The Sporting magazine; or Monthly calendar of the transactions of the turf, the chace, and every other diversion interesting to the man of pleasure and enterprize |
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Overige edities - Alles bekijken
The Sporting magazine; or Monthly calendar of the transactions of the turf ... Volledige weergave - 1840 |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
11 subs 20 added 25 added 50 added 50 sovs aged Aldcroft bad third Barber's Baron Rothschild's Bay Middleton Beadsman beat Birdcatcher Bray Bullock Capt Challoner Chanticleer Charlton Clifden's Cliff's colt Cotherstone Count Batthyany's Cresswell Custance Dawson's Deer Derby Ducker Duke East Langton Edwards Exmoor extra Faugh-a-Ballagh fillies fish Flatman Flying Dutchman Fordham Grimshaw half a length HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES Harrison's Harry Stanley head heats Honeytree horse hounds hunting jockeys Lady Lord mare Mellish's Merry's Mert's neck never Newmarket Night Ranger Orlando Osborne Osborne's paid 5 sovs PLATE of 50 Plumb Pritchard QUEEN'S PLATE race salmon saved his stake Saxon's season second and third second received second saved Snowden sport Teddington Thompson's three lengths three years old trout Waterford's Williams's winner paid winner was sold Won by half Won by three-quarters Won easily yachts
Populaire passages
Pagina 60 - ... a custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs, and in the black stinking fume thereof, nearest resembling the horrible Stygian smoke of the pit that is bottomless.
Pagina 212 - REMEMBER the glories of Brien the brave, Tho' the days of the hero are o'er ; Tho' lost to Mononia-)- and cold in the grave, He returns to KinkoraJ no more.
Pagina 192 - Should I turn upon the true prince ? Why, thou knowest, I am as valiant as Hercules: but beware instinct; the lion will not touch the true prince. Instinct is a great matter ; I was a coward on instinct.
Pagina 188 - And thou oppos'd, being of no woman born, Yet I will try the last. Before my body I throw my warlike shield : lay on, Macduff ; And damn'd be him that first cries,
Pagina 283 - See how the well-taught pointer leads the way ; The scent grows warm ; he stops : he springs the prey; The fluttering coveys from the stubble rise, And on swift wing divide the sounding skies ; The scattering lead pursues the certain sight, And death in thunder overtakes their flight.
Pagina 69 - Mine honest friend," replied Diana, "do not, if you will be guided by my advice, bait your hook with too much humility; for, ten to one, it will not catch a single compliment. You know I belong to the unpopular family of Tell-truths, and would not flatter Apollo for his lyre.
Pagina 120 - Better to hunt in fields for health unbought Than fee the doctor for a nauseous draught. The wise for cure on exercise depend : God never made His work for man to mend.
Pagina 280 - I was hunting a young pointer, the dog ran on a brood of very small partridges: the old bird cried, fluttered, and ran tumbling along just before the dog's nose till she had drawn him to a considerable distance, when she took wing, and flew still farther off, but not out of the field: on this...
Pagina 15 - ... of her rider, and will answer to the stimulus of the voice, whip, or spur. A craven or a rogue is not to be thought of as the " mother of a family ; " and if a mare belongs to a breed which is remarkable for refusing to answer the call of the rider, she should...
Pagina 125 - One of the ablest ministers in London was a blacksmith in Dundee, and another was a watchmaker in Banff. The late Dr. Milne, of China, was a herd-boy in Rhyne. The principal of the London Missionary Society's College at Hong-Kong was a saddler in Huntly, and one of the best missionaries that ever went to China was a tailor in Keith. The leading machinist on the London and Birmingham railway, with .£700 per annum, was a mechanic in Glasgow.