
tion, not only was the intellectual and theological darkness Egyptian, but throughout the Papacy, the depravity corresponded with it. It is remarkable, however, to observe what means God employed in order that that darkness might be dissipated, that that depravity might receive a decisive check, and that the blessings of pure Christianity might be diffused among the nations.

About the year 1510, Luther, on the ground, it is conjectured, of some internal dissensions, was sent by his order to Rome. It was most desirable, most necessary, that he should know what Rome really was. Surrounded by the illusions, and intrenched in the prejudices of the cloister, he had always considered Rome to be the very abode of purity and excellence. But what Luther beheld, on visiting Rome, awakened his boundless astonishment. He could never forget it, and, with his ardent mind, and fixed purpose, he could not fail to make the highest use of his observation and experience.

At the very sight of the classical and renowned city, he threw himself on the ground, exclaiming, "Holy Rome, I salute thee!" But, entering it, ignorance and dissoluteness of morals everywhere unfolded themselves to his view. Still, he could scarcely be disenchanted from his illusions. He visited all the churches and chapels, gave credence to the marvellous stories imposed on him as the verities of Heaven, delighting himself by the performance of so many acts of devotion, from which his friends at home were debarred. He said mass several times, but the profanity of the clergy inexpressibly grieved him. The priests, however, laughed at his simplicity. When he was officiating, on one occasion, he found that they had read at the altar seven masses, while he was repeating one. "Quick, quick," exclaimed a priest, "send our Lady her Son back speedily!" referring to the transubstantiation of the bread into the body and blood of

Christ. On another occasion, Luther had proceeded only so far as the gospel, when the priest at his side had finished the mass. "Make haste, make haste," he cried, " do have done with it!"


The astonishment of the great Reformer was augmented, when he perceived the same corruptions existing among the dignitaries of the church, as he had seen among the inferior clergy. Being an envoy from the Augustine order, he gained access to several meetings of the highest ecclesiastics, but found them chargeable with the grossest, the most wanton buffoonery. They related in his presence,' among many things, how, when saying mass at the altar, instead of the sacramental words, which were to transform the elements into the body and blood of the Saviour, they pronounced, over the bread and wine, these sarcastic words, "Bread thou art, and bread thou shalt remain; wine thou art, and wine thou shalt remain. Then," they continued, we elevate the pyx, and all the people worship!" The sentiments and conclusions of Luther were perfectly legitimate, while he felt inexpressibly wounded and shocked. "I was a serious and pious young monk; such language deeply grieved me. If, at Rome, they speak thus openly at table, thought I, what if their actions should correspond with their words, and popes, cardinals, and courtiers, should thus say mass? and I, who have so often heard them say it so devoutly, how, in that case, must I have been deceived?" The great Reformer observes, in his Table Talk, “It is incredible what sins and atrocities are committed in Rome. They must be seen and heard to be believed." So that it is common to say, "If there be a hell, Rome is built above it; it is an abyss from whence all sins procecd." At a later period, Luther was so powerfully impressed with the importance of this journey to the imperial city to him, that he remarked, "If any one would give me a hundred thousand flo

rins, I would not have missed seeing unwittingly, to enter on an arduous, yet Rome." glorious career; and at every step, his powerful and ardent mind was unfolded, and, above all, the infinite wisdom and energy of God were triumphantly discovered

Light was thrown into his mind, which he could have gained no where else. Previous convictions with regard to the truth, excellence, and surpassing purity of the Romish Church, to which he had clung with the utmost tenacity, were all annihilated, and he was taught that it was not only grievously wrong, but radically unsound; until he was led to see, that it was a system of error and imposture, the most palpable and perilous. How strikingly was it developed in the history of Luther, and his connection with the great work of the Protestant Reformation, that God employs the humblest, and, apparently, the most unlikely instrumentality, to accomplish his noblest purposes, and from a cir cumstance the most insignificant, and apparently incidental, educing the most important and even wondrous results! As has been impressively observed: "In the case of Luther, the element of a single thought, in an individual mind, is made to mould into form, and stimulate into action, a series of means and efforts, which shall issue in the salvation of innumerable souls, and, by its combinations, diffuse an ever-augmenting influence to distant ages."

The great German Reformer was a man lowly born, placed in a situation of comparative humility, and all circumstances appeared to induce the impression, that his attachment and devotedness to his monastic order would continue until death. But his religion was sincere; his mind was active and earnest; he fervently sought after truth, and he abhorred anything like deception or hypocrisy. He was selected by Providence to accomplish one of the most gigantic of undertakings. He was brought forward, and brought into action, just when he was required. He was conducted, in the first instance, by the mighty hand of resistless guidance, into a path with which he was unacquainted. He was compelled, as it were


Luther was educated in the school of the Franciscans, at Magdeburg. was thrown upon the world at the early age of fourteen. During his hours of play, he, and other children equally poor with himself, begged their bread with difficulty. Often, when pressed with hunger, they were accustomed to sing in the streets to obtain food; though they frequently obtained, instead of bread, the cutting reproaches of the opulent, the parsimonious, and the unfeeling.

It chanced, however, that the wife of Conrad Cotta, before whose door young Luther stood, heard the harsh and cutting words poured on him, compassionated the poor scholar, and became his staunch friend, his "ministering angel." He was introduced into the family, affectionately befriended, and the first gleam of sunshine broke on his path. It was, (and who can question it?) a light emanating from heaven. In his earlier struggles against the Papacy, Luther deeply felt his weakness, his insignificance, and the mighty undertaking which, by God's help, he sought to accomplish. "I began this affair," says he, "with great fear and trembling. What was I at that time? A poor, wretched, contemptible friar, more like a corpse than a man. Who was I, to oppose the pope's majesty, before which not only the kings of the earth, and the whole world trembled, but also, if I may so speak, heaven and hell were constrained to obey the slightest intimation of his will? No one can know what I suffered those two first years, and in what dejection, I might say, in what despair, I was often plunged." Still, by such an instrument, feeling

*Luth. Op. Cat. i.

"so weak, so trembling, so dejected," | to appear at Augsburg before Cardinal God accomplished his work.

de Vio, or Cajetan, the discussion turned at the commencement on the constitution of the Pope in favour of indulgences. Luther, indignant at beholding the authority which the legate at

"I cannot receive sufficient proof on subjects so important, for they wrest the Holy Scriptures, and never quote them to the purpose."

De Vio replied, "The Pope has authority and power over all things." Luther responded warmly, "Save the Scriptures." This was a noble stand for truth.

Luther had also maintained, that the man who receives the holy sacrament must have faith in the grace offered him. This article the legate called on him explicitly to deny, when Luther replied, "I have no will but the Lord's. He will do with me what seemeth good in his sight. But had I a hundred heads, I would rather lose them all than retract the testimony I have borne to the holy Christian faith."

The great fact which, at the very outset of the enterprise against the Papacy, was developed, was this: that the Romish See might be, could be, opposed, and that the opposition might be suc-tributed to a decree of Rome, exclaimed, cessful; and, as the struggle advanced, it was demonstrated that the power of Antichrist, with all its savage edicts and its agents of persecution, did not command the moral energy to enforce its authority, to perpetuate its usurpation. It was, beyond question, a most awful and perilous heresy, to doubt, and openly to aver, the right of the Pope to dictate the faith of others-to place his sphere of spiritual jurisdiction before the word of God, and even to deny his supremacy throughout Christendom. Not only at that period was the folly extreme, but the peril was fearful, for one man to array himself against the decrees of Popes, the decisions of councils, and to bring down on his devoted | head the fulminations of the Vatican. It was a sin of no ordinary magnitude, in the judgment of the men of that time, for Luther to dispute, instead of reverentially submitting, and to pen tracts, or elaborate treatises, when he ought, at least, to have been silent respecting the superstitions and abuses, as he might deem them, of the " Holy Catholic Church of Rome." Still, it was done by him, and in the spirit of the most manly and vigorous resolve, he came forward as an avowed and determined antagonist, till, eventually, his conduct was imitated, and others stepped boldly in front to guard his person, to aid him in his extraordinary exertions; thus ignorance was scattered, the light of heaven shone, the throne of error was shaken, Germany was awakened to thought, liberty of reflection and judgment was induced, and the Truth, unfettered Truth, was diffused in all directions, unfolding her beauty, and exerting her benign influence.

When Luther was ordered, in 1518,

Here was Luther's true and fine character unfolded. Here was displayed the dauntless spirit of the Protestant Reformer, and of the martyr for Truth. This was unheard of boldness. It startled all. But it was a great advance to make. Rome was no longer to go quietly on,-the authority of the Pope, the decrees of councils, the dogmas of the Papacy, were now called in question, and even determinately opposed.

And then, as the grand result of the whole of Luther's proceedings and efforts, the real doctrine of justification before God, was established in the clearest and most positive manner. This doctrine Luther terms, "the only solid rock;" as being the doctrine which shows how we are pardoned and redeemed from sin and the devil, and how we become participants of eternal lifenot, forsooth, by our own works, but by the mediation and atonement of the only begotten Son of God, the Lord

Jesus, the Saviour of the world. This was establishing the foundation of our hope before God. This was overturning, uprooting, all erroneous and traditionary observances, under the semblance of good works, and it involved everything enlightened, dear, precious in Christianity.

Let us, therefore, exult in the work which God enabled Luther, and his coadjutors in the great undertaking, to achieve. Let us never forget to mark their labours, to admire their spirit, to revere their memory. Let us never be indifferent, much less insensible, to those great principles of the Protestant Reformation, which they maintained with so much energy, under circumstances so trying, and in the defence of which they were willing to shed their blood. Those principles should ever be dear to us, and dearer to us now than ever. They must never be abandonednever be compromised. They are a sacred trust committed to us, not merely for our own benefit, but for the benefit of our children, and children's children.

Solemn obligations are imposed on us, to diffuse them, to recommend them, to perpetuate them. They are identified with the progress of the gospel,

with the glory of Christ, and with the extension of his kingdom in every part of the world. They involve the highest interests of all future generations.

The young, especially, must be nurtured in these principles. Nothing can be more valuable, more momentous, more necessary. They must be taught the cardinal doctrine of the sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures, in opposition to the opinions or decrees of men, however dignified by station, however exalted by authority. We must bring our children to the word of God, which the Reformation has put into our hands, and laid open before us, and we must tell them to " Search the Scriptures" for themselves, that they may ascertain what is the truth of Christ; and that, when ascertained, they may receive it implicitly, cordially, and from love, clinging to its doctrines, exemplifying its spirit, and advocating its principles wherever they go.

Thus will there be moral and religious progress continually maintained, priceless blessings continually diffused, and bloodless and immortal triumphs continually secured.


No. IV.


"EVERY man in his own order," the | form, and the necessities of the age in divinely appointed rayuarı, the military disposal, arrangement, rank, in which the great Captain of salvation has decreed that he shall " war the good warfare," and "contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints."

It is equally admirable and instructive to observe how the Head of the church and Ruler of the world raises up, at different times, and in various places, suitable agents for the accomplishment of his purposes, and endows them with gifts and graces exactly adapted to the work they have to per

which they live. There is not a more distinct impression of the footsteps of Him who "worketh all in all," and who is "wonderful in counsel and excellent in working," than this. It forms, as it were, a visible manifestation of the everywhere present God, and is a confirmation of the presiding omniscience and resources of Him on whose shoulder the government was to be laid, and whose name was to be called "Wonderful," " Counsellor." "Known unto him are all his works from the beginning;" and all his purposes are adapted to the

exigencies of the time at which they are to be executed, and above all, to the moral and spiritual requirements of mankind. He presides over his church in wisdom, faithfulness, and love. Her interests are always before him, and infinitely dear to his heart. For her redemption He gave himself to die; and no inferior agent shall be wanting when her welfare requires that such an one should appear. The truth on which she stands, of which she is "the pillar and ground," and by which she is sanctified, is of more importance in His estimation than all earthly things: and as that truth, in all its operations, was to redound "to the praise of the glory of His grace," he will interpose to redeem it from oblivion, and to vindicate it from dishonour, by an instrument qualified for such a design.

These remarks would receive abundant confirmation and illustration by a glance, had we time or space to indulge it, at the past history of the church of Christ, and of the celebrated individuals who have been raised up at different periods to advance some portion of Divine truth into more prominent regard, and to vindicate it from the indifference and neglect to which it had become exposed. Athanasius, in the fourth century, will occur to every reader of the annals of former times, as a mighty champion in his day for a truth of the very highest order, in opposition to the Arianism which was then mournfully spreading over the church, and poisoning the very springs of her life, health, and activity. Soon after, Augustine, a man of prodigious powers and vast attainments, was qualified by a superabundant measure of the Holy Spirit to perform the part assigned to him in the controversies of the age; and to his renowned productions are we indebted, not for the discovery, but for the revival and elucidation of some of the most precious truths of the word of the living God. In earlier times, Origen, though fanciful, yet faithful. In later,

the venerable Bede, Bernard, and others. Luther, the hero of the Reformation, contending for one essential branch of Christ's truth on the earth, and braving all the storms of Rome and hell to get it established. And now, not less, we had almost said, if it were possible, greater than he, (but only as one star differs from another star in glory)-the renowned, the acute, the profound, the holy Calvin, who was among the Reformers what Moses was among the prophets, or Paul among the apostles; and, to the Reformation, what the sources of the Nile are to the river which inundates Egypt with fertility and verdure over all its plains.

This distinguished man, and eminent servant of the most high God, was born in France, at that time the most renowned, polite, and learned kingdom of Europe, and brought up with all the advantages which such a nativity could afford. Early in life he was favoured with the best opportunities and facilities for education, and discovered capa bilities and powers of a superior order. His mind was intent on the most difficult studies, and flinched not from the most herculean pursuits, which he soon overtook and achieved. What was all but impracticable to others was quickly mastered by him. From one intellectual attainment to another he turned with ease and success, and ceased not, till the literature of the schools, the discoveries of philosophy, and the circle of the sciences, lay at his feet. To studies of the more profound and accurate sort he was naturally inclined, and delighted most in those departments of human investigation which required the deepest research, and the utmost analytical care. The power of original genius and unusual penetration were soon mani fested by him, and by all conceded to him. He wrote on the selectest subjects which could occupy the human mind; trod with easy steps the highest walks of literature; and at the age of twenty-two was pronounced, by com

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