
take up a darabukah, or tambourine, and sing a to this, but only the bigotry of the population. snatch of some one of those tender love-songs with which the Arabic language abounds.

On the few occasions when they ventured to face the daylight, Moslems, Greeks, and Levantines used to pelt the bier and its bearers with stones and rubbish, and often to proceed to the most abominable excesses. No one ever felt ashamed of such acts; but, on the contrary, they were considered meritorious; for there is no object on earth which is regarded in the East as beneath a descendant of Abraham. This may be understood from the progression of their terms of abuse-" ass, bull dog, pig, Jew!"

It is the custom for the Jews in Egypt to celebrate very strictly the Feast of the Tabernacle. During eight days they forsake their rooms, and sleep in little cabins made of palm-leaves on the terraces of their houses. (Is this the reason why ophthalmia is frequent among them?) Those who have no convenient place for so doing are invited by their friends, so that on this occasion the roofs of the Jewish quarters are covered with a regular encampment. The streets previously Such was the state of public opinion when the are absolutely filled with camels laden with palm- death of Mercado el Ghazi, the grand rabbin, hapbranches, which fetch a handsome price, for there pened. This was thought by the Jewish commuis an eager demand for them. The Levantines nity to be a good opportunity for taking advantage used to tell me that on the first day of this festival of the growing toleration of the government; Mothe Jews go to their priest, and ask if it will be a hammed Ali was absent from the country on his good year. He oracularly and gutturally answers, celebrated visit to Constantinople: but Ibrahim "Ch-." If the year be good, he says, "Did I Pasha was at Cairo, and to him application was not tell you ch—?" meaning (cheir) good. But made for two guards. The Sirasker had just reif it be a bad year, he says, "Did I not tell you turned from Europe, very little improved, it is ch-?" meaning (châra) bad. true, but with some desire to merit the approbation This reminds me that a few years ago, when of the civilized world. This was a capital opporthere was a great drought in Egypt, the inunda-tunity, because it enabled him to carry out at the tion of the Nile being unusually delayed, it struck same time his favorite system of intimidating and the pasha that it would be wise to apply to all the overawing the people who were destined by fate, religious sects in his dominions for their inter- treaty, and the right of the strongest, to be his cessions with Heaven. So all the heads of the most dutiful subjects. So he replied, "Two Moslems, with all the Christian priests, and all guards?-you ask only for two? I will send my the Jewish Rabbins, followed by their congrega- own carriage, thirty cawasses, and a battalion of tions, went down to the brink of the water to infantry; the shops on the whole line of procespray. A good deal of bigotry was exhibited on sion shall be closed; and woe be to the man who the occasion, and it was attempted to exclude the lifts a stone that day!" What was said was Jews; but the pasha, who was never very ortho-done; the people murmured, but remained trandox, wisely determined that he would not throw quil, and a bright example of toleration was manaway a single chance, as the safety of the whole crops of the country depended on the result. He had reason to be amply satisfied; for the Nile, in reality, rose two palms the next night, and continued rapidly rising until there was a very good inundation.

ifested. It is worth knowing that the greater part of the improvement which has taken place in the conduct of Egyptians to foreigners and infidels is entirely attributable to similar exertions of supreme power; but it is a gross mistake to suppose that, in as far as the government is concerned, Of late years, the treatment of the Jews in anything has been done to soften the rancor of Egypt has been gradually becoming better and Moslem prejudice. Toleration is not to be inbetter. It was not, however, until during the stilled into a people by force; and I doubt whether early part of my stay in the country, in the year the good that might have been done by increased 1846, that toleration was extended to them suffi- intercourse with Europeans has not been more ciently to allow of their burying their dead by than counterbalanced by the envy and indignation day. It was only by moonlight that they could excited by the marked favor with which they are hurry the remains of their departed friends stealth-treated, and the privileges and immunities they ily to the grave. No law, it is true, forced them enjoy.

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his own rough fashion, to people who knew how to read the expression of his honest and intelligent physiognomy.

Little Adeline, deprived of the attraction which had fixed her attention to the inside of the boat, began to see amusement in watching the foaming water, as it rushed from the paddle wheels, and danced in long lines behind them. She knelt on a shawl which a fellow-passenger had lent, as a cushion for her little knees, and leaned quietly over the side, watching the roaring water; so her mother was for a time relieved from the thousand mosquito-winged vexations which had hitherto beset her.

We were within a few miles of Gravesend. The tide was just at the full, and the broad expanse of the river lay around us in all its majesty; and to those who have never beheld the Hudson or the Mississippi, old Father Thames is majestic, ay, and if we place in the balance the historic, political, and commercial importance of the transactions of which his broad breast is and has been the highway, our time-honored river will not lose in dignity even when compared with those giant floods of the west.

ONE day last summer I took my place in a Gravesend steamer, and found considerable amusement in watching the various characters. Two persons in particular attracted my notice; one was a middle-aged gentleman, stout, rather surly, taciturn, who paid no attention to any living being on board, except a huge Newfoundland dog, that was panting or lolling out his tongue, roaming among the passengers, shoving them out of his way, or frightening children, by suddenly covering their faces with one lick of his great tongue, and convincing nervous ladies that he was going mad, by the vigor with which he stuck out his legs while rolling upon the deck. His master eyed these pranks with a sly smile, and seemed quietly to enjoy the terrors occasioned by the antics of his burly friend. The other person whom I specially noticed was a very pretty and well-dressed lady. Young lady she would no doubt have been called, but that she had with her a little girl, about seven years old, who called her mamma. She was evidently possessed of nerves; indeed, she seemed to be possessed by them, and their name was legion. Endless were the petty annoyances in which they Such thoughts as these, however, did not involved her. But her keenest sufferings in the trouble Adeline's pretty head, which began, I small way were caused by the unwieldy gambols could see, to grow giddy with the continual whirl of Lion, the Newfoundland dog; and her inces- beneath her. A large sea-weed, that was dashed sant and puerile exclamations of terror, indigna- from the paddle-wheel, caught her attention. It tion, and spite, against the good-natured brute, kept sank, then rose, turned around in a short eddy, and up the sly, malicious smile upon the lips of his then darted out in the long wake that was left apparently unnoticing master. The little girl, on | behind the steamer. She leaned forward to watch the contrary, had, to the increased alarm of the its progress further still-her neck was stretched weak mother, made friends with the monster, and she lost her balance, and tumbled over into the for a long time amused herself by throwing bits roaring flood. In a moment all was confusion of biscuit for him to catch, which feat, notwith-aboard. Men were shouting for ropes and boats, standing the incorrectness of her aim, he managed to stop the steamer; cries of "A child overboard!" to accomplish, by making a boisterous plunge to "Who can swim ?" and a thousand other cries and one side or the other; and when at last she tim-questionings; but, above all, were the poor mothidly offered him a piece out of her hand, and he acknowledged the compliment by licking her face and rubbing his side against her, until he almost pushed her down, the little creature fairly screamed with delight. Her mother screamed too, but in one of the small, hysterical screams in which she was fond of indulging, and which was followed by an outburst of anger at Lion's audacity.

"Good gracious!" she exclaimed, "if that horrid creature should be mad, he'll have killed my child! How dirty he is, too! Look at your pelisse, Adeline; see what a state it is in! How dare you play with that animal ?"

This transition from hydrophobia to a soiled dress, was too much for Lion's master, and he burst into a loud and long laugh.

"I wish, sir," said the lady, snappishly," that you would call away that nasty dog, instead of setting him on to annoy everybody who is not accustomed to have such dirty animals about them."

er's heart-rending shrieks, too painfully in earnest now; and she alone, in the fond, instinctive devotion of maternal love, heedless that even should she reach her child she could only sink with her, endeavoring to leap into the water to save her.

Suddenly, Lion, followed closely by his master, came tearing along the deck, knocking the people to the right and left like nine-pins. They sprang into the boat that hung at the stern, everybody giving way before the determined energy of both man and dog. Lion looked anxiously in his master's face, and uttered a sharp, low bark.

"Wait," said the latter in reply; "where was she seen last?"

"There, sir," replied a sailor promptly; "there beside that piece of plank."

"How often has she risen?"

The gentleman drew a long breath, and said to his dog, in a low tone, "Look out!"

And Lion did look out, with wild flashing eyes, The gentleman said nothing, but bowed and and limbs that trembled with anxiety. What a walked forward; and I soon after saw him enjoy-moment that was! Every one else was passive; ing a cigar, while Lion played the agreeable, in every other attempt was laid aside, and all stood

in mute expectation. Those who were near | affectionately in her arms, laid her cheeks upon enough watched the third rising of the poor child, his rough head and wept. and those who could not see the water, kept their eyes fixed upon Lion.

In another instant a cry was raised, as a goldentressed head was seen to emerge from the water. The noble dog had seen her first, though; and, ere the warning cry had reached his ears, he had dashed from the boat with wonderful rapidity, and was swimming toward the little sufferer as though he knew that life and death depended on his efforts.

"He's a dirty animal, madam," said the gentleman, who had not forgot her former slighting remarks; "he 'll make your pelisse in such a state. Besides, he may be mad !"

She cast up her eyes with an expression of meek reproach. They were very fine eyes, and I think he felt, for his features softened immediately.

"Oh, pray, pray, give him to me!" she earnestly entreated.

His master marked his progress anxiously. His "Give Lion to you!" he exclaimed, in deriface was pale as death, and it was only by rigidly sion; "why, what would you do with him? I compressing them that he could control the ner-will tell you. You'd pet and pamper the poor

vous quivering of his lips.

"He has her," he exclaimed, as Lion rose to the surface, after a long dive, holding the little Adeline by the hair of her head in such a manner that her face was out of water. "He has her, and she is saved!"

Down went the steps, and on them stood a couple of active sailors, encouraging the brave dog by shouts and gestures, and ready to receive his precious burden when he should approach them.

Slowly he came on, wistfully eying the steps, and now and then looking up at his master, who was leaning over the side encouraging him with his well-known voice.

"Here you are!" cried the sailors, seizing the little girl. She was handed from one to another, and at last deposited in the arms of an active-looking gentleman, whom every one seemed instinctively to recognize as a surgeon, and by him carried below.

"Now come up, that 's a brave fellow," said the sailor, retreating to make way for Lion to climb the steps. But the poor creature whined piteously, and, after one or two fruitless attempts to raise himself out of the water, he remained quite passive.

"Help him-help him!-he is exhausted!" cried his master, fighting his way through the crowd, to go to the rescue of his favorite. By the time, however, he had reached the top of the ladder, the sailors had perceived the condition of the dog, and with some difficulty dragged him from the water. With their assistance, he crawled feebly up, and languidly licked his master's hand, and stretched himself on the deck.

beast till he was eaten up by disease, and as nervous as a fine lady. No, no; you'd better give Adeline to me. Lion and I can take much better care of her than you can.”

"Perhaps so, sir," she replied, with the gentle manner that had come over her since the accident; "but still I could not spare her-she is my only child, and I am a widow."

"I must go," muttered the gentleman to himself; "whew! has not the immortal Weller assured us that one widow is equal to twenty-five ordinary women? It's not safe-morally safeto be in the same boat with her."

He walked away. But who can wrestle against fate? When the boat returned to London Bridge, I saw him carrying Adeline ashore, and the widow leaning on his arm. They had a long conversa

tion all the way home! And, when he had put them into the cab, they had another chat through the window, terminating with a promise to come early."

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What could all this mean? He looked after the cab till it was out of sight.

"I think she has got rid of her nerves,' " he observed to himself; "what a charming creature she is without them!"

From the Christian Register. WINTER SCENERY.

ARE not many of our readers insensible to the magnificent scenery now around them, or within their easy reach? They perhaps will take long and costly summer journeys, for the mere gratification of the eye; but have with the present season associations only of dreariness and desolation. But if winter lacks variety, it has more of solemn grandeur, and awful beauty, than any other season, and abounds in the richest illustrations of beneficent design on the part of the Creator. Who can sufficiently admire the divine ordinance, which "sendeth snow like wool," in view of the various purposes which the fleecy mantle serves, uniting repose and beauty for the eye, ease of locomotion, facilities for numerous industrial inBoth the invalids were convalescent, and Lion terests, and protection for the numberless roots was sitting up, receiving with quiet dignity the and germs, which would be destroyed by snowcaresses of his friends, when Adeline's mother less frost? This covering of the earth is also came running up stairs, and throwing herself admirably adapted to impart additional splendor upon her knees before him, and clasping him and warmth to the oblique and diminished rays

It would be difficult to tell which received the most attention the little girl under the hand of the surgeon and all the women who had squeezed themselves into the cabin, under the firm conviction that they were exceedingly useful, or the noble dog, from the rough but kind attentions of the steamer's men, under the superintendence of

his master.

of the sun, to reflect in kindred beams the frosty | mal enjoyment as intense and as vivacious as in the moonlight, and greatly to enhance the brilliancy torrid zone. Thus has God met the winter-neede of the stars in the absence of their queen. Then, of his lower creatures, while to man he has given too, the first moist fall of snow, adhering to every skill so to temper every inclement element of the bough, and bearding every leafless twig with its season, that, as climate increases in severity, its feathery fringe; descending unsuspected in the power over human comfort diminishes in the same stillness of the night, and transfiguring the yes- proportion. The maximum of general suffering terday's whole scene before sunrise, in what pure from cold is probably reached in Italy and the and shining drapery does it clothe the naked south of Spain, where frost is more feared and landscape of autumn! how gloriously does it felt in the palaces of the nobility than in the cover the retreat of vegetable life from orchard, dwellings of the northern peasantry. On the field and forest! And when the rain-drops freeze other hand, we are told of the domestic comfort as they descend, or the snow melts and congeals enjoyed in the turf-thatched houses and around at the same moment, stalactites hang from every the turf-fires of the Icelanders, than whom no roof; when every tree-trunk becomes a transpar- people love their soil more dearly or forsake it ency, and every bough is robed in the purest with greater reluctance. If, then, the mantle of crystal; when the whole pencil of prismatic rays divine love covers man and beast in every zone flashes upon the eye wherever a sunbeam falls, and at every season, why should we not admire and the entire expanse seems the very temple of and adore when God "giveth snow like wool, primeval light; surely no aspect of external nature and scattereth the hoar-frost like ashes," as well is better suited to awaken our warmest admira- as when "he sendeth his word and melteth them, tion, or to lift our adoring thoughts to Him who causeth the wind to blow, and the waters to flow?" "has made everything beautiful in its season."

From the Commercial Advertiser. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE.

Yet another view, inexpressibly grand, has presented itself, as we have stood by the sea-shore on an intensely cold day, just as the severest WE have received from Cape Town files of storm of winter was giving place to sunshine. papers to the 17th of November inclusive. The We have seen the whole eastern heavens radi- editor of the Cape Town Mail of the latter date ant with wreaths and clouds of illuminated vapor, expatiates upon the intelligence and discrimination while the leaping, foaming waves, with their with which the " pledge" not to supply the gov incessant spray-smoke, seemed the foam of a vast ernment with any stores has been put in operacaldron upheaved from fathomless depths by sub- tion. Some twelve or fourteen of the whole comterranean furnaces. In the mountainous regions munity had disregarded this pledge. An attempt of our northern states winter assumes a yet more at non-intercourse with the members of the gov awful majesty. The waterfalls, which through ernment had been abandoned. The "traitors," the summer had tumbled from rock to rock, are meaning the dozen above referred to, are ostracized. now "motionless torrents, silent cataracts,' glo-It appears to be not uncommon for affidavits and rious as the gates of heaven," clothed with per- other communications, like the following, to be petual rainbows, while in height accessible only to read at the "anti-convict meetings."

99 66

The eagles, playmates of the mountain blast,
The signs and wonders of the elements
Utter forth God, and fill the hills with praise.

Still further north, we are told of the unequalled splendor of the long Polar nights-of the never-resting corruscations of the still mysterious Aurora Borealis of the meteors of every shape, size and line, that span, fill, or cross in rapid flight, the starry heavens.

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Michell Arms, Nov. 8, 1849. SIR,-Having heard, last night, that I am charged with having sold potatoes to the government, I hasten to declare that I have not, either directly or indirectly, sold or caused to be sold potatoes to the government, or any other person or persons, which am ready to declare on oath, if required. In refthe serious loss I am sustaining through him; he erence to Captain Stanford, I have stated to him was sorry to hear it, and therefore said he would call no more. Sir, I hope this will satisfy the minds of the people, and allow me a share of their favors as formerly. Be pleased to let me know to what conclusion you come, by my son, who will await your answer. I have, &c., G. HOLLOWAY. Certificates like the one below are found necessary for personal protection, in travelling through the country. With such a state of feeling existing we do not wonder that the home government has abandoned its purpose of making the colony a receptacle for convicts.

With these gorgeous sights we are prone to have cheerless, gloomy associations, which ward off from our souls full consciousness of their magnificence. But why need this be so? The winter-bound earth is not the abode of suffering, but of repose and comfort. The birds have followed retreating summer to its perennial seats. The insects have closed their sunny term of being, and dropped into death, leaving only the unconscious germs of the next generation. Of other animals, some are torpid; others, safely housed, feed on the harvest which an inscrutable instinct has taught them to garner; others range the forest in storm-roof coats of mail, with which human art cannot begin to vie. Even in the region last of perpetual ice may be witnessed scenes of ani- [by two persons.)


The bearer has resided in
for the
year, to our knowledge, (to be signed

The bearer

has signed the Anti-Convict | were to furnish provisions for the soldiers, all the Pledge.- -Secretary Anti-Convict Association. stores in the place were by previous agreement -Cape Town,


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We have reached the great lake in lat. 19° 6', and in about long. 24°. The latter, I am sorry to say, is only from calculation, both the watches having stopped months ago—and I have no way of getting the time. The sun and moon are now in distance, but I can make no use of them from the stopping of the watches. The lake is a long one, about 75 miles long, and, the natives say, very broad. It looks like a sea, for we can perceive no land on the opposite shore. The land on the beach is white, and appears to be washed by heavy waves. The country around is thickly populated by a fine, healthy-looking race. There are three tribes hereBetuana, Bushman and Bacobo.

The latter live by fishing, and are found all along the river and lake. We struck the river leading from the lake, and running to the S. E., about 300 miles back, and have followed it up to the lake. The natives say there is a large river running from the north, which enters then at the

closed, business was suspended, and a general air of gloom pervaded the town. In the neighborhood of a place called the Shambles, the following scene was enacted:

A detachment of about a hundred soldiers, many of them holding the empty meat-cans, which told their errand, were drawn up in orderly array before the Shambles. The butchers' shops were closed, and presented to the view nothing but a long blank before the Shambles, and under the trees of the wall. In the street, as well as in the sidewalk Parade, a multitude of citizens were assembled— who awaited the result in anxious silence. The at least a thousand persons, of all ranks and classes soldiers stood for an hour in patient composure, while the people looked quietly on, or discussed in undertones the all-engrossing subject. Even a stranger would have seen that there was the most perfect good feeling and mutual sympathy between the two parties-the colonists and their military protectors.

From the Louisville Courier.

At length an officer, who was said to have repaired to the commissary general for directions, made his appearance. At his command, the soldiers, carrying their empty meat-cans, took their way, with apparent good humor, back to the castle; This and thereupon, without a sound or sign of triumph, river, I have no doubt, comes from high mountains the crowd of spectators quietly dispersed. covered with snow, as the lake is now rising, although it is the dry season, and there was no rain here last year. The crops have entirely failed for want of it. We have encountered great difficulties in reaching here, from the want of water. Our oxen have been frequently three days without it, and have even been four. Besides, a part of the way along the river is covered with thick thornbush and trees, through which we had to cut our way with axes. The distance from the lake to the Bay Algoo is between 1500 and 1600 miles-much further than we expected.

The plan of the inhabitants of the Cape was to starve the government into sending the convicts away by refusing to furnish the authorities with any supplies whatever.


OUR friend, the horse-drover, has returned again from the south, and reports the following" incident of travel" which occurred in court in one of the counties of one of the south-western states.


The judge took his seat on the bench, and proclamation was made in due form of law. were twenty-two lawyers present, and twenty-one suits on the docket. As the cases were reached, in obedience to orders he cried aloud, "Jacob the sheriff was directed to call the defendants, and Straws! Jacob Straws!! Jacob Straws!!! Come into court, Cobe, or judgment will be rendered against you." After waiting some time, the said A number of the most influential inhabitants Jacob Straws, a long, gangling, sallow-faced cushad presented a memorial to the governor, praying tomer, of about thirty years old, (though he looked him to do away with the present excitement by He was rather jauntily dressed, in a suit that had as if he might be forty,) swaggered into the bar. sending the convicts to some other place. The rumors, that still further numbers were on their seemed rather dilapidated; his long soap-locks once been genteel, but now, like Cobe himself, way to the Cape, had tended to increase the excite-hung down to his shoulders, after the fashion of the ment, and the private letters to the middle of b'hoys. The following dialogue ensued: November state that in consequence business of all kinds was completely at a stand. At one of the meetings of the Anti-Convict Association, a letter from a district called Parl, was read, in which the whole of the inhabitants save one (1,032 in number) spiritedly remonstrate against making the Cape a penal colony, and solemnly determine to resist it to the last.

A scene, somewhat resembling that of throwing the chests of tea overboard in Boston Harbor, has

been acted at the Cape. The inhabitants, having
determined to place the government in a
"" state of
siege" until they have given up the point, on a
certain day, when the contractors for government

Judge. Well, Mr. Jacob Straws, what have you to say why judgment should not be rendered against you?

Cobe.—(Looking round with a confused manner.) Say?—yes, judgment! O, yes! judge, you don't understand my case, I'm sure, or you would not talk about judgment so soon.

Judge. Very likely, Mr. Straws, but it appears to be a plain case of debt.

Cobe.-Not so plain as you might think, judge. Judge.-Mr. Straws, if you have any counsel you had better get him to speak to your case.

Cobe.-Is a man bound to fee a lawyer, judge? Judge.-No, not bound, certainly; but if you have any defence to make, you had better get a lawyer to attend to it for you.

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