A COLLECTION OF FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS, WITH COMPLETE INDICES OF AUTHORS AND THIRD EDITION, WITH SUPPLEMENT. CAMBRIDGE: JOHN BARTLETT. 1858. HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY GRENVILLE H. NORCROSS mary 8,1935 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1858, by In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts, 21 77 PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. THE object of this work, as set forth in the original edition, was to show, to some extent, the obligations our language owes to various authors for numerous phrases and familiar quotations, which have become "household words." That edition, compiled with the assistance of a friend whose efficient aid and judicious suggestions greatly enhanced the value of the work, was afterwards enlarged by the addition of sixtythree pages, and stereotyped. To the present edition, ninety pages have been added in the form of a Supplement, which, together with the newly paged indices, is issued in a separate form. CAMBRIDGE, April, 1858. J. B. |