
confinement solely proceeded from disobedience of military orders; but my trials were not as yet over. I had now to look towards a suitable interpreter, one who was thoroughly acquainted with the Danish and English languages: my kind friend the baron would have been competent to the task, but his various engagements in government concerns at that time, claimed his whole attention; I therefore could not feel easy to press on him to engage in the task. As far as my slender means would allow me, I made efforts to procure an interpreter myself, but all proved fruitless, and dismay seemed as if it would have covered me as with a garment; for I could see nothing before me, but that after all the kindness of the baron and his uncle in granting me this privilege, I must relinquish further attempts to have my prospects accomplished: thus closed as trying a day as most I have had to pass through. But if all does but work together to humble self, so as really and truly to be of no reputation at all-this will be well worth suffering for, even should the cups, yet to be handed out to me, be more bitter than those I have had to drink.

Third-day, 31st of eighth month, 1824. After a sleepless night from the discouragements I was under in procuring a suitable interpreter, it occurred to me I might apply to the English consul for help, he having carried himself kindly towards me; but the way not clearly opening for my so doing, I found it would be safest for me to relinquish it. Earnest were my prayers in this critical moment, to be rightly directed in my choice of an interpreter; my peacefully quitting Copenhagen, and proceeding on my way, seemed so much to depend on getting through what I had then before me, in a way to secure the stamp of Divine approval on it. Endeavouring to keep quiet under my discouragements, my attention was turned to my kind friend Dr. Forrchambre: I went to his residence, but I was unable to make out whether he was at home, or where he was to be found. I returned to my hotel, feeling an evidence in my own mind I must try again to see him. I made another attempt without success: after remaining at home several hours, as quietly as the nature of my situation would allow, I made a third attempt, but without succeeding; on which I concluded not to attempt any further to see him. I then called upon my kind friend Dr. Brandis, and informed him of my trying situation; one of his family gave me notes to two persons, each of whom would be competent to help me the notes were sent as directed, but neither of the parties were to be met with. It then appeared to me, that it would be right for me to make another attempt to see Dr. Forrchambre; I

therefore proceeded to his residence, and found, as before, his door was made fast, the house being let out to different families. I resolved to traverse the house from the bottom to the top, to try to make him out, when coming to a room-door, I heard a voice as if a person was lecturing. I concluded to remain until the lecture closed, when I knocked at the door, and the doctor himself opened it, and took me into his own apartment. We were soon followed by another agreeably-looking man, who took his seat with us. After some conversation had passed, I informed the doctor what had brought me in search of him, at the same time claiming his help: he pleaded his inability, from not being thoroughly acquainted with the English language; but he assured me his friend, who had given us his company, whom he considered a serious character, was fully competent to afford me the help I stood in need of. His friend at first requested to be excused from taking upon himself so much responsibility, but on informing him of my circumstances, he at length yielded, and agreed to attend upon me on the morrow in the afternoon.

Fourth-day, having at times felt drawings in my mind to make another visit to the bishop, to the minister of police, and to my kind friend Count Schoolburgh, the doctor kindly offered to accompany me to these places. We proceeded to the Count Schoolburgh's: our meeting appeared to afford him pleasure, which I could truly say it did to myself; he informed me he had given orders for such of the prisoners who worked on the fortifications to be detained at home, that my views of seeing them together should not be thwarted; and that the officers in the prison had orders to meet my views in all respects. After taking an affectionate farewell, we proceeded to the minister of the police, who received me kindly, saying, everything at the prison was ordered to meet my wishes in all respects; he requested, if I had any observations to make, I would do it. I laid before the minister of the police the views which had come before my mind, on the improper manner in which the first-day of the week was spent, and conspicuously so in Copenhagen; with my continued belief, because these things were suffered thus to go on uncontrolled by those in authority, the Spirit of the Lord was grieved thereby. He assured me considerable improvement had taken place, and he hoped would yet go forward. I presented him with the address to Hamburgh, which he said he received with pleasure. We next called on the bishop, to whom I opened my views on the evening amusements on firstday, with my full persuasion, that if the clergy were willing, faithfully to do their part towards

the removal of these evil practices, their influence alone would be likely to do much toward it. I also laid before him, the need there was for him to be found faithfully doing his part in this necessary work. He appeared patiently to receive what I had to offer, assuring me, he was desirous of doing all in his power towards remedying these things. I cannot feel myself acquitted in the Divine sight, without laying these subjects before those who are in authority, and whose example is looked at on account of the station they are filling amongst the people. May I be preserved faithful in doing what my hands find to do, with all my might, leaving the result to the Lord, is the travail of my soul.

eighty, who were now with us, and he ordered his officers to unlock their door and bring them to us: quietness soon took place. What I had to communicate appeared to be generally well received: heart-felt sorrow was in a striking manner imprinted on many of their countenances; and great quietness continued throughout the opportunity. At our parting I gave each of the prisoners my hand. He then conducted us into another large work-room without my making the request, and ordering his officers to unlock the doors where the rest of the prisoners were, they were assembled with the rest in this room. After the governor had arranged them for all to hear, as my interpreter's voice was not strong, the governor At the time appointed this afternoon, my addressed them, I was afterwards told, in a kind helpmeet in the work waited upon me; very appropriate manner, endeavouring to imthe assurance in my own mind before we pro- press their minds with a sense of the difficulties ceeded, that I might confide in his doing his I must have passed through, to come to visit best in giving the correct sense of what I their country and them in this way, from the might have given me for the prisoners, afford- purest of motives; he then exhorted them in ed me some consolation. Our first visit was an impressive manner to give attention to what to the city prison, called the Jugshuuset: we I should have to say to them. This proved a found the governor had received orders to ad-quiet solid opportunity, both to the prisoners mit me, but he could not at first be made to and the officers of the prison, most of them understand my views for desiring to visit the giving me their hands, I was led to hope, with prisoners. This placed me in a trying situa- feelings of gratitude to that Divine power, who tion; and when this was in degree brought influenced my mind to make them this visit. about, I had to contend with the same diffi- The governor then conducted us to the woculty I met with at Spandau with the governor men's department, where seventy prisoners there, for he objected to the prisoners being were assembled; the chief of whom were assembled, they being what he called such prisoners for life, except their good behaviour desperate characters. I hope I was not void should merit the interference of the king, who of feeling for my interpreter and the governor, has the power of remitting any part of their who appeared much intimidated at the pros- sentence. The women were variously em. pect of going amongst them assembled in a ployed; they were very clean in their persons body. I found a considerable number of those and apartments, generally appearing healthy, the governor considered the most orderly, were which was also the case with the men. working in one room together. I requested governor arranged the prisoners in order beto be conducted to this apartment; on which fore us, and the opportunity was quietly conwe were attended by the governor and some ducted: the prisoners were so generally broken of his officers. I observed, as is the case on into tears, that I found it hard work fully to some parts of the continent, a strong military obtain relief of mind: on parting from them, guard dispersed about the prison; but my de- one woman very far advanced in life, clasped pendence I found must be firmly fixed on that my hand so very tight that I had great diffi Divine power, that is able to chain down the culty in getting away from her. It was pleaevil dispositions in the minds of the prisoners, sant to observe the respect which they manishould there be a desire in any of them to fested for the governor and the officers of the harm us, and that I must not lean in any de- prison. We parted under feelings of affection gree to the arm of flesh. If occurred to me, for the governor and his officers, and proceedshould the prisoners rise against us, which Ied to the great prison, called the Stockhuuset, had not the least fear would be permitted to where those who are considered the most desbe the case, if the military were to fire, I should perate of the criminals are confined: many of stand no better chance of my life than the pri- them are chained together, and employed unsoners. In this apartment we met with eightyder a strong military guard on the fortifica men prisoners, employed in preparing and tions. On our arrival at the prison, the capdyeing worsted for the manufacturers: the tain of the guard was waiting to receive us; governor having informed us there was an- we were, however, kept some time, which to other company in an adjoining room; I per-me might appear longer than it was, from the suaded him to have them brought to join these solicitude I laboured under to have this last


part of my work accomplished: it appeared that the cause of our detention was, a mistake as to the time of our visit, and that the men who worked on the fortifications, had been kept in the prison the whole of the morning awaiting our visit; but of this arrangement I had not been informed, so that in consequence of not attending at the time appointed, they were liberated in the afternoon to go to their work, and had not all returned. The prisoners were at length assembled in a large courtyard, whither the captain of the guard, my interpreter and myself proceeded: the sight of so many hundreds of my fellow-creatures, very heavily loaded with fetters and chains, was truly affecting to me, so that I felt as if I should sink under this exhibition of human woe and misery. I could not help deploring the wretchedness and depravity observable in many of their countenances, which I was led to fear proceeded from the hardened state of their hearts, induced by long imprisonment, and the degraded state into which they felt themselves brought, by being so publicly exposed to view, when marched to and from their work, chained together under a military guard; indeed the countenances of some appeared as if they were ripe for committing the most heinous acts of barbarity; nevertheless, the fear of danger from them was not permitted to have any place in my mind. Great pains were taken to arrange them round the yard, and we were placed in a situation the most favourable for all the prisoners to hear: but on taking our station I observed, that the military guard of the prison was placed behind the prisoners, who were arranged before us: this, for the moment, made rather a terrific appearance, and led me, as before, to consider, that if a disturbance were to take place, and the military were ordered to fire, it was very unlikely we should escape with our lives. But being favoured to resume my former confidence in that arm of Divine power, which remains invincible, I was borne up above all these discouraging considerations; feeling my mind. centered where alone help is to be found, to aid me in faithfully discharging that which appeared to me to be my duty, towards these my poor wretched-looking fellow-creatures. The quietness that soon took place, was such that had it not been for the objects before me, I might have supposed I was standing beside the grave of a Friend.

during the whole of the time we were with them, was becoming the occasion. The countenances of many appeared solid, and, as if sorrow for their misconduct filled their hearts, the tears stood in the eyes of some, and trickled down the cheeks of others. It being rather late in the evening, and feeling myself much exhausted, I requested that the prisoners might be informed that I felt unequal to give them each my hand as I wished to do, and therefore I hoped they would excuse my not doing so but this omission has often since occasioned me some severe plungings of mind; and from what I at times feel when this visit comes up into view, had I to pass through the same opportunity again, I would rather it was necessary from exhaustion to carry me off the spot, than to omit, as I did, giving these poor creatures each one my hand of love. Before we parted, the captain of the guard addressed the prisoners, my interpreter informed me, in a very impressive manner; recommending them to attend to the advice which had been given them. We were then conducted by the captain of the guard to his apartments, where wine and fruit were provided for us. Before we left the captain, as a token of remembrance of this opportunity, he requested I would write on a sheet of paper my name and place of abode. Recollecting that I had one of the pamphlets, "Thoughts on the Importance of Religion," at my hotel, I told him I should be glad to present it to him, if I had the means of conveying it to him: on my reaching my hotel, a person from the captain was waiting to convey the book to him. And now I was made fully sensible, it was through the superintending care of Israel's Shepherd, that my service in this place was brought to a peaceful close. The gates of Copenhagen appearing set wide open to me, I ordered a carriage for the morrow to take me to Elsineur.


SIXTH-DAY, ninth month, 1824, I proceeded to Elsineur. I do not know how to describe my state of mind at the present time more correctly, than by saying, that I felt like one of the porters employed in London to carry heavy burdens, who, having finished his day's work, lays by his knot. Being released for the present from the heavy load of exercise I I thought I had a sense given me that my have had to endure since coming into the city, interpreter was favoured with best help, and I was favoured to reach the afterwould be enabled to get through with peace noon. The prospect of embarking upon the to his own mind, as he afterwards acknow- great deep, led me further to consider my moledged, expressing the thankfulness he felt, tive for undertaking a voyage to Russia; but that this opportunity of assisting me had fallen there appeared no other way for me to come to his lot. The behaviour of the prisoners at true and substantial peace, but quietly to

subject my poor nerves to such perils as Divine wisdom might see meet should attend me on my passage there. I waited on my kind friend Charles Fenwick, the English consul, with whom a letter was waiting for me from Daniel Wheeler, giving me instructions how to proceed on my arrival at Cronstadt, and conveying an invitation to his house, which was truly acceptable; for I was sensible of the need there would be for me, when at Petersburgh, to try to find a safe sheltering. place, where I might be out of the way of much company, and in an English family. I informed the consul of my desire to take the first vessel for Cronstadt, whenever he could recommend to me a suitable one; but the wind was now contrary for a passage to Russia. I was told the wind had been for some time favourable, but now it had tacked about, I might be detained here some days. I found, without great watchfulness, and endeavouring through holy help to cast my care on that Divine Power, who had in such a wonderful manner cared for me, that I should become involved in so much anxiety and perplexity about getting forward, as to rob me of that consolation, which, I had reason to believe, the retrospect of my late religious movements was intended to afford me.

my bed: after awhile I found the vessel resumed her station again, was under sail and all was quiet. On inquiry next morning into the cause of this awful alarm, the captain informed me that a foreign vessel under full sail, instead of keeping her right course, had crossed our course near us; the probable consequence of which was, had not our captain used the precautions which he did, that one or other of the vessels would have gone to the bottom. This merciful escape produced feelings of gratitude in my mind for the care of Him, who thus in mercy watches over us by night and by day, and in times of danger prepares a way for our escape.

Third-day, the wind in our favour, but the weather so foggy that our captain considered it dangerous attempting to make much way through the Gulf of Finland, the passage being narrow and the coast dangerous. Night coming on, and our captain fearing a storm, the necessary preparations were made against danger from it; the forked lightning that appeared in the horizon was truly awful; yet after all these trying circumstances, I was favoured to retire to rest in full confidence that I should be watched over, and cared for by that Divine Power, to whom I found I could appeal for the sincerity of my motives, in thus exposing myself upon this unstable element.

Fifth-day, the regular officers came on board

Seventh-day, feeling my mind impressed with a sense of the necessity of sending my Fourth-day, the wind much in our favour; papers and memorandums to England, I lost about midnight we cast anchor abreast of the no time in making up a packet for that pur-guard-ship, stationed in the channel. pose, which I gave in charge to the consul to forward by post, lest the wind should suddenly to take down our names, and seal up our lugtack about again: my books I had disposed of, except my Bible, in a way I was led to hope would be useful; for I had a sense given me before I left Copenhagen, that it would be unsafe for me to take more books with me to Russia than my Bible, and that a jealous eye would be upon me when I arrived at Petersburgh.

gage; we proceeded again, but were detained some time before we could enter the harbour of Cronstadt, in consequence of some vessels having arrived from Lubeck, which sailed about the time I should have taken shipping there; had I sailed, as I was advised to do, from that port, I should probably have been a passenger in one of them. On my landing, I About four o'clock on first-day morning, I found the passengers, who came in these veswas called up, and informed that the vessel, sels from Lubeck, were all of them involved in which the consul wished me to go, was in in great distress, their luggage being seized sight. I had to take a boat to get on board, along with the vessels, in consequence of their and was truly thankful when I was safe on having large quantities of goods concealed on the deck of the Henry, of Hull, Captain Meg-board, for the purpose of smuggling them into gat. There being no passengers in the cabin, Cronstadt. On observing the great distress I had it to myself: sickness keeping off, I some of the passengers were involved in, by passed the day comfortably. their not being allowed to take from the vessel Second-day, the wind was contrary, which anything more than the clothes they had on proved an exercise of patience to our ship's them, I felt a fresh cause for thankfulness on company. I retired to bed, and got some my part, and a further proof of the watchful sleep until near morning, when I was awoke care of Israel's Shepherd over me; that this by a violent shouting, with great uproar on might be engraven on my heart as with the the deck, as if all hands were in full motion point of a diamond, never to be effaced, was to escape some danger, and the vessel I sensi-the earnest prayer of my soul. After our bly felt had whirled round; but I could feel vessel had made her way into port, amidst the nothing so proper for me as keeping quiet in confusion these Lubeck vessels had occasioned,

out of the bustle there was in the city, and to breathe the clear fresh air of the country.

Seventh-day, I went to Petersburgh in search of lodgings; made calls at several places; and, as far as respected the accommodation for my poor body, nothing was wanting but the sanction of my Divine Master, whom I had most earnestly supplicated to direct me in the choice of my temporary abode in this city: this was wanting, which with me was the principal thing to look to. A family was mentioned to me by my friend Daniel Wheeler, but on inquiry, it appeared they were not in the prac tice of taking in boarders. My mind, on first hearing of these lodgings, felt perfectly at liberty to accept of them, if I could have them; but this I found was a very doubtful matter. I requested to be taken to them, that I might try if way could be made for my accommodation: the owners of the house received me kindly, and on taking my seat in their apartment, such were the feelings of my mind that it was pronounced home to me. On my request being made known to the family, I was informed I could not be accommodated with two rooms, which I might have had at the other places I had seen, and that it would take a day to prepare the one they were willing to spare me; for this offer of one room I felt truly thankful, being persuaded in my own mind it was the right place for me to pitch my tent; I therefore agreed to accept it.

we were visited by another set of officers; the captain accompanied me on shore to the different offices to clear my luggage, and procure my passport; on which occasion I met with civil treatment, except from some inexperienced young men in the long-room, one of whom took my hat from me and detained it for awhile. Having procured my passport and cleared my luggage, accompanied by my kind captain, I went on board the steam-boat for Petersburgh: here we also met with some of the passengers who came in the vessel from Lubeck, whose situation appeared a pitiable one, especially some females, as they had not been suffered to bring away with them the least change of apparel of any kind. My kind friend Samuel Stansfield was waiting on the quay to take charge of me, a poor wanderer in a strange land as I felt myself; and he hired a droskey, the carriage used here for hire, which took me to his store; we then proceeded on foot to the house of my kind friend Daniel Wheeler, who met me on the road, and, with his wife and family, gave me a kind reception. I felt grateful to be once more in the company of members of our religious Society; and nothing appeared to be wanting on their parts, in endeavouring to make their house a comfortable abode for an Englishman. This retreat out of the city felt to me very desirable, concluding in my own mind I should escape many callers, whom I might otherwise be exposed to the danger of meeting, which at times I had been led to anticipate with a sort of dread that proved distressing to my feelings; for I was aware of my open communicative disposition, and I knew not how far I might at unawares be drawn into conversation, and thereby be brought into difficulty. But, alas! before the day closed, I was made sensible that this quiet abode was not to be my resting-place, during my tarriance on this part of the Lord's footstool; but I must be willing to submit to take up my residence in the centre of the city; under the assurance, that if I kept humble and simple in all my movements, Divine mercy would so watch over me, that I should not be harmed. The prospect of being obliged to quit this quiet, and, as I viewed it, sheltered situation, caused me sadness of heart for a short time; but, after some sleepless nights, seeing no way for me to secure Divine protection but by yielding, I informed my kind Third-day, 21st of ninth month, having apfriend Daniel Wheeler how I was circum-prehended it to be required of me to make stanced in this respect, and requested him to records, from day to day, of the wonderful inquire after several lodgings in English fami- manner the Lord my God was leading me lies in the centre of the city, that I might have about, instructing and confirming me in the choice of the one which best accorded with never-failing all-sufficiency of his power, to what to me appeared to be Divine direction. effect for man all things essential to his salvaSixth-day, I much enjoyed my quiet retreat | tion, I was much tried in my mind, after leav

First-day, we held our meetings at Daniel Wheeler's, in all about twelve in number; it rarely occurs that any of the inhabitants give their company, although it is known in the city that such meetings are held on first-day morning, first-day afternoon, and fifth-days.

Second-day, I took possession of my new apartment; from the kind manner I was received by my hostess, a cheering hope was raised in my mind that I should find myself much at home under their roof; and I resolved to put up with every inconvenience as to the body, rather than by seeking ease this way, to expose myself to dangers which might subject me to sufferings both of body and of mind; for I often felt myself placed as on a pinnacle, which called for my watching well, not only all my words and actions, but my looks and appearance as I passed along the streets; the truth of which soon manifested itself.

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