old and established and Johnson, but it is the general opinion that both of course of proceeding. It is a convenient period, how-them have been out-polled by their Jackson opponents. ever, for the receipt of new subscribers and friendly remembrances from old ones.

We shall soon publish a large body of statistical articles, now nearly ready for the press, which have been prepared with great labor and care-and with a degree of patience and perseverance that may be approved, though the result shall not be satisfactory to all.



We have not been able to complete the list of members of the two houses of the next legislature, from the returns before us; but the following estimate of the state of parties in the lower house will prove to be tolerably correct:

Administration, 51. Jackson, 34.

19th congress.
Lemuel Sawyer,
Willis Alton,
Richard Hines,
John H. Bryan,

20th congress.
Lemuel Sawyer.
Willis Alston.
Thomas Hall.
John H. Bryan.
Gabriel Holmes.
John Culpeper.
Daniel Turner.
Daniel L. Barringer.
Augustus H. Sheppard.
John Long.

II. W. Conner.
S. P. Carson.
Lewis Williams.

Fifteen counties yet to be heard from. Their representatives were, for Jackson, 9-for the administra"POLITICS OF THE DAY." Many letters and papers tion, 6. have lately passed through the press, and are still The result of the congressional elections in North Ca sing, whose peculiar character has made it difficult to de-rolina is given as follows: termine how to dispose of them. Some relate chiefly to things not previously noticed in the REGISTER,-and others, or parts of others, are calculated to induce ardent and long counter-statements. Our desire is, that this work should contain every thing of the kind which either interest the public feeling or guide the public judg-Gabriel Holmes, Arch'd McNeill, inent, and to record them, on both sides, without comments of our own, or of any other person, except those Weldon N. Edwards rendered parties to them; yet in certain cases to adopt Daniel L. Barringer, these without remarks, does not seem proper, and, in Romulus M. Saunders, others they may open the door to discussions neither the John Long temper or length of which shall be agreeable to us for H. W. Conner, S. P. Carson, the rule of this publication is, never to give a statement on Lewis Williams, one side without fairly presenting also an opposing one, if rightfully made out and properly tendered. In ordinary times our duty, as to selections, is an easy one-but in the now heated state of the public mind, there is much delicacy and difficulty in performing it, and an assurance of offending some though information, only, is designed to be given and equally to all. This, however, is the primary object of the REGISTER-to preserve articles that may be desired for reference, and we shall endeavor to accomplish it with impartiality. And, as this work has never yet passed into personal electioneering-though we have no hope of pleasing all parties to the present contest for president, we expect to preserve our character for consistency, and make out a claim on the people for fidelity in our proceedings. And ardent individuals should recollect, that though they themselves may be worked into a passion, the public remains cool and discriminating.

With these brief remarks we shall speedily insert several articles of the description referred to-to shew the spirit and the body of the times."

[blocks in formation]


Chittenden Lyon,

The "National Intelligencer" says that Mr. Williams' majority was 1,500. Great exertions were made in his district. And adds-It will be seen that there have been but four changes in the representation of this state. We can speak of the political effect of but one of them. Mr. Culpeper, one of the new members, is a friend of the administration, and was the only member from the state who voted for Mr. Adams. The sentiments of the other three gentlemen, we do not know with certainty.

We are not imformed who has been chosen govenor of Tennessee. The contest between Messrs. Houston and Cannon appears to have been a warm one. The former, however appears to have been elected. We believe that no changes have been made in congress except in the places of Messrs. Cocke and Allen, who declined a poll. We shall give the particulars when they reach us."

A HARD FATE. Died at Bolton, Eng. June 26th, in the 74th year of his age, Mr. S. Crompton, who invented in 1780, the spinning machine called the mule, now so universally used by the cotton manufacturers. The inventor neglected to take out a patent; but he received re-two presents from the manufacturers, one of £100 and the other, (in 1800), of £400. In 1812 parliament granted him £5,000 upon a petition, which sum he unluckily lost in business. A second application to parliament failed. Mr. Crompton died in obscurity.

19th congress.

David Trimble.
Thomas Metcalfe.
James Clarke.
Robert P. Letcher.
Robert McHatton.
Joseph Lecompte.
Thomas P. Moore.
Richard A. Buckuer.
Charles A. Wickliffe.

Francis Johnson.
W. S. Young.
Dr. Henry.

It is a matter of doubt whether the progress of scientific power may not be as productive of evil as of good, in lessening the value of manual labor; but whatever weight may be attached to the abstract proposition, it is entirely certain that the British nation acquired the immense power which it has exerted for many years past, chiefly through the application of machinery to the manufacture of goods-and those of cotton, in supplying the means, have accomplished more in battle, than all the Wellingtons who commanded; as without the profits o manufactures, the armies which they led could not have been raised and subsisted, or subsidized by Great Bri

Of the above list, says the Kentucky Gazette, seven are for Jackson, and five for Adams. The seven are Messrs. Daniel, Meflatton, Lecompte, Moore, Wick-tain: hence there was a debt owing to Mr. Crompton Tiffe, Yancey, and Lyon.

When the returns of the votes are all in, we shall present a detailed account of them, for present instruction and future use.

The Lexington Reporter of the 18th Aug. savs-
VOL. IX-No. 1.

*One girl, in a cotton factory, was the agent of creating as great a value as would purchase the bodies of five or six Russian or German slaves, to stop a bullet or discharge la musket in the field-the value of their whole carcasses

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