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" He made a very ill appearance : he was very big : his hair red, hanging oddly about him : his tongue was too big for his mouth, which made him bedew all that he talked to : and his whole manner was rough and boisterous, and very unfit for a court. "
The Eclectic Magazine: Foreign Literature - Pagina 400
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The History of England: As Well Ecclesiastical as Civil, Volume 13

Rapin de Thoyras (M., Paul) - 1731 - 554 pagina’s
...Appearance : He was very big : His Hair red, *' hanging oddly about him : His Tongue was too " big for his Mouth, which made him bedew all " that he...talked to * : And his whole Manner *' was rough and boifterous, and very unfit for a *' Court.' He was very learned, not only in Latin, " in which he was...
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Bishop Burnet's History of His Own Time: From the Restoration of King ...

Gilbert Burnet - 1753 - 670 pagina’s
...very ill appearance: He was very big: His hair red, hanging odly about him: His tongue was too big for his mouth, which made him bedew all that he talked to : And his whole jnanner was rough and boifterous, and very unfit for a Court. He was very learned, not only in Latin,...
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The Secret History of the Court and Reign of Charles the Second, Volume 1

Charles M'Cormick - 1792 - 534 pagina’s
...Burnet. " The earl of Lauderdale made a very iH-ap. pearance: he was very big: his tongue was too big for his mouth, which made him bedew all that he talked to; and hi* whole manner was rough and boifterous, and very unfit for a court. He was very learned not only...
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Observations on the Historical Work of the Late Right Honorable Charles ...

George Rose - 1809 - 440 pagina’s
...very ill appearance : he was very big : his hair red, hanging odly about him :. his tongue was too big for his mouth, which made him bedew all that he talked to ; mid his whole manner was rough and boisterous, and very unfit for a Court. He was very learned, not...
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Peerage of England, Volume 9

Arthur Collins - 1812 - 766 pagina’s
...very ill appearance; he was very big: his hair red, hanging oddly about him; his tongue was loo big for, his mouth, which made him bedew all that he talked...• and his whole manner was rough and boisterous, and very unfit for a court. He was very learned, not only in Latin, in which he was a master, but in...
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The Retrospective Review, Volume 5

1822 - 384 pagina’s
...very ill apEearance : he was very big : his hair red, hanging oddly about im : his tongue was too big for his mouth, which made him bedew all that he talked...to : and his whole manner was rough and boisterous, and very unfit for a man." This sketch may remind our readers of the nobleman, who presided in that...
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Retrospective Review, Volume 5

Henry Southern, Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas - 1822 - 392 pagina’s
...very ill appearance : he was very big : his hair red, hanging oddly about him : his tongue was too big for his mouth, which made him bedew all that he talked...to : and his whole manner was rough and boisterous, and very unfit for a man." This sketch may remind our readers of the nobleman, who presided in that...
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Bishop Burnet's History of His Own Time: With the Suppressed ..., Volume 1

Gilbert Burnet - 1823 - 642 pagina’s
...very ill appearance : he was very big : his hair red, hanging oddly about him : his tongue was too big for his mouth, which made him bedew all that he talked...to : and his whole manner was rough and boisterous, and very unfit for a court. He was very learned, not only in Latin, in which he was a master, but in...
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The Monthly repository (and review)., Volume 18

1823 - 836 pagina’s
...very ill appearance : he was very big: his hair red, hanging oddly about him : his tongue was too big for his mouth, which made him bedew all that he talked...to : and his whole manner was rough and boisterous, and very unfit for a court. He was very learned, not only in Latin, in which he was a master, but in...
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The Monthly Repository of Theology and General Literature, Volume 18

1823 - 836 pagina’s
...very ill appearance : he was very big : his hair red, hanging oddly about him : his tongue was too Ing for his mouth, which made him bedew all that he talked...to : and his whole manner was rough and boisterous, and very unfit for a court. He was very learned, not only in Latin, in which he was a master, but in...
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