
Ovidius, Amor. Lib. III. Eleg. IV. 17, 25, 31.
Nitimur in vetitum femper, cupimufque negata:
Sic interdictis imminet ager aquis.-
Quidquid fervatur, cupimus magis; ipfáque furem
Cura vocat, pauci, quod finit alter, amant.-
Indignere licet; juvat inconceffa voluptas,

Prov. XXVIII. 20.

"He that maketh hafte to be rich, fhall not

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Menander, P. 106.

Ουδεὶς ἐπλέτησε ταχέως, δίκαιος ὤν.
Nunquam vir aquus dives evafit citò.

I. Tim. VI. 9.

They that will be rich fall into temptation

and a fnare &c."

Juvenal, Sat. XIV. 162.

Nam dives qui fieri vult,

Et citò vult fieri. Sed quæ reverentia legum?
Quis metus aut pudor eft unquam properantis avari?


II. 7.

"I charge you, ye daughters of Jerufalem,—that

ye awake not my love, &c."

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Euripides, Oreft. 136.

"Ω φίλταται γυναῖκες, ἡσύχω ποδὶ

Χωρεῖτε, μὴ ψοφεῖτε μήδ ̓ ἔσω κτύπος.

Ifaiah, XXX. 33.

"The pile thereof is fire and much wood: the breath of the Lord, like a ftream of brimftone, doth kindle it."

Homer, Il. . 522.


Ως δ' ὅτε καπνὸς ἰὼν εἰς ἐρανὸν ξυρὸν ἱκάνει

Ασεος αιθομένοιο, θεῶν δὲ ἑ μηνῖς ἀνῆκε.

Ut verò, cum fumus afcendens ad cælum latum pervenit,

Urbe ardente, Deorum autem eum ira excitat.


The book of Daniel hath been attacked by Infidels, ancient and modern. It must never be given up by any Chriftian; for our Saviour cites Daniel's prophecies, and when he fo often calls himfelf the Son of man, he plainly alludes to Daniel VII. 13, 14.

But, may it not be propofed, as a mere speculation, whether the book of the prophecies of Daniel doth not begin at the feventh chapter; and whether the fix foregoing, which are historical, were not


affixed by fome Jewish writer, at fome time, but not long, after the death of the prophet?-Our Lord hath not cited any thing from them, nor alluded to any thing contained in them.

Indeed, the writer of the epiftle to the Hebrews, XI. 33. fpeaking of those who stopped the mouths of lions, and quenched the violence of fire, alludes to the ftories of Daniel, Chap. VI. and of the three men, Chap. III.





HE writers of the New Teftament follow the fpelling of the LXX. in the name 'Inošs.

In all the New Teftament there is not one example of the Dual number.

Irenæus, Adv. Her. c. 25. fays that the Apoftles always cite from the LXX. So fay other Fathers: but the contrary is frequent, and evident.


" Slew all the children."

It should be, the male children: Ts maidas.

Ver. 20.

Ver. 20.

τεθνήκασι γὰρ ι ζητῶνες τὴν ψυχὴν τὸ παιδία. Thefe words are taken from the LXX. Exod.

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They shall be called the children of God.

Kanno ovтa: they shall be. Scott cites from Athenaus—δὸς ὦ θέλεις γαμήθῆναι· τότε γάρ κεκλήση γυνή. Ι wonder that Scott did not proceed to observe that Athenæus took the expreffion from Homer, Il. T. 138.

Τῷ δέ κε νικήσαι φίλη κεκλήσῃ ἄκοιτις.

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Menander hath ὅταν δίκην διδόασιν. Ρ. 26. Τιθέασιν p. and ideas are not only Ionic but Attic forms of fpeaking, and occur perpetually in Attic writers, and in thofe who imitate them: which is remarkable, because the Attic dialect loves contractions, and ufually avoids every kind of diærefis.

Ver. 28.

"Whofoever looketh upon a woman, to luft

after her, &c."

Tuvama, a married woman.

Matt. VI. 5.

"They love to pray ftanding, &c."

pa folent:" they are accustomed."

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Ver. 16. Αφανίζεσι deturpant. In the fame fenfe Jofephus fays of the frogs which God fent upon the Egyptians: τάς τε κατ' οικον αυτῶν διαίτας ἠφάνιζον, ἐν βρότοις ξυρισκόμενοι καὶ πότοις. Afterwards he ufes the word in another fenfe : ἠφάνισο τῶν βατράχων τὸ πλῆς Jos:-evanuit-" was fuddenly removed.”

Matt. VIII. 20.

και αλώπεκες φωλεὸς ἔχεσι.

Euripides, Androm.


- ἔχει γὰρ καταφυγὴν θὴρ μὲν πέτραν.

Matt. ΙΧ. 38.

« That he will fend forth labourers, &c.

εκβάλῃ ἐργάτας εἰς

So in the argument to Homer, I. Β.—κελίνων αὐτῷ ἐκβάλλειν πάντας τὰς Ἕλληνας εις τὴν μάχην.

ΧΙ. 25. faid.—ἀποκριθεὶς ἔιπεν.

This pleonafm, or particular ufe of αποκρίνεθαι, seems to be found only in the facred writers.

XI. 30. My yoke is easy.

Plato, Ερίβ. 8. fays the very fame thing : Μετρία κ Θεῷ δηλεία· ἄμετρος δὲ ἡ τοῖς ἀνθρώποις.

Matt. XIII. 13.

They feeing, fee not; and bearing, they bear not.


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