THE RAMBLE R. VOLUME VIII. Nullius addictus jurare in verba magifiri, HOR. EDINBURGH: Printed by SANDS, MURRAY, and COCHRAN. Sold by W. GORDON, C. WRIGHT, MDCCLII. Verfion of the MOTTOES. No 184. Entrust thy fortune to the pow'rs above: Leave them to manage for thee, and to grant What their unerring wisdom fees thee want. 185. But O revenge is fweet! Thus think the croud; who, eager to engage, DRYDEN. Nor that good man, who drank the pois'nous draught With mind ferene; and could not wish to fee His vile accufer drink as deep as he. Exalted Socrates! divinely brave! Injur'd he fell, and dying he forgave, Too noble for revenge; which still we find The weakest frailty of a feeble mind. 186. Place me, where never fummer-breeze And angry Jove deforms th' inclement year: DRYDEN. The nymph, who sweetly speaks and sweetly smiles. 187. Love alters not for us his hard decrees; FRANCIS. Not tho' beneath the Thracian clime we freeze, Or the mild blifs of temperate skies forego, Love conquers all. VOL. VIII. N DRYDEN. 188. The |