The STEWARDS' PLATE of 50 sovs.; one mile on the Peel Course. Ld. Waterford's b. c. Altre, 4 yrs., 8st.; Ld. Howth's ch. c. Hawk, 4 yrs., 7st. 7lb.; Mr. J. Page's br. c. Sobieski, 3 yrs., 7st. 7lb.; Mr. G. Taylor's b. c. Spero, 3 yrs., 7st.; Mr. R. Bell's ch. f. Sunbeam, 4 yrs., 75, also ran. Won by a length. WEDNESDAY. -The second class of the WATERFORD STAKES of 100 sovs. each, h. ft., for two years old; Anglesey post (5 sobs.) Mr. Disney's b. c. Drogheda, by Mountain Deer, out of Juanita Perez, 8st. 4lb. (James Her MAJESTY'S PLATE of 100gs.; for three years old 9st. 9lb, four 10st. 111b., five 11st. 4lb., six and aged 11st. 7lb.; m. and g. allowed 3lb.; two miles. Mr. J. Osborne's b. c. Honeytree, by Honywood, 3 yrs. (Osborne) Capt. D. W. Pack Beresford's b. g. Tattler, 4 yrs. Capt. Williams's b. h. Saraband, 6 yrs.; Mr. Keating's br. f. Marmion, 3 yrs.; Mr. Courtenay's ch. c. Zouave, 4 yrs.; Mr. P. Persse's b. c. St. Helens, 4 yrs.; Mr. Taylor's b. c. Spero, 3 yrs., also ran. Won by a neck. The WELLINGTON STAKES of 15 sovs, each, 5 ft, and 2 only (to go to the winner of the challenge) if declared, with 50 added; the second saved his stake; Three-year-old Course (16 subs., 4 ot whom paid 2 sovs. each). Mr. Quin's b. f. Agitation, by Corranna, 4 yra., 8st. 4lb. (James Wynne) Mr. Taylor's b. c. Newton le Willows, 4 yrs., 9at.; Mr. Newcomen's b. f. Miss Letty, 3 yrs., 5st. 12lb.; Sir T. Burke's ch. c. Terry-land, 3 yrs., 5st. 9lb.; Ld. Waterford's b. c. Daisy The STAND-HOUSE STAKES of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., with 30 added, for two years old; Anglesey post (10 subs.) Sir T. Burke's ch. f. Eleanor, by Horn of Chase, 7st. 111b. (Fordham).. 1 Mr. Watts's br. c. Roebuck, 7st. 131b. 2 Ld. Waterford's b. c. by Mountain Deer, out of Waterwitch, 8st. llb. 3 .. .. Won by a head; a bad third. A SWEEPSTAKES of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., with 30 added, for two years old; Anglesey post (8 subs.) Mr. P. Orford's br. c. The Knight of the Blaze, by Faugh-a-Ballagh, 7st. 10lb.-car. Mr. Douglas's ch. c. Willy Reilly, by Russborough, out of Nan Darrell, 8st. 11b. 4 Won by a length. THURSDAY.- The WATERFORD STAKES of 10 sovs. each, with 30 added, for two years old; Anglesey post (11 subs.) Ld. Waterford's b. c. by Barbarian, out of Peri, 8st. 71b. (Connolly) Her MAJESTY'S PLATE of 100gs; for two years old 6st., and three 8st. 10lb.; f. and g. Mr. Courtenay's gr. f. Frailty, 3 yrs.; Mr. Maxweli's ch. c. Queer Fellow, by Faugh-aBallagh, out of Cognac's dam, 2 yrs. (car. 3ib. over); Col. Caulfield's b. f. Full-cry, 2 yrs.; The STEWARDS' PLATE of 50 sovs.; Anglesey post. Ld. Waterford's b. c. Altro, 4 yrs., 8st. 12lb.; Mr. Breunan's ch. g. Baker, 4 yrs.. 8st. 8lb.; Mr. C. Higgins's b. h. Belmont, 5 yrs., 8st. 8lb.; Ld. Howth's b. g. Ærolite, 5 yrs, 7st. 121b.; Capt. Williams's b. g. Bantam, 3 yrs., 7st. 7lb.; Mr. G. Bryan's b. g. Telemachus, 3 yrs., 7st. 7lb.; Mr. Hurley's b. g. Gamecock (h.-b.), aged, 7st. 4lb., also ran. Won by half a length. The RAILWAY STAKES of 10 sovs. each, with 200 added, for two years; Anglesey post (34 subs.) Mr. Disney's b. c. Drogheda, 8st. 2lb. (Jas. Wynne) .. .. Mr. Courtenay's b. c. Tomboy, own brother to Zouave, 8st. 7lb. Mr. J. Willington's b. f. by Faugh-a-Ballagh, out of All's-well, 8st. 3ib. Mr. W. Byrne's b. or br. c. Fingal, 8st. 7lb.; Mr. P. Keary's b. c. by Mountain Deer, out of Devotion, 8st. 2lb.; Mr. L. Keegan's b. f. Scotia, 8st. (car. 8st. 21b.); Capt. D. W. Pack Beresford's ch. c. Erle Percy, by Faugh-a-Ballagh, out of Chevy Chase, Sst. 4ib.; Sir T. Burke's ch. f. Eleanor, 8st.; Mr. E. Walsh's b. c. Shamrock, 8st. 2lb., also ran. Won by a length, the same between the second and third. A SELLING STAKES of 5 sovs. each, with 25 added, for two years old; Anglesey post (6 subs.) Mr. J. Stafford's ch. f. Lady Abbess, by Crozier, 7st. 61b. (£25) (J. Murphy) Ld. Howth's b. c. Laurel, by Friar, out of Lady Cecilia, 8st. 7lb. (£50); Mr. Irwin's br. c. Rathwalkeen, by Faugh-a-Ballagh, out of Queen Kildare, 7st. 10lb. (£25); Ld, Waterford's b. f. Geology, 7st. 3lb. (£25), also ran. Won by three-quarters of a length. The winner was sold for 60 sovs. Course (3 subs.) Ld. Waterford's b. c. Daisy King, by Falstaff, 8 yrs., 7st. 2lb. (Foster) Her MAJESTY'S PLATE of 100gs., for mares; three years old 8st., four 9st. 4lb., five 9st. Mr. Hargrave's ch. f. Palace Maid, 3 yrs.; Mr. Taylor's b. f. Speranza, 3 yrs., also ran. Won by a length. The CONYNGHAM STAKES of 15 sovs. each, 5 ft., with 30 added, for two years old; Anglesey post (9 subs.) Mr. J. Dixon's b. f. Queen of the Wake, by Brocket, 7st. 111b (Fordham) The WATERFORD STAKES (third class) of 100 sovs. each, h. ft., for two years old; Anglesey post (6 subs.) Capt. D. W. Pack Beresford's b. c. Gracchus, by Newminster, 8st. 2lb., walked over. mile on the Peel Course (2 subs., and 4 fts. of 2 sovs. each). Mr. Quin's b. f. Agitation, by Corranna, 4 yrs., 8st. 10lb. (James Wynne) The FLYING STAKES of 3 sovs. each, with 25 added; the winner to be sold for £100; half a mile (10 subs.) Mr. J. Murphy's b. f. by Harkaway, out of Maria Day, 4 yrs., 7st. 12lb. (Fordham) Mr. L. Keegan's br. c. Old Bawn, 4 yrs., 8st. 8lb.; Ld. Howth's b. g. Ærolite, 5 yrs., 7st. 12lb.; Mr. W. Murphy's b. c. Arrow, by Kingfisher, out of Shanbally's dam, 4 yrs., 7st. 12lb.; Mr. Taylor's b. f. Speranza, 3 yrs., 7st. 6lb.; Mr. J. Monaghan's b. c. Ptarmigan, 3 yrs., 7st.; Capt. D. W. Pack Beresford's b. f. Exactitude, 2 yrs., 6st. 21b., also ran. Won by a length. The CORINTHIAN STAKES of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., with 25 added; heats, one mile and a half on the Peel Course (5 subs.) Ld. Waterford's ch. f. Vixen, by Chitchat, 8 yrs., 10st. 10lb. (Capt. Turpin) Mr. Taylor's b. c. Spero, 3 yrs., 10st. 12lb.; Ld. Waterford's b. g. Bonnivard, 5 yrs., 10st. 71b., also ran. WEYMOUTH. WEDNESDAY, September the 8th.-The Two YEARS OLD STAKES of 7 sovs, each, with 35 added; half a mile (4) subs.) Mr. E. Hall's b. f. sister to Amsterdam, by The Flying Dutchman, 6st. 4lb. (£30) .. Mr. Taylor's Fun, 6st. 4lb. (£30) (Hearnden) 3 Adams), fell. Won by a neck, a length between the second and third. The winner was bought in for £32. The MELCOMBE STAKES HANDICAP of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., with 50 added; two miles (6 subs.) Mr. R. E. Cooper's King of the Forest, by Orlando, 4 yrs., 7st. 6lb. (Bottom) The INNKEEPERS' PLATE of 20 sovs., added to a sweepstakes of 2 sovs. each, the winner to be sold for £40, heats (3 subs.), was won, at two heats, by Mr. C. Thorpe's bl. g. Ham, by Chatham, 3 yrs., 7st. (Hearnden), beating b. g. Tommy, aged, 9st. 2lb., and b. g. Cossack, (b.-b.), aged, 9st. 21b. THURSDAY.-Her MAJESTY'S PLATE of 100gs.; three years old Sst. 21b., four 9st. 41b., five 9st. 9lb., six and aged 9st. 11lb.; two miles. Mr. T. Parr's ch. g. Odd Trick, by Sleight-of-hand, 4 yrs. (S. Rogers).. 1 .. Col. Tevis's gr. h. Yorkshire Grey, 6 yrs. (W. Boyce) 2 Won by a neck. The DORSET HANDICAP of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., with 40 added; one mile and three quarters (7 subs.) Mr. T. Parr's Childrey, by Chanticleer, 3 yrs, 7st. 3lb. (Hearnden) The HUNTERS' STAKES of 1 sov. each, with 25 added, heats, one mile (3 sabs.), was won, at two heats, by Mr. Hill's b. f. Greyleg, by The Hero, out of Celeste, 4 yrs., 12st. (Mr. S. Lane), beating two others, DOVER. THURSDAY, September the 9th. - The VISITORS' AND TRADESMEN'S PLATE of 5 sovs. each, 3 ft. if declared, with 50 added; the winner paid 5 sovs.; a mile and a half (8 subs., 1 of whom paid 3 sovs. ft.) Mr. King's ch. c. Naughty Boy, by Womersley, 4 yrs., 7st. (G. Green).. The TOWN PLATE of 3 sovs. each, with 30 added; heats, a mile and a half and a distance (3 subs.) Mr. Land's b. f. Lady Conyngbaw, by Slane, 3 yrs., 6st. 9lb. (£40) (Salt) The GARRISON STAKES of 3 sovs. each, with 25 added, a mile and a half (3 subs.), was won by Capt. Buller's br. g. Schinderhannes, aged, 11st, 11lb. (Capt. Reeves), beating Refuser, aged, 11st. 111b., and Flatcatcher, aged, 11st. 111b. The LADIES' STAKES of 5 sovs. each, with 20 added; three-quarters of a mile (3 subs.) Brown) Mr. P. Barling's br. m. Eardrop, 5 yrs., 9st. 8lb. (Eatwell) .. .. Mr. Jervis's br. g. Whistling Dick, aged, 9st. 10lb.-car. 9st. 12lb. (Mr. Ward), bolted. Won in a canter. ] 2 The STEWARD AND COMMITTEE PLATE of 40 sovs., added to a handicap of 3 sovs. each, 2 ft. if declared; the winner paid 5 sovs.; one mile and a half (10 subs., 1 of whom paid 2 sovs. ft.) Mr. Mellish's b. g. Tame Deer, by Venison, 5 yrs., 9st. 5lb.-incl. 5lb. extra (Covey) 1 2 . Mr. T. Brown, jun.'s br. f. Hebe, 3 yrs., 6st. 10lb. (C. Brown) 3 Mr. B. Land's br. f. Englemere, 4 yrs., 7st. 12lb. (J. Land); Mr. J. M. Formby's b. g. Bracken, 6 yrs., 7st. (Smith); Mr. P. Barling's b. g. Flatcatcher (h.-b.), sged, 6st. 10lb. (Prior), also ran. A HURDLE STAKES of 2 sovs. each, with 20 added; the winner to be sold for £200; hests, one mile and a distance, over three flights of hurdles (5 subs.) Mr. Land's br. f. Englemere, by Tadmor, 4 yrs., 10st. 4lb. (J. Land) Mr. P. Barling's br. m. Eardrop, 5 yrs., 10st. 11lb. (Eatwell).. A SCURRY HANDICAP of 5 sovs. each, h. ft.; one mile and a half (3 subs.) Mr. J. M. Formby's br. g. Bracken, by Venison, aged, 12st. (owner) Mr. Jarvis's br. g. Whistling Dick, aged, 10st. 6lb. (Mr. Ward) FRIDAY, September the 10th.-The KNOWLE HALL PLATE of 20 sovs., added to a sweep stakes of 8 sovs. each; heats, one mile and a distance (6 subs.) Mr. Thorp's bl. g. Ham, by Chatham, 3 yrs., 6st. 11lb.-car. 7st. (£20) (Hearnden) 211 .. Mr. Davidge's Madame Landeau, aged, 8st. 12lb. (£20) (Jarvis) Mr. James Evans's Fanny Booth, 3 yrs., 7st. 4lb. (£40) (Cresswell) Mr. A. Vivian's Annot Lyle, 4 yrs., 8st. 2lb. (£20) (T. Vivian); Mr. Edwiu's Blewbury, 3 yrs., 6st. 11lb. (£20) (C. Leake), also ran. Annot Lyle broke a blood-vessel. The winner was bought in for £27. The WEST SOMERSET HANDICAP of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., and only 3 if declared, with 50 added; the second saved his stake, and the winner paid 5 sovs.; a mile and three-quarters (12 subs., 2 of whom paid 3 sovs. each). Mr. James Evans's b. c. Misty Morn, by Weathergage, 3 yrs, 7st. 4lb.-incl. 51b. extra (Cresswell) Mr. A. Vivian's Grillade, 6 yrs., 7st. 131b.-incl. Slb. extra (T. Vivian) 2 Mr. S. Williams's Gourd, 3 yrs., 7st, 3lb.-incl. 5lb. extra (Hibberd) Mr. E. Brayley's Theory, 4 yrs., 9st. llb.-incl. 81b. extra (C. Leake) 4 5 to 4 against Misty Morn, and 6 to 4 against Theory. Won by a length and a half, a length between the second and third. The COMMITTEE PLATE of 2 sovs each, with 20 added; a mile and a half (3 subs.) The NEW YORK PLATE of 20 sovs., added to a free handicap sweepstakes of 2 sovs. each; one mile and a half (4 subs.) Mr. Davidge's bl. m. Madame Landeau, by The Libel, aged, 7st. 4lb. (Cresswell) 1 Mr. Edwin's Blewbury, 3 yrs., 6st. (Hearnden), also ran. post. DONCASTFR. TUESDAY, September the 14th.-The FITZWILLIAM STAKES of 5 sovs, each, with 100 added; the second saved his stake; and the winner paid 15 sovs.; one mile (11 subs.) Mr. Merry's bl. c. Saunterer, by Birdcatcher, 4 yrs., 9st. 3lb. (Wells) Mr. S. Williams's Knight of Kars, 3 yrs., 7st. 121b. (Fordham) 2 .. .. Ld. Fitzwilliam's b. c. Ignoramus, 4 yrs., 9st. 31b. (Osborne) 3 Ld. Glasgow's ro. c. by Hernandez, out of Physalis, 4 yrs., 9st. 3lb. (Aldcroft); Mr. J. W. Day's br. g. Wootton, 3 yrs., 7st. 9lb. (Charlton); Mr. W. Goater's b. f. Flitch, 2 yrs., 5st. 111. (Custance); Mr. Copeland's br. c. Thornhill, 3 yrs., 7st. 12lb. (Plumb); Mr. Doyle's Sam Spode, 3 yrs., 7st. 12lb. (Withington); Sir C. Monck's Gamester, 2 yrs., 6st. 4lb. (Pritchard); Mr. R. Chilton's Archduchess, 2 yrs., 6st. 11b. (Challoner), also ran. 7 to 4 against Saunterer, 5 to 1 each against Gamester and Archduchess, and 7 to 1 against Mr. Singleton's bl. f. Hegira, by Footstool, 4 yrs., 7st. (Withington) Mr. G. Wentworth's br. c. The Cheery Chap, 3 yrs., 7st. (Bray) Mr. Barber's ch. c. Lord Nelson, 4 yrs., 8st. 2lb. (L. Snowden) Capt. Christie's b. f. Kestrel, 5 yrs., 8st. 10lb. (Wells); Mr. R. H. Jones's br. c. Bashi Bazouk, 4 yrs., 8st. 7lb. (Bumby); Mr. Surtees's gr m. Maid of Derwent, 5 yrs., 8st. (J. Snowden); Mr. J. Thompson's b. c. Broadlands, 3 yrs., 7st. 9lb. (Bullock); Capt. Verner's br. c. Turret, 3 yrs., 7st. (Ducker); Mr. Sadler's b. f. Evelyn, 4 yrs., 6st. 12lb.-car. 7st. llb. (G. Fordham); Mr. R. H. Jones's b. c. Coxwold, 3 yrs., 6st. 12lb. (Wood), also ran. 5 to 1 against Kestrel, 6 to 1 against Evelyn, 7 to 1 each against Broadlands and Proud Preston Peg, and 100 to 12 against Hegira. Won by a length, two lengths between the second and third. The CHAMPAGNE STAKES of 50 sovs. each, h. f.; for two years old colts, 8st. 71b, and fillies 8st. 5lb.; the second saved his stake; Red house in (33 subs.) Mr. R. Eastwood's b. c. Gladiolus, by Kingston, out of Achyranthes (Oats); Adm 1 Harcourt's b. f. by West Australian, out of Ellerdale (Bates); Mr. J. Merry's b. c. Lord of 5 to 4 against Merryman, 4 to 1 against Cavendish, and 6 to 1 against Crafton. Won by a length, a short head between the second and third, Lord of the Manor a bad fourth. Sir C. Monck declared to win with Prelude. The FILLY STAKES of 30 SOvs. each, 20 ft.; for two years old, 8st. 71b, each; Red House in (10 subs.) Adm. O. V. Harcourt's gr. f. by Chanticleer, out of Ellerdale's dam (Bates) 1 Mr. Merry's br. f. Meg Merrilies (J. Goater) Mr. Merry's ch. f. Miss Finch (Sopp) 2 to 1 on Meg Merrilies. Won by four lengths, a bad third. The GREAT YORKSHIRE HANDICAP of 25 sovs. each, 15 ft., and 5 only if declared, with 100 added; the second received 50 sovs., and winner paid 50 sovs.; St. Leger Course (86 subs., 54 of whom paid only 5 sovs. each.) Mr. R. Ten Broeck's b. m. Prioress, by Sovereign, 5 yrs., 7st. 3lb. (G. Fordham) Ld. Glasgow's bl. h. brother to Bird on the Wing, 5 yrs., 7st. 5lb. (Challoner) Mr. Barber's br. c. Prince of Denmark, 3 yrs., 5st. llb. (W. Bottom); Mr. W. S. S. Crawfurd's b. c. Zuyder Zee, 4 yrs., 9st. (Wells); Capt. Christie's b. c. Orchehill, 3 yrs., 6st. 5lb. (Bray); Mr. J. Gibb's ch. c. Young Hopeful, 4 yrs., 6st. (Pritchard); Baron Rothschild's b. c. Scribbler, 3 yrs., 5st. 8lb. (Edwards); Mr. E. R. Clark's b. c. South-Western, 4 yrs., 5st 71b. (Madden); Mr. La Mert's b. c. Dumfries, 3 yrs., 5st. 3lb. (Woodhouse); Mr. Hunt's b. c. Night Ranger, 3 yrs., 5st. 2lb. (Grimshaw); Sir. R. W. Bulkeley's Syllabus, 3 yrs., 5st. (Daley), also ran. 5 to 1 against Prince of Denmark, 6 to 1 against Zuyder Zee, 100 to 15 each against Prioress and Orchehill, 7 to 1 against Scribbler, and 10 to 1 against Queenstown. Won by four lengths, a bad third, Night Ranger and Young Hopeful next. The SELLING STAKES of 5 sovs. each, with 50 added; T.Y.C. (7 subs.) .. .. Mr. J. Stephenson's Grace Darling, 2 yrs., 5st. llb. (£40) (Custance) .. Mr. Waller's ch. c. Basilisk, 2 yrs., 6st. (£40) (Bray Mr. Markoffskey's br. f. Princess of Orange, 4 yrs., 8st. 10lb. (£40) (Noble) .. 3 to 1 against Laird o' the Dale, 4 to 1 each against Lizzie and Grace Darling, and 5 to 1 against Leukothea. Won by three-quarters of a length, half a length between the second and third. The winner was sold for 80gs. to Ld. Londesborough. The GLASGOW STAKES of 30 sovs. each, 20 ft.; for two years old colts, 8st. 71b. each; Mr. Craven's ch. c. Newcastle, by Newminster, 2 yrs., 7st. (Plumb) Mr. T. Bell's b. or br. f. Marseillaise, 2 yrs, 7st. 3lb. (Grimmer); Mr. G. Forster's gr. f. Miss Stewart, 2 yrs., 6st. 10lb. (Little); Mr. W. King's ch. g. Massacre, 3 yrs., 8st. 6lb. (Bates); Mr. John Moore's br. f. A-up, 4 yrs., 9at. (Butler); Mr. J. Shelley's br. c. Lifeboat, 3 yrs., 8st. 10lb. (Wells); Mr. G. White's b. c. Shafto, 2 yrs., 7st. (Charlton), also ran. 6 to 5 on Shafto, and 6 to 1 each against Newcastle, Marseillaise, and Massacre. came in first by a head, but on returning to scale, his rider was found to be overweight, and the race was given to Newcastle. Shafto WEDNESDAY.-The STAND PLATE of 5 sovs. each, with 50 added; the second saved his stake; Red House in (11 subs.) Mr. Thompson's Blackthorn, by Buckthorn, 3 yrs., 7st. 4lb. (Bullock) Mr. E R. Clark's b. c. South-Western, 4 yrs., 6st. 7lb. (Edwards) 5 to 2 against Kestrel, 9 to 2 against Scribbler, 5 to 1 against Blackthorn, and 6 to 1 each against Tiara and Turret. Won by two lengths, a bad third. 5 ft.; the second received 15 sovs., and the winner paid 15 sovs.; T.Y.C. (44 subs.) The CORPORATION PLATE of 100 sovs., added to a handicap sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, Mr. Barber's ch. c. Lord Nelson, by Collingwood, 4 yrs., 7st. 9lb. (L. Snowden) |