| William Shakespeare - 1740 - 498 pagina’s
...this open and apparent fhame f Poins. Come, let's hear, Jack : what trick haft thou now ? Fal, Fa/. By the Lord, I knew ye, as well as he that made ye. Why, hear ye, my matters ; was it for me to kill the heir apparent ? Should I turn upon the. true Prince... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1747 - 538 pagina’s
...from this open and apparent fhame ? Pcins. Come, let's hear, Jack: what trick haft thou now ? Tal. By the Lord, I knew ye, as well as he that made ye. Why, hear ye, my mafters ; was it for me to kill the heir apparent ? Should I turn upon the true Prince... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1747 - 544 pagina’s
...from this open and apparent fhame ? Poins. Come, let's hear, Jack: what trick haft thou now ? Fal. By the Lord, I knew ye, as well as he that made ye. Why, hear ye, my matters ; was it for me to kill the heir apparent ? Should I turn upon the true Prince... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1747 - 352 pagina’s
...from this open and apparent ihame ? Pains. Come, let's hear, jkcb, what trick haft thou now ? Fal. By the Lord, I knew ye, as well as he that made •ye. Why, hear ye, my mafters ; was it for me to kill the heir apparent ? Should I tum upon the true Prince... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1752 - 584 pagina’s
...out, to hide thee from this open and apparent Come, let', hear, Jack, what trick haft thou FtL Fal. By the Lord, I knew ye, as well as he that made ye. Why, hear ye, my mailers ; was it for me to kill the heir apparent ? Should I torn upon the true Prince... | |
| Lord Henry Home Kames - 1762 - 464 pagina’s
...impreffion. Take the following, example. FalftafF, excufing himfelf for running away at a robbery, fays, By the Lord, I knew ye, as well as he that made yeğ Why, hear ye, my matters ; was it for me to kill the heir-apparent ? fliould I turn upon the true prince... | |
| Robert Lowth - 1763 - 226 pagina’s
...the Comic and Burlefque ftyle, which often imitates a vulgar and incorreft pronunciation : as, •" By the Lord, I knew ye, as well as he that made ye." Shakefpear, i Hen. IV. But in the ferious and folemn ftyle, no authority is fufficienttojuftify fo... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1765 - 600 pagina’s
...from this open and apparent fhame ? Poins. Come, let's hear, Jack : what trick haft thou now ? Fal. By the Lord, I knew ye, as well as he that made ye. Why, hear ye, my matters •, was it for me to kill the heir apparent ? Should I turn upon the truePrince... | |
| Lord Henry Home Kames - 1765 - 576 pagina’s
...chap. 4. the following example : Falftaff, excufing himfelf for running away at a robbery, fays, 7 By the Lord, I knew ye, as well as he that made ye. Why, hear ye, my mafters ; was it for me to kill the 'heir-apparent ? fhould I turn upon the true prince... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1767 - 314 pagina’s
...from this open and apparent fhame ? Poins. Come, let's hear, Jack : what trick haft thou now ? Fal. By the Lord, I knew ye, as well as ;he that made ye. Why, hear ye, my mafters; was it for -me to kill the heir-apparent? Should I turn upon the true Prince... | |
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