
Gorgon the fame, I fuppofe, who is called. Demogorgon by other modern writers, and by Spenfer, B. I. Canto V. 22.

Which was begot in Dæmogorgon's hall.

IV. 11. 47.

Where Demogorgon in full darkness pent
Far from the view of gods and heaven's bliss
The hideous Chaos keeps.

They give the name of Demogorgon to that terrible nameless deity, of whom Lucan and Statius fpeak, when they introduce magicians threatning the infernal gods. Statius, Theb. IV. 514.

Seimus enim & quicquid dici, nofcique timetis,
Et turbare Hecaten, ni te, Thymbrae, vererer,
Et triplicis mundi fummum quem fcire nefaftum.

Lucan. VI. 744.

Paretis? an ille

Compellandus erit, quo nunquam terra vocato
Non concuffa tremit; qui Gorgona cernit apertam,
Verberibufque fuis trepidam caftigat Erinnyn;
Indefpecta tenet vobis qui Tartara; cujus

Vos eftis fuperi; Stygias qui pejerat undas.

To the fame Deity he feems to allude, VI. 497.

An habent hæc carmina certum

Imperiofa deum, qui mundum cogere, quicquid

Cogitur ipfe, poteft?



Demogorgon is a name which perhaps was unknown in the time of Lucan and Statius. However it is to be found in Lactantius.. The Scholiaft of Statius, on Theb. IV. 516. Dicit deum Demogorgona fummum. It is also to be found in Hyginus, page 11. Ex Demogorgone et Terra, Python, draco divinus ; if the place be not corrupted. See Munker.

I find in Natalis Comes V. 6. thefe words: Pronapis poeta in fuo Protocofmo natum fuiffe Pana cum tribus fororibus Parcis e Demogorgone fcribit.

The fubject here treated of reminds me of a paffage in Lucan, which feems to me not rightly understood, and which shall endeavour to explain. Lucan's Witch, Erichtho, begins her invocation thus. VI. 695. Edit. Oudendorpii.

Eumenides, Stygiumque nefas, pœnæque nocentum,
Et Chaos, innumeros avidum confundere mundos,
Et Rector terræ, quem longa in fecula torquet
Mors dilata deum,

Where Lucan's Scholiaft fays: Rector terræ. Ditem patrem dicit. Hic negaeos femper vivere, fed etiam eos quandoque perituros. Nihil enim effe volunt perpetuum Epicurei, gros poeta nunc fequitur. Dilata adeo ventura eft, fi dilata per longa fecula.

To this Oudendorp adds: Alii exponunt ; quia cum mori velis, mori non poffis. Rectius.


The Scholiaft takes deum to be the genitive cafe plural, and in that I think he is right: but he is mistaken when he fays, that Lucan follows the Epicureans; for the Epicureans afcribed immortality to their gods, that is, to the gods whofe exiftence they pretended to believe, and whom they placed in the Intermundia, there to live in perfect idleness.

As to the interpretation which Oudendorp follows, I would gladly know what ancient authorities he can find to favour it, and why this fame Rector Terra fhould be fo tired with his existence, and want fo much to die.

I read, with the Scholiaft and some editions:

Et Rector terræ, quem longa in fecula torquet
Mors dilata deûm.

By Rector terra the poet means Pluto, Dis pater, whom, if you please, you may call in English, The God of death, of deftruction; he to whom all things return when they die, and whofe empire extends over all ththat are fubject to mutability and diffolution; and who may fay, as Chaos in Milton;

Havock, and spoil, and ruin are my gain.

Cicero De Nat. Deor. II. 26. Terrena autem vis •mnis atque natura Diti patri dedicata eft: qui Dives, F 2

ut apud Græcos Пrwv, quia et recidant omnia in terras, et oriantur e terris. Here you fee why Pluto is called by Lucan Rector terræ. See Davies on that place of Cicero.

In Claudian, Lachefis fays to Pluto, R. Prof. I. 57.

qui finem cunctis et femina præbes,

Nefcendique vices alterna morte rependis:

Qui vitam letumque regis, (nam quicquid ubique
Gignit materies, hoc te donante creatur,

Debeturque tibi ;)

In Statius, Theb. VIII. 91. Amphiaraus fays to him:

O cunctis finitor maxime rerum;

At mibi, qui quondam cauffas elementaque neram,
Et fator.

Where fee Barthius.

Ovid. Met. X. 17.

O pofiti fub terra numina mundi,

In quem recidimus quicquid mortale creamur.

Claudian, Rapt. Prof. I.

opibus quorum donatur avaris

Quicquid in orbe perit.

This god therefore is here represented by Lucan as uneafy at the long life of the gods, the poet fuppofing that the gods fhould at last perish, according

cording to the Stoical doctrine, which held them all mortal, except Jupiter, the fupreme God. Lucan then makes his witch talk Stoically here; and fo he does before, y 615.

At fimul a prima defcendit origine mundi
Caufarum feries, atque omnia fata laborant,
Si quidquam mutare velis, unoque fub iɛtu



humanum; tunc, Theffala turba fatemur, Plus Fortuna poteft.

Where by Fortuna he means Nature, Stoical Fate: ὁ Θεός.

I find that Mr. Rowe has mifunderstood the lines I am examining, tranflating them thus:

And thou, fole arbiter of all below,
Pluto, whom ruthlefs fates a god ordain,
And doom to immortality of pain.


He making speedy way through spersed air,
And through the world of waters wide and deep,
To Morpheus' houfe doth haftily repair.
Amid the bowels of the earth full steep,
And low, where dawning day doth never peep,
His dwelling is; there Thetis his wet bed
Doth ever wash, and Cynthia ftill doth steep

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