STANZAS ON WOMAN. WHEN lovely woman stoops to folly, And finds too late that men betray, What charm can soothe her melancholy, What art can wash her guilt away? The only art her guilt to cover, To hide her shame from ev'ry eye, To give repentance to her lover, STANZAS ON THE TAKING OF QUEBEC. AMIDST the clamour of exulting joys, Which triumph forces from the patriot heart; Grief dares to mingle her soul-piercing voice, Oh, Wolfe, to thee a streaming flood of woe, Sighing we pay, and think e'en conquest dear; Quebec in vain shall teach our breasts to glow, Whilst thy sad fate extorts the heart-wrung tear. Alive the foe thy dreadful vigour fled, And saw thee fall with joy-pronouncing eyes: Yet they shall know thou conquerest, though dead! Since from thy tomb a thousand heroes rise. DESCRIPTION OF AN AUTHOR'S BED-CHAMBER. WHERE the Red Lion staring o'er the way, Invites each passing stranger that can pay; I The morn was cold, he views with keen desire With beer and milk arrears, the frieze was scor'd, SONG, INTENDED TO HAVE BEEN SUNG IN THE COMEDY OF "SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER." Ан те! when shall I marry me? But I will rally and combat the ruiner : O MEMORY! thou fond deceiver, And turning all the past to pain; Thou, like the world, th' opprest oppressing, A SONNET. WEEPING, murmuring, complaining, Lost to ev'ry gay delight; Myra, too sincere for feigning, Fears th' approaching bridal night. Yet why impair thy bright perfection? |