Designed by F.Wheatley R.A. Engraved by 4. Smith A. His lovely daughter, Covelier in her tears, The fond companion of his helpless years. Silent went next; neglectful of her charms. And left a lover's for her father's arms. e Published 1 December F.J. Du Roveray, London. The Deserted Village. At ev'ry draught more large and large they grow, A bloated mass of rank unwieldy woe; Till, sapp'd their strength, and ev'ry part unsound, E'en now the devastation is begun, Down where yon anch'ring vessel spreads the sail, And kind connubial tenderness, are there; And piety, with wishes plac'd above, And steady loyalty, and faithful love. And thou, sweet Poetry, thou loveliest maid, Thou source of all my bliss, and all my woe, |