Tra. Curster than she? why, 'tis impossible. I'll tell you, sir Lucentio; When the priest The mad-brain'd bridegroom took him such a cuff, Tra. What said the wench, when he arose again? Gre. Trembled and shook; for why, he stamp'd, and swore, As if the vicar meant to cozen him. He calls for wine:-A health, quoth he; as if 1- Quaff'd off the muscadel,] It appears from this passage, and the following one in The History of the Two Maids of Moreclacke, a comedy, by Robert Armin, 1609, that it was the custom to drink wine immediately after the marriage ceremony.Armin's play begins thus: "Enter a Maid strewing flowers, and a serving-man perfuming "Maid. strew, strew. the door. "Man. The muscadine stays for the bride at church. "The priest and Hymen's ceremonies 'tend "To make them man and wife." Again, in Decker's Satiromastix, 1602: A and when we are at church, bring the wine and cakes." In Ben Jonson's Magnetic Lady, the wine drank on this occasion is called a "knitting-cup." Again, in No Wit like a Woman's, by Middleton: "Even when my lip touch'd the contracting cup." There was likewise a flower that borrowed its name from this ceremony: "Bring sweet carnations, and sops in wine, Again, in Beaumont and Fletcher's Scornful Lady: And threw the sops all in the sexton's face; But that his beard grew thin and hungerly, Again, in The Articles ordained by King Henry VII, for the Regulation of his Household: Article-" For the Marriage of a Princess."-" Then pottes of Ipocrice to bee ready, and to bee putt into the cupps with soppe, and to bee borne to the estates; and to take a soppe and drinke," &c. Steevens. So, in an old canzonet on a wedding, set to musick by Morley, 1606: "Sops in wine, spice-cakes are a dealing." Farmer. The fashion of introducing a bowl of wine into the church at a wedding, to be drank by the bride and bridegroom and persons present, was very anciently a constant ceremony; and, as appears from this passage, not abolished in our author's age.We find it practised at the magnificent marriage of Queen Mary and Philip, in Winchester Cathedral, 1554: "The trumpetts sounded, and they both returned to their traverses in the quire, and there remayned untill masse was done: at which tyme, wyne and sopes were hallowed and delyvered to them both." Leland's Collect. Append. Vol. IV, p. 400, edit. 1770. T. Warton. I insert the following quotation merely to show that the custom remained in Shakspeare's time. At the marriage of the Elector Palatine to King James's daughter, the 14th day of February, 1612-13, we are told by one who assisted at the ceremonial: "- In conclusion, a joy pronounced by the king and queen, and seconded with congratulation of the lords there present, which crowned with draughts of Ippocras out of a great golden bowle, as an health to the prosperity of the marriage, began by the prince Palatine and answered by the princess. After which were served up by six or seven barons so many bowles filled with wafers, so much of that work was consummate." Finet's Philoxenis, 1656, p. 11. Reed. This custom is of very high antiquity; for it subsisted among our Gothick ancestors: -" Ingressus domum convivalem sponsus cum pronubo suo, sumpto poculo, quod maritale vocant, ac paucis a pronubo de mutato vitæ genere prefatis, in signum constantiæ, virtutis, defensionis et tutelæ propinat sponsæ et simul morgennaticam [dotalitium ob virginitatem] promittit, quod ipsa grato animo recolens, pari ratione et modo, paulo post mutato in uxorium habitum operculo capitis, ingressa, poculum, uti nostrates vocant, uxorium leviter delibans, amorem, fidem, diligentiam, et subjectionem promittit." Stiernhook de Fure Sueonum et Gothorum vetusto, p. 163, quarto, 1672. Malone. I, seeing this, came thence for very shame; [Musick. Enter PETRUCHIO, KATHARINA, BIANCA, BAPTISTA, HORTENSIO, GRUMIO, and Train. Pet. Gentlemen and friends, I thank you for your pains: Make it no wonder; if you knew my business, Gre. Let me entreat you.4 Pet. It cannot be. Let me entreat you. 2 And kiss'd her lips with such a clamorous smack, That, at the parting, all the church did echo.] It appears from the following passage in Marston's Insatiate Countess, that this was also part of the marriage ceremonial: "The kisse thou gaw'st me in the church, here take." Steevens. This also is a very ancient custom, as appears from the following rubrick, with which I was furnished by the late Reverend Mr. Bowle: "Surgant ambo, sponsus et sponsa, et accipiat sponsus pacem a sacerdote, et ferat sponsæ, osculans eam, et neminem alium, nec ipse, nec ipsa." Manuale Sarum, Paris, 1533, 4to. fol. 69. Malone. 3 I, seeing this,] The old copy has-And I seeing. And was probably caught from the beginning of the next line. The emendation is Sir T. Hanmer's. Malone. 4 Let me entreat you.] At the end of this speech, as well as of the next but one, a syllable is wanting to complete the measure. I have no doubt of our poet's having written-in both instances Let me entreat you stay. Steevens. Pet. I am content. Are you content to stay? Pet. I am content you shall entreat me stay; But yet not stay, entreat me how you can. Pet. Grumio, my horses.5 Gru. Ay, sir, they be ready; the oats have eaten the horses.6 5 5 my horses.] Old copy-horse. Steevens. 6- the oats have eaten the horses.) There is still a ludicrous expression used when horses have staid so long in a place as to have eaten more than they are worth-viz. that their heads are too -big for the stable-door. I suppose Grumio has some such meaning, though it is more openly expressed, as follows, in the original play: "Enter Ferando and Kate, and Alfonso and Polidor, and Emilia, and Aurelius and Phylema. "Feran. Father, farewel; my Kate and I must home: "Sirrha, go make ready my horse presently. "Alfon. Your horse! what son, I hope you do but jest; "I am sure you will not go so suddainely. "Kate. Let him go or tarry, I am resolv'd to stay; "And not to travel on my wedding-day. "Feran. Tut, Kate, I tel thee we must needes go home: "Vilaine, hast thou saddled my horse? "San. Which horse? your curtall? "Feran. Souns you slave, stand you prating here? "Saddle the bay gelding for your mistris. "Kate. Not for me, for I wil not go. "San. The ostler will not let me have him : you owe ten pence " For his meate, and 6 pence for stuffing my mistris saddle. "Feran. Here vilaine; goe pay him strait. "San. Shall I give them another pecke of lavender? "Feran. Out slave, and bring them presently to the dore. "Alfon. Why son, I hope at least youle dine with us. "San. I pray you, master, lets stay til dinner be done. "Feran. Sounes vilaine, art thou here yet? "Come, Kate, our dinner is provided at home. [Exit San. "Kate. But not for me, for here I meane to dine: "Ile have my wil in this as wel as you; "Though you in madding mood would leave your frinds, "Despite of you Ile tarry with them stil. "Feran. I Kate so thou shalt, but at some other time: "When as thy sisters here shall be espousd, "Then thou and I wil keepe our wedding-day, "In better sort then now we can provide; "For heere I promise thee before them all, "We wil ere longe returne to them againe: Kath. Nay, then, Do what thou canst, I will not go to-day; You may be jogging, whiles your boots are green; 'Tis like, you 'll prove a jolly surly groom, That take it on you at the first so roundly. Pet. O, Kate, content thee; pr'ythee, be not angry. Kath. I will be angry; What hast thou to do? Father, be quiet; he shall stay my leisure. Gre. Ay, marry, sir: now it begins to work. Kath. Gentlemen, forward to the bridal dinner :- Pet. They shall go forward, Kate, at thy com mand: Obey the bride, you that attend on her: 8 She is my goods, my chattels; she is my house, 9 "Come, Kate, stand not on termes; we wil away; [Exeunt Feran. and Kate. "Pol. Farewel Ferando, since you wil be gone. "Alfon. So mad a couple did I never see,' ," &c. Steevens. 7 - nor till ] Old copy-not till. Corrected by Mr. Rowe. Malone. 8 My houshold-stuff, my field, my barn,] This defective verse might be completed by reading, with Mr. T. Hanmer: "She is my houshold-stuff, my field, my barn; or, My houshold-stuff, my field, my barn, my stable -. Steevens. |