
had even endeavored to reproduce the simplicity | United States there has been nothing like this, nor of the ancient German ballad. Mr. Longfellow is it at all probable that this influence will be rehas, we assert it, a cultivated, a too-cultivated produced. It must be a keen glance to recognize intellect. He has a habit of quotation, an im- the traces of Protestantism in America. It has moderate luxury of knowledge, a fatiguing dis- left in Channing and Emerson its moral impress; play of reading, seldom in place. Thus, in the but Protestant doctrines with them take a laic philnovel Kavanagh we cannot understand the fitness osophic form, often with little enough of orthoof the lecture which the schoolmaster delivers to doxy. The sentiment of liberty and of the dighis wife, and the propriety of instructing her in the nity of human nature partakes with them more of singular and complex problems of a certain Indian stoicism than of Christianity. Protestantism, a poem. We could say the same of Hyperion. spirit without a body, loses its influence. It has The first idea of the book seems to have been no unity, for it depends upon the individual will borrowed from the Sternbald of Tieck; Mr. Long- and conscience, which lead to the most monstrous fellow appears to have sought to create an analo-results, in the extravagances of Millerites and gous romance. The hero accomplishes his artisti- Mormonites. As for the revolutionary spirit, cal tour through the Europe of the nineteenth though it does not exist to the same degree as century as Sternbald of the sixteenth. Hyperion in Europe, yet it exists. And there is the great is an æsthetic romance; people don't act or live in the book; they travel, they chat, they discuss the whole world, Goethe, Jean Paul, Carlyle, Paul de Kock, Hoffmann, M. Edgar Quinet, George Sand, Victor Hugo, and many others. Mr. Longfellow has further written a drama entitled the Spanish Student, where he has essayed to reproduce the Shakspearean form, but without success. This drama is the weakest of his productions.

industrial rivalry, a feverish activity, in which the pursuit of riches, comfort, luxury, enchains us; a struggle, too, which has its poetical side, but of which it will be time enough to chant the victory when the battle is ended.

So M. Montégut ends with an indefinite hopeful vision of the future.

This is probably a fair representation of Euro

American manners and literature. It appears in
a leading review on the Continent, and has the
force of some thought and painstaking on the
subject. Its suggestions are profitable, though
the inferences are not to be pushed so far as
they occasionally appear to be.
In the present
international intercourse of the world, the civili-
zation of no country is perfectly original and
Small states, with a strong pres-

We much prefer the verses of Mr. Longfellow pean opinion, on certain points, at this time, of to his prose. Evangeline, of which M. Philarète Chasles has given a complete analysis in this review, contains pretty passages, but they do not rise sufficiently above the melancholy monotony of the poem. Evangeline is, nevertheless, the best work of Mr. Longfellow. The descriptions and the landscapes are there more accurate; as to the verses they roll heavily, "like the sad and stormy billows of the Atlantic," and, thanks to the line homogeneous. he has adopted, they return a sound heavy and sure from without of barbarism or other ingrave as a sigh. The end of Evangeline, how- fluences, have been most favorable to peculiar ever, is charming. It is in this poem that Mr. development. There is an American vitality Longfellow has brought to elevate the delicate which the writer does not fully understand, and qualities of his mind, freshness, grace, the senti- there is a great deal more of it than he imagines. ment of solitude and the domestic hearth. The His hits at the religious philosophic essayists strong doctrine of duty is weakened under the we leave to be digested by them. We cannot natural sentiment of piety, and melts into tears. admit the absurd and reckless charge of the pueMr. Longfellow then imitates, and the Ameri-rility of Washington Irving; and granting the fact can poets imitate with him; the reproach does that that writer and Longfellow employ their not fall on him alone, it covers all American Liter- talents upon European topics and literature, the In thinking Americans imitate like chil-reviewer should remember that the Old World dren; in action they are men. has precisely that charm of novelty to us which he looks for in the New. The foreign culture sits well upon both those authors, and we would not wish them otherwise than they are; for they bring grace and refinement, and the culture of the



Such are the facts, as M. Montégut chooses to state them, of American letters. How do his European causes of sterility" hold out here? There is no "revolutionary spirit," he admits; at least, that it is not dominant. Is there a re-imagination, where they are most wanted. ligious unity? Protestantism is in effect dominant. Reviewers should trust something to Nature, but it has little to do with the national intelligence. It is banished to the church and the domestic hearth; it stops at the threshold of the thinker and the poet. In England Protestantism has left brilliant and durable literary memorials. It has inspired Milton, and created John Bunyan, Daniel De Foe, Samuel Johnson, and even David Hume and Swift; it has been represented by Cromwell, and practised by Newton. In the

and be more ready to account for than refuse what she produces. The Imagination will find its level; when American society and history are ripe it will stay at home; in the mean time it will go abroad.

The comparison, by the way, of Irving to Florian, is peculiarly unfortunate, as the reviewer's remarks on the Spanish tales show his ignorance of both literatures. Irving never uses his

foreign traditions as a cloak for American man- your laws more severe. If that will not prevent ners, as Mr. Montégut says, if he says anything. crime, then form your convicted offenders into a The particular merit of Irving's Spanish Legends" condemned military corps," ship them off to is, that they embody so much of the spirit of the Sierra Leone and to the other " poisonous shores" originals. The reference to Walter Scott and of the African coasts and rivers. Once transport Cooper is a forced point to maintain a theory, and them there-they would not, he thinks, long sufficiently refuted by the reviewer himself, in the trouble the mother country. Nature would take concluding portion of his own remarks on that her own course with her erring children--and the subject. Cooper's reputation, a fact familiar to free emigrant would soon cease to complain of the all but French reviewers, who know him only infusion of vicious elements into his family and through Frenchified translations, depends alto-society. To show the absurdity-the wickedness gether upon his purely American characters. In-of such a scheme in this stage of the proposal the soup-kettle of French translation it is possible we hold to be needless. It will be soon enough that Cooper and Scott may taste very much alike. to argue the moral of the plan when Colonel The respect with which the reviewer approaches Napier shall have told us how he will keep this Samuel Slick, Esq., is sufficiently amusing. We convict army in order. The practice of now and would recommend to his reading an English author then sending a man into the ranks for breach of who has used the pencil for the pen. Hogarth's law is not unknown in many countries; but the instructive plate on Character and Caricature idea of placing arms in the hands of a large body might be of passing service to M. Montégut. of men bound together by the tie of a common Altogether, however, the latter is lively and sug-degradation, and then sending them to do military gestive.

From the Athenæum.

Excursions in Southern Africa, including a History of the Cape Colony, an Account of the Native Tribes, &c. By Lieutenant-Colonel E. ELERS

NAPIER. 2 vols. Shoberl.

service in a poisonous swamp, has a novelty and daring about it which is startling in these days of improved humanity. As a soldier, Colonel Napier ought to understand the difficulties which would lie in the way of an efficient control of such a body; and, though civilians, we may be permitted

misgivings, in spite of his peremptoriness; for he throws out another hint, in a note-to the effect that we might make of the same convicts "a most agreeable present to the King of Mosquito."

to entertain a doubt whether this is the best means of making "crime useful to commerce and civiliTHE daily reader of despatches from the colo-zation." The suggester of it seems to have some nies will recollect the excitement produced in England, in July, 1846, by the arrival of disastrous news from the scene of the Kaffir war-and the instant equipment of a war steamer to bear to the Cape a commission of seven field-officers, charged Lieutenant-Colonel Napier has the merit of with special services. Lieutenant-Colonel Napier being consistent in his sympathies. He consigns was one of the seven so sent out. Years before the English felon or forger to the malaria of these events he had been in that colony, and paid Sierra Leone with the same hearty good will that some attention to its history-he consequently he accepts the destruction of whole nations of the took out with him an ampler share of knowledge native tribes. His hatred and contempt for a dark of his new quarters than is commonly possessed by his countrymen. At the conclusion of the war Colonel Napier returned to England; and, as he says, "being-after repeated offers of service -still unemployed, for the sake of occupation as much as of anything else," he took to writing books about the fate and prospects of the colony from which he had just returned.

skin take, in these volumes, the form of a needless character of harshness. Whoever stands between the native and the white man's injustice comes in for a share of the abuse plentifully lavished. Where he is not controversial, Colonel Napier is more amusing and edifying. The history of the Cape settlement is neither so full nor so accurate as could have been wished; but it is a useful Colonel Napier takes up the Cape as a man summary for the class of readers who have not takes up any political grievance. On the various leisure to consult the old records of the Dutch questions to the discussion of which the colony has and the voluminous blue-books of more recent given rise in this country-the deeds and mis- date. The chapters on the native tribes, though deeds of the missionaries-the conversion and civ-not written in a spirit of perfect fairness, are interilization of the Hottentot race--the rights of the esting:-from these chapters we shall make an Kaffirs to the soil on which they live-the various extract or two. Reversing the order in which wrongs of the Dutch settlers of Natal-emigration the portraits are presented by Colonel Napier, we --local government-the convict system-on all begin with the lowest in physical type and moral these points and problems he declaims and dog-character :matizes with a fierceness which might perhaps compel attention in the camp or the mess-room, but which can find little favor in the court of criticism. His plan for managing convicts is a good specimen of his rough and ready way of doing the work of government. First, he says, make


Lastly come the "Baroas;" that pigmy race, Bushmen," or "Bosgenerally known to us as jesmans"-the Obiquas, Sonquas, Soaquas, Mountain Banditti, or Buschies-so often alluded to in the olden records of the Cape. Their identity cannot possibly be mistaken-the alleged aboriginal

in motion.

possessors of the soil-but who, among all the sur- exercise a mighty influence on the course of rounding native tribes, have (since European ac- future events in Southern Africa. This curious quaintance with this part of the world) been ever stigmatized as the "Pariahs" and outcasts of race, whose name is as yet but little familiar to "Hottentotism;" whose hand, like that of the de- European ears, are settled along the banks of the scendants of Ishmael, is still-and appears ever to Gariep for 700 miles. They number already fifhave been raised against every man, and every teen or twenty thousand-five thousand of whom man's hand ever was, and is still, raised in self- are armed with muskets. They are devoted to defence against them. Such were the relations agriculture, and have large possessions in cattle this unfortunate but mischievous-and though di- and horses. They are exceedingly warlike—as minutive, yet dangerous-race bore to the other might be expected from their origin—and have Hottentot tribes, on the first arrival of Europeans at the Cape; and such it has ever continued to be, more than once arrested the progress of invading in relation to every nation and class, with whom, hordes of savages. A very notable instance of since then, they have successively been brought in this was the defeat and dispersion of those hosts contact. The Dutch Boer, the Griqua, the Bechu- of Mantatees which had overrun and destroyed. ana, the Kaffir, all entertain the same dread of, everything in their way north of the Orange river, and aversion to, these dwarfish hordes; who, armed in 1823, when the furious Chaka and his conquerwith their diminutive bows and poisoned arrows, ing Zoolahs had set all the tribes of the interior recklessly plunder and devastate, without regard either to nation or color; and are in their turn Waterboer and his band of Griquas hunted down and destroyed like beasts of prey, met and stopped this destructive torrent. A race which in many respects they so nearly resemble. so gallant could not long remain subject either to Time, a knowledge of, and an occasional savage countrymen or to civilized strangers. The intercourse with people more civilized than them- English government has acknowledged their indeselves, have made little change in the habits and pendence. disposition of this extraordinary race. The Bushman still continues unrelentingly to plunder, and cruelly to destroy, whenever the opportunity presents itself. His residence is still amongst inaccessible hills, in the rude cave or cleft of the rock -on the level karroo, in the shallow burrow, scooped out with a stick, and sheltered with a frail mat. He still, with deadly effect, draws his diminutive bow, and shoots his poisoned arrows let him have only a cracked fiddle, a Jew's-harp, against man and beast. Disdaining labor of any his "vrouw," two or three jolly companions, with kind, he seizes, when he can, on the farmers' herds and flocks; recklessly destroys what he cannot de-a due supply of liquor and tobacco-when, forgetvour; wallows for consecutive days, with vultures ful of past labor or actual weariness, and only and jackals, amidst the carcases of the slain; and thinking of present enjoyment-he will light a fire when fully gorged to the throat, slumbers in under the "bush," and drink, talk, sing and dance lethargic stupor like a wild beast; till, aroused by around it, during the greater part of the night, hunger, he is compelled to wander forth again in thoughtless of the coming toils and fatigues of the quest of prey. When he cannot plunder cattle, he eagerly pursues the denizens of the waste; feasts indifferently on the lion or the hedgehog; and, failing such dainty morsels, philosophically contents himself with roots, bulbs, locusts, ants, pieces of hide steeped in water-or, as a last resource, he tightens his "girdle of famine," and as Pringle


He lays him down, to sleep away,

In languid trance, the weary day.

Whether this precarious mode of existence may, or may not, have influenced the personal appearance and stature of the Bushmen, it is difficult to say; but a more wretched-looking set of beings cannot easily be imagined. The average height of the men is considerably under five feet, that of the women little exceeding four. Their shameless state of nearly complete nudity-their brutalized habits of voracity, filth, and cruelty of disposition -appear to place them completely on a level with the brute creation, whilst the "clicking" tones of a language, composed of the most unpronounceable and discordant noises, more resemble the jabbering of apes, than sounds uttered by human beings.

From this, the most degraded race in the world, we pass to another-the Griquas or Bastaards; a half-caste race, which is rapidly rising into great importance at the Cape, and will most likely

Between these two races stands the common Hottentot-of whom there is a striking but severe likeness drawn in these volumes. Colonel Napier says:

the modern Totty: let him, after the longest and No animal is more gregarious, or sociable, than

most wearisome march across the arid Karoo


Though most fully appreciating the good things of this life, when actually placed of the Hottentot, that he will seldom put himself in within his reach, yet, such is the natural indolence the least out of the way to go in quest of the same Often, after a long journey, when half famishedhis "girdle of famine," rolling himself in his often he will prefer the alternative of tightening blanket, and sleeping off the cravings of hunger, to the trouble of going to a neighboring farm, where he might obtain the requisite supplies for his evenleather belt, worn round the waist by most of the ing meal. This said "girdle of famine" is a natives of Southern Africa. It is gradually tightened, when hunger is felt, without the means of satisfying the same; and, although a Kaffir or Hottentot will, at a single meal, devour, when procurable, as much animal flesh as would satisfy half a dozen Europeans, he can, with the above frain from food for an extraordinary length of time. assistance-and when impelled by necessity-reIn short, the Hottentot of the present day is a compound of the strangest anomalies; and appears to dictions and inconsistencies of human nature. be made up of a mixture of the greatest contradolent, debauched, and drunken, as he naturally is, still, by a knowledge of the ingredients of his composition, and a judicious display of firmness, tempered by kindness and good treatment, he is easily to be managed; and though no great reliance can ever be placed on him, in charges of trust, he



-like the Sepoy, under European discipline and serious scrapes, to avoid the consequences of leaders-makes, when sober, a good and gallant which he went to sea, was for some time in India, soldier; and it is on the Cape Mounted Rifles then returned home, when his friends obtained for composed chiefly of this race-that many of the him a commission in the Cape Mounted Rifles. It greatest hardships, fatigues, and dangers of the appears, however, that the trammels of military last and former Kaffir wars have principally fallen. restraint ill-accorded with the roving disposition of On the question of the rapid decay of these after joining his regiment, permission to absent the sporting recruit, who, on being refused, shortly native tribes Col. Napier waxes warm and wrath-himself on a shooting excursion into the interior, ful. He denies that the elements of decay for took "French leave," and on his return, about a the black man came in with the white-but is twelvemonth afterwards, found, as might have been curiously unhappy in his assignment of better expected, that his name had been erased from the reasons for his decline. According to him, these army list. The course of life he had selected apare-accidental disease, idleness, defective hy-peared however much more adapted to his tastes giene, and drunkenness. Is anybody unaware that and for several years past he is said to have suband habits than the dull routine of parade or drill; strong waters and the diseases which are most fatal sisted entirely on the produce of his rifle ; returnto the savage were both introduced by Europeans? | ing generally to the colony after an absence of ten Is any one still ignorant that the vices which have or twelve months, his wagons laden with ivory, depopulated America and Australia, as well as the skins, and ostrich feathers, by the sale of which, it seaboards of Africa, are the vices of civilization? is believed, he generally realizes several hundred Let us search for pleasanter matter.-Take the pounds at each trip. According to some accounts, when on these expeditions, he occasionally adapts following sketch :himself to the costume as well as the customs of the natives; travelling about, when so minded, quite in Kaffir fashion, without even the encumbrance of a kaross; but that, when in the colony, he indulges in the strangest eccentricities of dress, not unfrequently astonishing the natives of Graham's Town with the picturesque habiliments of the middle ages or of the times of Charles the First. ** A few days afterwards, whilst sauntering under the shades of the fine young oak trees, which line each side of the broad main street at Graham's Town, I beheld an athletic young man, whose extraordinary costume instantly attracted my attention. dress consisted of a pair of rough "veld-schoenen," white trowsers and shirt, without waistcoat or jacket; a leather girdle tightly encircled his waist, whilst, on his head, he wore a broadbrimmed hat, adorned with jackals' tails, and surrounded by a magnificent plume of the finest ostrich feathers. "That," thinks I to myself, "must be the very man I want to see." I therefore stepped across the street and asked him at once if his name was not Cumming?-and on his saying it was, after duly introducing myself, I told him I had heard so much of his exploits that I determined to form his acquaintance; and, moreover, having brought out from England a rifle of great calibre, as I found such an article was to me perfectly use less, he might perhaps like to take it off my hands, which reasons would, I trusted, be accepted as an apology for so very abrupt a mode of introduction. The "lion-slayer" I had pictured to myself was a swarthy, hairy, sunburnt, Salvator Rosa brigandlooking fellow, with a voice of thunder, and with the manners of a savage-in short, in every respect a very Morok; what was therefore my surprise on beholding quite the reverse of all that I had imagined. Before me stood a noble looking young man of about six-and-twenty years of age, standing at least six feet high in his stockings, (had he worn such a superfluous article of dress,) and although built like a Hercules, his manly form was most elegantly moulded, surmounted by a finely shaped. head, luxuriantly adorned with silken locks of a flaxen hue, which negligently hung over a countenance, of an almost feminine cast of beauty,, My informants stated Mr. Cumming to be the beaming with good nature and the mildest light Son of a Scotch baronet; that his love of "wood-blue eyes; and when he spoke, his silvery and craft," and deer-stalking propensities amongst gentle tones emulated the softness of a woman's. the Highlands, had at an early age got him into voice. Such was the appearance of the great

During one of these wanderings, I stumbled on a small thatched cottage, or rather hut, in a remote and secluded dell. Hot, thirsty, and fatigued, I gladly accepted the proffered hospitality of the aged man who owned this humble abode. He regaled me with all he had to offer-a draught of milk, with some coarse bread and fruit-whilst partaking of which, I learned from him the story of his life, and what had brought him to such a distant, unfrequented spot. Mine host, apparently between seventy and eighty years of age-an Englishman by birth, and brought up to a seafaring course of life-was one of the few survivors belonging to the crew of a ship, which, nearly half a century ago, had been wrecked upon this stormy coast. After wandering about for some time, he at last took to himself a native wife, and settled down in this retired spot; where, "the world forgetting and by the world forgot," he has happily and contentedly spent so large a portion of his life; and hopes, as he said, at last quietly to end his days. "Here," said the philosophic old mariner, in a half English, half Dutch idiom of his own, but to the following purport: "Here I am happy, and want for nothing. Whenever I feel at all out of sorts, I walk up to yonder bluff 'kopf,' or headland-I look at the boisterous waves buffeting some unfortunate bark—such, say I to myself, was my former position in life; I then turn round and look down on my humble cottage; in this quiet and sheltered kloof; on my sons, working in the field or garden; on my daughter, with her little ones prattling around; on my two cows, and my flock of goats. Mutinous lubber!' I then invariably exclaim, what more dost thou want?' and not being able to answer this question, I always return happy and contented to my pipe and sunny seat, here on the stoep."

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We have space for only one more extract; and that must give our readers a glimpse of a "mighty hunter," with whom and his doings, if we be not mistaken, they have made acquaintance once

before :

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T'Somtseu, who, after expressing himself flattered
at what he was pleased to call the undeserved com-
pliments I had paid to his well-earned reputation :
"I dare say," continued he, in the same soft and
attractive tone of voice,
66 you have heard that I
have turned a regular smoutch,' but I think I
have a right, as long as I molest no one, to choose
my own course of life; for, whilst indulging in the
roving and adventurous existence I ever delighted
in, I earn what I consider a gentlemanly livelihood,

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he knows more than any other person living of the state of interior Africa-of the features of the country and the habits and character of the inland nations; having penetrated many hundred miles beyond the line known to have been passed by any other white man.-How valuable this knowledge, and the physical hardihood which accompanies it, might be made to geography, natural history, and commerce, we need not say.


THE large American panther has one inveterate and deadly foe, the black bear. Some of these immense bears will weigh 800 pounds, and their skin is so tough that a musket-ball will not penetrate it. As the panther invariably destroys all the young cubs which come in her path, so does the bear take great pains to attack the panther, and fortunate, indeed, is the animal who escapes the deadly embrace of this black monster. The following exciting and interesting scene is related by an eye-witness :

which enables me to follow to the utmost the bent of my inclinations. My wagons are now laden with ivory, karosses, ostrich feathers, and other articles, which I hope will realize almost a thousand pounds. This is the produce of nearly a year's amusement; and, when turned into cash, I shall be able therewith to replace the many horses and oxen I have lost, and reequip myself to start again in quest of fresh excitement, profit, and adventure. However," added he, "if you will come to my wagon just outside the town, I shall be very happy to show you its contents, and to give you any information which you may require; or first, if you prefer, we can go and look at your large elephant roer. I remarked, as we walked along, I had heard so many marvellous stories put down to his account, that, unless confirmed by himself, they A large deer was running at full speed, closely were certainly beyond my powers of belief. For instance," said I," only last night, in a circle of pursued by a panther. The chase had already friends assembled at Fort England, I heard it been a long one, for, as they came nearer, I could positively stated, that you recently not only perceive both their long parched tongues hanging bearded a lion' in his very den, but slew him out of their mouths, and their bounding, though there, and were afterwards found asleep, with your powerful, was no longer so elastic as usual. head pillowed on his lifeless carcass.”—“ These deer, having discovered in the distance a large sort of things," said he," are always exaggerated, black bear, playing with her cubs, stopped a moment and the only credit I deserve is, that of being a tolerable shot, and having pretty good nerves, the to sniff the air; then coming nearer, he made a sole qualifications required on such occasions. As bound, with his head extended, to ascertain if for the story of sleeping in the lion's den, I have bruin kept his position. As the panther was closnever, to my knowledge, proved such a Daniel- ing with him, the deer wheeled sharp around, and though, on more than one occasion, I certainly turning back almost upon his own trail, passed have been asleep, while those gentlemen were within thirty yards of his pursuer, who, not being prowling about so close to me, that I have been able at once to stop his career, gave an angry awakened by their angry growls."-" Pray tell me how you ever came to be placed in such a very growl and followed the deer again, but at a disunpleasant situation?"-" From experience," retance of some hundred yards; hearing the growl, plied he, "I found that the easiest and perhaps the bear drew her body half out of the bushes, safest way of destroying lions, was to do so from a remaining quietly on the look-out. Soon the deer hole deep enough to conceal a man's body; and, again appeared, but his speed was much reduced when I shot a large animal, such as a rhinoceros or and as he approached towards the spot where buffalo, near a pool of water or a brook-I often the bear lay concealed, it was evident that the animal was calculating the distance with admirable precision.


and recourse to the above device. The hole was


dug very near the carcass, and, at night-fall, I would enscone myself therein, to wait till the animals which had come to drink should have The panther, now expecting easily to seize his thoroughly gorged themselves; when they were, prey, followed about thirty yards behind, his eyes generally speaking, easily knocked over from my so intently fixed on the deer that he did not see place of concealment. I have, however, some- bruin at all. Not so the bear. She was aware times been so thoroughly fagged, on taking up my of the close vicinity of her wicked enemy, and position, as to have fallen asleep, and been awakened by angry discussions occurring over the she cleared the briars and squared herself for action, mangled remains of the slain. On one occasion, when the deer, with a beautiful and powerful when thus disturbed from my slumbers, I found spring, passed clean over the bear's head and dismyself surrounded by five enormous lions, one of appeared. At the moment he took the leap the which took it into his head to look down over the panther was close upon him, and was just balancing ledge of the hole which concealed me-but a dis-himself for a spring, when he perceived, to his charge right in his face caused him to pay with his life the penalty of such impertinent curiosity, and this perhaps may be the origin of the story about my nap in the lion's den."

This enterprising trafficker keeps, it is said, a daily journal of what he sees and does. Probably

astonishment, that now he was faced by a formi dable adversary; not the least disposed to fly, he crouched, Jashing his fianks with his long tail, while the bear, about five yards from him, remained like a statue, looking at the panther with her fieree, glaring eyes.

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